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Basundhara Chauki, Kanti Marg, Kathmandu.

Model Question Set- 1
Class: XI
Sub: Basic Mathematics (007) Full Marks: 75
Time: 3 hrs Pass Marks: 30

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin
indicate full marks.
Group ‘A’ [11×1 = 11]
Rewrite the correct option in your answer sheet.
1. Which connecting word is conjunction formed by?
a. or b. and c. if d. as
2. The incorrect property for the matrices A and B is
a. (A+B)T = AT + BT c. (kA)T = k AT
b. (AB) = B A d. (AB)T = ATBT
3. If tan x + cot x = 2 then x =
a. n + b. c. d.
4. If (a1, b1, c1) and (a2, b2, c2) are the direction ratios of two parallel lines then
a. a1a2 + b1b2+ c1c2 = 0 c. a12 + b12+c12= a22+ b22+c22
b. a1= a2, b1= b2, c1= c2 d.

5. The function f(x) = sin at x = 0 has

a. Jump discontinuity c. removable discontinuity
b. Infinite discontinuity d. oscillating discontinuity
6. The probability of having the first outcome 5 and second outcome 6, when a dice is rolled twice is
a. b. c. d.

7. If = 32 and n is positive integer, what is the value of n?

c. 2 b. 4 c. 8 d. 0
a. x2 b.- 2
x c. cosx2 d. sin2x
9. For what value of p, the two vectors = and are orthogonal?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 1 d5
10. Derivative of a function y = f(x) gives
a. Slope of tangent
b. Ratio of change in the value of the function to the change in the independent variable.
c. The rate at which the value of y changes with respect to x
d. All of the above.
11. A particle which moving in a straight line with constant acceleration describes distances of 10 m and 15 m in two
successive seconds. Find the acceleration.
a. 10 ms-2 b. 20 ms-2 c. 30 ms-2 d. 5 ms-2
The error bound for Simpson’s rule is given by

a. .m c. .m

b. .m d. .m


Group ‘B’ [ 8×5 = 40]
12. Define one to one function and onto function. Let a function f: A be defined by f(x) = with A ={-2, -1, 0,1,2}
and B = {0, . Find the range of r. Is the function f one to one and onto both?
a. Solve: tan (3)
b. Prove that: (2)
a. If and are the roots of x2 – x -6 = 0, find the equation whose roots are
and (3)

b. If x – iy = , prove that x2 + y2 = 1. (2)

a. The arithmetic mean and standard deviation of 21 observations are 40 and
8 respectively. At the time of calculation, if one item 30 is wrongly
recorded. Find the new standard deviation of the items when the wrongly
recorded item is omitted. (3)
b. The chance that A can solve the problem is 1/3 and the chance that B can
solve is 2/3. Find the probability that the problem is solved by A and B. (2)
a. Prove that the line joining the points (1,2,3) and (-1,-2,-3) is perpendicular
to the line joining the points (-2,1,5) and (3,3,2). (3)
b. Show that the points A, B and C with position vectors
respectively are collinear. (2)

a. Find the area bounded by the x- axis and the curve y = (x-1) (x-2) (x-3).
b. Evaluate: (2)
18. A man having 120 meter of fencing wishes to enclose a rectangular plot of land and also erect a fence across the
land parallel to two of the sides, find the maximum area he can enclose.

