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Received Date : 26-Oct-2012

Accepted Article
Revised Date : 24-Jun-2013

Accepted Date : 24-Jun-2013

Article type : Original Article

How well are we collaborating? Buyer-Supplier collaboration quality in new product

development projects

Tingting Yan
Department of Marketing & Supply Chain Management
School of Business Administration, Wayne State University
5201 Cass Ave., Detroit, MI, 48202, 313-577-9811
Kevin Dooley

Kevin Dooley
PO Box 874706, Department of Supply Chain Management
WP Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-4706, 480-965-6833, fax: 480-965-8629

a Corresponding Author


Previous research has found that buyer-supplier collaboration in new product development can
contribute to project success. Empirical evidence is mixed, however, and the concept of buyer-
supplier collaboration is under-developed. This work develops a new construct, buyer-supplier
collaboration quality, defined as the extent to which a buyer and supplier exploit shared resources
while minimizing waste though interaction during project planning and execution. We use resource
dependence theory to formulate inter-firm and

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project-level antecedents of buyer-supplier collaboration quality and argue how it affects new
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product development project outcomes. Data from an empirical survey of 214 buying organizations
validates the measurement structure of the new construct and supports its positive associations with
design quality and project efficiency. We also find that goal congruence, complementary capabilities,
and inter-firm coordination efforts increase buyer- supplier collaboration quality, while inter-firm
relationship-specific investment reduces it.

Keywords: buyer-supplier collaboration quality; new product development; supplier involvement;

resource dependence theory; inter-group management; project management


Supplier involvement in new product development (NPD) is a widely advocated practice, even during

the recent economic recession (Andrew, Manget, Michael, Taylor and Zablit 2010; Harbour-Felax

2009). Buyers depend on suppliers’ resources, such as innovative technologies, manufacturing

capability, engineering talents, and financial support , to improve their NPD performance (Azadegan,

Dooley, Carter and Carter 2008; Handfield, Ragatz, Petersen and Monczka 1999; Parker, Zsidisin and

Ragatz 2008; Narasimhan and Narayanan 2013). Suppliers also rely on buyers for market knowledge,

product architecture information, project management capability, and assembly coordination

expertise (Hong and Hartley 2011; Hong, Pearson and Carr 2009;Joshi and Sharma 2004). To manage

such resource interdependencies, a buyer may collaborate with a supplier to identify, acquire, and

exploit critical resources for developing new products (Pfeffer and Salancik 1978). But, not all buyer-

supplier project-level interactions lead to good designs or efficient processes, which partially explains

the mixed empirical evidence regarding performance of some joint NPD projects (Birou 1994;

Business-Wire 2002; Inforsys 2005; Swink 1999; Zirger and Hartley 1996).

Previous research highlighted the importance of effective buyer-supplier interactions in NPD

(Hartley, Zirger and Kamath 1997; Van Echtelt, Wynstra and Van Weele 2007). Since intensive buyer-

supplier interactions are not always effective, researchers have examined factors regarding the

quality of interactions, such as the timeliness and accuracy of communication, the existence of a

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mutually supportive atmosphere, and the participative nature of decision-making (Hoegl and Wagner
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2005; Hoegl, Weinkauf and Germuenden

2004; Marks, Mathieu and Zaccaro 2001; Wagner and Hoegl 2006). Despite such increased attention

given to understanding the quality of buyer-supplier interactions, the NPD literature lacks a coherent

theoretical framework to define and operationalize the concept of buyer-supplier collaboration

quality. Due to this gap, rigorous empirical research has not been done to identify the antecedents

and consequences of buyer-supplier collaboration quality.

A better understanding of buyer-supplier collaboration quality helps examine how contextual

issues at the inter-firm and project level influence the effectiveness of buyer- supplier

interactions. At the inter-firm level, a collaborative buyer-supplier relationship is generally

believed to be critical for joint project success (Petersen, Handfield and Ragatz

2005; Primo and Amundson 2002; Ragatz, Handfield and Scannell 1997). However, studies have

also shown it to be unnecessary or even counterproductive in joint NPD (Bidault and Castello 2010;

Zirpoli and Caputo 2002). Similarly, at the project level, buyer-supplier congruent goals and

complementary capabilities enable synergistic exploitation of interdependent group resources, and,

as a result, should contribute to joint NPD success (Rothaermel and Deeds 2004; Sivadas and Dwyer

2000). However, congruent goals could also reduce decision quality due to a lack of healthy debate

and criticism (Thomsen 1998; Yan 2010), while complementary capabilities might cause inefficient

processes due to the difficulty of processing diverse information and disparate knowledge (Jackson

1992; Lane and Lubatkin 1998). Such mixed empirical evidence makes it important to study whether

effective buyer-supplier interactions are more likely to emerge in seemingly favorable inter- firm

and project contexts.

To address these knowledge gaps, this paper answers the following research questions: (1)

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What does buyer-supplier collaboration quality mean and how should it be measured? (2) How do
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the inter-firm relationship and project context influence buyer-supplier collaboration quality? (3)

What are the project-level consequences of buyer-supplier collaboration quality? Built upon Hoegl and

Gemuenden’s teamwork quality concept (Hoegl and Gemuenden 2001) which measures the

effectiveness of intra-group interactions, buyer-supplier collaboration quality is conceptualized as a

project-level inter-group interaction effectiveness construct.

Specifically, it is defined as the extent to which the buyer and supplier synergistically exploit shared

resources while minimizing waste though interaction during project planning and execution.

In the following sections we develop the buyer-supplier collaboration quality construct, propose its

inter-firm and project antecedents and project-level consequences, and use survey responses to test

its measurement structure. We also test the hypotheses associated with these antecedents and

consequences and discuss implications of the results. Table 1 lists definitions of the main constructs

examined in this study.


Buyer-Supplier Collaboration Quality: The Effectiveness of Buyer-Supplier Project-Level Interactions

Collaboration is a process through which parties with diverse interests and interdependent resources

interact to search for solutions to problems that go beyond their own limited vision of what is

possible (Amabile, Patterson, Mueller, Wojcik, Kramer, Odomirok and Marsh

2001; Gray 1989; Jassawalla and Sashittal 1998). In a buyer-supplier NPD collaboration process, both

groups interact through activities such as communicating, adapting to changes, responding to

requests, devoting group resources to facilitate joint tasks, coordinat ing interdependent activities,

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and co-creating knowledge (Cao and Zhang 2011; Hartley, Zirger and Kamath 1997; Hoegl and
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Wagner 2005). The quality of these types of project-level interactions determines whether the two

groups can synergistically exploit project resources such as equipment and facilities, technical know-

how, human resources, and financial assets,

to facilitate joint task achievement (Carton and Cummings 2012). Adopting this process view of

buyer-supplier collaboration in joint projects, we define:

Buyer-supplier collaboration quality (henceforth called collaboration quality, or CQ)

is the extent to which buyer and supplier groups synergistically exploit shared resources while

minimizing wastes though interactions during project planning and execution

Our construct of CQ is derived from the “Teamwork Quality” construct developed by Hoegl and

Gemuenden (2001). They conceptualize Teamwork Quality as a comprehensive concept of quality of

interactions within a single group. It is reflected in six dimensions that focus on the quality of a team’s

collaborative work rather than the content of its tasks and activities: communication, coordination,

balance of member contributions, mutual support, effort, and cohesion. For example, the

communication dimension is concerned with how well team members communicate task-relevant

information, not with what their communication is about. We argue that all of these dimensions with

the exception of cohesion, are relevant to

the context of buyer-supplier CQ. We do not consider cohesion as part of the construct because it

focuses on the nature of inter-group relationship rather than activities. The underlying proposition of

the multi-dimensioned higher-order construct CQ is that effective buyer-supplier interactions are

reflected by all of these states. The hierarchical construct structure of CQ is consistent with other
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taxonomies of inter-member interactions that propose first-order teamwork processes to load onto a
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general process factor (LePine, Piccolo, Jackson, Mathieu and Saul 2008; Marks, Mathieu and Zaccaro

2001). The following provides a detailed description of these concepts as they relate to the CQ

construct as a whole.

Sufficiency of efforts indicates the extent to which the two groups exert enough effort to

complete project tasks. When both groups are fully committed to a project task, they can identify

and implement synergetic ways of using shared resources (Campion, Medsker and Higgs 1993;

Hackman 1987; Hoegl and Gemuenden 2001). A shared, high level of effort

from both groups reduces relational conflicts caused by nonproductive behaviors, such as job

avoidance, defiance, or aggression (Locke and Latham 1990; Morgan and Hunt 1994) .

