'The Lord of The Rings' and Russia's War On The Orks of Ukraine

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'The Lord of the Rings' and Russia's war on the Orks of Ukraine
By Yoichi Shimatsu
Exclusive To Rense.com

Part 5 of this series on the current Ukraine-Russia conflict, caused by murderous provocations and deceptive
propaganda from criminal elements of Kipchap Turkic descent, examines how J.R.R. Tolkien based the major
battles in "The Lord of the Rings" (LOR) on Russia's centuries of struggle to spare the Christian realm from
atrocities and enslavement by these same pagan barbarians. It took no stretch of the imagination for Tolkien to
base his brutish Orks on the Kipchak Turks who arrived to Europe from Central Asia as mercenaries for Attila the
Hun and later serving in the vanguard of the Golden Horde of Genghis Khan. To foment th is NATO conflict with
Russia, the ethnic Kipchaks have resurfaced as commander s of the Azov Battalion, the paramilitary force
comprised of deranged criminals and tattooed convicts , who are convinced of their racial superiority to lord over
the native white Europeans. First, however, a wade through the Ukraine morass (as briefly as possible since it is a
sewer) needs doing to deal with the slimy propaganda obscuring the causes of the present conflict.

Unthinkable as it may seem, 1,500 years after Attila the Hun devastated the Roman Empire and cruelly oppressed
the European peasants, thereby bringing on the Dark Age, the imperious Barack Obama and now his henchman
Joe Biden have been arming the descendants of those Turkic fanatics for another round of senseless slaughter of
white Europeans. As in its countless battles against barbarian hordes, Russia is the sole defender of European
Christendom against this relentless menace from the East . Meanwhile NATO has been reduced to a splintered
broken shield for c orrupt p olitician s, money-laundering bankers, weapons manufacturers and crime
accomplices profiteering from this war. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's foreign policy is nihilistic, being
based on a crazed drug-induced drama hatched by Hunter Biden, when all along a Russian military victory has
been a foregone conclusion. Kipchek belligerence is rooted in the mentality of medieval vendetta rather than
modern demographic reality. Why then should lock-down bankrupted Americans finance a losing war?

The Post-Soviet Mess

If there was an easy way to summarize the causes of the present war in Ukraine, I'd give it to you over coffee and a
donut in one minute flat. Here's the skivvy as quick as it gets so make a large pot of tea instead. The break-up of the
USSR was based along the existing boundaries of the Soviet republics (similar to states in the USA) without any
regard to ethnic Russian settlement or industrial investment from Moscow during the Soviet era. It would be as if
the new nation of Free Nevada got the Hoover Dam scot-free or Neuvo Mexico Libre gains control over the Los
Alamos nuclear-bomb complex.

The post-Soviet demographic shifts were largely based on practical reasons, with ethnic Russians departing those
isolated enclaves geographically distant from Russia, for example, in Kazahkstan and Kyrgystan, where there
were no longer jobs for non-Muslims. In the near-abroad European zones of ethnic Russian majority population
contiguous with Russia proper, the future of long-time residents-turned-expatriates was ignored during the Yeltsin

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era, which was beset by the Clinton-sponsored Islamist guerrilla campaign in Chechnya. The brutality against local
schoolchildren by those jihadist combatants, who included the CIA asset Osama bin Laden, prompted a reappraisal
of continuing the Cold War against a shrinking Russia. Then former Harvard professor Mikhail Sashikavilli, as
president of Georgia, sent his army to crush two Russian-majority enclaves, which had defied his belligerent
orders, (Similarly, a how American citizens residing in Mexico's northern borderlands might request U.S. military
protection in event of a Cartel coup in the Federal District of Mexico City.) Instead, the Georgian Army was blasted
to bits under cannon-fire, courtesy of Vladmir Putin.

The situation in post-Soviet Ukraine was largely stable by comparison, with violence limited to fist fights between
rival presidential campaigns. That is until the rise of Kipchek Turk nationalists, whose admiration of Georgian
militancy revealed their anti-Russ racism and nihilism based in ancestor worship going back to the glorious pagan
Kipchek Empire, which was vastly reduced in size and spirit by Russian Tsars Ivan the Terrible and Peter the
Great. The psychology of tribal vengeance (as in Tecumseh's revenge-motivated scalping spree during the War of
1812) led to the violence against the eastern Donetsk, aimed at killing, maiming and evicting the ethnic Russian
population in that far corner of Ukraine. This sort of savage vendetta was shown during the Civil War when the
Five Tribes, who had been evicted from the South to Oklahoma by Andrew Jackson, joined the Confederacy and
scalped Union soldiers at the Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas.) In reality, despite the romanticism of the aboriginal
lifestyle, prehistoric America was no paradise. Kipchek tribalism on the steppes was not idyllic freedom and
dancing with wolves but a short brutal life haunted in constant fear of being caught by their victims.

The present plight of Donetsk Russians was largely due to the legacy of Soviet Premier Nikita Khruschev who had
invested massively in the industrial development of Ukraine and, indeed, transferred Crimea from Russian control
to Ukrainian receivership. His boundless generosity was due to romantic attachment to his Ukrainian wife, which
in turn was based on the Russian romance with Ukraine and the Black Sea.

