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What languages does your character know? That’s a tricky question. In some societies, most people speak two or three languages,
but in others, people are monolingual. The GM should allow you to be able to speak, read, and write whatever languages your
character would pick up due to their culture and social class, though you should impose a limit of three languages.
The Linguistics talent (see Chapter 3: Character Options) can be used to pick up additional languages. Furthermore,
characters with Intelligence focuses such as Anthropology, History, or Occultism know enough of languages relevant to
their fields to comprehend sources, perform research, and haltingly communicate, but they will be deficient compared to
people who truly know how to read, write, and speak those languages. They may require basic tests (see Chapter 2: Basic
Rules) to fully understand one of these languages.

their example—whether you did or not. Do you want to embrace You might have lived a very different life were it not for some
a future in a corner office, rebel against everything represented event that drove you from society. Feel free to roll again on the
by that office, or find a third way to approach your life? Your Social Class and Background tables to get a glimpse of what
profession and related experiences hold the answer. your former life was. Whatever the case, you and possibly your
family were exiled by war, disaster, disgrace, or some other
Ability: +1 Communication misfortune, and forced to start over with virtually nothing.
Focus: Communication (Bargaining) or Intelligence
(Business) Ability: +1 Constitution
Talent: Contacts or Intrigue Focus: Fighting (Brawling) or Willpower (Self-Discipline)
Talent: Affluent or Living on the Fringe
Cosmopolitan Upper
2d6 Roll Benefit
Military Lower
2d6 Roll Benefit
2 +1 Perception
2 +1 Willpower
3–4 Focus: Intelligence (Anthropology)
3–4 Focus: Accuracy (Longarms)
5 Focus: Communication (Persuasion)
5 Focus: Communication (Leadership)
6 Focus: Intelligence (Art)
6 Focus: Intelligence (Security)
7–8 +1 Communication
7–8 +1 Strength
9 Focus: Communication (Bargaining)
9 Focus: Perception (Searching)
10–11 Focus: Perception (Seeing)
10–11 Focus: Fighting (Brawling)
12 +1 Willpower
12 +1 Constitution
You were raised in a cosmopolitan environment, such as a big
city, where people from all over the world came and mingled. You grew up as a military brat. You were either a dependent of
You were exposed to some of the best—and, potentially, the family members in military service, or you lived close by or on a
worst—of humanity and human achievement. military base or installation. You’re familiar with military culture
and may have picked up a thing or two from it along the way.
Ability: +1 Intelligence
Focus: Communication (Etiquette) or Intelligence Ability: +1 Fighting
(Current Affairs) Focus: Accuracy (Pistols) or Intelligence (Tactics)
Talent: Knowledge or Observation Talent: One Combat Style or Observation

Exile Outsider Outcast Outsider

2d6 Roll Benefit 2d6 Roll Benefit
2 +1 Fighting 2 +1 Perception
3–4 Focus: Communication (Bargaining) 3–4 Focus: Perception (Seeing)
5 Focus: Dexterity (Stealth) 5 Focus: Fighting (Light Blades)
6 Focus: Perception (Searching) 6 Focus: Dexterity (Forgery)
7–8 +1 Perception 7–8 +1 Constitution
9 Focus: Accuracy (Pistols) 9 Focus: Dexterity (Sabotage)
10–11 Focus: Dexterity (Driving) 10–11 Focus: Willpower (Courage)
12 +1 Willpower 12 +1 Communication

16 Chapter 1 - Character Creation

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