Knowledge/skill-based contribution refers to the extent to which both groups are allowed to

contribute to the project and fully use their task-relevant knowledge and skills (Hoegl and

Gemuenden 2001; Hoegl and Wagner 2005). When a group bases its contributions on task-relevant

knowledge and skills rather than power and status, it is more likely to produce creative solutions due

to a better chance of identifying and exploiting critical resources (Ford and Randolph 1992). On the

contrary, when one group dominates the decision-making process, the other group cannot freely

contribute its knowledge and skills to project tasks. This reduces the quality of the decisions made

through wasting the dominated group’s knowledge resources (Rothaermel and Deeds 2004).

Mutual support relates to whether the groups help and support each other in carrying out project

tasks. A project team’s capability to effectively recognize shared resources and synergistically

integrate expertise relies on a cooperative rather than competitive frame of mind (Tjosvold 1995).

When buyer and supplier groups mutually respect each other and grant assistance when needed, they

use shared resources more efficiently due to fewer relational conflicts (Wech, Mossholder, Steel and

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Bennett 1998).
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Coordination refers to how well the groups’ efforts are structured and synchronized. When the

project task is delegated to members belonging to different formal groups, they become dependent

on each other for effective task achievement with minimum resources consumed (Sosa, Eppinger

and Rowles 2004). When buyer-supplier project-level task interdependence is managed well, the

project team avoids wasting resources on non-value- adding rework or conflict resolution (Espinosa

2002). Good project-level coordination also allows participants to use more time, energy, and talent

searching for creative solutions, thus contributing to a more productive usage of shared resources.

Finally, communication quality is defined as the timeliness and accuracy of communication. When

communication is timely and accurate, it helps project teams assess task situations and choose

task strategies, and allows them to correctly recognize and synergistically use complementary

resources (Tannenbaum, Beard and Salas 1992). Exchanging accurate information in a timely

manner expedites task execution, reduces the need for information verification and correction,

and minimizes interferences and rework caused by wrong or late information, all of which prevent

resource waste or misuse (Pinto and Pinto 1990).

As defined, CQ differs from similar collaboration constructs in the literature in the following ways.

First, it is a project-level construct focusing on task-relevant interactions among project members.

This differs from inter-firm level collaboration constructs such as inter-organizational cooperation

(Heide and Miner 1992), supply chain collaboration (Cao and Zhang 2011), collaboration quality in

alliances (Heimeriks 2002), and collaboration capability (Allred, Fawcett, Wallin and Magnan 2011) -

constructs that do not focus on joint projects. Second, CQ focuses on inter-group interactions,

differing from intra-group collaboration constructs, such as teamwork quality (Hoegl and

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Gemuenden 2001). Third, CQ is built upon a process view of collaboration, focusing on activities
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rather than relationships. It differs from collaboration constructs that involve relational aspects of

collaboration, such

as goal congruence, incentive alignment, resource sharing, and attitudes towards other parties (Cao

and Zhang 2011; Heide and Miner 1992; Stock and Tatikonda 2008). Finally, CQ indicates how well

parties interact (e.g., whether interdependent tasks fit together well), differing from collaboration

constructs that focus on how partners collaborate, such as those that look at whether joint decision

making is adopted for managing interdependent tasks (Mishra and Shah 2009) or how intensively

partners interact (Allred, Fawcett, Wallin and Magnan 2011; Schleimer and Shulman 2011).

Antecedents to Collaboration Quality: A Resource Dependence Theory Perspective

Resource Dependence Theory (RDT) can effectively explain the reason for inter- organizational

collaboration (Gray and Wood 1991). RDT’s central argument is that organizational survival hinges on

tactics used to stabilize the flow of valued resources possessed by other organizations (Pfeffer and

Salancik 1978). Inter-organizational collaboration is one such tactic (Harrigan and Newman 2007). RDT

proposes that organizations can reduce performance uncertainty by involving critical resource

providers in joint actions (Hillman, Withers and Collins 2009). However, joint actions driven by

resource interdependence are not always successful (Inkpen and Beamish 1997). Partners need to be

capable of identifying valued resources and structuring their use in a way that facilitates inter- partner

interactions (i.e., capability), while also being willing to openly share critical resources in a timely

manner (i.e., motivation) (Dyer and Singh 1998).

Managing an NPD process is challenging due to its high levels of dynamism, uncertainty, and

equivocality caused by non-routine, ill-defined and ad hoc decisions and tasks (Wagner 2012).

Involving external suppliers in this process creates further managerial challenges due to the complex

resource dependence structure in joint projects (Gerwin 2004; Koufteros, Vonderembse and Jayaram
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2005). In a buyer-supplier joint NPD context, both groups mutually depend on each other for critical
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resources. Without integrating the supplier’s process and component knowledge, a buyer might

waste R&D resources on product concepts that are either not manufacturable or use outdated

technology (Azadegan, Dooley, Carter and Carter 2008; Handfield, Ragatz, Petersen and Monczka

1999; Swink and Mabert 2000). Similarly, without understanding market demand and product

architecture through the help of the buyer, a supplier might create components that either do not

sell or fail to fit with other components in the final product (Hong and Hartley 2011; Hong, Pearson

and Carr 2009; Joshi and Sharma 2004). Finally, both groups depend on each other for financial,

physical, and human resources to share risks (Petersen, Handfield and Ragatz 2003). In the case of the

Boeing 787, for instance, 70 percent of the design and development work

for the aircraft's all-composite wing were subcontracted to a consortium of Japanese risk- sharing

suppliers (MacPherson and Pritchard 2007). Such resource interdependence drives the two firms to

jointly develop the new product so that better designs could be created using fewer overall

resources (Pfeffer and Salancik 1978; Zsidisin and Smith 2005).

In order for the joint action to succeed, buyer and supplier groups need to realize resource

synergy while minimizing resource wastes by effectively interacting with each other. According to

RDT, high-quality project-level interactions are more likely to emerge when critical resources flow

freely and continuously from parent firms to the joint project team (vertical resource flows), as well as

between the two sub-groups of the project team

(horizontal resource flows) (Pfeffer and Salancik 1978). To facilitate vertical resource flows, the two

firms need to have a collaborative relationship, which motivates and enables each firm to openly

provide resources to the joint project team in a timely fashion (Dyer and Singh 1998; Engwall and

Jerbrant 2003). A well-aligned project structure, indicated by congruent goals and complementary

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capabilities, is important to facilitate horizontal resource flows, because each group is driven by its
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goals and enabled (or constrained) by its capabilities when exchanging resources (Carton and

Cummings 2012). Below we discuss in detail how coordination efforts and relationship-specific

investment, two indicators of a collaborative relationship, as well as congruent goals and

complementary capabilities contribute to CQ by facilitating both vertical and horizontal resource


Inter-firm Antecedents to Collaboration Quality. A collaborative buyer-supplier relationship

is distinguished from an arm’s length relationship by its (1) relationship-specific investment

and (2) coordination effort (Jap 1999). Relationship-specific investment is nonfungible

investment that uniquely supports the buyer-supplier relationship (Jap 1999). Relationship-

specific investments may include tools, equipment, operating procedures,

systems, facilities, and employees tailored for use within the buyer-supplier dyad (Heide and

John 1990). These investments lose their value if the relationship is terminated (Williamson

1993). At the same time, they generate relational rents through lower value chain costs, greater

product differentiation, fewer defects, and faster product development cycles, while establishing

expectations of continued exchange in the future and minimizing opportunism (Anderson and Weitz

1992; Dyer and Singh 1998; Heide and John 1990). Buyer-supplier coordination effort is the regular

pattern of similar or complementary activities, often in the form of joint projects, that are tailored to

the dyad’s needs (Jap 1999). It enables partners to share information, opportunities, and processes

to exploit existing and explore new opportunities embedded in the relationship (Anderson and

Narus 1990; Dwyer, Schurr and Oh 1987). In this study, both relationship-specific investment and

coordination efforts occur before the beginning and beyond the scope of the joint NPD project. They

therefore define the nature of the existing inter-firm relational context within which the buyer and

supplier groups interact. Below we discuss how these two facets of the buyer-supplier relationship