Americans have harbored a similar vision of idyllic seaside dreams about Florida, California and Hawaii, and
therefore native resistance was forcefully suppressed in wars against the Seminoles and Tule tribe led by Captain
Jack. Ethical example, which is always better than condemning the sins of others, as taught in the Catholic faith,
should compel Joe Biden to practice what he preaches, by returning California and Florida to the Spaniards and
declaring independence for Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, Western Samoa and other overseas paradises, and return
Alaska and the Pacific Northwest to Mother Russia. Proclaiming "Indigenous Day" is not enough! Give them back
every square inch of America. Mayflower movers can handle the return baggage to Plymouth, England, the white
man's homeland. Joe, if you're unwilling to do that, shut the duck up about Russian behavior and stop wasting
taxpayers' money on those merchants of death Raytheon and Lockheed. Two billions dollars down the dumper is
addition to the trillions in financial losses from your lockdown scam.

Excuse me for that diversion from gentlemanly discourse. And if you know the directions to a Penny Tree store in
driving distance, let me know now. To resume: then, topping Khruschev's generosity, Mikhail Gorbachev actually
dismantled the Soviet Empire, a grand gesture that left many local boundaries unresolved (while setting the moral
example of self-determination for the politically correct Democrat Party to follow by declaring the Disunited
States). If this folly comes to pass, I will join the patriotic resistance against political buffoonery and national
suicide, at least to prevent Spanish shipments of anti-tank missiles and drones to the more hostile of these newly
created nations out to vent revenge on loyal Americans.

The new Ukrainian leadership hewed to a sensible policy of not antagonizing ethnic Russians, that is until the
government in Kiev fell into the hands of the Kipchek faction that incited the Donetsk conflict and finagled the
Euro-Maiden shootings, the latter with the aid of 50 snipers provided by Soros asset Shashikavilli. There you have
two sides of the coin, th ose respectable Ukrainians who are friendly to their neighbors and the underworld
Kipchek thug s, to put it bluntly, are warmongering the brown s to murder whites . The upshot is that the fake
"refugee crisis" is being used to pump Kipchek ganglanders into the West for their next heist. Time and again, the
European homeland w as the victim of assault, rap e , theft and humiliation by the Kipchek warlords and, yawn,
it's happening again with a little help from their Fifth Column in the White House and NATO.

Mobility is the core strength of the Kipchek tribe, which had its origins in Siberia, but then opportunistically hired
out as mercenaries to entrench themselves with the Mamuluk c orps in Egypt, tagged along with Attila the Hun to
carve Hungar ian plains out of the Roman Empire , joined the Alans for the looting spree in Italy and then
switched sides to sign up with Genghis Khan's more lucrative robbery expedition

Thereby through false-flag operations and murderous violence, Turkic henchman Volodymyr Zelensky and his
weapons-trafficking mafia boss Ihor Kolomoisky, the chieftains of the Kipchaks' Azov Brigade that now controls the
Ukrainian National Guard, got into the catbird's seat to steer the USA into a war with Russia. The Western news
media should have been skeptical about these self-proclaimed "patriots" by the very fact that the Azov Brigade was
started as a group of riotous soccer hooligans in support of the Khakiv football club. Likewise Western
governments and nonprofit charities should have been wary of so-called Ukrainian "refugees", since this fraudulent
migration to the West is a ploy to establish mafia groups in wealthy countries. Indeed many of the so-called
refugees are actually Roma gypsies and prison convicts released on orders from the sly Zelensky as a ruse to

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infiltrate crime networks into wealthy European and American cities.

Ancient Threat to Civilization

Civilians fleeing the siege of Mariupol have reported that Russian soldiers are ordering the removal of shirts at
checkpoints. This security procedure is necessary toward arresting anyone with SS tattoos of the Azov Brigade
and satanic insignia of mafia gangs. The pro-Russian media has suggested that Azov is a "neo-Nazi" group, which is
like accusing Charlie Manson of being a Boy Scout. The rightist Thule Society that indoctrinated Adolf Hitler in a
Bavarian prison were nationalistic dabblers in mysticism, timid and polite reactionaries as compared with the
ruthless pagan Turkic doctrine of Turanian racial supremacy.

The swastika and SS insignia worn by Biden's beloved Azov gang precede the Nazis by more than a millennia, their
symbols derived from the ancient belief in their pagan Sun God, whose daily cycle and changes of seasons are
represented in the original Swastika. The tribal flag of the Kipchek Turks, similar to the Japanese navy's rising sun
banner, is derived from the worship of that blood-thirsty solar deity who demands ceaseless battle for domination
over lesser peoples along with ritual human sacrifice. Indeed, the only Turanian nation ever pressured by the West
to apologize for war crimes against vulnerable captive peoples is Japan, which has evaded confession in contrition
of war crimes and instead under the unrepentant dictator Shinzo Abe has again salute the banner of aggression
through rearmament and weapons sales including to defense-treaty partner Ukraine.

The Turkic Horde has been the mother lode of far right extremism in Germany, the brutal imperialists of wartime
Japan, the Gray Wolves terrorists of Turkey, and the fascist-era Arrow Cross Party of the Soros family in Hungary
that deported Orthodox Jews to the death camps. As an investigative journalist based in Asia for decades, I had the
rare "privilege" of being probably the only history-aware citizen of a Western nation, the USA, to visit the mother
lode in the Turkic homeland of Turan. In the heart of the Altai mountains (between Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Mongolia
and Xinjiang), I gazed upon the ancient gods of the Turkic tribes, including the Kalmiks, Khazars, Koreans,
Uyghurs, Japanese, Finns, Hungarians, Ukraine Khazars and Kipchaks and the Turks. The carved round faces at
the top of elongated stone columns, their eyes staring upward at the night sky, represented the ancient gods and
goddesses descended from a distant solar system. The message from these alien ancestors of mine was simple
enough to decipher: "Here's a head's up, lads, go forth, conquer and spare no one!"

