Final PE 9.2 Sports Officiating 3 Lessons

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UNIT 2: Sports Officiating

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Lesson 1: Basic Basketball Officiating 4

Learning Targets 4
Let’s Warm Up! 4
Learn about It! 5
Check Your Understanding 10
Let’s Play! 11

Lesson 2: Basic Volleyball Officiating 12

Learning Targets 12
Let’s Warm Up! 12
Learn about It! 14
Check Your Understanding 17
Let’s Play! 18

Lesson 3: Basic Badminton Officiating 19

Learning Targets 19
Let’s Warm Up! 19
Learn about It! 20
Check Your Understanding 23
Let’s Play! 24

Ready, Set, Go! 26

Self-Check 27

Bibliography 29

Glossary 29


Sports Officiating

Fig. 1. An official in a football match.


Imagine traffic without an enforcer. Imagine a trial court without a judge. Imagine a school
without a discipline coordinator. Imagine a game without a referee. Isn’t it chaotic? Who will
decide if you committed a mistake or not? Who will decide if points are counted or not in a
match? Who will evaluate the conducts of players in a game? A game is not considered a game
without someone who is knowledgeable about its rules and regulations.

Lesson 1: Basic Basketball Officiating

Learning Targets
In this lesson, you should be able to:
● identify the playing regulations in Basketball;
● determine the violations in Basketball;
● define what foul is and how not to commit them; and
● apply basic officiating in Basketball.

Let’s Warm Up!

In a cartolina, students will list the violations that they know when playing Basketball.

Guide Questions:
1. What are the common violations you observed when playing Basketball?
2. Do you think the referees were calling a correct violation?
3. As an audience, what are the appropriate behaviors that we should do when watching a

Learn about It!

Basketball is played by two teams with five players each.

The goal of the game is to shoot the ball in the basket and
prevent the other team from scoring. It is played for four
quarters of 10 minutes each. At the end of four quarters,
the team who has the highest score wins the game.

As a referee, there are several things that you need to know in officiating Basketball. However,
one can’t start officiating without knowing its definition. According to the Merriam-Webster
Dictionary, sports officiating means to administer rules and regulation as in games or sports.

In officiating Basketball, an individual should be familiar with playing regulations, violations,

and fouls. Playing regulations are the following:

Fig. 2. A Basketball referee.


Playing time

Basketball is played in four quarters with 10 minutes each quarter. In case of a tie, a game
shall continue with 5-minute overtime to break it.

Beginning and End of the Game

The game begins with a jump ball made by a referee. An inbound or a throw-in occurs when
a player passes a ball from out-of-bounds area towards the court.

It is done to put the ball in play after a goal has been scored, the ball went out of bounds or
any interruptions of the game. Teams shall change court after the first half. In case of
overtime, teams shall use the same court from the fourth quarter.

Status of the ball

The ball is live:

● after a jump ball;
● during a free-throw, after the ball leaves the hand of a player;
● during the throw-in after the ball leaves the ball of the player.
The ball is dead when:
● a field goal or a free throw is made;
● the official blows the whistle for any reason;
● the game clock signals to tell an end of a quarter or overtime;
● a player commits a foul.

Jump ball

A jump ball occurs to start a game. The referee stands at the center line to toss the ball up in
the air.

Alternating possession

Alternating possession is the method used to make the ball live again rather than doing a
jump ball.


A goal is made when the ball enters the basket. A free-throw counts 1 point. A goal released
at 2-point field area counts 2 points. A goal released at 3-point field area counts 3 points.


A coach or assistant coach can call a time-out. Time-out happens for a minute. There are two
time-outs during the first half. Then, three time-outs during the second half. For every
overtime, there is one allotted time-out.


Substitution occurs when there’s a request for a player to enter the playing court.

Fig. 3. A man holding a basketball.



Violations are an infraction of rules such as the following:

A Player out-of-bounds when he is outside the boundary line. A ball is out-of-bounds when:
● it touches another player or object who is outside the court;
● it touches the backboard or any object above the playing court.

Traveling is a movement of holding a live ball without dribbling it. Dribbling is the act of
bouncing the ball on the floor. A pivot is a legal movement in which a player whose one foot is
planted on the floor, tries to move the other foot once or more than once in any direction.