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influence CQ.
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By generating inter-firm trust and increasing the efficiency of resource flows, relationship-specific

investment increases CQ by motivating the buyer and supplier firms to supply critical resources to

the project team. The relationship-specific nature of these investments implies a very high partner-

switching cost (Williamson 1993). Thus both firms anticipate open-ended and frequent future

interactions. Such a “shadow of the future” enhances each firm’s trustworthiness by increasing the

cost of opportunistic behaviors (Anderson and Weitz 1992; Heide and Miner 1992). Worrying less

about exposing shared

resources to partner opportunism, both firms are more motivated to openly support the project team

with critical resources. Also, relationship-specific investment enhances the efficiency of vertical

resource flows from parent firms to the project team, making resource sharing less costly. For

example, by investing in joint training programs and inter-firm information systems, two firms can

develop a common language and establish routines for exchanging information. As a result, it is less

costly for parent firms to communicate with the project

team to identify resource needs and provide relevant support (Ragatz, Handfield and Scannell

1997). Similarly, co-locating the two firms’ facilities and employees makes it less costly for parent

firms to oversee project progress, allowing them to provide appropriate resources in a more timely

fashion (Kessler and Chakrabarti 1999). Joint investments in establishing inter- firm knowledge-

sharing routines facilitate the knowledge transfer process from parent firms to project teams (Dyer

and Singh 1998; Hoegl and Gemuenden 2001). Overall, these types of investments enhance the

trustworthiness of the partnering firm and reduce the cost of the vertical resource flows, motivating

sustained and timely resource support.

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Accepted Article Such sustained and timely vertical resource flows enable and motivate the buyer and supplier

groups to effectively interact (Carson, Madhok, Varman and John 2003). Without securing task-

relevant resources, such as engineering talents, technical information, critical equipment, or financial

support, the two groups are not capable of effectively interacting. Also, by supporting the project

team with critical resources, both firms signal the long-term and cooperative nature of the inter-firm

relationship to their employees. Such signals increase buyer-supplier trust in the joint project (Ring

and van de Ven 1992). With trust, both groups are more motivated to share accurate information in a

timely manner, grant support when needed, contribute relevant knowledge, consider task

interdependence when planning and executing project activities, and devote sufficient efforts to the

project, thus increasing collaboration quality. Thus, we propose that:

H1: In a buyer-supplier joint NPD project, inter-firm relationship-specific investments are

positively associated with collaboration quality (CQ).

Buyer-supplier coordination efforts, in the form of regular patterns of similar or complementary

actions and activities manifested by joint projects, allow both firms to exploit opportunities and

synergies embedded in their relationship (Anderson and Narus 1990; Dwyer, Schurr and Oh 1987; Jap

1999). Such repeated collaborative interactions help

develop overlapping knowledge bases, capabilities, and/or resources, enabling them to recognize,

assimilate, and apply resources from each other (Lane and Lubatkin 1998; Park and Ungson 1997).

As a result, in subsequent joint projects, each firm is more capable of advising its project group

how to interact with the other group, enhancing the quality of buyer-supplier project-level

interactions. For instance, each parent firm could provide its project members information about

“who knows what” in the partnering firm, the common

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language that both groups understand, the shared taken-for-granted understandings, and inter- firm
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routines, all of which smooth interactions in the joint project (Lane and Lubatkin 1998). Such

informational support from parent firms is especially critical for effective interactions in NPD

processes, where shared mental models of team members play critical roles in knowledge creation,

transfer, and exploitation (Madhavan and Grover 1998). Thanks to such organizational support, each

group is more capable of effectively exchanging information, resolving project-level conflicts, and

coordinating interdependent activities, thus improving CQ (Mathieu, Heffner, Goodwin, Salas and

Cannon-Bowers 2000).

In addition, repeated partner-specific interactions accumulate a firm’s knowledge about the

partner’s areas of expertise and resource availability, allowing each firm to better support the

project team with the right resources. For instance, if the buyer knows through previous projects

that the supplier has strong engineering expertise about a product’s technology

and lacks financial resources, it should focus on providing the project team with financial support

rather than engineering talents. Only when possessing the right resources can the buyer and

supplier groups effectively support each other through timely communication, supportive

adaptation, strategic resource commitment, proactive task coordination, and open knowledge

sharing, all of which enhance CQ (Hackman 1987). Accordingly, we propose that:

H2: In a buyer-supplier joint NPD project, inter-firm coordination efforts are positively
associated with CQ.

Project-level Antecedents to Collaboration Quality. Group goals direct the identification, acquisition,

and exploitation of group resources, and member capabilities enable or constrain them. As a result,

we consider how project-level buyer-supplier goal congruence and complementary capabilities

influence CQ by affecting horizontal resource flows. We define goal congruence as the extent to

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which buyer and supplier groups perceive the possibility of common goal achievement in the joint
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NPD project (Jap 1999). Goals are concerned with desired future states of the world, and represent

the underlying motives for intentional behavior (Mintzberg 1983). Among multiple co-existing goals,

autonomous units often prioritize them differently due to their local expertise and the extent that

they are socially embedded in the institutional infrastructure of their respective communities. For

instance, in a joint NPD project, buyer and supplier groups can differ in how they prioritize project

performance goals, such as cost, schedule, and quality, and product performance goals, such as

weight, speed, or size. Due to a lack of organizational slack, these goals often are

reciprocal constraints to each other (March and Simon 1993). That is why a lack of goal

congruence, either between supervisors and subordinates, or among peers, is traditionally

negatively associated with organizational performance (Kristof-Brown and Stevens 2001;

Levinthal and Fichman 1988). In an inter-firm context, goal congruence facilitates buyer- supplier

collaboration (Jap 1999) and lowers inter-firm friction cost (Lakemond, Berggren and van Weele


When both groups have congruent goals, there are fewer interfering behaviors in identifying,

acquiring, and exploiting resources across their boundaries, thus improving CQ (Jap and Anderson

2003). Both groups perceive a higher likelihood of achieving their respective goals simultaneously,

so they are more motivated to share resources with each other, believing that the other group will

be equally committed to the project (Austin and Bobko 1985). With fewer goal conflicts, both groups

are more likely to go out of their ways to support each other to adapt to emerging issues (Jap and

Anderson 2003). Congruent goals also motivate sharing high-quality information in a timely fashion

due to less concern about opportunistic behaviors (Jarvenpaa and Leidner 1998; Samaddar,

Nargundkar and Daley

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2006). With a high level of trust resulting from congruent goals, each group is more willing to

contribute relevant knowledge and skills to the project (Politis 2003). As a result, the quality of buyer-

supplier project-level interactions could be improved. Thus, we propose that:

H3: In a buyer-supplier joint NPD project, buyer-supplier project-level goal congruence is

positively associated with CQ.

Complementary capabilities refer to the degree to which partners are able to “fill out, or complete,

each other’s performance by supplying distinct capabilities, knowledge, and resources” (Jap 1999, pg.

465). By leveraging complementary resource endowments of all the partners, an alliance could

generate outputs greater than the sum of those obtained from the individual endowments of each

partner (Dyer and Singh 1998). On an inter-firm level, complementary capabilities are viewed as a

main driver of collaboration and alliance due to their potential to create competitive advantages and

relational rents (Azadegan and Dooley

2010; Colombo, Grilli and Piva 2006; Ireland, Hitt and Vaidyanath 2002; Sarkar, Echambadi, Cavusgil

and Aulakh 2001). On a project level, they provide benefits of economies of scope, allowing NPD

teams to identify, produce, and use a wider variety of ideas and opportunities. The widely advocated

adoption of cross-functional teams and the importance of selecting partners with complementary

capabilities also allude to the importance of complementary capabilities (Brown and Eisenhardt

1995; Ernst 2002).

In a buyer-supplier NPD team, complementary capabilities enhance CQ by creating a high degree of

project-level interdependence for knowledge and skills used in resource identification, acquisition,

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and exploitation. Because complementary capabilities need to be well integrated in order to deliver
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effective task solutions, both groups need to understand that they rely on each other’s capabilities

to identify, acquire, and exploit critical resources (Petersen, Handfield and Ragatz 2003). Due to this

capability interdependence, each group is

more willing to communicate accurate information in a timely manner in order to acquire and exploit

the right resources in the right way (Tushman and Nadler 1978). The perceived capability

interdependence also motivates each group to go out of its way to offer knowledge and expertise

when the other seeks resource support (Dreu De 2007). More coordinating interactions are expected

when the two groups perceive each other as an integral part of the project, thus reducing

interferences among interdependent tasks (Srikanth and Puranam 2011). Finally, perceived capability

interdependence creates a common understanding that any progress of the joint project depends on

commitment from both groups. They will be

motivated to devote more efforts to the joint task (Somech, Desivilya and Lidogoster 2009). In

short, the mutual dependence of capabilities used in resource identification, acquisition, and

exploitation motivates high-quality buyer-supplier project-level interactions. Thus, we propose


H4: In a buyer-supplier joint NPD project, buyer-supplier project-level complementary

capabilities are positively associated with CQ.

