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Scott P – Case Study

Scott P – Case Study

Scott is Vice President of sales at a vertically-integrated construction company, husband, and father
of 3 boys.

Coaches Observations
Observations: Scott juggles the demands of a busy job and his commitments to raising
his family in good health. 5 years ago he was in the best shape of his life (192 lbs) as an avid
CrossFitter and cyclist. A temporary illness and some poor diet choices knocked him off track. Scott
is very health and nutrition literate and was highly motivated to restore his fitness and a health. His
short term goal is to get back to a health weight and have enough energy to exercise. Like many of
us, Scott finds that late evening snacking is a major challenge. Scott has a good athletic background
and enjoys variety in his fitness routines.

[note: I will update this section with your final numbers as they come in].

In his own words, Scott describes his journey in becoming healthier and fitter:
4 months ago we started working
together your health objectives:
namely losing fat and gaining
fitness. Which habits did you
develop that allow you to sustain
your success?
I learned that monitoring you food
caloric intake daily is the first step
to success.
I also learned that what I eat and
when I eat are important to my
success and well-being.

“Scott quote.”

In your own words, describe what is easy or what is hard when sticking with with
your healthy habits?
Using my fitness app was very helpful and easy.
My most difficult habit is my food cravings at the end of my day when I stop working and I
get bored.

“My diet changes are a big deal — I feel much better!”

How do you assess or measure yourself to see if you are staying on track with your
health and fitness habits?
I measure my heath by how I feel and by my energy level throughout the day.

“My energy and cognitive levels are now higher.”

“My energy and cognitive levels are now higher.”

You’ve traveled on business and/or had guests stay

with you. How did you maintain your health and
fitness habits
on the road or when hosting?
When traveling or when I have guest, I have had to
learn to plan ahead by having heathy snacks that I can
monitor and planing ahead of time what restaurants
that I visit with clients.
This gives me the power to make better choices.

For fitness, I learned that when traveling it’s easy to find time for push ups, squats and
some form of pull ups for exercise.

“Fast food should be banned as an addictive substance.”

What nutrition/fitness habit changes did you make in terms of how you socialize?
I plan ahead what I’m going to eat and drink when socializing and keep track of my food
intake on my fitness app.
I’m still working on fitness habits in regards to socializing

“Work demands and family commitments squeezed time fo ‘me’ to

You are a busy executive with many
responsibilities. How do you find the time to be
I had to learn to make being healthy as high a priority as
my work goals and incorporate it as part of my daily life.

If you could go back and do anything different about

improving your nutrition or fitness, what would you
Start this process years ago

“Scott quote.”

What was the hardest thing for you to change?

Not eating past 7pm.

What do you enjoy the most about your

healthy lifestyle
lifestyle?? What inspires you to
keep it day after day?
I’m most inspired by how much more
energy I have and increased focus I have
“Scott quote.”

How do you feel now compared to when you first started out?
I used to struggle with poor mental and physical energy through out the day.
This has improved greatly!
I now wake up feeling rested and my mental clarity and energy has increased

“Scott quote.”

What has surprised you the most about the health changes you’ve made?
I am pleasantly surprised with how much better my mood is and less stressed I am feeling
as compared to before.

There are lots of people who are in your “Day 1” shoes. Do you have any words of
wisdom or advice for those folks? What can you say to those people to help make
positive changes to their health or fitness?
Starting this process is the hardest part because your body and mind is working against
your efforts to make changes to improve your health.
Treat the unhealthy person you might currently be as an enemy that you are in a
competition with.
I feel that most successful executives love a challenge and hate to lose. DON’T LOSE!

“Scott quote.”
What do you like best about health coaching?
Jeff’s analytical approach to customize my diet and excercise plan.

“Scott quote.”

An independent third party surveyed Scott on his Healthy Executive coaching experiences, here are
his responses:

Healthy Executive Survey (5= Strongly

Scott's Response
Agree, 3 = Neutral, 1 = Strongly Disagree)

My health coach is knowledgeable in the health 5

& fitness areas that matter to me:

My weekly health coaching calls are effective in 4

My weekly health coaching calls are effective in 4
supporting my health goals:

My frequency of contact with my health coach 4

is effective:

My weekly health coaching tutorial emails, 4

homework, and programs help me achieve my

The amount of health coaching information I 5

receive and the implementation pace is
adequate for me:

My health coach helped me identify specific 4

improvements in my Nutrition and Fitness:

Nutrition logging (MyFitnessPal) helps me 5

manage my energy balance (calories/day).
I understand macronutrients and make better
food choices:

My participation in health coaching is helping 3

me improve my fitness:

My health coach helps motivate me to want to 4

reach my health & fitness goals:

I would personally recommend health coaching 5

to 2-3 of my friends or colleagues:

To date I am pleased with the quality of the 4

health coaching I receive:

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