Being of Japanese and therefore Turanian ancestry, I am expected to but do not count myself among the master
race (Sunday school must have disconnected the cosmic receptors in my cerebral cortex), a hesitancy that leads to
my suspicion that the highest-level leaders of the Nazi Party were not blond Aryans but secret Turkic Turanians
with bloodlines going back to black-haired swarthy Huns of Attila's Horde. The pre-feudal classic tale, The
Niebelungenleid (Song of the Niebelungs), clearly indicated that the Huns were then the master race of Europe and
murderous overlords of a lesser ranking native German nobility waging warfare and psychological domination
over indigenous tribes, whose confused courage was exemplified in the ineffectual resistance of Siegfried.

Ancient Enemy of European Civilization

What does mythology have to do with the present battle in Ukraine? Everything. The sworn Turkic foes of
Orthodox Russia has historically included the two dominant Turkic tribes that swarmed into the Black Sea region
to conquer the Russian-Ukrainian steppes, the Khazarians who have since converted as pseudo-Jews in the Odessa
region and their predecessors, the die-hard bandits known as the Kipchak Turks, who were the mercenary
vanguard for both Attila and Genghis Khan's conquests of Europe. The Kipchaks from the Azov Sea and Donetsk
regions comprise the current leadership of the Zelensky government and main cadre of the fascistic Azov Brigade,
the ruling clique since the Euromaidan false flag shooting of democratic-minded protesters. Blamed on the
Russian-friendly faction, that staged incident became a pretext to launch military attacks on ethnic Russians who
were also citizens of Ukraine.

Now, the history background to much anticipated Lord of the Rings revelations. The key difference between the
U.S. Indian Wars and Russia's Turkic Campaigns is, as put by Abbott and Costello, "Who's on first?" White settlers
were latecomers to North America who stole the continent, whereas the Scandinavian Rus were on Russian soil
before arrival of the Turkic Hordes and therefore had first rights. The Kipchek tribal name translates as "hollow
tree", based on a myth that their ancestress gave birth to a son in a rotted tree, a story indicative of their nomadic

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Inspired by the birth in the wild myth, their bands of warriors called home wherever they won battles and seized
land from Siberia to Mameluk-controlled Egypt, Mongolia, Hungary and Ukraine. Loyalty to allies is not part of
their mercenary ethos, as shown in numerous examples of opportunistic switching sides in the middle of wars, for
instance abandoning the Alans to join the Mongols. After a falling out with the Hungarian king, one of the more
numerous bands of Kipchaks fled to Ukraine, where they were hired by the Turkish Sultans to put up fierce
resistance to the southward drive of the modernizing Tsar Peter the Great, who ordered the Russian Army to push
southward toward the Black Sea.

The Turkish sultanate repeatedly dispatched their favorite henchmen, the Kipchaks, to block the Russian quest for
maritime access to the Mediterranean. The geopolitical conflict of Tsarist Russia against the Turkish Sultanate
repeatedly led to forced retreat by the Turks from southern Russia, which accounts for the "bad blood" between
Kipchak and Russian. The relationship between these foes is somewhat similar to the American westward
migration against resistance by Indians and their Comanchero allies, the latter being renegade white and Mexican
war profiteers who traded guns to the Indian in exchange for loot robbed from settlers . By all rights Joe Biden
should be supplying Stingers and Javelin missiles to the Comanches and Apaches, who were here first and
therefore have are a better case for territorial rights than the marauding Kipcheks who raped, robbed, mutilated,
took blood sacrifices and forced the native Slavs into slavery for centuries. Comanchero Joe, trading weapons for
loot from Burisma, is truly a Kipchak in heart and soul.

Some attention needs to be given here to those other pseudo-Jews of Ukraine, the Khazarian tribe, which invented
the business practices of property rent and interest on credit during the Dark Age. As compared with the front-line
fanaticism of the Kipchak warrior creed, the Khazars were indolent slow-moving hedonists, who liked nothing
better than to tantalize their eyes with gold necklaces and bejeweled baubles, as the model for Smeagel the Gollum
who constantly mutters "My Precious!". Under early feudalism, which replaced Roman slavery, the rulers of the
Khazar tribe "granted" land use to their Slavic peasants in exchange for a fixed amount of crops, usually grain and
linen, since game and forest products were abundant for mounted men with bows and hunting knives. To the
Khazar lords, the ousted European nobility worked much too hard to fill their larders and treasure chests.

The clever Khazarian solution was to forgo crop-sharing and instead impose annual rent on land and housing, paid
in metallic money. The introduction of a cash economy forced peasants and poorer Khazars to sell a portion of
crops at markets, roadside stalls and public kitchens (where blinis, bagels and matzo ball soup were on the menu at
reasonable price). Other renters had to enter income-earning trades as seasonal carpenters, blacksmiths, tailors,
goldsmiths and so on. For the Khazar master-race, the hitch was that the dominant Christian church of the Slav
underclass considered usury to be sinful and harmful to peasant welfare. Therefore, the Khazarians mass-
converted to Judaism for business reasons, which enabled their financial exploitation of the clueless Christian
goyim to this day, hour and minute. So munch on a Nathan's hot dog while you're thinking over how to pay off that
loan shark otherwise known as a credit card company. Go on, spend your last dollar on a Dr. Brown's seltzer.

