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International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 30 (2021) 100335

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Augmented Reality and programming education: A systematic review

Anastasios Theodoropoulos , George Lepouras
HCI-VR Lab, University of Peloponnese, Greece

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: In recent years, Augmented Reality (AR) usage in the learning process has been growing. AR tools and
Received 1 December 2020 environments lead to a variety of positive outcomes and impacts for educational purposes. Similarly, AR
Received in revised form 23 May 2021 is changing the learning process in the Computer Science (CS) Education domain. There are numerous
Accepted 24 May 2021
studies that adopt the immersive AR technology in order to improve Computational Thinking (CT)
Available online 6 June 2021
or programming skills, in several contexts. However, there are not sufficient studies that analyze the
Keywords: meaningful characteristics or the advantages and disadvantages of AR in the field. In order to better
Augmented Reality (AR) understand the impact of AR in programming education we performed a systematic literature review.
Programming learning This review analyzes 31 studies in the field. It explores the evolution of this developing technology,
Coding learning the challenges and issues that AR offers and discusses how this work can benefit student learning and
CS education further research.
Review study © 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Background.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1. AR technology features ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2. AR as a medium with children ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3
3. Methodology ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.1. Review questions ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2. Search strategy and data collection..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.3. Criteria for inclusion and exclusion .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.4. Quality assessment ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
3.5. Coding scheme - data extraction strategy .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
4. Results.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
5. Discussion............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
5.1. Positive and negative impacts of AR (RQ1) ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
5.1.1. Children engagement & experiences with AR .................................................................................................................................... 9
5.1.2. Motivation impacts & AR games .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.1.3. Pedagogical aspects & learning gains .................................................................................................................................................. 10
5.1.4. Direct feedback & teachers’ access to activities ................................................................................................................................. 10
5.1.5. Prior programming knowledge & interest towards coding .............................................................................................................. 10
5.1.6. Collaborative & creative environments ............................................................................................................................................... 10
5.1.7. Negative effects/considerations ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
5.1.8. RQ1 synopsis-implication ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
5.2. Learner interaction in AR based environments (RQ2) ...................................................................................................................................... 11
5.2.1. AR functionality ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
5.2.2. AR architecture and implementation................................................................................................................................................... 11
5.2.3. Children interaction with AR environments ....................................................................................................................................... 12
5.2.4. RQ2 synopsis-implication ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12
5.3. Learning concepts and processes of AR and programming (RQ3)................................................................................................................... 12
5.3.1. Programming concepts and languages ................................................................................................................................................ 12

∗ Correspondence to: HCI-VR Lab, Department of Informatics & Telecommunications, University of Peloponnese, Tripolis, Greece.
E-mail address: (A. Theodoropoulos).
2212-8689/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Theodoropoulos and G. Lepouras International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 30 (2021) 100335

5.3.2. Pedagogical processes ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12

5.3.3. Cognitive load, mental methods........................................................................................................................................................... 13
5.3.4. Additional factors ................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
5.3.5. AR as a medium with children............................................................................................................................................................. 13
5.3.6. RQ3 synopsis-implication ...................................................................................................................................................................... 14
5.4. Challenges to the use of AR in CS education ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
6. Limitations - threads to validity....................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
7. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Declaration of competing interest.................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Acknowledgments .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
References ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15