19. Define resultant of two forces. Two forces P and Q acting at a point have a resultant R. If Q is doubled, R is
doubled and if Q is reversed in direction, R is again doubled. Show that: P: Q:R =
Use Newton Raphson method to find the solution of f(x) = x 3 – x -1 = 0 correct to 5 places of decimal.
Group ‘C’ [8×3 = 24]

a. Show that: = (a+b+c)3. (4)

b. Show that the A.M, G.M and H.M between any two unequal positive numbers satisfy the following
relations. (4)
i) (G.M)2 = A.M ×H.M ii) A.M > G.M > H.M
a. Show that the set of vectors ,2 and 3 +2 are linearly independent.
b. Find the equations of the bisectors of the angles between the lines 4x -3y + 1= 0 and 12x -5y + 7 = 0 and
prove that the bisectors are at right angles to each other.
a. Find, from first principle, the derivative of (4)


b. Evaluate: (4)
*** Best of Luck****

Basundhara Chauki, Kanti Marg, Kathmandu.
Model Question Set -2
Class: XI
Sub: Basic Mathematics (007) Full Marks: 75
Time: 3 hrs Pass Marks: 30

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin
indicate full marks.
Group ‘A’ [11×1 = 11]
Rewrite the correct option in your answer sheet.
1. Which one of the following statement is equivalent to ?
b. p b. c. d.
2. If x, y, z be an arithmetic sequence, then the harmonic sequence is…..
c. x2 , y2, z2 b. c. 2x, 2y , 2z d. x, y, z
3. If tan x + cot x = 2 then x =
b. n + b. c. d.
4. The angle between the lines whose direction ratios are (2,3,6) and (1,2,2) is
a. Cos-1 b. c. d.
5. The probability of having the first outcome 5 and second outcome 6, when a dice is rolled twice is
b. b. c. d.

6. If = 32 and n is positive integer, what is the value of n?

d. 2 b. 4 c. 8 d. 0
7. The derivative of sec x with respect to tan x is
e. cos x b. – sin x c. sin x d. sec2x
8. For what value of p, the two vectors = and are orthogonal?
b. 2 b. 3 c. 1 d5
9. Which is the area bounded by the curve x = 4y and the line y = 9?
a. 72 b. 62 c. 67 d. 52

a. b. c. d.
11. A particle which moving in a straight line with constant acceleration describes distances of 10 m and 15 m in two
successive seconds. Find the acceleration.
b. 10 ms-2 b. 20 ms-2 c. 30 ms-2 d. 5 ms-2
The error bound for Simpson’s rule is given by

c. .m c. .m

d. .m d. .m


Group ‘B’ [ 8×5 = 40]
12. A function f(x) = x is given. Answer the following question for the function f(x).
i) What is the algebraic nature of the function?
ii) Write the name of the locus of the curve.
iii) Write the vertex of the function.
iv) Write any one property for sketching the curve.
v) Write the domain of the function.
c. If , prove that xyz = 1. (2)

d. If A be the A.M and H be the harmonic mean between two quantities a and b, show that:
a. Find the value of cos ( (2)
b. Solve: cos x + cos 2x + cos 3x = 0 (3)

c. Prove that the vectors are coplanar.
d. Find when and (2)
16. Find the maxima, minima and point of inflection of f(x) = 2x3 – 15x2 + 36x + 5.

a. Evaluate: (2)

b. A function f(x) is defined in (0,3) in the following way:

f(x) = show that f(x) is continuous at x = 1 and x=2.


18. Calculate the suitable coefficient of skewness from the following frequency distribution. Comment on the result.
Marks Below 10 10-20 20-30 30-40 Above 40
No. of students 3 12 25 6 4
19. State Lami’s theorem. If two forces P and Q acting parallel to the length and base of an inclined plane respectively,
would each of them singly support a weight won the plane, prove that: . (1+4)

Define trapezoidal rule. Evaluate using trapezoidal rule for
Group ‘C’ [8×3 = 24]
a. For what value of p, will the equation x2 – 2px + 7p -12 = 0 have equal roots?
b. Determine the square roots of the complex number 5- 12 i. (2)
c. Find the adjoint matirx of A = and also find A-1. (4)

21. The single equation of pair of lines is 2x2 + 3xy + y2 + 5x + 2y – 3 = 0

i) Find the equation of pair of straight lines represented by the single equation.