Therefore it was profitable for a Khazar to become a penny-pinching usurer or a jewelry salesmen, while the macho
men of the Kipchak tribe thrilled at grappling, physical training and weapons-handling to prepare for their next
assignment by a warlord and nowadays quality for mixed martial arts. Thus, the upper class of the pseudo-Jew
Khazarian upper-crust was divided into two castes, the merchants and the mercenaries, much in the same way as
feudal Japan's stratified hierarchical system. The warriors dominated the political bureaucracy and military
industries, whereas the merchants provided the financing for government officialdom and the "entertainment"
district. Today this division of labor is shown in the militarism of the Azov Brigade and Zelensky's posturing in
fatigues, while the financials for warfare are provided by their patron, mafia businessman Ihor Kolomoisky, who is
probably reselling the shiny new American weapons on the world market to rich Arab sponsors of jihadist
terrorism, African warlords, the Iranian mullahs and Mexican cartel for their upcoming offensive along the U.S.

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When the Zelensky-Kolomoisky thugs abandon Ukraine, they can move on to greener pastures and more lucrative
global trouble spots. Ukraine is already the biggest weapons dealer to Black Africa; its pilots and defense
contractors forming the largest cohort of advisors and weapons trainers in foreign insurgencies; and also the most
numerous nationality in the French foreign legion. The present occupant of the White House is obviously a
shortsighted moron who should ponder: The USA just lost its longest conflict ever in Afghanistan, so why in hell
are we escalating the war in Ukraine? If the Europeans are so eager about their NATO pretense, then let them do
the heavy lifting. Now let's move on to "The Lord of the Rings", the archive of real-world battles of the Russians
versus the Kipcheks.

Classics of Resistance to Barbarism

Nowadays, depth analysis of warfare is not readily available due to press censorship and archive suppression by
intelligence agencies and their controlled media corporations, with the silent consent of the politically correct,
race-exploiting politicians. Fortunately, Americans and Europeans do have an unlikely alternative source of
knowledge about the barbaric tribalism out of ancient Central Asia that overran Europe, which is the sword-and-
sorcery genre of fantasy fiction, action movies and comic books, including:

- "The Lord of the Rings" the masterpiece of J.R.R. Tolkien on Russia's defense of the Eastern frontier from Turkic
aggressors aka the Orks;

- "Dracula", the horror classic by Bram Stoker, whose primary source on Turkic cultural geography in the region
known as Turan, the Land of Darkness, was the Hungarian explorer Arminius Vambery, the role model for the
fictive vampire hunter Van Helsing; and

- Robert E. Howard's "Conan the Cimmerian", the basis for the "Conan the Barbarian" comic books and movies
starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jason Momoa, based on the struggle of highly cultured Indo-European
nomads battle against Turkic savagery.

You've possibly read these masterworks or watched the movie spin-offs while assuming such stories to be purely
fictional rather than a real-world guide to the Land of Darkness, known to folklorists as Turan, the pastoral
heartland of barbarism. This little known historical background is as essential today as that chain-mail vest and
Bilbo's sword "Sting" were to young Frodo on his epic journey toward the fiery cauldron of Mount Doom. Without a
map of Middle Earth, you are fated to be a quick snack for Orks on the run from the Riders of Rohan. Count
yourself a member of the Second Fellowship of the Ring as we venture into Mordor to meet the latest incarnation of
that necromancer Saruman and his master Sauron. Don't forget to bring along a band-aid and toothbrush, and
please do not whine constantly like that wimp Frodo.

Blatant Racism or Official Secrecy?

In these times of sympathy for the Kipchak Orcs of Ukraine, there are a few humorless individuals who vent online
at Tolkien's "racism" due to his grotesque portrayal of the courageous soldiers of the Ottoman Empire as hideously
ugly Orks. After LOR was first published in 1954, Tolkien's response to accusations of racism was to claim that the
Orks are a stand-in for the Japanese, which was a plausible claim given the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, Bataan
death march and the Nanjing massacre, none of which made for a positive image.

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On leave from Oxford to man the cryptography desk in the Foreign Office intelligence bureau, Tolkien was well
informed of the dreadful atrocities in Japanese-occupied Manchuria during the 1930s. The Italian diplomat posted
in northern China took note of how the Japanese Imperial Army resurrected Mongol and Manchu cavalry brigades
and unloosed them against unarmed Chinese civilians. The barbaric methods included routine chopping off of
fingers to remove precious rings and extracting gold teeth with an iron club, while leaving the victims untreated to
bleed. Fact-based reports of these barbaric incidents, however, were hushed up by the Vatican due to the Jesuit
coziness with the Japanese military along with the Tokyo regime's support for Mussolini.

More recently, adding fuel to Tolkien's characterization of Turkic nationalists, the Ork-like behavior of Japanese
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shown in signing a defense-technology treaty with Zelensky's government in 2018,
an step toward revival of the Asian Co-prosperity Sphere, the 1930s militarist alliance with the Manchus, Mongols,
anti-British Muslims and pseudo-Jew "Zionists". At this very moment, there is a two-horse race between Shinzo
Abe and Joe Biden for who gets the role of Saruman, the bent wizard with an armaments industry in his basement.
It amazes how the harsh "lessons of history" never got passed along to eager aspirants in Ivy League academe or
freshmen "experts" at the State Department, who are eternally kept in the dark like the Goblins of Moria.