studies based on specific age-ranges, we focus on AR interven-

1. Introduction tions for learning purposes with children. Our study investigates
how AR can be utilized to benefit children programming learning
Learning programming is considered a skill that can enhance and we review the range of indicators and measures used in
and encourage students’ potential in the 21st century. World- previous empirical research papers, together with methodological
wide, researchers, curriculum designers and educators use sev- limitations and suggestions for further work in this field. Fur-
eral programming environments and tools (de Paula, Burn, Noss, thermore this paper discusses recent data about the beneficial
& Valente, 2018; Gomes, Falcão, & Tedesco, 2018; Katterfeldt, influences and effects of AR in programming learning, or also the
Cukurova, Spikol, & Cuartielles, 2018; Papavlasopoulou, Sharma, limitations that prohibit this technology from further adoption.
& Giannakos, 2018), in order to implement the essential nowa- Positively, there are many studies incorporating AR tools within
days skills of Computational Thinking (CT) in education. However, CS education. Furthermore, a study by Fernando Batista, Thiry,
acquiring CT skills is a dynamic process and requires continuous Queiroz Gonçalves, and Fernandes (2020), discusses the usage of
engagement from students. Learners have to write code and find AR, VR and MR technologies in the learning process of CS, but
ways to apply instructions and present them in order to solve apart from the fact that it is a more general review, it also focuses
a problem and not simply use a programming tool or environ- on the application of these technologies and how they allow
ment (Wing, 2006). Furthermore, problem-solving skills are not reproducing a virtual environment in CS domain (in general). We
something that can be mastered by any child within limited time distinguish this review by focusing on the results that come out
or under the same circumstances, since they have to learn and from previous papers with AR usage for learning programming
think about the consequences of their actions. Especially, when it (and not on just categorizing these papers). This differentiation
comes to young children, immersive and engaging ways to enrich helped us to synthesize the findings of the studies and to evaluate
interactions with computational tools should be considered (Yu and view these results in a meaningful way.
& Roque, 2019). This takes time, planning and dedication, which Findings show that AR settings are connected to a variety of
school time and place sometimes do not allow. Although, children perceptual, cognitive and motivational impacts and outcomes.
use computers fluently, they continue to face difficulties in CS ed- The analysis discusses gaps and offers a basis for future field
ucation. Previous research (Buitrago Flórez et al., 2017) indicates studies. Consequently, this review may be useful for students,
that these challenges are still present and that students appear to schoolteachers, policymakers, curriculum designers and AR tech-
be becoming less involved in programming. nology developers. It can also provide guidance to researchers
Emerging and engaging interfaces that can enrich children’s and practitioners and enhance further research on the field for
interactions can be used such us Augmented Reality (AR) tools (Yu academics.
& Roque, 2019). AR technology results in a number of positive The remainder of this article is structured as follows. The
outcomes and impacts for educational purposes. There are several related work section offers a brief introduction of learning ex-
works that utilize AR tools and environments in order to develop periences with AR on education and more specifically on pro-
CT skills or to acquire programming knowledges, in a variety of gramming learning. The methodology section explains the pro-
contexts (e.g. Chung and Hsiao (2020), Dass, Kim, Ford, Agarwal, tocol for the execution of this study. A quantitative as well as
and (Polo) Chau (2018), Sittiyuno and Chaipah (2019)). Though, qualitative analysis of the chosen studies is provided in the find-
there are not sufficient studies that analyze the meaningful char- ings and discussion sections. Finally, the conclusion, sets out
acteristics or the advantages and disadvantages of AR in the field. recommendations for future studies based on existing study gaps.
The literature on the subject is also considered to be scattered
and lacking in coherence. This absence is seen as a barrier to the 2. Background
advancement in the identification of the influence of AR, in the
creation of more successful approaches and in the proposal of This section presents basic aspects of the AR technology and
guidelines of how to best use them in CS education. common information around its practice as a medium in educa-
Considering the aforementioned findings, this study researches tional settings.
ways to effectively use AR in CS education through a systematic
review of AR in the learning process of programming. The review 2.1. AR technology features
aims to examine the literature on AR studies with programming-
coding interventions, especially with respect to learning, skills, AR can be defined as the ability to overlay computer graph-
motivation and engagement. As far as we know through lit- ics onto the real world, by adding layers of digital information
erature, there are no systematic reviews that investigate the to the physical environment (Billinghurst, 2002). According to
intersection of AR and programming learning in children level. A Azuma (1997), AR is a variation of Virtual Reality (VR) and its
recent study (Larson & Chambers, 2020) by Larson and Chambers, main feature is that it allows the user to combine virtual in-
presents a literature review on the use of AR-based methods in formation with physical objects. An AR environment has three
the computer programming classroom. This work focus solely key-characteristics (Azuma, 1997): (i) it combines real and virtual
on higher education, and although we do not exclude previous content, (ii) it offers interactivity in real time and, (iii) it renders
A. Theodoropoulos and G. Lepouras International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 30 (2021) 100335

