Rubric For Grasp Activity

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Rebollido, Heaven Grace R.

Date: April 27, 2024

BSEDEN 3-1 Instructor. Dr. Erist Capul

Performance Task:
Speech Choir Ensemble
This performance task aims to deepen students' appreciation of poetry and prose by engaging them in performances that explore and
express the emotional and thematic depths of the text. Students take on roles as performers within the speech choir, employing voice
modulation, facial expressions, and body movements to breathe life into literature. Their primary audience consists of fellow students, teachers,
and potentially parents and other classes during school assemblies or open days. In this scenario, the class is divided into groups, each tasked
with selecting a piece of poetry or a dramatic excerpt studied during the quarter. These groups interpret and perform their chosen pieces as
cohesive speech choirs, aiming for synchronization, expression, and interpretation to convey emotional and thematic messages. This
performance serves to develop students' oral skills, teamwork, and understanding of literary expressions. Success is measured against standards
such as maintaining focus, utilizing voice modulation effectively, delivering lines smoothly and clearly, employing expressive facial cues, utilizing
effective body movements and gestures, and maintaining audience engagement through eye contact and body orientation.

Standards and Criteria for Success (Rubric)

Criteria Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2) Needs Improvement (1)

All students are fully engaged

Most students are engaged, with Several students demonstrate Many students appear
throughout the performance,
occasional lapses in focus that inconsistent engagement, disengaged, significantly
Focus contributing seamlessly to the
minimally affect ensemble resulting in noticeable disruptions detracting from the overall
ensemble's harmony and
performance. to ensemble cohesion. ensemble performance.
Voice modulation is skillfully Voice modulation effectively Voice modulation is minimal or
Voice modulation is attempted but
utilized to convey a rich range conveys the appropriate absent, resulting in a
lacks consistency or fails to fully
Voice of emotions and dynamics, emotions and dynamics of the monotonous delivery that
capture the nuances of the text's
enhancing the text's impact text, contributing to the overall diminishes the performance's
emotions and dynamics.
and depth. performance's effectiveness. impact.

Lines are delivered smoothly Lines are delivered with

Delivery of lines is somewhat Delivery is consistently choppy
and clearly, with impeccable generally smooth and clear
choppy or unclear, occasionally or unclear, significantly
diction and pacing that articulation, though occasional
Delivery hindering audience impeding audience
ensures the audience's minor disruptions may occur.
comprehension or detracting from comprehension and diminishing
comprehension and Overall, clarity and impact are
the performance's impact. the performance's impact.
engagement. maintained.

Expressive facial cues

Facial expressions enhance the Facial expressions are attempted
effectively complement vocal Facial expressions are minimal
performance by effectively but lack consistency or fail to fully
Facial delivery, enriching the or absent, detracting from the
conveying emotional nuances, convey the emotional depth of the
Expressions performance with nuanced performance's emotional
though some moments may lack text, resulting in a somewhat
emotional depth and resonance and depth.
consistency or subtlety. limited impact.
Gestures and movements
Gestures and movements are
contribute to the performance's Gestures and movements are Gestures and movements are
used effectively to express the
Body effectiveness by effectively attempted but lack precision or fail minimal, ineffective, or distract
text's narrative and emotional
Movements/ conveying narrative and to fully convey the text's narrative from the performance, hindering
states, enhancing audience
Gestures emotional elements, though and emotional nuances, resulting audience understanding and
understanding and
some refinement may be needed in a somewhat diminished impact. engagement.
for optimal impact.

Demonstrates adequate
Maintains consistent
engagement with the audience Audience engagement is
engagement with the Audience engagement is
through occasional eye contact somewhat inconsistent, with
audience through confident minimal or absent, significantly
Audience and body orientation, limited eye contact or body
eye contact and body detracting from the
Contact contributing to the orientation that minimally impacts
orientation, effectively performance's communicative
performance's communicative the performance's communicative
enhancing the performance's effect.
effect, though some moments effect.
communicative effect.
may lack consistency.

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