A foul is an illegal contact made by a player during a live or dead ball. For a player not to
commit a foul, he must follow the Cylinder Principle. Cylinder Principle states that a guard
player must maintain a cylindrical position when at court. The Cylinder Principle is limited to
the position of palms in front, the position of buttocks at the back, the position of outer arms
and legs at the sides.

Fig. 3. The Cylinder Principle.

Personal and Team Fouls

Five fouls are allowed for a player to commit in a game. Four team fouls are allowed in a
quarter. After the 4th team foul, the team will have a penalty. Two free throws will be
awarded to the opponent instead of a throw-in, whether the involved player is in the act of
shooting or not.

Number of free throws awarded

● If a player commits a foul during the act of shooting and the shot is counted, he will be
awarded 1 free throw.
● If a player releases the ball in the two-point field area and the shot is unsuccessful, he
will be awarded 2 free throws.
● If a player releases the ball in the three-point field area and the shot is unsuccessful, he
will be awarded 3 free throws.

Check Your Understanding

A. Write True if the statement is correct. Write False if the statement is incorrect.

1. Basketball is being played by 6 players.

2. A pivot is a legal movement in which a player whose one foot is planted on the
floor, tries to move the other foot once or more than once in any direction.
3. If a player commits a foul at the three-point field area and the shot is
unsuccessful, he will be awarded 3 free throws.
4. If a player commits a foul at the two-point field area and the shot is
unsuccessful, he will be awarded 1 free throw.
5. Six fouls are allowed for each player in a Basketball game.
6. Dribbling is the act of bouncing the ball on the floor.
7. The game begins with a throw-in.
8. Time-out happens for two minutes.
9. There are four quarters in a game with 10 minutes each.
10. On the fifth team foul, a penalty occurs, and two free throws will be awarded to
the opponent.

B. Answer the following questions:

1. What do you think are the characteristics of a good referee?

2. What do you think are the characteristics of a good player?
3. Can we play sports without officials? Justify your answer.

Let’s Play!

3-on-3 with Official

One student will act as an official of a basketball match.

Other students will do the following:
1. Students form a team with 4 members each (3 players + 1 substitute).
2. Students play basketball within 10 minutes.
3. Game over at 21 points.
4. No break time after scoring. No half-time. No quarters.

Guide Questions:
1. How did you feel being a player of the game?
2. How did you feel being an official of the game?
3. What can you do to lessen your violation in a game?

Lesson 2: Basic Volleyball Officiating

Learning Targets

In this lesson, you should be able to:

● identify the playing rules and regulations in Volleyball; and
● apply basic officiating in Volleyball.

Let’s Warm Up!

Acting it out: Volleyball Skills

● slips of paper with Volleyball skills written on it, placed in a basket
● timer
● scoreboard
Word Bank: serve, dig, spike, toss, block

1. Divide the players into a preferably equal number.
2. One representative from Team A will go in front to pick one slip of paper from the draw
3. This representative will act out the word/s written on the paper.
4. The other team members of Team A will guess the word/s that the representative is
acting out. Other team members must be able to guess the word/s correctly within two
5. Team A will get a point if the other team members guess the word/s correctly.
6. If in case Team A fails to guess the word/s, Team B may steal only once.

Guide Questions:
1. How familiar are you with the terms used in volleyball?
2. As a participant of this game, did you do well in playing the warm-up game?
3. How willing are you to participate in officiating a volleyball match?

Learn about It!
Volleyball is a sport played by two teams with six players
each. The goal of the game is to send the ball over the net.
The team is allowed to hit the ball up to three times only.
The game starts with service and ends if the opposing
team failed to return the ball, or the ball was put out of the

Fig. 6. A Volleyball player



A team scores a point by:

● successfully making the ball land on the opponent’s court;
● when the opposing team commits a fault such as not being able to serve the ball
beyond and over the net or serving the ball outside the court area.


The rally refers to from the moment a player serves the ball until the ball puts out of play. If
the serving team was able to win a rally, they would have the chance to serve again. If the
receiving team wins the rally, they will serve next.

Winning the game

Team wins a set when they score 25 points. If in case there is a tie in 24-24, the team shall
have a 2-points lead to win the set. The team wins a match by winning three sets. In case of a
2-2 tie in the sets, there will be a 5th set which is up to 15 points only.

The Toss

The game starts with a toss. The team who won the toss can choose either the right to serve
or receive the service; or to which side of the court they will stay for the first set.