ii) Are the pair of lines represented by the given equation passes through origin? Write with reason.
iii) Find the point of intersection of the pair of lines. (2)
c. Evaluate: (3)
d. Find when, x3 + y3 = 3axy (2)
e. Find from first principle, the derivative of eax – b (3)

*** Best of Luck****

Basundhara Chauki, Kanti Marg, Kathmandu.
Model Question Set- 3
Class: XI
Sub: Basic Mathematics (007) Full Marks: 75
Time: 3 hrs Pass Marks: 30

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin
indicate full marks.
Group ‘A’ [11×1 = 11]
Rewrite the correct option in your answer sheet.
1. The solution of inequality 2x + 3< 5 is
c. {x: x<2} b. {x: x> 1} c. {x: x<1} d. {x: x
2. The domain of the function f(x) = is
c. [1,∞) b. [1,0] c. [0,1] d. [1,∞]
-1 -1
3. If sin x = then cos x =

c. b. c. d.
4. The distance between the lines 3x -4y + 9 = 0 and 6x – 8y -17 = 0 is
f. 7/2 b. – 7 c. 7 d. -7/2
5. What is the set of all possible outcomes of an experiment?
d. Countable set c. sample space
e. Uncountable set d. space set
6. =

a. b. 3 c. d.
7. Which is the third order derivative of 2x3 + 12x2 + 4?
a. 12 b. 24 c. 12x d. 6x2
b. x ex - x b. x ex - ex c. ex – x ex d. x(1- ex)
9. The modulus of is
c. b. c. d. 6
e. b. log 2 c. d.
11. A car moving with a velocity of 15 m/s has a uniform acceleration of 2m/sec 2. If it moves for 2.5 sec, its final
velocity =


c. 5 m/s b. 20 m/s c. 10 m/s d. 15 m/s
The number of negative roots of the equation f(x) = x3 –x – 4 = 0 is
e. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3
Group ‘B’ [ 8×5 = 40]
e. If A, B and C are three non empty sets, prove that:
A-(B C) = (A-B) (3)
x y z
f. If a = b = c and a, b, c are in G.P, then x, y, z are in H.P. (2)
a. Prove that the straight line joining the origin to the point of intersection of the line and the curve
x2 + y2 = c2 are at right angles if
b. Solve: sin2x – 4 sinx – cosx + 2 = 0 (2)
e. If the equations x2 + ax + b = 0 and x2 + bx + a = 0 have a common root,
Prove that either a = b, or a+ b+1 = 0. (3)
f. Simplify: (2)
15. An analysis of monthly wages paid to the workers in two firms A and B belonging to the same industry gave the
following result.
Firm A Firm B
No. of workers 500 600
Average wage Rs. 586 Rs.575
Variance Rs. 81 Rs.100
a. Which firm pays larger wage bill? (1)
b. Which firm shows greater variation in monthly wage? (2)
c. If both firms are merged together, what will be the average and variance of wages of all workers?
c. Prove that: (3)

d. If , find the projection of on .

c. Evaluate: (3)

d. Evaluate: (2)
18. Define concavity of curve and point of inflection. Determine the interval at which the graph is concave
upwards and concave downwards for the function f(x) = x4 -8x3 + 18 x2 -24.
19. A bus starts from station A to station B. The velocity increases uniformly till it reaches maximum
velocity v and then decreases uniformly. Show that the time taken by the bus to run from A to B is ,
where x the distance between the two stations is.
Using trapezoidal rule, evaluate . Estimate the error of approximation from its actual value.
Group ‘C’ [8×3 = 24]

c. Show that: = xyz (1 + (4)

d. Sketch the graph of y = x2 – 2x – 3 with its different characteristics. (4)



f. Prove that the vectors 5 +6 ,7 and 3 are coplanar.
g. Find the direction cosines l, m, n of two lines which satisfy the equations l+ m+ n = 0 and 2lm – mn + 2nl =
0. Also, find the angle between the lines. (5)
c. Using method of integration, find the area under the curve 4x2 + 9x2 =36.
d. Evaluate: (4)
*** Best of Luck****