Collaboration Quality and Project Performance

We examine two types of project performance: design quality and design efficiency. Design quality

is the degree to which the product design meets performance goals related to its fitness for use

(Swink and Calantone 2004). Design efficiency is the extent to which resources are utilized on

productive design activities (Hoegl and Gemuenden 2001). These two aspects of NPD performance
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capture both the effectiveness and efficiency of the joint NPD process (Wheelwright 1992).
Accepted Article CQ is associated with better design quality and efficiency in NPD projects in several ways

(Hackman 1987; Marks, Mathieu and Zaccaro 2001). Sufficient efforts and knowledge/skill-based

contribution from both groups increase the level and relevancy of resources devoted to seeking

better designs (Anderson and Weitz 1992). Coordinating interdependent activities minimizes rework

caused by design interferences in the NPD process, helping focus engineers’ time and energy on

creative and productive activities (Paulraj, Lado and Chen 2008). Mutual support and high-quality

communication increases both groups’ capability to recognize, transfer, and use emerging

information, allowing the product design to fit the most current requirements (Jayaram 2008). In

sum, effective buyer- supplier project-level interactions indicated by high a CQ increase the joint

team’s capability in identifying, transferring, and co-creating knowledge, contributing to a better

design (Lane and Lubatkin 1998).

High-quality interactions also reduce the time and cost consumed in the NPD process,

contributing to better design efficiency. Specifically, groups who are fully committed to the project

and exchange high-quality information could avoid delays and rework in various

stages of the NPD process (Ragatz, Handfield and Scannell 1997). Aligning distributed activities well

expedites project progress by minimizing corrective activities and reducing the need for conflict

resolution (Terwiesch, Loch and Meyer 2002). Knowledge/skill-based contributions from both groups

also enhances their motivation and capability to search for efficient ways to generate ideas, develop

product features, design manufacturing processes, and test products (Hoegl and Gemuenden 2001).

Mutual buyer-supplier project-level supports enable the joint project team to minimize time and

resources spent on non value-adding activities such as conflict resolution, task rescheduling due to

delayed responses, or information verification due to a lack of trust (Xie, Song and Stringfellow 1998).

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In short, effective interactions allow resources to be spent on productive project activities to the
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greatest extent by minimizing resource wastes, contributing to an efficient NPD process. Thus,

we propose that:

H5a(b): In a buyer-supplier joint NPD project, CQ is positively associated with design

quality (efficiency).


We tested the hypotheses using survey responses from buyer organizations on 214 buyer-supplier

joint NPD projects encompassing sixteen industries in the United States. We sampled buyer

organizations that integrate and assemble complex and discrete products such as airplanes,

automobiles, ships, computers, mobile phones, and medical equipment. Service companies as well

as software companies were purposefully avoided due to their significantly different innovation

inputs, processes, and outputs (Ettlie and Rosenthal 2011; Von Hippel and Von Krogh 2003). The

initial set of respondents in the U.S. came from a commercial list provider, supplying contact

information of US company managers (n=2045), 2000 of which have email addresses and 45 of

which have mail addresses. We selected managers based on the following two criteria: (1) job titles

that indicated engineering, manufacturing, product development, project management, or

purchasing responsibilities, and (2) industries limited to those which manufacture physical and

discrete products. Previous NPD literature has shown that managers with these job titles are most

likely to be actively involved in and interact with external suppliers in new product developments

projects (Petersen, Handfield and Ragatz 2005; Takeishi 2001).

To control for bias from a single respondent, we asked two project members from each

buying firm to respond to two different parts of the survey. The first respondent was asked to

consider a recent NPD instance (i.e., finished within the past three years) where an external supplier

collaborated with its business unit about the design of a new product.

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Part I of the survey was sent to the first respondent for information about project performance,
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relationship-specific investment, coordination efforts, product complexity, technological newness,

firm size, and sales. The first respondent also provided the contact information of

one key project member who actively participated in developing the product and interacted with the

supplier during the collaboration. Part II of the survey was sent to the second respondent for

information on collaboration quality, goal congruence, complementary capabilities, and task relevant

expertise. A key project member was an appropriate respondent for Part II due to his or her active

participation in the project and intensive interaction with

the supplier firm. This key project member was also likely to have observed more member- member

interaction than others on the project. To ensure informed respondents, we asked respondents to

evaluate the extent to which they were knowledgeable in answering the survey questions and only

those responses that indicated “above average” or “very knowledgeable” were kept.

We adopted two data-collection methods, online and hard-copy. The same survey items were used in

both channels. Using two data collection channels reduced common

method bias in controlling effects from three types of sources: common raters, item context, and

item characteristics (Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Lee and Podsakoff 2003). The two types of survey

channels were attractive to different populations. Respondents who were more comfortable with

modern telecommunication technology may have been more likely to respond to the online survey,

while the part of the population that preferred traditional mail- type communication may have been

more likely to respond to the hard-copy survey. Providing both reduced the risks of using the same

type of raters for the whole sample(common rater effects). Conducting the same survey with

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different channels changed the item context due to different ways of grouping items. Each page of
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the online version contained a different set of items than the hard-copy version. We obtained 186

completed online surveys, and 28 completed mailed surveys (Part I and II) for a total of 214

completed surveys and a response rate of 10.46 percent (214/2045). Table 2 shows the data set’s

sample demographics. The data set encompasses sixteen industries and different firm sizes,

enhancing the external generalizability of results from this study.

Control Variables

Our study focuses on inter-firm and project-level factors that influence the capability and motivation

of the buyer and supplier firms in integrating interdependent resources in a joint NPD project team.

We included five control variables that are tangential to our focus but may affect collaboration

outcomes: firm size, supplier involvement timing, technological newness, product complexity, and

task relevant expertise of the joint project team. Company size may also affect its project

management capabilities, collaboration competences, and innovation potentials. Thus, we controlled

for potential effects of firm size, a latent variable indicated by the number of employees (log) and

sales (log), on both design quality and efficiency. The timing of supplier involvement is usually

believed to affect NPD project outcomes

(Blenkhorn and Noori 1990; Hartley, Zirger and Kamath 1997). Thus, we included supplier

involvement timing in the model to control for its potential effects. We also controlled for the

influences of technological newness and product complexity, both of which impact the progress of

NPD projects (Koufteros, Vonderembse and Doll 2002; Tatikonda and Rosenthal

2000). Whether sufficient knowledge and skills are applied to a group task is an important criterion of

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Accepted Article group process effectiveness, contribut ing to better group performance (Bunderson

2003; Hackman 1987). Since engineers’ task-relevant expertise at both companies should be

positively associated with design performance, we also controlled for this expertise1.

Measurements of Constructs

Table 3 shows the construct measurements and literature references for the ten multi- item

constructs used in this study. All of the constructs use existing items validated in the literature

except for CQ. We evaluated all items on a five-point scale. To control for the influences of the

difficulty levels of project goals, each indicator for design quality and efficiency is a product of goal

aggressiveness and the extent to which each goal is achieved (Swink and Calantone 2004). Thus,

given a particular level of goal achievement, project performance is higher if the goal was more

aggressive. For instance, if the respondent

strongly agrees with the first goal achievement item “the product design is of high quality” (5) and

strongly agrees with the first goal aggressiveness item “The overall quality goal for this product was

very aggressive” (5), then the product of the two: 5*5=25, becomes the first item measuring design

quality. This measurement approach addresses the possibility that goals themselves may be adjusted

according to the technological novelty and organizational complexity of the NPD project. A 5-point

Likert scale was used for all the constructs to indicate the extent to which managers agree or disagree

with each statement where 1 =

Industry was not included as a control variable for two reasons. First, adding a large number of dichotomously
scored items (in this case, 15 industry dummies) to SEM models has been shown to reduce stability of parameter
estimates and create convergence problems (DiStefano 2002; Hutchinson and Olmos 1998). Second, multivariate
linear regression analysis showed that none of the 15 industry dummies was a significant regression predictor of
collaboration quality, design quality, or design efficiency.