Starting Line-up

The game begins with a starting line-up where six players are playing from each team. The
positions of these members remain the same for the whole set as this will serve as the
rotational order of the players.


When the receiving team gets the point and gains a chance to serve, they will move clockwise.

Ball in game

The official will blow his whistle as a signal that the server may serve the ball. This also
signifies the start of a game.

Ball “in”

The ball is considered “in” when after serving, the ball touches the floor, some parts of the
court, including the boundary lines.

Ball “out”

The ball is considered “out” when it touches outside the boundary lines.

Team “hits”

A hit refers to the moment when a player touches the ball. The team is only allowed to hit the
ball three times after service was done by the opposing team. The same player may not hit
the ball twice consecutively.

Check Your Understanding
A. Write True if the statement is correct. Write False if the statement is incorrect.

1. Volleyball is played with five members from each team.

2. For a team to win a set, they should score 25 points.
3. If in case there is a tie at the fourth set, there will be the 5th set with 25 points
4. The same player may hit the ball consecutively.
5. Team members should rotate counter-clockwise.
6. The ball is considered “out” when it touches outside the boundary lines.
7. A game in Volleyball starts with a toss.
8. If the serving team was able to win a rally, they would have the chance to serve
9. A team scores by letting the ball stay on their own court after service.
10. If in case there is a tie in 24-24, the team shall have a 2-points lead to win the set.

B. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the common mistakes players commit while playing volleyball?
2. Do you think we need officials in volleyball? Justify your answers.
3. What will be the importance of rotation in a volleyball game?

Let’s Play!

Volleyball with officials

Students play a volleyball match, along with an official. The participating members must apply
the rules and regulation in playing volleyball.

Guide Questions:
1. How did you feel being a player of the game?
2. How did you feel being an official of the game?
3. What can you do to lessen your violation in a game?

Lesson 3: Basic Badminton Officiating

Learning Targets

In this lesson, you should be able to:

● identify the roles of the officials of Badminton;
● familiarize with the terms related to Badminton;
● comprehend the basic rules in playing Badminton; and
● officiate a Badminton game.

Let’s Warm Up!


In a cartolina, students draw the equipment needed in playing and officiating Badminton.

● cartolina
● pen and marker
● coloring materials

Guide Questions:
1. What are the equipment that you drew?
2. Do you use the same equipment that you drew when playing badminton?
3. If we don’t have these materials, do you think we could improvise? How?

Learn about It!
Just like any sports, officials are needed to implement
rules and regulations in Badminton. Who are the
officials of Badminton?

Fig. 8. A shuttlecock and badminton rackets



Umpire is considered as the main judge. This sports official has the power to overrule the line
judges and service judge. He has the responsibility to call a “fault” call whenever the shuttle
touches the player.

Service Judge

Service Judge provides the shuttle for the players in a game. He is also responsible for calling
a ‘service fault.’

Line Judges

Line judges are the one who stays beside the badminton court to check if the shuttle is in or

Now, as a student of Grade 9. You should be familiar with the basic terms that you will usually
encounter in playing and officiating Badminton:

Terms Definition
Player refers to anyone who is playing Badminton.
Match refers to the contest in playing Badminton.
Singles is a Badminton event wherein there is one player playing at each side of
the court.
Doubles is a Badminton event wherein there are two players at each side of the
Serving Side is the side that will serve.
Receiving Side is the side opposing the serving side.

When officiating, below are the basic rules that you should always remember:

● A game starts with a toss. The player who wins the toss shall have the chance to decide
if he will serve first or receive first; or which court he will start playing.

● Scoring system - A match is consist of best of three games. A player wins a game if he
is able to reach 21 points. If the score reaches 20-all, one side should be able to reach
2-point lead to be able to win the game. If the game reaches 29-all, the first player who
reaches 30 points will win. The winner of the previous game shall serve first in the next

● Service - The server and the receiver shall stand diagonally at each side of the court.
1. If the server wins a point, the server will serve again.
2. If the receiver wins a point, the receiver will be the one to serve next.

● Serving and receiving courts

1. The players shall serve and receive shuttle at the right side of the court when the
server has no score yet or has scored an even number.
2. The players shall serve and receive shuttle at the left side of the court when the
server has scored an odd number.

When does ‘fault’ happen?

