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PROFIT: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis

Vol. 17. No. 1, 2023

e ISSN: 2338-4654
p ISSN: 1978-743 X

The Effect of Work Life Balance and Work Engagement on Employee

Loyalty and Performance

Ahmad Maulana Rahmansyah1*, Hamidah Nayati Utami2, Arik Prasetya3

Brawijaya University Malang, East Java, Indonesia1,2,3,, aridya76@gmail.com3

The purpose of the research is to determine the effect of work-life balance and work-engagement
on employee loyalty and performance at a coffeeshop in Malang city. Competition between cafe
entrepreneurs is getting tougher, so the growth of coffeeshops is also getting faster, and employees are
always required to develop their performance and increase productivity and loyalty at work which leads
to the Coffeeshop's performance. Coffeeshop's performance must pay attention to the work-life balance
and work-engagement of employees as an important factor to make a policy to maintain work
productivity and employee performance. This study uses quantitative research methods and the research
sample was 54 employees selected by random sampling technique. The data collection was a
questionnaire technique, and be analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square
(SEM-PLS). The result of the research is that worklife-balance and work-engagement are one of the
factors that influence employee performance and loyalty in working at a coffeeshop in Malang city.

Keywords: Worklife-Balance, Work-Engagement, Employee Performance, Loyalty

Tujuan penelitian yang telah dilakukan adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh work life balance dan
work engagement terhadap loyalitas dan kinerja karyawan pada coffeeshop di kecamatan lowokwaru
kota malang. Persaingan antar pengusaha café yang semakin ketat membuat pertumbuhan Coffeeshop
juga semakin pesat, dan karyawan selalu dituntut untuk selalu mengembangkan kualitas kinerja serta
meningkatkan produktifitas dan loyalitas dalam bekerja karena itu akan menjadi tolak ukur keberhasilan
kinerja Coffeeshop tersebut. Salah satunya harus memperhatikan worklife-balance dan work-
engagement karyawan, karena, hal itu merupakan faktor penting yang perlu dipertimbangkan oleh
perusahaan dalam membuat suatu kebijakan agar produktivitas kerja dan kinerja karyawan tetap terjaga.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Coffeeshop yang
berlokasi di kecamatan lowokwaru kota Malang, dan sampel penelitiannya adalah beberapa karyawan
yang bekerja di Coffeeshop di kecamatan lowokwaru kota Malang yang berjumlah 54 karyawan dengan
teknik pengambilan sampel secara random (random sampling). pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik
kuesioner, kemudian di analisis dengan menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling-Partial Least
Square (SEM-PLS). Hasil penelitiannya adalah Worklife balance dan Work engagement adalah salah
satu factor - factor yang mempengaruhi suatu kinerja karyawan dan loyalitas karyawan dalam bekerja
di Coffeeshop daerah kecamatan lowokwaru kota Malang.

Kata kunci : Worklife-Balance, Work-Engagement, Kinerja, Loyalitas Karyawan

* Corresponding author : E-mail :

Profit: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis | Volume. 17 No. 1 2023| 10