in 3D. In another widely accepted study, by Milgram and Kishino video game industry has incorporated AR technology in their
(1994), the concept of Mixed Reality (MR) continuum was intro- design, with new potential and implications for children (Das,
duced, where at the one end of the continuum lies the reality and Zhu, McLaughlin, Bilgrami, & Milanaik, 2017). It is easier for kids
at the other end lies the VR (Fig. 1). Dissimilar to VR, AR does not to interact with a virtual world themselves, than simply watching
create the complete artificial worlds to replace existing ones with an avatar move across a screen. Actually, more children than
virtual ones. AR appears in direct view of an existing environment ever are learning how to use AR tech in their everyday lives by
and augments it with graphics, videos and sounds. Moreover,
playing games (López-Faican & Jaen, 2020). AR is a technology
Augmented Virtuality (Milgram & Kishino, 1994) (Fig. 1), refers
that superposes complex digital content in the physical environ-
to augmentation of the virtual world with real objects.
Technologically, AR information is conveyed through a variety ment, thereby providing children with a tangible and immersive
of medium e.g., screens, mobile devices, cameras, headsets and viewpoint (Di Serio, Ibáñez, & Kloos, 2013; Wu, Hwang, Yang, &
glasses. In general, an AR application may involve tools like real- Chen, 2018), while also visualizing ideas or artifacts that are not
time localization and mapping and depth tracking (e.g. sensor real visible.
data that calculates the distance to the objects), and the following In educational settings, AR learning interactions have been
components (Carmigniani et al., 2011): investigated thoroughly, like in mathematics (Bujak et al., 2013),
science (Cheng & Tsai, 2013) or STEM related fields (Ibáñez &
• cameras (able to track the user movement for merging the
Delgado-Kloos, 2018). Combining physical and virtual objects,
virtual objects),
provides children with immersive and interactive experiences
• sensors (e.g., geospatial datum with gyroscope, compass and
accelerometer), (Wu, Lee, Chang, & Liang, 2013). AR technology allows them to
• processing (for graphics, animation and merging of images), participate in authentic learning experiences and explore real en-
• projections (the surface to project virtual elements to the vironments with many positive results, especially for young ages
user), (Ibáñez & Delgado-Kloos, 2018; Wu et al., 2013). From a learn-
• reflection (the mean that the user can see the virtual objects ing perspective, AR can motivate and help understanding and
overlaying to the physical world). strengthen the learner’s experiences in the real world by us-
ing additional visual senses (Bujak et al., 2013; Cheng & Tsai,
As, for the registration method (the procedure that merges virtual
2013; Ibáñez & Delgado-Kloos, 2018). It can also include multiple
objects with real world images, Fig. 2) the following approaches
immersion levels and engagement that can help children par-
are used (Katiyar, Kalra, & Garg, 2015; Poghosyan, 2018):
ticipate in the learning process (Saadon, Ahmad, Pee, & Hanapi,
• marker-based (image recognition-based, requires a special 2020). With AR, they can take an active part in the lesson and
visual object and a camera to scan it, e.g., a printed QR code experiment with real-time visualizations, observing the dynamic
or special signs or even a set of object’s photos), properties of the studied phenomenon at their own pace (Akçayır,
• marker-less (location-based or position-based, provides data Akçayır, Pektaş, & Ocak, 2016).
based on user’s location utilizing sensors like GPS, gyro- However, AR is still a novelty and thus, its usage in the class-
scope, compass and accelerometer),
room is usually restricted (Jesionkowska, Wild, & Deval, 2020). A
• projection-based (projecting synthetic light to physical sur-
systematic review on AR in STEM learning, reveals that few AR
faces and in some cases allows interaction with it),
works provide students with assistance in carrying out learning
• superimposition-based (replaces the real view with an aug-
mented, it can be fully or partly). activities (Ibáñez & Delgado-Kloos, 2018). Most previous studies,
evaluate the effects of the AR medium in fostering students’
Furthermore, the manipulation in virtual worlds such as AR conceptual understanding (Ibáñez & Delgado-Kloos, 2018) and
applications can be: (a) Direct (Mine, 1995): The user manipu- learning motivation (Khan, Johnston, & Ophoff, 2019; Saadon
lates the virtual augmentations in the same way as in the real et al., 2020). Nevertheless, AR educational activities should de-
world, (b) Physical handling (Mine, 1995): The user manipulates
signed carefully, focusing on pedagogical and learning theories
the virtual augmentations through physical devices (e.g. buttons,
since the educational value of AR are not solely based on its
switches and feedback devices, which allow the user to feel the
features (Nincarean, Alia, Halim, & Rahman, 2013).
physical properties of the virtual), (c) Virtual handling (Mine,
1995): The user manipulates the virtual augmentations through Next, we present our research method and then our results,
virtual representations of physical feedback devices (e.g. virtual examining whether the AR medium can be used in an efficient
buttons that can be pressed in the virtual world), and (d) Repre- and engaging way, as a means of learning programming especially
sentation handling (Sherman & Craig, 2018): The user commands with children.
a virtual character, which executes actions on behalf of the user
in the virtual world.
Although most current AR applications are one-user experi- 3. Methodology
ences, they can be used with more than one participants
(Billinghurst, Kato, & Myojin, 2009; López-Faican & Jaen, 2020). As stated in above, this work aims to perform a Systematic
In a sense, any AR application that is being executed in a place Literature Review (SLR) in order to detect, assess and under-
where several people are located, it is an experience for many, stand relevant researches in the field of programming education
by taking into account that only one user may interact with the
with AR. Our research methodology is based on the most gener-
application and the rest may only interact with the real world.
ally accepted recommendations for SLR, by Kitchenham, Budgen,
2.2. AR as a medium with children and Brereton (2015). For optimal search results, we followed a
quasi-gold standard-based search refinement approach according
AR technology can be used effectively with children, both for to SLR: Initially, we recognized the need for this review, then
entertainment and for learning purposes. Today’s children are we established the review procedure, next we conducted auto-
growing up with exceptional access to information and media mated searches, then we evaluated the accuracy of the discovered
via several digital mediums and the Internet. Additionally, the studies and finally we performed the extraction of data.
A. Theodoropoulos and G. Lepouras International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 30 (2021) 100335

Fig. 1. Simplified representation of Reality-Virtuality Continuum, by Milgram and Kishino (1994).

