Political Science Class 9

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Pol sc 18-20

Q1: What are the basic rules that both citizens and the government must follow in a democracy?
A1: The basic rules that citizens and the government must follow in a democracy are collectively called
the constitution.

Q2: What was apartheid, and how did it affect South Africa?
A2: Apartheid was a system of racial discrimination imposed by white Europeans in South Africa,
dividing people based on skin color. It oppressed non-white populations, segregating them in all aspects
of life and denying them basic rights.

Q3: What organization led the struggle against apartheid in South Africa?
A3: The African National Congress (ANC) led the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, along with
many workers' unions and the Communist Party.

Q4: What was the punishment for Nelson Mandela and other leaders for opposing the apartheid regime?
A4: Nelson Mandela and seven other leaders were sentenced to life imprisonment in 1964 for opposing
the apartheid regime in South Africa.

Q5: How did people resist apartheid in South Africa?

A5: People resisted apartheid through protest marches, strikes, and the formation of organizations like
the ANC, which included workers' unions and the Communist Party. Many sensitive whites also joined
the struggle against apartheid.


1. Who imposed the apartheid system in South Africa?

a) Native Africans
b) White Europeans
c) Coloured people
d) Indian migrants
Answer: b) White Europeans

2. What percentage of South Africa's population were black?

a) One-fourth
b) Half
c) Three-fourths
d) One-third
Answer: c) Three-fourths

3. Which organization led the struggle against apartheid in South Africa?

a) ANC
b) ICC
c) UN
Answer: a) ANC

4. What punishment did Nelson Mandela receive for opposing apartheid?

a) Exile
b) Life imprisonment
c) House arrest
d) Execution
Answer: b) Life imprisonment

5. What were non-whites forbidden from doing under apartheid?

a) Living in white areas
b) Voting
c) Owning property
d) Attending schools
Answer: a) Living in white areas

6. What term was used to describe people of mixed races in South Africa?
a) Whites
b) Blacks
c) Coloured
d) Indians
Answer: c) Coloured

7. What were the separate facilities for whites and non-whites called?
a) Integration
b) Segregation
c) Assimilation
d) Collaboration
Answer: b) Segregation

8. Which group of people could not form associations or protest against their treatment under apartheid?
a) Whites
b) Coloured people
c) Indians
d) Non-whites
Answer: d) Non-whites

9. Which country detained, tortured, and killed thousands of black and coloured people during
a) South Africa
b) United States
c) United Kingdom
d) Australia
Answer: a) South Africa

10. What role did sensitive whites play in the struggle against apartheid?
a) They supported the apartheid regime
b) They joined the ANC to fight against apartheid
c) They remained neutral
d) They emigrated from South Africa
Answer: b) They joined the ANC to fight against apartheid

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