1. INTRODUCTION Samarinda shows that there is a significant
The business competition is very positive effect between the worklife balance on
competitive and require every entrepreneur to employee loyalty. Likewise with previous
have a strength to fight against his competitors. research by Putri et al., (2020) showed that work
Every entrepreneur must compete to attract engagement has a significant positive effect on
consumers to succeed in his business. employee loyalty and employee performance.
Entrepreneurs are required to be able to set the Then, Sayekti (2019) also found that worklife
best strategy in their business so they are able to balance and work engagement have a positive
survive and compete against competitors. Cafe effect on employee performance with job
entrepreneurs have developed a lot of business satisfaction as an intervening variable at Pt.
concepts in order to compete against Antam Tbk Head Office.
competitors, from cafes with outdoor concepts, Based on the previous results
cafes with modern concepts and so on. phenomenon of coffeeshops in Malang there is a
Previously, customers select restaurants or cafes research gap found. It is quite rarely found
only because of the price or the facilities research regarding the influence of work life
provided, but now their preference has changed balance, work engagement, employee
to select restaurants or cafes that provide new performance, employee loyalty simultaneously
experiences to consumers. in Malang especially in Coffeeshops. Therefore
The application of this new concept has this research is important to be conducted to fill
been carried out by entrepreneurs in big cities the gap.
such as Surabaya, Bandung, Jakarta, and
Malang. In Malang City, cafe growth has b. Research purposes
increased rapidly, with more than 1,444 cafes in 1. To analyze the significant effect of Worklife
2018 and increasing to 2,015 cafes in 2020, balance on employee loyalty at Coffeeshops
according to Department of Youth, Sports and in Malang City
Tourism Malang City 2020. Given the rapidly 2. To analyze the significant effect of Work
growing growth of the cafe, in the lowokwaru Engagement on employee loyalty at a
sub-district, Malang city, there are many Coffeeshop in Malang City
coffeeshops that are spread in every corner of the 3. To analyze the significant effect of Worklife
city and on the roadside. The coffee shop, which balance on employee performance at a
is located in Lowokwaru, Malang city, "opens Coffeeshop in Malang City
orders" from evening to night, of course, this is 4. To analyze the significant effect of Work
a problem for employees who have dependents Engagement on employee performance at a
at home and have to balance their family life Coffeeshop in Malang City
with their work life. Because employees are
required to always develop the quality of 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
performance and increase productivity and a. Work life balance
loyalty at work because it will be a benchmark The explanation of work life balance is a
for the success of the Coffeeshop's performance. state of balance in which the demands of a
The balance between life at work, namely "Work person's work and personal life are equal or
life balance" is an important factor that needs to balanced (Lockwood, 2003: 2). According to
be considered by the company in making a Schabracq, et al., (2003) there are several factors
policy so that work productivity and employee that might affect a person's work-life balance,
performance are maintained. In addition, one of such as personality characteristics, family
the factors that affect employee performance and characteristics, work characteristics, and
loyalty is "Work Engagement". The company attitudes
tends to select the employees who have a work
ethic and morale, so that employees who have b. Work Engagement
high quality of work engagement will maintain Work engagement is that organizational
it and it leads to improve the loyalty of the members can use their roles well in their work
employees. and in work engagement, people use and express
According to Nirmala et al. (2019) themselves physically, cognitively, and
concerning the effect of worklife balance on emotionally during their work (Armstrong and
employee loyalty in Cv. Banjar Sari Catering Taylor, 2014: 194). According to Simon (in

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Kimberly, 2013) the factors that influence work H1: There is a positive and significant effect
engagement are motivation, social support, and between work-life balance on employee
work environment. loyalty.
H2: There is a positive and significant effect
c. Work Loyalty between Work Engagement on employee
According to Istijanto (2008), employees loyalty
who have high loyalty to a company will be H3: There is a positive and significant effect
willing to work beyond ordinary conditions, between work life balance on employee
proud to tell about their company to others, are performance.
willing to accept various tasks, feel that there is H4: There is a positive and significant effect
a common value with the company, pay attention between Work Engagement on employee
to the company as a whole, and feel good about performance.
the company. inspired. Conversely, employees H5: There is a positive and significant influence
who do not have loyalty to the company are between Loyalty on Employee Performance
characterized by negative feelings.
According to Djodiismanto (2007:2), 3. RESEARCH METHOD
there are four ways to increase loyalty and This research method uses quantitative
increase work motivation methods with the aim of testing and analyzing
1. Special attention to special employees. This the effect of work life balance and work
can be implemented by increasing positions engagement on employee loyalty and
and increasing salaries performance at the Coffeeshop in Malang
2. Build family values Indonesia. This research was conducted on all
3. Improve your career. Raising the position of Coffeeshop employees located in Lowokwaru
outstanding employees is very necessary, sub-district, Malang city by using a population
because it is a matter of pride of all working employees, which amounted to
4. By analyzing the state of the employee, the 118 employees.
leader will know the condition and level of The population in this study is very large
employee needs. so to determine the number of samples to be used
in this study using the Slovin formula (Muliari
d. Employee performance and Setiawan, 2010):
According to Mangkunegara (2009),
employee performance can also be interpreted as 𝑛 = 𝑁____
something that a person achieves when he 1.
1 + N(𝑒)
successfully carries out his work very well, such n = number of samples
as the responsibilities that have been given by N = population
the companies. e = error margin due to sampling errors that can
A review of previous studies that have still be tolerated or desired, in this study is 10%
conceptual similarities and relationships with the following calculations:
between research variables, such as the research
by Rahmawati (2018) on the Effect of Work Life 𝑛 = 118____
Balance and Job Satisfaction on the Loyalty of 1 + 118(0,1)2
Private Vocational High School Teachers in 𝑛 = 118___
Cakung District, East Jakarta, and based on the 2,18
results of her research that work life balance has 𝑛 = 54,128 round off 55
a positive effect on employee loyalty. Based on the calculation using the
Slovin formula above, the number of samples
selected is 55 employees.
e (X1)
Data analysis
Loyalita Karya
s H5