Fig. 2. Examples of different AR registration methods. See Sittiyuno and Chaipah (2019); Poghosyan (2018).

3.1. Review questions Reality’’ and ‘‘Programming’’ were the key search words. In order
to finalize our the search string (Table 1), we used the following
Since this study is a systematic review, our review/research steps described in Kitchenham et al. (2015) :
questions focus on the results of the papers (and not on catego-
rizing papers). We have identified the following three target sub- • Find major terms from the questions by identifying the main
areas in our review, in order to highlight the existing evidence, concepts.
gaps and future paths in the field: • Identify alternative spellings and synonyms for major terms.
RQ1: To what extent can the AR technology be used as an • Check the keywords in any relevant papers.
effective method/tool to learn programming in CS education? • Boolean OR usage to add alternatives spellings and syn-
Rationale: Highlight the positive or negative impacts and ef- onyms.
fects of the inclusion of AR in CS education, and present ways • Boolean AND usage to link the major terms.
that it is achievable in interventions with children.
To gather high-quality data, we searched in the following on-
RQ2: How can we make usage of AR technology to support CS
line bibliographic databases: ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore,
and programming learning?
Springer Connect, Science Direct, ERIC and Wiley Online. In ad-
Rationale: Highlight the elements with which the children/
dition, we looked independently in key educational papers and
learners interact in an AR based environment and present im-
conferences in the fields of Computing Educations and CS Educa-
plications for research and practice and present functionality,
tion, including: Computers and Education (Elsevier), International
architecture and tools for AR development.
Child–Computer Interaction Journal (Elsevier), ACM Transactions
RQ3: What are the learning processes and gains of using AR
on Computing Education (TOCE), ACM’s Conference on CS Educa-
to teach and learn programming?
tion (SIGCSE), ACM’s Conference on Innovation and Technology
Rationale: Explore the learning processes (cognitive and/or
pedagogical) that occur most through the development of stu- in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE), ACM’s Conference on
dents’ learning outcomes between the beginning and the end Human Factors in Computing Systems (SIGCHI) and ACM’s Work-
of the intervention with AR activities and present programming shop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education (WiPSCE).
concepts and languages taught. Moreover, identify additional fac-
tors (e.g., the level of education) that affect the learning process. 3.3. Criteria for inclusion and exclusion
The actions carried out in each step of this literature review
are listed below. The data extraction process took place in three stages: (1)
Initially, a primary review was carried out to collect data types
3.2. Search strategy and data collection based on standard information and inclusion–exclusion criteria.
To identify important articles, the search results were carefully
Initially, generic terms were used in order to ensure that the checked based on the paper’s title, summary, keywords and con-
analysis covered most of the related research papers. ‘‘Augmented clusions. (2) A more careful review was then carried out over each
A. Theodoropoulos and G. Lepouras International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 30 (2021) 100335

Table 1
Search procedure performed in databases.
Database Search terms protocol Additional information
ACM Digital Library [[Abstract: ‘‘augmented reality’’] OR [Abstract: AR]] AND – searched in the ACM Full-Text
[[Abstract: programming] OR [Abstract: coding] OR Collection
[Abstract: ‘‘computational thinking’’]] AND [[Abstract: – search in the field ‘‘Abstract’’
learning] OR [Abstract: teaching] OR [Abstract: learn] OR – search in all publication dates
[Abstract: teach]] – 68 initial results
IEEE Xplore ((‘‘Abstract’’:‘‘augmented reality’’ AND – search in the field ‘‘Abstract’’
(‘‘Abstract’’:‘‘programming’’ OR ‘‘Abstract’’:‘‘coding’’ OR – search in all publication dates
‘‘Abstract’’:‘‘computational thinking’’) AND – 51 initial results
(‘‘Abstract’’:‘‘teach’’ OR ‘‘Abstract’’:‘‘teaching’’ OR
‘‘Abstract’’:‘‘learning’’ OR ‘‘Abstract’’:‘‘learn’’)))
ScienceDirect ‘‘augmented reality’’ AND (coding OR programming OR – search in the fields ‘‘Title’’, ‘‘abstract’’
‘‘computational thinking’’) AND (teaching OR learning OR or ‘‘author-specified keywords’’
teach OR learn) – search in all publication dates
– 42 initial results
Springer Link ‘‘augmented reality’’ NEAR (programming OR coding OR – Search in all fields
‘‘computational thinking’’) NEAR (teaching OR learning OR – search for all content types
teach OR learn) – search in all publication dates
– 43 initial results
ERIC ‘‘augmented reality’’ AND (programming OR coding OR – search in all fields
‘‘computational thinking’’) AND (teaching OR learning OR – full text available
teach OR learn) – search in all publication dates
– 22 initial results
Wiley Online Library ‘‘’’augmented reality‘‘’’ in Abstract AND ‘‘programming OR – search in the field ‘‘Abstract’’
coding’’ in Abstract AND ‘‘learning OR teaching OR teach – search for articles
OR learn ’’ in Abstract – search in all publication dates
– 20 initial results