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strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, and 5 = strongly agree.
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Instrument Development, Purification and Validation. We developed instruments for CQ in three

steps: (1) item generation, (2) structured interview, and (3) large-scale analysis. First, we conducted

an extensive literature review to ensure the content validity of the construct and generate the initial

items for measuring the construct. Then, we conducted structured interviews with academic and

industry experts to provide a preliminary assessment of the reliability and validity of the scale.

Finally, we validated the instrument with a large-scale survey.

In step one, we generated items for CQ to achieve the construct’s content validity by

reviewing relevant literature (DeVellis 2011). The measurement items need to cover the content

domain of CQ, measuring the quality of project-level interactions between the buyer and supplier

groups when jointly developing a new product (Churchill 1979). After extensively reviewing the

intra- and inter-organizational collaboration literature, we generated an initial list of 18 items for

five components of collaboration quality (see Table 3) (Cao and Zhang 2011; Heide and Miner 1992;

Heimeriks 2002; Hoegl and Gemuenden 2001; Hoegl and Wagner 2005; Hoegl, Weinkauf and

Germuenden 2004; Littler, Leverick and Bruce 1995; Mishra and Shah 2009; Ragatz, Handfield and

Petersen 2002; Sivadas and

Dwyer 2000; Stock and Tatikonda 2008).

After creating measurement items, practitioners from three different manufacturing firms and two

academic experts in the area of buyer-supplier collaboration reviewed and evaluated them to pre-

assess the reliability and validity of the scales. We conducted

structured interviews to check the relevance and clarity of each sub-construct’s definition and the

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wording of question items. Based on the feedback from the experts, we eliminated or modified
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redundant and ambiguous items. Overall, we sent out a refined list of 15 items for the large scale

survey (the three items that were deleted in this step are marked with ** in Table 3).

In step three, we performed confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with maximum likelihood

estimation in LISREL 8.80 to further purify the instruments and validate the uni-dimensionality,

convergent validity, discriminant validity, reliability, and second-order construct validity of the

measurement model (Cao and Zhang 2011; Garver and Mentzer

1999). We created one first-order correlated model including all ten latent constructs with the

related multi-items measures grouped together (Garver and Mentzer 1999). We conducted

instrument purification through iterative modifications, which dropped items with loadings less than

0.7 and also items with high correlated errors, thus improving the model fit to acceptable levels (Cao

and Zhang 2011). In all cases, we deleted items if such action was theoretically sound and the

deletions were done one at each step. As a result, we deleted one more item from the

“knowledge/skill-based contribution” component of CQ instrument because of its low factor loading

(the one that was marked with * in Table 3). The final model fit indices of the measurement model

are as follows: Chi-square (1169)=1625.27,

normed Chi-square=1.39, RMSEA=0.038, 90 percent confidence interval for RMSEA (0.032,

0.043), P-value (RMSEA<0.05)=1.00, SRMR=0.055, NNFI=0.97, CFI=0.98, IFI=0.98, all of which meet

the recommended criteria, indicating good uni-dimensionality. As shown in

Table 3, all the item loadings for each factor are greater than 0.70 and significant at p < 0.01 based

on t-values, indicating good convergent validity.

We measure CQ as a reflective second-order construct in order to capture

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complementarities arising from the first-order constructs (Milgrom and Roberts 1995). From a
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complementarity theory perspective, a second-order reflective measurement model implies that the

returns obtained from jointly displaying the five types of effective buyer- supplier project-level

interacting behaviors are greater than the sum of returns obtained from using individual types in

isolation. To validate this second-order measurement model, we adopted a hierarchical approach

and analyzed four measurement models to establish the

dimensional structure of collaboration quality using CFA (Koufteros, Babbar and Kaighobadi

2009; Mishra and Shah 2009). A hierarchical approach is a systematic process for evaluating

alternative models that have the potential to describe relationships between observed and latent


Adopting this approach, we constructed four models. Model 1 included one first-order latent variable

with 14 observed indicators. Model 2 hypothesized five first-order

uncorrelated (orthogonal) factors. Model 3 was similar to Model 2 except that we specify factor

correlations. Model 4 included one second-order factor and four first-order factors with

corresponding observed variables. This method of testing second-order measurement models is

reflective of the body of literature that posits and tests higher-order models (Arnau and Thompson

2000; Rindskopf and Rose 1988). The fit statistics for these four models are shown in Table 4.

From Table 4 we see that both Model 1 and 2 fit the data significantly worse than the second-order

model (Model 4). According to the literature (Arnau and Thompson 2000; Marsh and Hocevar 1985), a

model that includes a second-order model structure (such as Model 4) can never produce a model fit

that is ‘‘better’’ than a model that specifies only first - order correlated factors, such as Model 3 (i.e.,

better fitting in terms of the model fit indices). So, it is not surprising that Model 4 fits slightly worse

than Model 3 for both samples. However, the performance difference between Model 3 and 4 is very
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minor. The efficacy of second-order models can be assessed by examining the target (T) coefficient
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(where T = first - order 2/second-order 2) (Marsh and Hocevar 1985). The T coefficient 0.80–1.00

indicates the existence of a second-order construct. The T coefficient for collaboration quality is 0.91,

indicating an acceptable second-order measurement model. Given the deficiency of Model 3, such as

discriminant validity and issues of multicollinearity, and the need of second-order models from a

theoretical perspective to capture the complementarity of the five interacting behaviors, Model 4

appears to be the best choice for specifying CQ (Koufteros, Babbar and Kaighobadi 2009; Mishra and

Shah 2009).

We assessed discriminant validity using chi-square difference tests comparing two models for each of

the 45 pairs of the 10 constructs (Garver and Mentzer 1999; O'Leary-Kelly and J. Vokurka 1998), using

a Bonferroni corrected p-value of 0.1139 (Byrne 1994; Kroes and Ghosh 2010). All 45 pairs of chi-

square difference tests were significant (p-value<0.001139), indicating discriminant validity.

To test reliability of all the latent constructs, we used both the traditional reliability measures, such as

Cronbach’s Alpha, average variance extracted (AVE), and construct reliability (Garver and Mentzer

1999) (see Table 3 for detailed results). All the constructs’ Cronbach’s Alpha are higher than .70, and

most are higher than .80, indicating reliable scales. All the constructs have SEM construct reliability

scores higher than 0.70 and AVE scores higher than 0.50, indicating acceptable reliability levels

(Garver and Mentzer 1999; Fornell and Larcker, 1981). To test the reliability of the second-order

latent construct collaboration quality, we tested both construct and first-order sub-dimensions’

reliabilities. We evaluated second-order level construct reliability by calculating Fornell and Larcker

(1981) index of construct reliability. We used the squared multiple correlation to evaluate the

reliability of each sub-dimension (first-order) CQ (MacKenzie, Podsakoff and Podsakoff 2011). The CQ

construct has reliability of 0.96 and AVE of 0.84. The squared multiple correlations for the four first-

order constructs are 0.76, 0.76, 0.86 and 0.74 (one first-order construct is the marker variable with
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
the factor loading constrained to be 1), all of which are greater than the 0.5 threshold.
Accepted Article We used two procedures to test for the presence of non-response bias using two methods.

First, we compared results from the first and last 30 survey responses on all the items composing the

10 latent constructs (Lambert and Harrington 1990). Second, we conducted t-tests on the 2010 sales

figures and on number of employees between a random sample of 100 respondents and 100 non-

respondents from our population pool. We identified no significant differences in either analysis.

We attempted to minimize common method bias by separating the respondents answering

dependent variables from those evaluating independent variables. In addition, we employed two

data collection methods, on-line and mail surveys, to minimize the bias associated with one data

collection method. We used Harman’s Single Factor Test to examine for common method bias. Our

analysis showed that items load onto 10 factors with eigenvalues greater than 1.0, which is a strong

indication that common method bias is not present in our sample.


Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics (means, standard deviations, correlations, etc.) of the ten latent constructs for

the sample are shown in Table 5. The distribution of performance measures show that the sample

covered both projects that perform very well and those that did not meet expectation. All the items

have skew and kurtosis scores within (+/-2.99) and most are close

to zero, indicating the acceptability of the normal distribution assumption under the SEM


Hypothesis-Testing Results

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Figure 1 shows the SEM analysis results for the structural model, which contains structural paths added
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to the measurement model with CQ specified as a second-order reflective latent construct. Fit indices

show this structural model fit s the data well. Chi- square (df=1355) was 1879.88, significantly better

than that of the independent model, where the constructs are specified as independent from each

other, whose Chi-square (df=1485) was

20257.20. The RMSEA is 0.034, with a p-value for test of close fit (RMSEA<0.05) of 1.00, indicating a

good fit to the data. Similarly, the NNFI, CFI, and IFI were all above 0.90, meeting expectations. The

SRMR is 0.057, which is below the threshold of 0.80 for acceptable fit between the model and the

data. In addition, the structural model explains a significant proportion of variance in the two

dependent variables (R-squared values are 46 percent for design quality, 37 percent for design

efficiency and 81 percent for collaboration quality).