Work H2
This study used descriptive and inferential
Engag H4
statistical analysis.
a. Descriptive Statistical Analysis
Descriptive statistical analysis was used to
Figure 1 : Research Model provide an empirical description of the
Source: Literature Review Results

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quantitative data collected in the study accepted. On the other hand, where the p-value
(Ferdinand, 2006). The form of descriptive (p-value) is greater than alpha 0.05, it can be
measurement is a provision in numerical criteria, concluded that the direct effect is not
both in the form of amounts and in percentages. significant,, so that the initial hypothesis that has
The results of descriptive statistical analysis are been proposed is rejected or not accepted.
used to obtain information related to the Hypothesis testing is based on the R-
frequency distribution of respondents' answers, square value which explains the effect of the
including the average score or mean answers independent variable on the dependent variable.
obtained for each indicator or variable observed The results are presented in the following table.
in this study. Besides that, the descriptive data
obtained discussed a series of questions that Konstruk R-Square
discussed the age of the business being run, the Y1 0,259
number of employees owned, the level of
income, the market share of the business, the Y2 0,688
margin of operating profit, and the average
growth rate of the business. Table 1. Results of R-Square . Value
Source: Primary Data processed 2022
b. Inferential Statistical Analysis
This study uses Partial Least Square (PLS) Based on the table, it is known that the R-
as a tool to analyze data with a calculation square for employee loyalty variable (Y1) is
process assisted by the SmartPLS software 0.259, which means employee loyalty (Y1) is
application program. PLS analysis has two influenced by work life balance (X1), work
models, which are categorized as inner model engagement (X2) by 25.9%. While the other
and outer model. 74.1% is influenced by other factors.
Outer model The value of R-square for employee
The outer model category is also called performance variable (Y2) is 0.688, which
the outer relation or measurement model, means employee performance (Y2) is influenced
showing the specification of the relationship by work life balance (X1), work engagement
between variables and their indicators. In other (X2), employee loyalty (Y1) by 68.8%. While
words, the outer model defines the the other 31.2% are influenced by other factors.
characteristics of the construct with its manifest The goodness of fit in PLS can be seen
variables. from the value of Q2. The value of Q2 has the
same meaning as the coefficient of
Inner model determination (R-square / R2) in the regression
The inner model analysis shows the analysis. With a higher R2, is is indicated that the
relationship between variables according to model is more fit with the data. A Q-Square
research theory and support the results of value greater than 0 (zero) indicates that the
previous research. measurement for this model. model has predictive relevance, while a Q-
This can be done in several ways, among others: Square value less than 0 (zero) indicates that the
by analyzing the coefficients, R-Square (R2), model lacks predictive relevance (Imam Gozali,
Predictive relevance (Q2), and Goodness of Fit 2006: 26). From the table above, it can be seen
(GoF). that the value of Q2 is as follows:
Q2 = 1 – (1 – R21 ) (1-R22) (1 – R23) …. (1
4. RESULT – R 2n)
This research with hypothesis testing has = 1- (1-0.259) (1-0.688)
been conducted to known the direct influence of = 1- 0.2313 = 0.768671 = 76.87%
worklife balance (X1) and work engagement In this research model, the Q-square (Q2)
(X2) on employee loyalty (Y1) and employee value generated in the overall model equation is
performance (Y2). Statistical hypothesis testing 76.87%, which means that the structural model
in this study was carried out by looking at the has high predictive relevance, the model is
significance results with the p value (p-value) getting better and feasible to use in predictions.
smaller than alpha 0.05, to conclude that there is
a significant direct effect and the initial a. The direct effect of exogenous variables on
hypothesis that has been proposed can be endogenous variables

