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Title: Relativity of Procrastination: Effectiveness of Time Management of Grade 10 Students at Emilio C.

Bernabe National Highschool


Time is considered valuable, and effective time management is crucial for students to succeed
both academically and personally. To manage time effectively is crucial for enhancing academic
performance, and to reduce procrastination.

Understanding the factors contributing to procrastination and its effects on time management is
important for fostering effective learning environment. Procrastination is a common phenomenon
among students, impacting their academic performance, and overall well-being. Although learners are
well aware of their activity and its deadline, they still have difficulties performing the designated task
assigned without procrastinating.

Particularly, a research conducted by a researcher from Finland (Hailikari Ph.D. et al.,2021)

states that procrastination is often associated with several negative factors, such as lower academic
performance, increased stress, and poor mental health. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the
causes and factors that maintain procrastination I order to reduce it, and aspire students to manage time
more effectively.

In the Philippines, the study by Tiboron, Decano, and Buladaco (2021), reveals that
procrastination poses serious challenges for individual students. It found that procrastination is a
behavioral problem that can lead to increased stress levels, frustration, anxiety, and lower creativity and
productivity. So, effective time management strategies can play a crucial role in helping students
overcome personal struggles and achieve academic success.

Moreover, research by Lualhati (2019) at a state university in the Philippines explored how
teachers manage their time, shedding light on the importance of time management skills for students.
While teachers generally try to schedule, set goals, and prioritize tasks, they often struggle with
paperwork and interruptions. These findings underscore the importance of teaching students effective
time management techniques to help them overcome procrastination and achieve academic success.
This study will contribute to the existing literature on procrastination and time management
among learners. Findings from this research can inform educators, parents, and policymakers about the
importance of addressing procrastination tendencies early and implementing effective time
management strategies to support student success. Additionally, the study may guide the development
of targeted interventions and programs aimed at promoting better time management skills and reducing
procrastination behavior among Grade 10 students at Emiilo C. Bernabe National Highschool.

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