Whatever the horrifying behavior of the Japanese Turanians, there can be no mistaking that the word "Ork", when
gargled in the throat, sounds awfully like "Turk" (while the three-letter term "Jap" just doesn't rhyme). For reasons
of British diplomatic protocol, Professor John Ronald Ruel Tolkien could not state publicly that Turkey abounded
with anti-Christian savagery as expressed in the Armenian genocide and brutality against the Kurds. The
whitewashing of Turkish crimes, now hushed up by NATO, continues to this day, as a legacy of the CIA's Operation
Gladio, which trained the fanatic Grey Wolves in assassination and terrorism in preparation for a world war with
Russia. Given this background of repeated denial of Turkic malfeasance, I tend to brush off complaints about
Tolkien's "racism". If the truth hurts, TS.

Deciphering LOR

Aside with several wars against Russia the Kipchack mercenaries had earlier waged a series of brutal campaigns
against Hapsburg Europe as the vanguard of the Turkish Sultan's army. Despite their repeated battlefield losses,
these fanatics, who inspired the "Lycan" werewolves in the Kate Beckingsale movie series "Underworld", seemed
impervious to pain, imprisonment and defeat while regrouping time and again for renewed attacks against Western
civilization. Is it any wonder then that Attila and Genghis Khan assigned the Kipchaks to spearhead their
invasions? A backhanded reason was to get rid of those potential turncoats as a perpetual threat to any regime.
Their treachery was shown in the Kipchak participation in the coup staged by Mameluk mercenaries against the
Egyptian Caliphate.

The truly Big Question about Tolkien's masterwork is why the main mortal heroes, Boromir, his younger brother
Faramir, and the mysterious "Strider" aka Aragorn, the rightful heir to the throne of Gondor, are Russian. The
historical record shows that more than any other nation, Russia has rolled back the inflated boundaries of the
Golden Horde's domain to recover the integrity of Europe. This is not to say that wiping out the Turkic hoards was
a charitable donation; the Tsars pushed back the Kipchaks in their own geopolitical interest. The brutality of this
primal conflict during Russia's southward drive is undeniable, especially during the capture of Kazan khanate as
disclosed in the Eisenstein film "Ivan the Terrible".

Now onto another key question about LOR, why did Tolkien's Ring have Two Towers when one, Sauron's eye,
suffices? Any power as unpopular and oppressive as the Ottoman Empire needs a insider diplomat like Biden or
Saruman (Sauron's man) to soft peddle its next aggression. Following the failures of the Crusades and the fall of
Constantinople, the Vatican or at least some of the popes established friendly diplomatic contacts with the Sultan's
court, a deal with the devil, so to speak. One of the reasons, as shown in Marco Polo's journey to China, was to
locate Prester John, a Mongol warlord whose horde had converted to Christianity but then returned to northern

In the trade-offs between Vatican and Sultanate, Orthodox Russia was expendable. Thus more often than not, the
Catholic princes refused to render aid to the Tsar against the remnants of the Horde. This rupture in inter-church
fellowship was viewed by Tolkien as a betrayal of Christian solidarity. The alliance of Pope and Sultan was thus
depicted in LOR as the secret pact of the turncoat wizard Saruman with the absolutist warlord Sauron. This
duopoly of world power had to be fictionalized by Tolkien, who was a devout but maverick Catholic with an
obsession for pre-Christian folk religions. Placing these issues into a pre-Christian mythical past was a brilliant
literary strategy for Tolkien who was well-versed in the historical chronicles and ancient myths, along with folk
music and demonic legends, all the stuff that makes LOR delightfully amusing as well as thoroughly intriguing.

The Secret Life of Tolkien

Now to the next big mystery at hand, why was the Oxford don so evasive about the Turkic identity of his arch-
villains, the Orks? While Lieutenant Tolkien's military service in the signals detachment is well-known, few if any
of his fans realize that the task involved his unique skills at code-breaking. Radio code and print messages in that

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era involved obscure slang expressions and archaic dialects us as ciphers (as opposed to present-day computer-
based alphanumeric strong encryption). His expertise in the British school of philology as opposed to linguistics
focuses on the usage, and abuse, of language both written and spoken in all its manifestations on the streets or in
the archives, as shown with flair in LOR.

Tolkien served on the intelligence staff of the Foreign Ministry during the 1930s, tasked with deciphering
communications between Nazi Germany and the Turkish Republic. The British objective was to prevent a repeat of
the military alliance of Ottoman Empire and Kaiser Wilhelm's Reich in World War I. Although patronized by the
British and French, the reformist Young Turks government remained suspicious about the western spy-craft that
had led to the Arab revolt, the loss of Palestine to the Brits and Syria to the French, which divided the former
Turkish colonies along the Sykes-Picot Line. Official records have never been released as to whether the philologist
visited the Near East. In any case, access to diplomatic communications increased Tolkien's distrust of feigned
democratization of that nation's centuries-long tradition of militarism, a distrust that powers his Lord of the Ring.

Youth of the Man

Tolkien never lost or left behind his juvenile delight in folklore, myths and ancient humor, which shines through in
the antics of the Hobbits, who were modeled after the youthful soldiers of the Lancashire Fusiliers from western
England. His childhood years, however, transpired in South Africa, where his father worked at a bank, and in
Birmingham with his sickly widowed mother. It was therefore through his paternal uncles and aunts of East
Prussian descent that the lad was introduced to the Grimm Brothers and folklore of their old fatherland.
Birmingham had an opera house and city newspapers, which along with his schooling, would have exposed him to
the then-popular works of Richard Wagner, composer of the "Ring Cycle" and its source-work, the early German
"Song of the Niebelungs", Das Niebelungenleid, based in the Dark Age when the Huns were overlords of the
Germanic knights.