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This direct effect shows the magnitude of be interpreted that the better Work Engagement
the direct effect of exogenous variables on (X2) will increase employee loyalty (Y1). Vice
endogenous variables without involving versa, the less good Work Engagement (X2),
mediating variables. then it will reduce employee Loyalty (Y1).
The estimation results of the inner model
Table 2. Direct effect for the direct effect of Work Engagement (X2)
T Statistics P on employee performance (Y2) show a p-value
Sample (|O/STDEV|) Values
(M) (STDEV) 0.013, where the value is smaller than alpha
X1 -> 0,01 0.05. So, it can be concluded that there is a
0,305 0,306 0,126 2,411
Y1 6 positively & significant direct effect between
X1 ->
0,536 0,537 0,078 6,917
0,00 Work Engagement (X2) on employee
Y2 0 performance (Y2) at 0.183. The positive effect
X2 -> 0,00 of Work Engagement (X2) on employee
0,383 0,390 0,094 4,065
Y1 0
performance (Y2) can be interpreted that the
X2 -> 0,01 better Work Engagement (X2) will improve the
0,183 0,182 0,073 2,504
Y2 3
employee performance (Y2). Vice versa, the less
Y1 -> 0,00
0,390 0,389 0,087 4,457
0 good Work Engagement (X2), then it will reduce
Original Sample (O)= koefisien path employee performance (Y2).
The estimation results of the inner model
The estimation results of the inner model for the direct effect of employee loyalty (Y1) on
for the direct effect of worklife balance (X1) on employee performance (Y2) show a p-value
employee loyalty (Y1) show a p-value 0.016, 0.000, where the value is smaller than alpha
where the value is smaller than alpha 0.05, so it 0.05. So, it can be concluded that there is a
can be concluded that there is a positively and positively & significant direct effect between
significant direct effect between Worklife employee loyalty (Y1) and employee
balance (X1) and Employee Loyalty (Y1) at performance (Y2) at 0.390. The positive
0.305. The positive effect can be interpreted that influence between employee loyalty (Y1) on
the better the work life balance (X1) will lead to employee performance (Y2) can be interpreted
increase the employee loyalty (Y1). On the other that the better employee loyalty (Y1) tends to
hand, the less good the work life balance (X1), improve employee performance (Y2). Vice
the lower the employee loyalty (Y1). versa, the less good employee loyalty (Y1), then
The estimation results of the inner model it will reduce employee performance (Y2).
for the direct effect of worklife balance (X1) on
employee performance (Y2) show a p value b. Indirect effect of exogenous variables on
0.000, where the value is smaller than alpha endogenous variables
0.05. As a result, it can be concluded that there This indirect effect shows the magnitude
is a positively and significant direct effect of the direct influence of exogenous variables on
between Worklife balance (X1) on Employee endogenous variables by involving mediating
performance (Y2) at 0.536. The positive effect variables.
of worklife balance (X1) on employee
performance (Y2) can be interpreted that the Table 3. Indirect Effects (Specific Indirect
better worklife balance (X1) will improve the Standar
employee performance (Y2). On the other hand, Origina Sampl d
T Statistics P
l e Deviatio
(|O/STDEV| Value
the less good the work life balance (X1), the Sample Mean n
) s
(O) (M) (STDEV
lower the employee's performance (Y2). )
The estimation result of the inner model X1 ->
Y1 -> 0,119 0,117 0,053 2,254
for the direct effect of Work Engagement (X2) Y2
on employee loyalty (Y1) shows a p value (p- X2 ->
value) of 0.000, where the value is smaller than Y1 -> 0,149 0,154 0,058 2,586
alpha 0.05. So it can be concluded that there is a
positively and significant direct effect between
Work Engagement (X2) and Employee Loyalty The path coefficient value for the indirect
(Y1) at 0.383. The positive effect of Work effect between worklife balance (X1) through
Engagement (X2) on employee loyalty (Y1) can employee loyalty (Y1) on employee