Table 2 the methodology followed by the chosen studies as well as their

Extracted primary studies results.
methodological rigor and the parameters were:
Type Data
Standard details Title, Authors, Publication year, Journal or 1. How well was the research conducted in terms of design
Conference and structure?
name, Publisher, Paper Type, Number of 2. Is the research methodology transparently reported (par-
Citations, Average Citations per year, Date of
ticipants, instruments, data collection and analysis)?
3. How clear and consistent have the relations between re-
Inclusion & Exclusion 1. Available online
Criteria 2. Described activities irrelevant with AR sults, analysis and conclusions been?
3. Did not combine AR with programming 4. How generalizable are the findings of the study and to what
learning or CT acquiring degree would be applicable across different stakeholders
4. Learning-Educational Intervention
5. Empirical research or AR technology
(e.g., researchers, educators, developers)?
presentation In addition, the chosen works, were evaluated as follows:
6. Did not follow well-structured research 5. Does the research design enable us to find relevant infor-
mation to answer RQs of this study?
7. Inadequate evaluation methods
8. Insufficient data or unclear findings
The assessment was carried out independently by two
9. Language
10. Peer-reviewed researchers, and each paper was evaluated on a scale of 1 to 3
Research Questions Extent to which each review question is
(low, moderate and high). In cases where the ratings varied from
addressed two points, the assessment process was conducted by a third
(RQ1, RQ2, RQ3) researcher and the two biggest scores were eventually adopted.
Answers to research’s Usage of AR in teaching and learning, effects By applying scores on each of the five factors, the cumulative
purpose of AR technology, benefits reported, challenges weight of proof (woe) for each publication was considered. The
ratings ranged from 5 to 15, with a low of 5 and a high of 15.
In Fig. 3, the histogram indicates the apparent differences in
the adopted threshold ratings. Since they have been published in
of the papers to gather the level of the research issue, answers scientific peer-reviewed conferences and journals, most studies
to research questions and basic AR and programming learning obtained a good ranking, which was expected. For the selected
related data. (3) Finally, in the third round of review, we defined articles, the mean ranking was 11.25.
papers that contributed positively to the field through a full-
text analysis based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria as
presented in Table 2. 3.5. Coding scheme - data extraction strategy

3.4. Quality assessment For each selected study, basic information was extracted for
references, such as authors name, paper title, type of publication,
We conducted a quality assessment process based on selected year of publication and publisher. In addition, based on RQ1, RQ2
criteria adapted from Kitchenham et al. (2015) to determine the and RQ3, which characterize the usage of AR in the educational
consistency of the selected studies. The procedure reflected on context of CS, we extracted the features shown at Table 3.
A. Theodoropoulos and G. Lepouras International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 30 (2021) 100335

Fig. 3. Histogram of the ratings for quality assessment of included articles.

Fig. 4. Flowchart with the search method, indicating the quantity of papers (a study may be excluded for many reasons).

Table 3
The coding scheme used during the data extraction process.
Feature Description
Research Purpose what is intended to be achieved by employing AR technology in the learning process of programming

Technology - Tools indicates technologies and tools used in the design and presentation of the AR environment e.g., a framework or a library,
such as Unity3D and Vuforia

Application Type indicates the form of user interaction with the AR environment e.g., game or simulator

Augmented Functionality highlights the main feature of the AR technology employed e.g., identify if the environment is immersive or uses markers

Educational Intervention characterizes the strategies used to provide information and how it is absorbed by learners interacting with AR
(instructional strategies and techniques)

Learning Gains - Effects identifies learning effects observed or reported by learners e.g., engagement, increased motivation and performance

Programming Course - Subject identifies the programming concepts in which the research was applied

Research Design identifies the means that were used to evaluate the AR intervention

Participants reports the participants that used AR applications by educational level e.g., primary education students

A. Theodoropoulos and G. Lepouras International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 30 (2021) 100335

Fig. 5. List of publication venues.

