One of The Most Powerful Illusions and Therefore Greatest Distractions On The Spiritual Journey

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One of the most powerful illusions and therefore greatest distractions on the spiritual

is our longing for the perfect soulmate.
Yet, at the same time - when inner freedom is found -
a relationship with another being can be one of the most profound sources of inner
fullfillment and joy.
As long as we have not found our true nature -
we project our deepest longing for our true Self onto another being and name this love
In truth we only burden the other with our expectations and images - instead of truely
meeting intimately
We will only be able to love another being and see them for who they are - when we
awaken to our true nature.
Every other attempt to love - will result in conflict and disharmony - apart from
encountering in the honeymoon phase intense but brief moments of bliss - yet these
experiences will be fleeting and not last for we are still bound to projections and
How often did we believe that this is the one -
only to be dissappointed a short while later
for we realised that the other is not willing to fullfill our dreams.
In order to live in a deeply satisfying relationship -
we first have to find our true self.
Then we are able to meet in our human as well as in our divine aspects and love flows
Our longing has finally ceased
and we understand
that in truth we were longing all the way long for ourselves.
When we are falling in love - our true nature gets momentarily unveiled and we are able
to see the beauty of our own immortal Self and the Self of our beloved.
Yet we are unable to remain in this magic land of love because too many layers of
conditioning keep us veiled from love - so these meetings are brief and the experience of
love remains unstable.
Only the enlightend ones know love
for they know who they are
they are love
they dont need love
nor do they long for love
love only sees love
in everything and everyone
for that is who we are
so every meeting
is a meeting
in love
as love
~M. Temba
Artist: angygrl22
Empower Wholeness Intimacy

All reactions:
"Every love affair, in the end, becomes ugly. Why? Every marriage comes to the rocks. Why?
-- because it is not a conscious phenomenon. If you love consciously then love can be eternal, because with
consciousness everything is eternal. With unconsciousness everything is momentary.
If you can love consciously, not a victim of biological tricks, not a victim of nature, but a conscious love, then you don't
fall in love, you rise in love. Then love itself becomes an integrating force, not a disintegration. Then love itself
becomes an awareness. Then in relationship you become more and more aware. You care for the other, but you don't
use the other.
You care and share, but you don't possess. You liberate the other, and through the other's liberation you liberate
yourself. You become two partners in an ultimate journey. You help each other, because there are pitfalls; the path is
long and the journey is eternal.
And it is very good to be with someone who can share every anguish, who can share every pain, who can share every
suffering, who can share every bliss, who can share every moment of silence; with whom you can communicate, with
whom you can say what is happening to you, and on whom you can rely that he will be helpful whatsoever happens to
you, on whom you can rely that he will love you in whatsoever situation you are -- good or bad, angry or happy, sad or
You need not hide anything with someone you love: you can remain open and vulnerable. And whatsoever the
situation, the love is unconditional; it doesn't depend on conditions.
A conscious love is a totally different phenomenon. Rarely it happens, but whenever it happens it is one of the most
beautiful things that is possible in this world." ~ #Osho
Emotional manipulation is cruel and dishonest because the person doing the manipulating is literally using the other
person's vulnerabilities and desires to feel loved, safe and happy as a way to get what they want from them.
An emotional manipulator is offering hope and relief from the loneliness, fear and pain that their victim is struggling
with and then turns around and causes them even greater pain and sadness when they realize that they were fed lies and
empty promises.
To make someone feel so incredibly loved and then abandon them is one of the worst kinds of betrayal and is
emotionally abusive. To awaken love in someone who has been struggling with loneliness without having the intention
of being loyal and honest is cowardly and selfish. It takes courage to love, it takes even greater courage to love with the
intention of staying.
Love is powerful and hungry and demands to be fed. Be honest about what you bring to the table and always strive to
learn how to show up with more so that love continues to grow and thrive and creates abundance. What we feel is love
is only really love when it's shared and love only grows from more love. Never hurt someone whose only intention is to
love you back.
-Joel Clemons

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