Basundhara Chauki, Kanti Marg, Kathmandu.
Model Question Set- 4
Class: XI
Sub: Basic Mathematics (007) Full Marks: 75
Time: 3 hrs Pass Marks: 30

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin
indicate full marks.
Group ‘A’ [11×1 = 11]
Rewrite the correct option in your answer sheet.
1. If are the roots of the equation x2 + ax + b = 0 then the value of
is equal to
d. –(a3+3ab) b. a3+ 3ab c. – a3 + 3ab d. a3 – 3ab
2. Period of f(x) = tan2x is
d. b. c. d. Not a periodic function
3. The domain of sin-1x is
d. ( ) b.[-1,1] c.(0, 2 ) d. (- ∞,∞)
4. The equation of the straight line passing through the point (-5,-6) and (3,10) is
g. x - 2y = 4 b. 2x - y + 4= 0 c. 2x+y =4 d. none of these.
5. Karl Pearson’s coefficient of skewness based on mean, mode and standard deviation lies between
f. -1 and 1 b. – 2 and 2 c. -3 and 3 d. – 4 and 4
6. The function f(x) = is
b. Continuous at x = 2 c. discontinuous at x =2 only
c. Discontinuous everywhere d. All of the above
7. The derivative of tan x with respect to sec x is
b. Cosec x b. sec3x c. sin x d. cos x
8. The value of is
c. b. c. 2x In 2 + c d. none of them
9. The modulus of is
d. b. c. d. 6
10. is equal to
f. e b. 0 c.-1 d. 1
11. A body is dropped from a height of 500 m, then the time to reach the ground is
[g =10m/s2]
d. 40sec. b. 30 sec. c. 20 sec. d. 10 sec.


The Newton- Raphson method of finding roots of non-linear equation is
f. Open method c. random method
g. Graphical method d. bracketing method
Group ‘B’ [ 8×5 = 40]
g. If p and q are two statements, prove that p is a tautology. (3)
h. Rewrite without using absolute value sign. (2)
c. If tan-1x + tan-1y + tan-1z = , prove that: yz + zx+ xy = 1 (3)
d. Solve: sin 3x + cos 3x = 0 (2)
g. If A = be a symmetric matrix, find the value of x. (2)

h. Find the square root of the complex number -5 + 12i. (3)

d. Following are the marks obtained by the two students in 6 tests.
A 56 72 48 69 64 81

B 63 74 45 57 82 63

Which of the students will get performance award for the consistency in tests?
e. A card is drawn at the random from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. Find the probability of being it. (i) a
red card (ii) a heart. (2)
e. Show that the angle between two diagonals of a cube is cos -1 . (3)

f. If , find the unit vector along

e. Find when x = 2at and y = 2at2 (2)
f. Evaluate: (3)
18. A window is in the form of a rectangle surmounted by a semicircle. If the total perimeter is 9m, find the
radius of the semicircle for the greatest window’s area.
19. Two forces P and Q, acting parallel to the length and base of a smooth inclined plane respectively, would
each of them singly support a weight W on the plane, prove that . If R and S be the reactions
in the two cases respectively, prove that RS = W2.
Define Simpson’s rule. Using Simpson’s 1/3 rule, evaluate .
Group ‘C’ [8×3 = 24]
e. The sum of three numbers in A.P is 36. When the numbers are increased by1, 4, 43 respectively,
the resulting numbers are in G.P. Find the numbers.
f. Find the domain and range of the function f(x) = . (4)
h. Prove that the vectors 5 +6 ,7 and 3 are coplanar.


i. If P1 and P2 be the lengths of the perpendicular drawn from the points (cos sin ) and (- sec , cosec ) on
the line x sec respectively, prove that: . (5)
e. Find the area of the region bounded by the curves y2 = 4ax and x2 = 4ay.
f. Prove geometrically: , where is a radian measure. (4)
*** Best of Luck****