As indicated in Figure 1, contradictory to Hypothesis 1, relationship-specific investments

significantly reduced CQ (the standardized structural coefficient is -0.27 with a

p-value<0.01). Consistent with Hypothesis 2, coordination efforts significantly increased CQ (the

standardized structural coefficient is 0.28 with a p-value<0.01). Both project-level factors, goal

congruence, and complementary capabilities, improved CQ at a 0.001 significance level (the

standardized structural coefficients are 0.55 and 0.75 respectively), supporting Hypotheses 3 and 4.

The links from CQ to design quality and design efficiency were positive and significant (standardized

structural coefficients are 0.27 with a p- value<0.05 and 0.34 with a p-value<0.01 respectively),

supporting Hypotheses 5a and 5b.

Exploring the Relative Impacts of Antecedents on Collaboration Quality

We are also interested in understanding which factors are more influential in enhancing CQ.

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Relationship-specific investment was not considered in the following comparisons because it was
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found to reduce CQ. In order to explore the answer to this question, we tested the differences

between the structural paths linking the three contributing factors (coordination efforts, relationship-

specific investment, and goal congruence) with CQ using chi-square difference tests in SEM.

Specifically, we used a constrained model, constraining the structural path for one factor (e.g.,

coordination effort) to be equal to that for another (e.g., complementary capabilities). Then, we

compared the constrained model with

the baseline model containing no such equality constraint, through a chi-square difference test, to

determine whether the constrained model fits the data significantly worse than the baseline

model. If the test turns out to be significant, then it suggests the two tested path coefficients are

significantly different from each other. Thus, if one standardized path coefficient is greater than

the other, the former is statistically greater than the latter.

Table 6 shows the results of these three tests. Interestingly, the effects associated with the

two project-level antecedents, goal congruence and capability complementary, are significantly larger

than the contribution of coordination efforts, while the two project -level factors themselves did not

differ significantly. The implications of these findings are discussed in the discussion and conclusion



The goal of this study was to define and operationalize the concept of buyer-supplier collaboration

quality, measuring how well buyer and supplier project members interact in co- developing a new

product. Adopting a resource dependence theory perspective, we theorize its antecedents and

performance implications. Using data from a multi-industry survey of buyer organizations regarding

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214 buyer-supplier joint NPD instances in the United States, we empirically validated that CQ as a
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second-order latent construct reflected by five first- order dimensions, was positively associated with

both design quality and efficiency in buyer- supplier joint product development projects. In addition,

we found that three out of the four proposed antecedents contribute to CQ. Surprisingly, we found

relationship-specific investments have a negative impact on collaboration quality. We now discuss

theoretical contributions and managerial implications.

Theoretically, this study adds to the NPD and inter-organizational collaboration research by

conceptualizing and measuring buyer-supplier CQ, a construct that captures the complementarity

among effective buyer-supplier project-level interactions. Through empirically validating CQ’s

positive impacts on project performance, this study suggests that increasing the “quality”, not just

the “quantity”, of buyer-supplier project-level interactions in joint projects is important. The second-

order reflective structure of CQ further highlights that jointly improving all five dimensions creates

returns greater than the sum from improving any individual dimension in isolation (Milgrom and

Roberts 1995).

Adopting a resource dependence theory perspective, we proposed four antecedents to CQ -

two on an inter-firm and two on the project level. We empirically validated that three of the four

contribute to CQ, confirming the importance of effectively managing resource dependence in

improving the quality of buyer-supplier interactions. Specifically, effective buyer-supplier

interactions are more likely to emerge on the project level when the two groups have congruent

goals and complementary capabilities. They are also likely to emerge on an inter-firm level when the

two firms have spent extensive joint efforts beyond the focal

project in exploring synergies and opportunities embedded in the relationship. This is because, in

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

these project and inter-firm contexts, the parent firms are more capable of supporting the joint
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project team with the right resources and the two groups are more motivated to share critical

resources to achieve tasks. As a result, when group members interact, they are more likely to realize

resource synergy and minimize resources wasted. These findings show empirical support for Van

Echtelt, Wynstra and Van Weele's (2007) claim that both strategic

and operational processes matter for the success of buyer-supplier joint NPD.

Surprisingly, we found that relationship-specific investment has a significant negative effect on

collaboration quality. This finding is surprising due to the general belief that relationship-specific

investments enhance inter-firm collaboration outcomes (Dyer and Singh

1998; Jap 1999; Joshi and Stump 1999; Jap 2001). However, this finding is consistent with recent

studies that point to the “dark side” of a close buyer-supplier relationship (Anderson and Jap 2005)

and repeated collaboration (Skilton and Dooley, 2010). Inter-firm relationship-specific investments,

like capital equipment, dedicated human resources, and specialized information systems, might

prevent collaborative behaviors from emerging on the project level due to the following reasons.

First, relationship-specific investments may trap firms in the existing relationship, thus

reducing project members’ motivation to look for better alternatives when doing things together

(Poppo, Zhou and Rhu 2007; Soda and Usai 1999). The expected long-term open-ended

relationship, signaled by relationship-specific investments, insulates both firms from the pressure

of market competition, thus reducing the motivation to seek more productive ways of interacting

with each other. Second, relationship-specific investments may secure the relationship too much

to even create occasions for opportunistic behaviors (Granovetter 1985). Excessive levels of

relational security may lead both firms to reduce efforts of monitoring, vigilance, and safeguards to

allow rooms for opportunistic behaviors (Villena, Revilla and Choi 2011). With their partner-

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

specific knowledge gained over time, members from one firm may be able to easily devise a way to
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systematically cheat the other group, such as providing wrong information or hiding important

technical specifications, under the veil of a long-term strategic relationship (Anderson and Jap

2005). Finally, relationship-specific investment may rigidify inter-firm interactions in a way that

harms project performance. For instance, an existing relationship- specific information system,

though reducing the cost of inter-firm communication, could routinely overload each firm with too

much information at wrong occasions, making timely and appropriate decision making in the

project more difficult (Koka and Prescott 2002). Similarly, dedicated human resources in the form

of strong interpersonal relationships linking the two firms may prevent identifying and solving

problems in a timely and appropriate manner. For instance, in order to maintain a harmonious

atmosphere, one group may be reluctant to objectively acknowledge the other group’s low

commitment, performance deterioration, lack of responsiveness, or late communication

throughout the project (Jeffries and Reed 2000; Selnes and Sallis 2003).

Managerial Implications

Our study also has important managerial implications. First, defining and measuring CQ as a

comprehensive buyer-supplier project-level interaction effectiveness measure offers managers an

enhanced understanding of buyer-supplier collaboration in joint projects. Specifically, project

managers are better advised about symptoms of low-quality collaboration, such as a lack of mutual

support, unbalanced contribution to decision making, inaccurate or late communication, or low

commitment. The complementarity among different collaborative practices validated by this study

also suggests that efforts should be devoted to facilitate the joint improvement of all the aspects of a

high-quality collaboration process, rather than focusing on individual dimensions.

Second, our results suggest where the managerial effort should focus in order to improve

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the quality of buyer-supplier collaboration in joint NPD projects. Specifically, buyers should favor
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selecting suppliers with whom they have prior collaborations in joint projects. Previous

coordination efforts enable the partnering firms to better support the joint project team with the

right organizational resources. When designing the joint project team, project managers should

align the goals of both member groups at the beginning of the

collaboration to avoid conflicts in resource sharing and exchange in later stages. For instance, they

could hold face-to-face meetings early in the NPD process involving all participants to clarify

expectations and resolve conflicts. Given the positive effect of complementary capabilities on CQ,

managerial attention should be paid to selecting project members who possess complementary skills

and expertise. In addition, the negative effect of inter-firm relationship-specific investments on the

quality of buyer-supplier project-level interactions warns managers of the project-level “dark side” of

a collaborative buyer-supplier relationship (Stephan M 2011; Villena, Revilla and Choi 2011). Due to

the relational security created by relationship-specific investment, project members might not be

motivated to seek better solutions when interacting with each other. To counteract this, project

managers should design incentive mechanisms to motivate explorative learning, award continuous

improvement, and discourage routine but unproductive interactions. In addition, intensifying

monitoring and aligning incentives at the project-level could help minimize opportunistic behaviors,

an unwelcomed side product of relationship-specific investment.