Profit: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis | Volume. 17 No. 1 2023| 14

performance (Y2) is 0.119, which indicates a p- Based on the results of the PLS path
value 0.025 and smaller than alpha 0.05. So, it diagram (path analysis), the testing of each
can be concluded that the indirect effect between hypothesis can be explained as follows:
worklife balance (X1) to employee performance
(Y2) through employee loyalty (Y1) is H1: Work-life balance affects employee
significant. In other words, the better the work loyalty.
life balance (X1) affect the improvement in The direct effect of worklife balance on
employee loyalty (Y1), so that the increase in employee loyalty was found to be significant for
employee loyalty (Y1) will increase employee employees who work in coffeeshops in
performance (Y2). Vice versa, the less good the lowokwaru subdistrict, Malang city, the direct
Worklife balance (X1), it will affect the decrease effect of worklife balance (X1) on employee
in employee loyalty (Y1), so that the decrease in loyalty (Y1) shows a p-value 0.016, so it can be
employee loyalty (Y1) it will also reduce concluded that there is a positively and
employee performance (Y2). significant direct effect between Worklife-
The path coefficient value for the indirect Balance (X1) on Employee Loyalty (Y1), it can
effect between Work Engagement (X2) through be interpreted that the better Worklife-Balance
employee loyalty (Y1) on employee (X1), it will increase employee Loyalty (Y1).
performance (Y2) is 0.149 indicating a p-value This research supports the previous
0.010 which is smaller than 0.05. It can be studies. According to research by Rahmawati
concluded that the indirect effect between Work (2018) regarding work life balance on work
Engagement (X2) to employee performance loyalty stated that work-life balance affects
(Y2) through employee loyalty (Y1) is employee loyalty so that employee loyalty can
significant. In other words, the better Work be increased through improving work-life
Engagement (X2), will have an effect on balance. Then, Nirmala (2019) emplained that
increasing employee Loyalty (Y1), so that by there was a significant positive effect between
increasing employee Loyalty (Y1) it will the worklife balance variable on employee
improve employee performance (Y2). Vice loyalty.
versa, the less good Work Engagement (X2), it
will affect the decrease in employee loyalty H2: Work Engagement has an effect on
(Y1), so that the decrease in employee loyalty employee loyalty.
(Y1) it will also reduce employee performance The direct effect of work engagement on
(Y2). employee loyalty was found to be significant for
employees who work in coffeeshops in the
c. Results of Structural Model Analysis (inner lowokwaru sub-district of Malang city, the direct
model) effect of work-engagement (X2) on employee
The output of the structural model (inner loyalty (Y1) shows a p-value 0.000, so it can be
model) after the bootstrap calculation process concluded that there is a positively & significant
500 times can be seen in the following figure. direct effect between Work-Engagement (X2) on
employee loyalty (Y1). It can be interpreted that
the better Work-Engagement (X2), then it will
increase employee Loyalty (Y1).
This research supports the previous
studies conducted by Putri (2020) concerning the
Effects of Work Engagement on Employee
Loyalty and Performance which found that that
Information: work engagement has a significant positive
1. * = significant effect effect on employee loyalty and employee
2. numbers outside the sign () = coefficient of performance. Likewise, Alfajar (2020) showed
loading factor that there is a significant correlation between
3. the number inside the sign () = p-value loyalty and work engagement. This results
4. the number inside the blue circle = R-square means that the higher the loyalty, the higher the
work engagement, conversely, the lower the
Figure 2. Path analysis for PLS . Output Results loyalty, the lower the work engagement.