4. Results here, that we searched the databases (Table 1), in every publi-
cation date and not in a specific range. Not surprisingly the first
After searching in the digital databases/libraries, 246 scientific publication used in our review was in Radu and MacIntyre (2009),
publications were found to match the searching terms. Then, the while most studies (n = 18) were published during 2019 and
duplicates were removed and therefore continued 236 works. The 2020. AR technology in CS education is a quite new approach, but
next step in this process was to operate filters and the first one the distribution of the selected works (Fig. 6) shows a growing
(screening) was about reading the title, abstract, and keywords, interest in using AR to augment coding concepts.
where it concluded into 59 selected. During the screening filter- The largest number of studies (n = 23) included an experimen-
phase the inter-rater reliability revealed strong agreement in the tal situation in order to test the AR tools (Table 5). There are a few
field of title (κ = 53.7%), abstract (κ = 61.2%) and full-text (κ studies (n = 8) that aim to test AR with users in a future work
= 54.9%). During the second phase (eligibility) of the filtering and they just presented AR technology without experimental
process, the 59 papers were screened based on their full-text and research.
this concluded to 36 studies. Then, applying the exclusion criteria,
7 more works were removed and 29 papers were accepted for the 5. Discussion
data extraction stage. Finally, 2 more papers were added via the
snowball process (in selected venues and journals as presented This section presents the answers to the review questions of
above), so 31 selected works were included in the final list. The this study, based on the 31 extracted articles (Table 2).
selection and filtering process are presented in Fig. 4. The selected
works are listed in Table 4. 5.1. Positive and negative impacts of AR (RQ1)
Most works were published in conference proceedings n = 24
(77,42%), while only n = 7 (22,58%) were published in In order to comprehend the role of AR in CS Education and its
peer-reviewed journals. They come from multiple research do- impacts, we found that AR technology clearly has a number of
mains, including but not limited to educational technologies positive effects in programming learning (Table 8). This section
(e.g., R08, R09, R31), tangibles (e.g., R01, R02, R07, R22), serious highlights these effects as well the negative impacts (Table 9) of
games (e.g., R14, R19, R22, R29), HCI-user experience (e.g., R11, the inclusion of AR in CS education. Table 7 presents the mea-
R18) and educational robotics (e.g., R05, R09). Fig. 5 presents the surements of the empirical/experimental studies and the most
detailed list of publication venues. Most of them appeared in the common outcomes for employing AR activities in the selected 31
ACM IDC conference proceedings (n = 4). studies. Most of them measured motivation and engagement (n
The analysis indicates that there was a large increase in num- = 14) and user experience concepts (n = 14) of students through
ber of publications after 2018 (Fig. 6). It is important to mention the AR activities. Moreover, the learners’ performance or other
A. Theodoropoulos and G. Lepouras International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 30 (2021) 100335

Table 4
Selected works for this review.