Fourth, managers are reminded of the importance of monitoring emerging buyer-supplier

project-level interaction behaviors throughout the project in order to secure project success. Without

contributing to effective project-level interaction behaviors, congruent goals may reduce design

innovativeness due to a lack of healthy debate and criticism (Thomsen

1998; Yan 2010). Complementary capabilities may reduce process efficiency due to the difficulty of

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

processing diverse information and integrating disparate knowledge in a heterogeneous team
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(Jackson 1992; Lane and Lubatkin 1998). Also, rich inter-firm collaboration experience may lead to

creative abrasion that harms both design quality and process efficiency (Bidault and Castello 2010;

Hoang and Rothaermel 2005; Skilton and Dooley 2010). Through active monitoring and improving

the quality of interactions, groups are more likely to realize the full benefits of a good buyer-

supplier relationship and project team design.

Finally, this study suggests that managers should prioritize creating an aligned buyer-

supplier project structure over relying on a good inter-firm relationship in order to have a high-CQ

process. The two project-level factors, goal congruence and complementary capabilities, significantly

outperform the inter-firm causal factor, coordination efforts, in enhancing collaboration quality. This

implies the risk of ignoring designing the project structure and relying on the inter-firm relationship in

supplier selection. Without a well-

structured joint project team composed of members with congruent goals and complementary

capabilities, even long-term partnering firms could fail in joint NPD endeavors (Bidault and Castello



This research only collected buyers’ responses regarding project performance and inter-firm

interactions, which may have led to bias in results. We used buyers’ responses as the sole source

based on the assumption that they have greater initiatives and assume the most responsibility in

coordinating the inter-firm joint innovation process. However, suppliers may have different views

on how they coordinate with the buyer and how well the collaboration went. Collecting information

from both buyer and supplier firms would enhance the validity and reliability in measuring latent


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This study only examined performance of the productive output, a design of the
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buyer-supplier group. According to the work group management literature, another important

criterion for group effectiveness is enhanced capability of group members to work together in the

future (Hackman 1987). Cooperative competency on an inter-organizational level is an important

predictor of firm performance (Blomqvist and Levy 2006; Dyer and Singh 1998; Heimeriks and

Duysters 2007; Sivadas and Dwyer 2000). Thus, it is important to examine whether an effective

collaborative process in one project could benefit the two firms by improving cooperative

competency in the future. Longitudinal data is needed to do such research.

This study used product complexity and technological newness as control variables. Future

studies could examine how these widely-examined technical project characteristics moderate the

influences of inter-firm and project causal factors on CQ and project performance. Product complexity

and technological newness influence the amount of task uncertainty in a project (Tatikonda and

Rosenthal 2000; Yan 2010), which may influence the impacts of different causal factors on

collaborative behaviors. Findings from future studies of

this sort could help project managers understand which factors are more important in facilitating

the emergence of collaborative inter-firm interactions for each type of project.


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Accepted Article TABLES & FIGURES


Definitions of the main constructs

Constructs Definitions

the extent to which buyer and supplier groups synergistically exploit shared
Buyer-supplier collaboration
resources while minimizing wastes though interactions during project planning
and execution.

the regular pattern of similar or complementary activities, often in the form of

Coordination efforts
joint projects, that are tailored to the dyad’s needs

nonfungible investment that uniquely supports the buyer-supplier relationship

the extent to which a buyer group and a supplier group perceive the possibility of
Goal congruence
common goal achievement in the joint NPD project

the degree to which partners are able to fill out, or complete, each other’s
Complementary capabilities performance by supplying distinct capabilities, knowledge, and resources in the
joint NPD project

Design quality the degree to which the product design meets performance goals related to its
fitness for use

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Accepted Article
Design efficiency the extent to which resources are fully utilized on productive design activities


Sample Demographics

Industry Sectors Frequency Percentage Industry Sectors Frequency Percentage

Food Manufacturing 1 0.5 12 5.6

Computer and
Wood Product
2 0.9 Electronic Product 63 29.4

Electrical Equipment,
Printing and Related Appliance, and
1 0.5 35 16.4
Support Activities Component

Petroleum and Coal
1 0.5 Equipment 7 3.3
Products Manufacturing

Plastics and Rubber Furniture and Related

2 0.9 4 1.9
Products Manufacturing Product Manufacturing

Nonmetallic Mineral Medical Equipment and

1 0.5 35 16.4
Product Manufacturing Supplies Manufacturing

Fabricated Metal Other Miscellaneous

8 3.7 33 15.4
Product Manufacturing Manufacturing

Missing values 9 4.2

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Accepted Article
Firm Size Frequency Percentage Firm Sales ($) Frequency Percentage

0-100 51 23.83 <=2.5M 78 36.45

101-300 40 18.69 2.5M-5M 69 32.24

301-5000 57 26.63 5M-40M 22 35

Above 5001 61 28.50 >40M 35 16.36

Missing values 5 2.34 Missing values 10 4.67

Part I Part II

Functions Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Marketing 30 14.0 14 6.5

Engineering 129 60.3 133 62.1

Manufacturing 15 7.0 16 7.5

Purchasing 13 6.1 49 23.0

Others 20 9.3 1 0.5

Missing values 7 3.3 1 0.5


Measurements of the Constructs

Constr Literat
ucts ure

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Sufficiency of efforts (R-square: 0.76):
Accepted Article In this project, the buyer and the supplier members

1. assumed full responsibility for achieving the project’s

objectives (λ=0.80, t=9.47)

2. fully contributed to carrying the project’s workload. (λ=0.80,


3. were fully committed to reaching the project objectives.

(λ=0.75, t=9.19)

4. fully pushed the project (**)

Communication quality (R-square: 0.76)

In this project, the buyer and the supplier members were fully
satisfied with

1. the timeliness in which information was made available.

(λ=0.75, t=8.67)

2. the accuracy of the information. (λ=0.75, t=9.50) Hoegl

3. the open manner in which information is shared with each
other (**)
Coordination (R-square: 0.86) (2005),
In this project, and
1. The different job and work activities conducted by members
from the two firms fit together very well. (λ=0.78, t=7.64)
Collab Littler,
2. People from the two firms who had to work together did
oration Leveric
their jobs properly and efficiently. (λ=0.78, t=7.93)
k and
3. All related things and activities were well timed in the Wilson
everyday routine of the project. (λ=0.79, t=7.26) (1998),
4. The work assignments of the people from the two firms Handfi
were well planned. (λ=0.84, t=8.38) eld and
Mutual support (Marker variable):
In this project, between the buyer and the supplier members . . . (2002),
1. important ideas and information were exchanged openly. and
(λ=0.73, t=13.22) Dwyer
2. people adapted well to each other. (λ=0.75, t=13.79)

3. the general atmosphere was cooperative. (λ=0.70, t=14.06)

4. quickly and easily resolved conflicts if they came up (**)

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Knowledge/skill-based contribution (R-square: 0.74):

In this project,

1. Strengths and weakness of members from our firm and the

Accepted Article In this project, members from the buyer and supplier firms:

1. have goals that are in conflict with each other (reverse

coded) (λ=0.85, t=10.99)
Goal 2. have compatible goals (λ=0.74, t=16.92) Anders
congru on
ence 3. support each other’s objectives (λ=0.87, t=21.51) (2003),
4. felt it is highly likely to simultaneously realize goals of the
two firms (λ=0.76, t=17.26)

AVE: 0.69, Construct reliability: 0.90, Cronbach’s Alpha: 0.846

During the project, we and people from the supplier

1. contributed different resources to the project that helped us

achieve a better product design. (λ=0.71, t=11.33)
Compl 2. had complementary strengths that were useful to the Spekm
ement project (λ=0.77, t=13.81) an and
ary Hunt
capabil 3. had separate capabilities that, when combined together, (2002),
ities enabled us to achieve a better product design beyond our Jap
individual reach. (λ=0.82, t=13.27) (1999)

AVE: 0.59, Construct reliability: 0.81, Cronbach’s Alpha: 0.837

Outside this project,

1. Our firm works with this supplier on joint projects tailed to

our respective needs. (λ=0.70, t=9.6)