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H3: Work-life Balance has an effect on concluded that there is a positively and
employee performance. significant direct effect between employee
The direct effect of work life balance on loyalty (Y1) on employee performance (Y2) and
employee performance was found to be it can be interpreted that the better employee
significant for employees who work in a loyalty (Y1), then it will increase employee
coffeeshop in the lowokwaru sub-district, performance (Y2) and vice versa.
Malang city, the direct effect of worklife-balance This study supports the previous research
(X1) on employee performance (Y2) shows a p- by Sampul (2020) concerning the effect of
value 0.000, so it can be concluded that there is employee loyalty on employee performance
a significant direct effect between Worklife- which stated that employee loyalty has a positive
Balance (X1) on employee performance (Y2). and significant effect on employee performance.
Then, it can be interpreted that the better the
Worklife-Balance (X1), it will improve 5. DISCUSSION
employee performance (Y2) and vice versa. The results of the research that have been
According to Noorhidayat's research carried out show that work life balance and
(2017) concerning the effect of work life balance employee loyalty are found to have a significant
on work stress and employee performance, effect. Similarly, work engagement and
research results have proven that work life employee loyalty are found to have a significant
balance has proven to have a significant positive effect. The other results also showed that work
effect on employee performance. Likewise with life balance and employee performance are
previous research by Sayekti (2019) concerning found to have a significant effect, and work
the Effects of Worklife Balance and Work engagement and employee performance are
Engagement on Employee Performance with Job found to have a significant effect as well. Then it
Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable, test was also found that employee loyalty and
results have shown that worklife balance has a employee performance have a significant effect
positive effect on employee performance. so that it can be interpreted that the better
employee loyalty (Y1) will improve employee
H4: Work Engagement has an effect on performance (Y2).
employee performance. The results of the research above have
The direct effect of work engagement on been supported by previous research, for
employee performance was found to be example research conducted by Rahmawati
significant for employees who work in (2018), Nirmala (2018), and Martaperdana
coffeeshops in lowokwaru sub-district, Malang. (2019) which showing that there was an effect of
The direct effect of work engagement (X2) on work life balance and employee loyalty. Putri (
employee performance (Y2) shows a p-value 2020) and Alfajar (2020) also found that work
0.013, so it can be concluded that there is a engagement has a significant positive effect on
positive direct effect between work engagement employee loyalty. Likewise, Noorhidayat (2017)
(X2) on employee performance (Y2). It can be give the results of work life balance proven to
interpreted that the better work engagement (X2) have a significant positive effect on employee
will improve employee performance (Y2) and so performance.
on the contrary. The results of research that have been
Previous research by Ramadhan (2014) on carried out are also supported by several
the Effect of work engagement on Employee previous theories, one of which is according to
Performance showed that work engagement has Dajendra (2013). With a work life balance,
a significant effect on employee performance. employees will never ignore all aspects of work
Similarly, Muliawan (2017) also showed that life, personal, family, spiritual, and social.
work engagement has a positive effect on According to Mendis & Weerakkody (2017),
employee performance. employee performance is the ability of
employees to do work in a certain way that leads
H5: Loyalty affects employee performance to the organization and employees to achieve
The direct effect of employee loyalty on common goals. According to Istijanto (2008),
employee performance was found to be employees who have high loyalty to a company
significant for employees who work in will be willing to work beyond ordinary
coffeeshops in the lowokwaru sub-district of conditions, proud to tell about their company to
Malang city with a p-value 0.000. It can be others, willing to accept various tasks, feel a

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common value with the company, care about the 1. Café entrepreneurs must pay attention to and
company as a whole, and feel inspired. provide appropriate policies for their
Conversely, employees who do not have loyalty employees' work-life balance and always
to the company are characterized by negative provide rewards to employees who have high
feelings. work engagement in order to improve
Overall, work life balance and work employee performance and loyalty. Based on
engagement are one of the factors that influence this study, employees feel that their work life
employee performance and employee loyalty in sometimes disturb their personal life but they
working at a coffee shop in the lowokwaru sub- are aware about this risk and tend to improve
district, Malang city. their performance as long as the company
treath them properly.
6. CONCLUSION AND 2. Further research is expected to expand the
RECOMMENDATION scope of the sample size so that the research
Conclusion results can have a high level of generalization
This study was conducted with the aim of and might include other independent and
analyzing the factors that influence work-life dependent variables to expand the study.
balance and work engagement on employee
loyalty and performance. The results of research REFERENCES
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