The Charge of the Light Brigade and Polish Winged Hussars

The other major influence on his early beliefs was the result of the conversion of his mother from the Baptist sect
to Catholicism, putting J.R.R. and his siblings under tutelage of the Welsh-Spanish Friar Francis Xavier Morgan
who taught at the Birmingham Oratory school. The priest was one of that long-departed generation of maverick
multilingual non-accredited intellectuals in robes (similar to my own early education at a Marist order school in
Japan, where Basque brothers taught courses in French, Latin and biblical Greek in addition to Cambridge English
and Japanese along with Euclidean geometry starting in the fourth grade). This sort of intensive training across
the breadth of European cultural history prepared Tolkien for rigorous research in folklore studies. Conversion to
Catholicism also introduced the young Tolkien to an iconic blessed Virgin Mary, who figures so intensely in the
Cate Blanchette portrayal of the Elf prophetess Galadriel.

His schoolboy days during the Edwardian turn of the century coincided with that halcyon interval between British
involvement in the Crimean War and World War I, when a carefree British youngster could indulge his fantasies
without anxiety over the call of patriotic duty. Young Tolkien was without doubt familiar with the most popular
poem of that era, Tennyson's "Charge of the Light Brigade", based on the devastating impact of Russian machine-
guns against Turk-allied British cavalry in the Crimean War of 1853-1856, a horrifying scene duplicated in
Spielberg's "War Horse". Peter Jackson did it earlier in his rendition of "The Return of the King" with the futile
assault led by Faramir against the walls of Ork-captured Osgiliath, the Citadel of the Stars, no doubt informed by
Tennyson's poetic masterpiece.

Tolkien's fictional battles of Russian knights against the Ork horde are derived from historic clashes between an
aggressive Turkish Sultanate and Christendom on the defense. The Ork capture of Osgiliath by naval assault and
ground attack recalls the Fall of Constantinople to the Sultan Mehmet II's navy and army corps, following a 53-day
siege in 1453 and marking the worst setback for Greek-liturgical Orthodox Christianity.

The subsequent Ork attack against the steep city of Minas Tirith, The Tower of Guard, is a close replica of the
Second Siege of Vienna, the capital of the Hapsburg Empire. In 1653, led by the grand vizier Kara Mustafa Pasha,
whose armaments included a gigantic siege cannon more fearsome that the catapults of the Orks deployed against

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Minas Tirith, the royal seat of Gondor.

Astounding more relevant to the present conflict in Ukraine as well as to LOR, the Turkish invasion force massed
on the outskirts of Hapsburg Vienna was spearheaded by a fanatically anti-Christian vanguard of 40,000 "Crimean
Tatar" troops, otherwise known as Kipchak Turks, who are ancestors of Zelensky and the CIA-condoned Azov
Brigade in present-day Ukraine). These front-line warriors for the Sultan, the real-world model for Sauron,
outnumbered Austian King Leopold's troops by a ratio of 2-to-1. Meanwhile, their Kipchak brethren from the
Golden Horde, those Hungarian Kipchaks opposed to European civilization began their slow advance from
Budapest to aid the Pasha's plan to storm the walls of Vienna.

In the parallel story, the next move on the chessboard of Middle Earth is the arrival of the Riders of Rohan to
break the Ork siege of Minas Tirith. That magnificent horse charge, along with the incoming flight of eagles, is a
reenactment of the bold cavalry intervention outside the gates of Vienna by Polish King John Sobieski III and his
"eagle-feathered" royal cavalry. Tolkien did his research down to the details. Taken by surprise and cut down in
their tracks by lances and swords and pistol fire, the massed Kipchak fighters and their Turkish officers fled from
the road to Vienna while being pursued by the hard-charging Poles, unlike the Polish serfs of NATO who have sided
with the Kipchak thugs in Mariupol, blowing all possibility of inter-Christian solidarity.

Had not the Russian Tsar's forces kept the pressure on against the front-line Kipchak fanatics and their Turkish
patrons, there's no doubt that Hapsburg Vienna would have fallen to the Sultan's wrath, joining Constantinople as
another major Christian center wiped off the world map. Deliberately, there exist no references to Christendom in
Istanbul, its history and religious legacy wiped off the map. As stressed in The Lord of the Rings, barbaric evil is
never completely dispelled but will plot its return through malice and deception, as has happened in contemporary
Ukraine with the revival of the Kipchak Turk menace. Just a point to note in passing, the Hungarian pseudo-Jews,
including George Soros, are also descended from the Kipchak detachment of Attila the Hun and later Genghis

Secret Decoding for Churchill?

Other major sieges in LOR were based on the Eastern Front in the early fighting in World War I, where the British
sea and land forces were directed by the UK Naval Secretary Winston Churchill. Tolkien's linguistic expertise,
creativity with novel turns of phrase and his revelatory instincts probably may well have accounted for his early
release from the disaster-struck Somme front to an as-yet officially undisclosed posting in military intelligence,
probably as a naval decoder. Churchill would have been confident of a creative mind as original and complex as his
own. That would account for the striking similarity between the Ork siege of Helm's Deep and the WWI battle of
Belgrade for the Southern Slav homeland and the Ents' destruction of Saruman's tower with the fighting in
Transylvania, translated from Latin-Romanian as "across the forest".

