Explanation and Links Notes

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How to write an explanation / link to an SRQ

What is the difference between describing and explaining then linking?

You write what you have learned from the lectures / textbook.
Eg: Good leaders are beyond reproach and have values like honesty, sacrifice and humility.
They will make decisions for the good of the country. They will also not be affected by
criticism hence they may make decisions that are unpopular but necessary.
Good leaders are needed so that they can plan for Singapore’s future and ensure
Singapore’s continued growth and sustainability. Having good leaders is crucial / critical for
Singapore. (these are relevant general statements but these are not explanations)
An example of a good leaders is Mr Lim Kim San (HDB), Mr Goh Keng Swee or Mr Lee
Kuan Yew.
Explaining (making your understanding obvious to the marker – not just repeating
information that has been taught / memorised, but applying the principles to make it
Good leadership can thus be seen to Mr Lim who was willing to sacrifice his salary for the
good of Singapore. Such examples of servant-leadership are critical for Singapore now as
more and more people are developing ‘entitled’ attitudes. If our leaders are willing to make
sacrifices for Singapore, they will earn the respect of the citizens who will be willing to
support unpopular policies that they introduce for the benefit of the country. Thus good
leadership can shape the governance of Singapore by demonstrating the need for necessary
action to set the correct example for the citizens of Singapore. Good leaders practice what
they preach and they lead by example.
NIMBY Syndrome
The government can organise meetings between the residents and the foreign workers so
that they will be able to interact with one and another and get to know each other better.
Interacting with each other will allow them to understand each others and form friendships
with one another. This will discourage the NIMBY syndrome. (how will it discourage the
NIMBY Syndrome)
Opportunities like these which allow the forming of friendships will reduce or remove
tensions and conflict that arise as a result of ignorance and suspicions. Once citizens and
foreign workers interact and understand each other they will no longer resist and resent
actions they deem to be disadvantageous to them. This will lead to a change in mindsets
and a more generous and accepting nature. Only with these changes will the NIMBY
syndrome be reduced and eventually removed altogether.

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