Basundhara Chauki, Kanti Marg, Kathmandu.
Model Question Set- 5
Class: XI
Sub: Basic Mathematics (007) Full Marks: 75
Time: 3 hrs Pass Marks: 30

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full
Group ‘A’ [11×1 = 11]
Rewrite the correct option in your answer sheet.
1. If A = [-3,2] and B = [1,4], then the values of B-A is equal to
e. [2,4] b. (2,4] c. [1,2] d. (1,2]
2. The asymptote of the function y = 2x is
e. x= 0 b. y = 0 c. x = 2 d. y = 2
3. The general solution of cos x = 0 is
e. (2n + 1) b. 2n c. n d.
4. The points of intersection of two straight lines does not exist if the lines are
h. parallel b. perpendicular c. coincident d. all of these
5. What is the probability of getting an ace of spade or a king of heart from a pack of 52 cards?
g. b. c. d.

6. The value of is

d. 0 b. 1 c. d.
7. The point of inflection for the function f(x) = x3 + 3x2-9x+ 2 is
c. (1,-3) b. (-1,13) c. (-3,29) d. None of them
8. The value of is

d. Log x sin(log x)+ c c. +c

e. Cos (In x) + c d. – cos(In x) + c
9. Unit vector along the vector is
e. b. c. d.
10. is equal to
g. e b. 0 c.-1 d. 1
11. The forces P and Q are in equilibrium then their resultant is
e. P + Q b. P – Q c. 2PQ d. 0


Trapezoidal rule always gives the exact value for a polynomial of degree
h. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
Group ‘B’ [ 8×5 = 40]
i. Sketch the graph of the function y = x- x2 stating its different characteristics.
j. Find the multiplicative inverse of the complex number 3 + 4i. (2)
e. Prove that: cos( sin-1x + cos-1y) = . (3)
f. Solve: cot x + tan x = 2 (2)

i. Define singular matrix. Test whether the matrix A = is

Singular or not. (2)

j. If one root of the equation ax + bx + c = 0 is triple of the other, show that
3b2 = 16 ac. (3)
15. Calculate the suitable coefficient of skewness from the following frequency distribution. Comment on the result.
CI 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60
f 2 3 8 5 4 5

g. Find the equation of the bisector of the angles between the lines 4x -3y + 1 = 0 and 12x-5y +7 = 0 and prove
that the bisectors are at right angles to each other.
h. If and . Find the unit vector along 4 (2)
g. Determine the interval in which the function f(x) = is increasing or decreasing.
h. Evaluate: (3)

18. Consider a function f(x) = at x = 3

a. Find the functional value at assigned point.
b. Find the limiting value of the function at that point if it exists.
c. What basic difference found in limiting value and functional value?
d. Is f(x) continuous at that point?
e. If discontinuous, state the type of discontinuity.
19. A body moves along a straight line with uniform acceleration. The body covers a distance of 18 m in the
first three seconds and 22 m in the next 5 seconds. What is the velocity at the end of 10 seconds?
Show that the equation f(x) = x3 – 10 = 0 has no negative root and one positive root. Find the positive root
using bisection method with a = 2 and b = 3 and = 0.01.
Group ‘C’ [8×3 = 24]
g. The sum of three numbers in A.P is 36. When the numbers are increased by1, 4, 43 respectively,
the resulting numbers are in G.P. Find the numbers.
h. Find the domain and range of the function f(x) = . (4)
j. Prove that the vectors 5 +6 ,7 and 3 are coplanar.


k. Prove that the line which makes an angle with four diagonals of cube is
. (5)
g. Find the area bounded by the x- axis and the curve y = (x+1)(x-2)(x-3).
h. Find from first principle, the differential coefficient of (4)
*** Best of Luck****


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