The so-called "Hun" alliance of the Central Powers included Germany under Kaiser Wilhelm II, Austro-Hungary,
Turkey (amid a transition from Sultanate to a Republic under the Young Turk officer corps), along with Bulgaria.
Against the Powers was the Allies including Great Britain, France, Russia (which pulled out under orders from
Bolshevik revolutionist Lenin), Italy, USA, Romania, Serbia and others. Early on the Austrian-Hungarian dual
crown order mobilized 19 army divisions to easily break through Serbian defenses for a major assault on a weak-
willed Greece, whose queen was a sister of the Kaiser, to capture the British Mediterranean naval base on offshore

That campaign over rugged terrain was one of the most lopsided military contests in history, with the small but
hardly band of Serbs, short on arms and ammunition, taking the attack to the massed invaders, routing the
Austro-Hungarian columns, thereby preventing the fall of Belgrade. That stunning and unlikeliest of victories
inspired LOR's siege of Helm's Deep with its last-hope ride by Aragon and the lord of Rohan followed by the
dramatic charge of the Riders of Theoden to annihilate the vast army of Orks.

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The destruction of wizard Saruman's by the Ent foresters was inspired by the Romanian defense of Transylvania
(translated as "across the forest") in this Balkans theatre of war. The entry of Bulgaria into hostilities on the side of
the Central Powers pushed back the weapons-insufficient Romanians, opening a path for a rapid German advance
through Hungary against Greece, while the Austrians marched on the Russian province of Ukraine.
Counterattacks by the Russians followed by toughening resistance by the cornered Romanians turned back the
enemy drive toward the Black Sea. Meanwhile, the king of Greece under his wife's influence betrayed the Allies,
prompting a revolt by the Greeks of Macedonia and Serbian troops who had evacuated to the island of Corfu,
preventing the loss of that strategic naval base.

The wisdom of defending Salonika remains an open question for naval tacticians, due to the high malaria rate from
nearby mosquito-infested swamps and the naval over-confidence that led to the disastrous Gallipoli venture. Saved
from capture at Salonika, the Royal Navy fleet was dispatched by an overconfident Churchill to capture German
warships laying siege to Russia's Black Sea port of Odessa. Sea mines blocked the strait, forcing the Allied force to
make landfall at Gallipoli in April 1915, where for 8 months the Turkish army inflicted 250,000 casualties on the
Allied force of Brits, Australians and New Zealanders, a traumatic shock depicted in the Peter Weir film "Gallipoli",
which led to Aussie and Kiwi disenchantment with King and Empire. There can be no doubt about the Gallipoli
fiasco accounting for Tolkien's portrayal of a insensibly ruthless and barbaric enemy, the Orks, was based on the
Turks and their Kipchak minions. This sort of disenchantment with hidden agendas led to the executive decision of
Barack Obama, who gave his first foreign-policy "Islamist" speech in Ankara, to order the CIA to launch a coup
attempt against Turkish President Erdogan, whose spy service handily crushed that plot. Turkey then retaliated
against its NATO partners by enabling vast numbers of Third World migrants, including known terrorists, to
swarm into Europe, aided by the Khazarian "Jews" with Rothschild-Soros "charities" during the 2015 Summer of
Migration. Obama woke up to the strategic deception, whereas Joe Biden is hopelessly lost under the Sauronic

Turan as a dark vast space

To wind up this long discussion on the Dark Side, this final section is focused on Turan, the Land of Darkness, as
opposed to Arya, the Land of Light, and its Aryans. While doing research for his novel "Dracula", the English author
who created the vampire horror genre Bram Stoker was in desperate search of historical evidence of vampirism in
the Transylvanian region. In Budapest, the author met an explorer and folklorist named Arminius Vambery, who
was then the only living European to have explored the region of Turan, in defiance of the Sultan's travel ban by
disguising himself as a Turkish religious scholar to get past the Turkish sultan's no-entry policy.

On that journey of ethno-historical discovery, while trekking northward along the Caspian Sea coast, Vambery
noticed a sharp decline in daylight hours as well as a difference in livelihood, from agrarianism in the south to
shepherding in the north. These measurable differences enabled Vambery to define the boundary between Arya
with its Indo-Aryan language groups and Turan, dominated by Turkic tongues. By extending that geophysical line
westward into Europe, where the contrasts were less noticeable, he realized that invading Turkic tribes, including
the Kipchak (Huns and Turkic Ukrainians) and the Khazarian horde were, indeed, Turanians.

A significant exception to the flat topology of the plains was Transylvania along the Hungarian-Romania border,
which by its very nomenclature is a mountainous and deeply forested territory, which happened to be the abode of
Vlad the Impaler, who despite the Slavic name was a Khazar Jew with a rare type of red blood cell deficiency.
Another Hungarian aristocrat also apparently suffered the same or similar genetic disorder was Elizabeth, Lady
Bathory, who bathed in the blood of her maidservants. (My own theory was that it was actually menstrual blood
and a placenta-derived infusion from afterbirth tissue, rich in collagen and iron, for treating the Bloom skin
disorder, which causes lesions.) The Bloom syndrome is apparently gene-based and mainly limited to the Turkic
Khazarian bloodline "Jews" and not authentic Sephardic Jews.