ID Research Purpose/AR intervention Reference

R01 AR-Maze, a novel tangible programming tool using Augmented Reality Jin, Wang, Deng,
Zheng, and Chiu
R02 tangible programming tool designed to help children learn Depth First Search algorithm Deng, Wang, Jin, and
Sun (2019)
R03 an experiment of augmentation of primitive data types of C programming language in mobile platform Rahman, Rahman,
Chowdhury, and
Zaman (2020)
R04 evaluated two interactive AR coding environments: a head-mounted AR with Microsoft HoloLens and a Dass et al. (2018)
mobile AR with ARKit on an iPhone
R05 CS concept of event-handling by integrating AR into activities with the Thymio robot Magnenat, Ben-Ari,
Klinger, and Sumner
R06 StoryMakAR, an integrated AR environment that brings stories to life Glenn, Ipsita,
Carithers, Peppler,
and Ramani (2020)
R07 MR coding learning platform with a physical user-configurable coding game board Kim et al. (2019)
R08 AR/TUI-supported debugging-teaching prototype with physical markers Resnyansky,
Billinghurst, and Dey
R09 a deep learning recommendation system was developed, which includes AR technology Lin and Chen (2020)
R10 AR Bot, an AR based virtual educational robotics learning system, which aims to support the learning Ou Yang (2019)
activities of CT and STEM
R11 a mobile AR-enabled that can contextualize a programming debugging task and support program editing & Chung and Hsiao
CT learning (2020)
R12 an AR app that further facilitates the collaborative learning activity by bringing the analogy to life for parallel Abernethy, Sinnen,
programming Adams, De Ruvo, and
Giacaman (2018)
R13 AR environment, that helps students to learn OpenGL programming in a visual and interactive way Teng and Chen (2012)
R14 ARCode, a game-based learning system that shows how each command works by using AR animations, and Sittiyuno and Chaipah
focuses on the logical order of commands (2019)
R15 ShapeMaker utilizes a table-based tactile interface that bridges physical actions with digital results, allowing Masso and Grace
players to learn basic concepts in programming by playing a card game (2011)
R16 AST[AR] is an AR based software application that teaches data structures with the help of Abstract Syntax Agrahari and
Trees Chimalakonda (2020)
R17 EPRA, a series of collaborative experiences carried out using hypermedia educational material that includes Mesia, Sanz, and
AR activities to teach control structures Gorga (2016)
R18 active Learning for the teaching of STEAM subjects, using a format where students are tasked with building Jesionkowska et al.
an AR application as part of their learning (2020)
R19 AR enhanced learning system that offers visual representation and interactivity to help students learn Teng, Chen, and Chen
programming for 3D applications (2018)
R20 AR and ARIS, an interactive storytelling programming platform, with mobile games, to share stories and Litts, Lewis, and
experiences about local environmental or civic issues Mortensen (2020)
R21 learning activities undertaken with an AR tool, based on the principles of game theory, in the subject of Del Bosque, Martinez,
structured programming and Torres (2015)
R22 compared a tangible AR game with the same game in an unplugged version, to examine the effect of the Gardeli and Vosinakis
interface on student motivation, effectiveness and teaching practice (2018)
R23 RoboTIC, a serious game with AR that uses a novel set of visual metaphors derived from a notation of roads Schez-Sobrino,
and traffic signs Vallejo, Glez-Morcillo,
Redondo, and
Castro-Schez (2020a)
R24 AR mobile application to teach mobile programming at an undergraduate level and features a game-based Kazanidis, Tsinakos,
collaborative learning scenario and Lytridis (2017)
R25 COLLECE-2.0. introduces a 2-D graphic notation to a 3-D environment, which represents an improvement to a Schez-Sobrino et al.
complete platform for collaborative programming learning with AR (2020b)
R26 CodeCubes, a hybrid interface that combines physical paper cubes with AR and intends to promote CT Cleto, Moura, Ferreira,
through exploration and experimentation and Sylla (2018)
R27 In order to find out if the students were motivated to use CodeCubes, it was compared with three other Cleto, Sylla, Ferreira,
programming activities that the participants usually carry out in a robotics club and Moura (2019)

(continued on next page)

A. Theodoropoulos and G. Lepouras International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 30 (2021) 100335

Table 4 (continued).
ID Research Purpose/AR intervention Reference
R28 AR Scratch, is an AR authoring environment designed for children Radu and MacIntyre
R29 Code Bits, a paper based tangible CT toolkit that focuses upon very trivial concepts of programming, with AR Goyal, Vijay, Monga,
in the mobile version and Kalita (2016)
R30 ARQuest, a collaborative mobile game for developing CT skills for primary school students. The game Gardeli and Vosinakis
combines a physical board and tangible tokens with animated 3D content (2019)
R31 AR android application that tracks physical tiles and creates 3D maps, also giving a character that can be da Silva Esteves,
programmed to walk on the created map, simulating a programming toy Santana, and Lyra

Fig. 6. Distribution of papers per year.

