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Practical Date Signature

1 Write a python program to input a welcome message and display it.
2 Write a python program to input two numbers and display the larger / smaller
3 Write a python program to input three numbers and display the largest /
smallest number.
4 Generate the following patterns using nested loop.

5 Write a program to determine whether a number is a perfect number, an

Armstrong number or a palindrome.
6 Write a program to input a number and check if the number is a prime or
composite number.
7 Write a program to display the n terms of a Fibonacci series.
Input a string and determine whether it is a palindrome or not,

9 Write a program to count and display the number of vowels, consonants,

uppercase, lowercase characters in string.
10 Write a menu driven program for list manipulation. Display menu as:
1. Add a record
2. View record
3. Delete Record
4. Modify record
5. Exit
No. Practical Date Signature
Write a menu drive program to the following from the list:
1. Maximum
2. Minimum
11 3. Sum
4. Sort in Ascending
5. Sort in Descending
6. Exit
12 Write a program to create a tuple with user input and search for given element.
Write a menu driven program to do the following using a dictionary.
1. Display Contacts
2. Add Contact
13 3. Delete a Contact
4. Change a phone number
5. Search Contact
6. Exit

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