Prince Vlad's regimen of drinking fresh warm bull's blood is the probably cause of the Dracula myth. I have
witnessed this same refreshing medicinal practice among Tibetans living in the higher pastures of the Himalayan
region, some of whom teased about cutting my throat for a health drink. From such self-effacing jokes, an entire
genre of horror movies developed. In any event, the Hungarian "Jewish" aka Kipchak folklorist expert on Turan,
Armin Vambery, later became the role model for "vampire killers" in dozens of anime, comic books and horror

One of the interesting aspects of the Transylvania region is the concentration of Hasidic Jews, whose synagogues,
traditions and impression of Vlad as a heroic indicate a long presence and the strong possibility that the Count was
a convert to Judaism, which contrary to Christianity does practice blood sacrifice. In the feudal era, the Catholic
clergy at the provincial level often tended toward a leguminous diet supplemented by Friday fish in avoidance of
unnecessary cruelty to animals valued for their farm labor and endearment to peasant families. The massive
consumption of offal, organ meat, by Jews was considered repugnant and akin to savagery. Even in battle,
Christians tended to be horrified by bloodshed, a reminder of the Crucifixion. This Christian revulsion to blood-
rated practices may well have contributed to rumors of Vlad's vampirism.

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As for werewolves, depicted as foes of the vampire coven in the Kate Bekinsale series "Underworld", these ferocious
killers are based on the Turkic creation myth of Ashina, the wolf mother (in a somewhat similar account as the
savior of Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome". In the cultural arena, the presentation of vampires and
werewolves as horrific mutants external to Christendom illustrates the "foreignness" of the Turkic peoples and
their myths.

For both sides of the cultural barrier, physical separation is not entirely the evil of racial discrimination but
instead can be a means of spiritual integrity, a boundary between essentially different psychologies. For instance,
the Kipheck raiders would probably benefit from isolation in Siberia, much like the Tuva tribe, rather than as the
henchmen attacking Europeans. The similar situation has existed among American Indians, when physical
proximity to Euro-American civilization has promoted casino gambling, alcoholism, drug addiction and the
disappearance of young Indian women. This position on respecting differences between the modes of human
survival was advanced by that outstanding scholar of nomadic history, John Smith at U.C. Berkeley.

Conan the Barbarian rules!

The Conan novels of Robert E. Howard in the 1930s were later adapted to Marvel comic books and films starring
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jason Momoa (both movies miss the bull's eye about Turan). The earlier book series
was titled "Conan the Cimmerian", the latter being an ancient Indo-European tribe that pioneered horse-riding and
the use of wheeled vehicles, whose descendants some believe were the Scythians. The author Howard sometimes
defined the vast continental interior, where Conan roamed, to be "Turan", which was also back up by his battles
with Turanian warlords and savage herders resembling the Huns.

These fictive encounters between Aryan and Turanian forces in the Conan series is yet to be explored, a situation
complicated by the obscurity of the earlier editions of the comic book series and waned interest in the novels by
pop culture historians, which is regrettable today when the Aryans of Europe and the Turanians armed to the
teeth, this time around by Joe Biden, are at it again.

The Final Verdict on JRR's Reluctance

Unfortunately for LOR fans and historians, we have be bereft of Tolkien's personal reminiscences of his Turkish
and Kipchak discoveries as a foreign-intelligence analyst, which is the key to deciphering LOR's connections to
European history. If the Foreign Office archives are ever opened to scholars, that background could be a veritable
Dwarfish gold mine of literary discovery and reassessment. In the field of Tolkien studies, I've noticed a lot of
dithering by self-proclaimed "scholars" hedging their bets by backpedaling, perhaps out of fear of being labeled
politically incorrect about race-based conflict.

In my opinion, accusations of "racism" are an argument in favor of censorship and suppression of the freedom to
ask questions about identity. Race is a fact of human biological and cultural descent, and every person should be
proud of their ancestry with the caveat of rejecting the extreme brutal and immoral behavior of one's ancestors.
For better or worse, the nomadic way of life with its virtues and vices has gone the way of the ox-cart and the
chariot. The same can be said of the American tradition of horse-riding, cowboys and posses.

Unless one gets down in the dirt of agrarian living, yesterday survives only in our diminishing cultural memories.
However, instigating wars to realize our ancient dreams, as being done by the retro fanatics of the Azov Brigade, is
not just criminal, it is absurd, a lost cause that should have been put to rest before the invention of the Gatling gun.
The moral power of "The Lord of the Rings" is expressed in its assertion that one must rise to moral challenges
while coping with the passage of time and the losses thereof. J.R.R. Tolkien's instincts, honed by spy work along
with linguistic pondering, enlarged the dimensions of his literary genius, enabling the Kiwi director Peter Jackson
to produce a visionary trilogy beyond imaging.

To conclude in honor those now-timeless icons of realistic fiction, the knights of Middle Earth, Boromir, Faramir
and Aragorn, exemplars of the Russian spirit in defense of Christian civilization, I salute to courage! May this
generation of men and women have the same foresight and moral gumption to block the inexorable drive to unify
the world under a sole Sauranic power, the evil goal now being pursued by Joe Biden, a veteran of the Knights of
Malta, which exists solely to defend a corrupted Papacy and his patrons, the Rothschild moneybags. The old
alliances are dead, and today only Russia resists this drive toward global unification. Others need to join the
fellowship of resistance, humanity's only chance to rid itself of the "One Ring to bind them all".

- Journalist, editor and war reporter Yoichi Shimatsu earned a degree in European history at Purdue University.

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