Coordi 2. Our firm works with the supplier to exploit unique

opportunities. (λ=0.74, t=9.75) Jap
3. Both our firm and the supplier are looking for synergetic
ways to do business together. (λ=0.76, t=10.71)

AVE: 0.54, Construct reliability: 0.78, Cronbach’s Alpha: 0.755

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Outside this project,
Accepted Article 1. If our relationship with the supplier were to end, both firms
would waste a lot of knowledge that’s tailored to our
relationship. (λ=0.71, t=10.72)

Relatio 2. If either our firm or the supplier were to switch to a

nship- competitive buyer or vendor, it would lose a lot of the
specific investments made in the present relationship. (λ=0.84,
invest t=12.82)
3. Both our firm and the supplier have invested a great deal in
building up our joint business (λ=0.84, t=13.57)

AVE: 0.64, Construct reliability: 0.84, Cronbach’s Alpha: 0.824

1. The number of components in this product is much more (2010),
than that in similar or substitute products (λ=0.70, t=15.65) Griffin
2. The product design required a higher number of interfaces
than for similar or substitute products (λ=0.87, t=21.15)
3. The components for the product are more difficult to Dooley
modularize than components for similar or substitute and
products (λ=0.83, t=19.55) Van de
xity 4. The level of expertise required for the design of the new (1999),
product is high and more differentiated than for similar or Swink
substitute products (λ=0.77, t=12.13) (1999),
AVE: 0.63, Construct reliability: 0.87, Cronbach’s Alpha: 0.797 Krause

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

1. How new, on average, were the individual manufacturing
Accepted Article 2.
stages? (λ=0.79, t=17.46)

How new was the process layout? (λ=0.73, t=15.85)

3. Overall, how new were the manufacturing technologies to

be employed with this project? (λ=0.74, t=16.25)
4. How new, on average, were the product modules? (λ=0.83, da and
t=19.80) Rosent
ss 5. How new was the product configuration? (λ=0.80, t=18.63) (2000)

6. Overall, how new were the product technologies to be

employed in this project? (λ=0.84, t=20.09)

AVE: 0.62, Construct reliability: 0.91, Cronbach’s Alpha: 0.829

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Please evaluate the design process for this product (goal
Accepted Article achievement):

The product design

1. is of high quality. (λ=0.84, t=11.57)

2. dimensional integrity (λ=0.84, t=11.59)

3. durability (λ=0.86, t=11.83) Hoegl

4. functionality (λ=0.86, t=11.91) Wagne
5. manufacturability(λ=0.80, t=11.17)
6. fits to the target customers’ needs. (λ=0.76, t=9.99) Hoegl
Please assess the aggressiveness of project goals for designing this Gemue
product (goal aggressiveness): nden
Design (2001),
Quality 1. The overall quality goal for this product was very aggressive Swink
2. The dimensional integrity goal for this product was very
3. The durability goal for this product was very aggressive (2004),
4. The functionality goal for this product was very aggressive i
5. The manufacturability goal for this product was very

6. The target customers’ needs are very difficult to satisfy

Note: Each of the six items for design quality is a product of goal
aggressiveness and goal achievement

AVE: 0.68, Construct reliability: 0.93, Cronbach’s Alpha: 0.908

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Accepted Article Please evaluate the design process for this product (goal

1. Our budget goal for the project was fully achieved (λ=0.74,

2. The development cost for this product was kept low (λ=0.74,

3. The development cycle time goal for this component was

fully achieved (λ=0.87, t=8.46)

4. The component design was completed on time (λ=0.86,


Please assess the aggressiveness of project goals for designing this

Design product (goal aggressiveness): Swink
efficien (1999)
1. The development budget goal for this product was very
cy aggressive

2. The development cycle time goal for this product was very

Note: Each of the four items for design efficiency is a product of goal
aggressiveness and goal achievement. Specifically, the first item for
goal aggressiveness corresponds to item 1 and 2 in the goal
achievement scale and the second item for goal aggressiveness
corresponds to item 3 and 4 in the goal achievement scale.

AVE: 0.65, Construct reliability: 0.88, Cronbach’s Alpha: 0.892

Project members (from both your firm and the supplier)

1. were knowledgeable about designing the product (λ=0.84,

Task 2. were competent in designing the product (λ=0.88, t=16.96)
3. were expert in designing the product (λ=0.95, t=14.34) and
4. were well trained in designing the product (λ=0.96, t=15.56) m
5. were experienced in designing the product (λ=0.74, t=8.27)

AVE: 0.77, Construct reliability: 0.94, Cronbach’s Alpha: 0.915

Note: λ stands for standardized factor loadings, while t is the associated t-value for each factor loading.

** items were removed from the construct during Step 2 of the instrument development process and * items were removed from the
instrument in Step 3 of the instrument development process.

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Accepted Article Measurement Model for Collaboration Quality

Models Δχ2 (df) Norme GFI IFI TLI/NN CFI RMSEA (90% SRM
dχ FI CI) R
Model 1 (one-factor 2939.50 2.41 0.8 0.8 0.88 0.9 0.06 (0.04, 0.12
model) (1219) 0 8 0 0 07)
Model 2 (5 uncorrelated 3861.43 3.28 0.6 0.8 0.84 0.8 0.07 (0.07, 0.18
factors) (1179) 2 6 6 0 08)
Model 3 (5 correlated 1625.27 1.39 0.9 0.9 0.97 0.9 0.04 (0.03, 0.06
factors) (1169) 1 8 8 0 04)
Model 4 (onesecond- 1790.80 1.48 0.9 0.9 0.98 0.9 0.05(0.04, 0.06
orderfactor) (1210) 0.05)


Descriptive Statistics

Mean S.d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 Collaboration 3.94 0.7 1.00

Quality 1
Complementar 0.8 1.0
2 y capabilities 4.14 2 0

0.60 0.4
3 Goal 3.96 0.8 7 1.0
congruence 8 *** 0
0.16 0.1
4 Coordination 3.62 1.0 4 9 0.0 1.0
efforts 4 8 0
* **

Relationship- 0.2 0.4

5 specific 3.24 1.1 0.02 0 0.0 4 1.0
investments 1 7 0
** ***

- 0.1 0.3
6 Product 2.99 0.9 0.03 0.1 5 0 1.0
complexity 9 0 0.0
4 0
* ***
0.1 0.4
7 Technological 2.95 0.8 0.13 0.0 0.0 0.0 8 0 1.0
newness 5 9 5 1 0
** ***

8 Task relevant 3.96 0.8 -0.02 - 0.0 0.0 - - - 1.0

expertise 5 0.0 1 1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

7 9 4 0
Accepted Article
9 Design quality 14.45(2

1 -
*** *** *** ** * **

0.2 0.2 0.1 0.6

1 Design 12.66(2 5.6 0.33 1 6 7 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 3 1.0
) 0.0
0 efficiency 3 *** 8 5 9 7 0
** *** * ***

- - - -
1 Firm size (1) 10.70 3.1 -0.04 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1 8 6 5 7 3 8 7 9 4 1 0

*p<0.05, **p<0.01,***p<0.001, n=214

(1) Firm size is a latent construct indicated by # of employees (log) and firm sales (log)
(2) Values for design quality and design efficiency range from 1 to 25 because each value is a product of a goal
aggressiveness score (1-5) and a goal achievement score (1-5).


Results of Comparing Structural Paths from Antecedents to Collaboration Quality

Antecedents to Collaboration Standardized path coefficient in Chi-square p-

Quality compared the baseline model difference statistics value

Complementary capabilities vs.

0.75 (CC) 0.55 (GC) Chi-square (1)=3.47 0.062 CC=GC
Goal congruence

Coordination efforts vs. Goal

0.28 (CE) 0.55 (GC) Chi-square (1)=4.72 0.030 CE<GC

Coordination efforts vs.

0.28 (CE) 0.75 (GC) Chi-square (1)=5.82 0.016 CE<CC
Complementary capabilities

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Accepted Article FIGURE 1

SEM analysis results







1 0.8




0. 0.

7 8 5

6 0 0. 7




0. 2





0. 2


0. 2

0. 4

0. 2

0. 4



0 .8

5 5*


8 2


0. 0 .7 0 .7
75 78

0. 0 0. 9










0.7 2



Chi-square (1355): 1879.88

***: p-value<0.001
RMSEA: 0.034
** : p-value<0.01
P-value (RMSEA<0.05)=1.00
* : p-value<0.05
CFI: 0.97
IFI: 0.97
SRMR: 0.057

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

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