A fault occurs:

● If in service, the shuttle was stuck on the net or remained on top of it;
● If the shuttle touches a ceiling or a wall;
● If the shuttle fails to pass over the net;
● If the shuttle touches another person outside the court;
● It the shuttle touches the dress of the player;
● If the shuttle was hit by the same player twice.

Check Your Understanding

A. Write True if the statement is correct. Write False if the statement is incorrect.

1. Umpire is considered as the main judge in Badminton.

2. It is considered fault if the shuttle touches the ceiling.
3. A player wins a game if he reaches 19 points.
4. Players should serve adjacent to each other.
5. Singles is a Badminton event wherein there are two players at each side of the
6. A game refers to the contest in playing Badminton.
7. The Service Judge provides the shuttle for the players in a game.
8. A game in Badminton starts with rock, paper, scissors.
9. It is considered fault when a player hit the shuttle twice.
10. If the game reaches 29-all, the first player who reaches 30 points will win.

B. Answer the following questions:

1. Do we really need an umpire when playing Badminton? Justify your answer.

2. Is it necessary to flow the rules and regulation in playing a Badminton game?
Justify your answer.
3. How can we promote teamwork when playing doubles in Badminton?

Let’s Play!
Badminton Singles Match with officials

Two students will play a Badminton match. Three other students will act as an umpire, line
judge, and service judge.

1. Best of three games.
2. First to reach 21 points wins the match.
3. Follow rules and regulations in playing Badminton.

Guide Questions:
1. How did you feel being a player of the game?
2. How did you feel being an official of the game?
3. What can you do to lessen your violation in a game?

Did You Know?

Fig. 10 . A basketball.

According to the official website of the NBA, there are sixty-five referees officiating the
2018-2019 season.

Ready, Set, Go!

The class will be divided into various groups who will play Basketball, Volleyball and
Badminton game. Each group should include officials. A student must be able to join at least
one sport. Furthermore, a student should be able to act as an official of the same or different

Criteria Beginning Developing Accomplished Score

(0-12 points) (13-16 (17-20 points)

(Student was able to
participate at least in one

(Student was able to
officiate at least one sport)

Check I can…

Display initiative, responsibility, and leadership in officiating Basketball,

Volleyball, and Badminton.

Participate in a mini intramural that addresses health/ fitness issues and


Demonstrate proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and


Realize one's potential for officiating career opportunities.


I find __________________________ the most interesting because ______________________.

I got ____ checks because _______________________________________________________.
I need to improve on _______________________because _____________________________.
I need to practice _________________________ because _____________________________.
I plan to _____________________________________________________________________ .

Wrap Up
Sports Officiating can be a very tough task. Officials should be responsible enough to know
the basic rules and regulations of their chosen sports. It’s in the official’s hand whether the
game will go well or not. Officials should call violations in a very objective and unbiased way.
There should be a basis with each given violations.


bfwbadminton. “Laws-Badminton”. Accessed March 4, 2019.
01A%20-%20Laws%20of%20Badminton%20-%20June%202016%20Revised%202.pdf “Official Basketball Rules 2018”. Accessed March 1, 2019.

FIVB-Rules of the Game. “Official Volleyball Rules 2017-2020”. Accessed March 4, 2018.


Alternating possession is the method used to make the ball live again rather than doing a
jump ball.

Basketball is being played by two teams of five players each. The goal of the game is to shoot
the ball in the basket and prevent the other team from scoring.

Doubles is a Badminton event wherein there are two players at each side of the court.

Goal is made when the ball enters the basket.

Hit refers to the moment when a player touches the ball.

Jump ball occurs to start a game. The referee stands at the center line to toss the ball up in
the air.

Line judges are the one who stays beside the badminton court to check if the shuttle is in or

Match refers to the contest in playing Badminton.

Player refers to anyone who is playing Badminton.

Rally refers to from the moment a player serves the ball until the ball puts out of play.

Receiving side is the side opposing the serving side.

Service Judge provides the shuttle for the players in a game.

Serving side is the side that will serve.

Singles is a Badminton event wherein there is one player playing at each side of the court.

Sports Officiating means to administer rules and regulation as in games or sports.

Substitution occurs when there’s a request for a player to enter the playing court.

Throw-in occurs when a player passes a ball from out-of-bounds area towards the court.

Umpire is considered as the main judge

Volleyball is a sport played by two teams with six players each. The goal of the game is to
send the ball over the net.


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