Table 5 Table 7
Research design in the selected studies. Measurements used in the selected studies.
Research design References Measurements References
True experiment R05, R06, R09, R11, R14, R19, R22 Motivation, Engagement R01, R04, R11, R14, R18, R19, R20, R22,
Quasi-experiment R01, R02, R16, R18, R25 R23, R24, R27, R28, R30, R31
Repeated-measures R04, R15, R17, R20, R21, R23, R24, R27, UX (satisfaction, R04, R06, R11, R14, R15, R16, R17, R18,
R28, R30, R31 enjoyment), Usability R19, R23, R25, R28, R30, R31
Nonexperimental research R03, R07, R08, R10, R12, R13, R26, R29 Pedagogical aspects R02, R04, R05, R09, R11, R14, R19, R21,
R22, R25, R31
Soft skills R07, R09, R11, R12, R14, R17, R18, R20,
Table 6
R22, R24, R25
Instruments used in the selected studies.
Research design References
Observations (audio, R01, R02, R06, R11, R20, R22, R27, R28, R31
notes, video etc.) approach. Though AR interventions students learn programming
Interviews, Discussion R11, R15, R18, R20, R22, R24 concepts in a fun and enjoyable way, like in AR-Maze (R01),
Survey, Questionnaires, R02, R05, R06, R09, R11, R14, R16, R17, where young children created programs by positioning program-
Assessment R18, R19, R21, R22, R23, R24, R25, R30, R31 ming blocks and then they had to debug or execute their code
Data logs R04, R05, R06, R11, R14, R19, R25, R30, R31 with a mobile device in a tangible environment. Learners may
AR tool presentation R03, R07, R08, R10, R12, R13, R26, R29 carry out AR tasks enthusiastically like in R27 with CodeCubes,
a hybrid interface that combines AR with physical paper cubes.
Besides satisfaction and enjoyment, children have positive per-
ceptions in terms of usability with AR environments. For example,
pedagogical aspects were measured in many cases (n = 11) and
in R19 students interacted with visual representations in order to
also soft skills like creativity and critical thinking (n = 11).
learn programming for 3D applications. Through a within-subject
In addition, multiple methods, usually in conjunction, were
experiment, they reported better learning efficiency, usability,
used by researchers of the chosen works, to gather information
and determine the result of the AR workshops/activities: a total flow experience and usage, by incorporating AR than a usual sys-
of n = 17 experiments used questionnaires, n = 9 log reports, n = tem. Likewise, in studies R14 and R17 learners found AR systems
9 observations and n = 6 interviews (Table 6). very useful and reported high levels of satisfaction. They felt that
the AR activities allowed them to understand the topic better
5.1.1. Children engagement & experiences with AR while being motivated by interacting with real objects.
In most studies (n = 19), learners assumed that AR technology
was enjoyable and enhanced their learning experiences (Table 8). 5.1.2. Motivation impacts & AR games
For example, R04 and R18 used AR to help students learn coding As it was expected, games are used as a medium in several
more easily and with more fun as an immersive and intuitive AR learning interventions (n = 12). Coding through AR games, can
A. Theodoropoulos and G. Lepouras International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 30 (2021) 100335

Table 8 the sequence formation with AR coding activities. Moreover, the

Positive impacts. fun and scaffolded learning, through AR challenges, can be very
Achievable extend References helpful for children to better understand algorithmic thinking.
Engagement, fun/enjoyable R01, R04, R06, R11, R14, R15, R16, R17, ARCode in study R14, focuses on the logical order of commands
intervention R18, R19, R20, R22, R23, R24, R25, R27, and students can use an AR system with C++ programming,
R28, R30, R31 where they have to logically order commands in order to solve
Motivation impacts, games R01, R02, R07, R08, R14, R16, R20, R21, a problem. Similarly, in ARQuest (study R30), primary education
R22, R23, R24, R30 students, exposed in AR through a physical board and tangible
Learning gains R02, R04, R05, R09, R11, R14, R19, R21, tokens with animated 3D content and solved challenges in a
R22, R25, R31 gamified environment, improving their problem-solving skills. Fi-
Collaboration R11, R12, R14, R17, R18, R22, R24, R25 nally, AR technology can bring effectively programming concepts
Creativity R07, R09, R18, R20 to young programmers and reduce the effort that with other
Direct feedback R02, R07, R22 medium would be needed for the learners. Study R28 uses an AR
authoring environment designed for children, which minimizes
cognitive load by leveraging simple interaction metaphors.
incorporate numerous elements and approaches to motivate chil-
5.1.4. Direct feedback & teachers’ access to activities
dren, like the interactive scenario, the narrative and the players’ Another positive element that was revealed through some
control. In study R20, students practiced programming through studies (n = 3), is the direct feedback and the mastery in the
designing mobile games about local environmental or civic issues form of ranking with process indicators (points, level ups, badges
using the AR interactive storytelling programming platform called etc.). In study R02, children programmed by assembling physical
ARIS. Moreover, games are especially motivating to younger ages objects and received real-time feedback from the virtual scene.
e.g., in study R30, with the ARQuest that develops CT skills to The AR intervention used tangible programming cards to control
primary school students. The game combines a physical board a search process, rather than control virtual characters directly.
and tangible tokens with animated 3D content and children use Receiving direct feedback may also help students see their errors
them to create and solve challenges in a gamified environment, or even make less. For example in study R05, learners used a
which results high level of motivation. In addition, with AR games tablet over an image from a camera, which showed the location
the learners may overcome difficulties that coding consumes, like of the Thymio robot when the event was executed and so they
the ARCode game in study R14, which increases motivation and made significantly fewer errors on the performed tasks. In study
reduces the fear of learning coding, by using history concepts R22, children used blocks through a game with a tangible AR ap-
and rewards. AR games can also give to the children the ability proach and the direct feedback helped them to understand coding
to display the syntax behind their acts without pressuring them easier. The same study, highlights also the aspect of controlling a
to use it as part of gameplay, as with the ShapeMaker game, learning activity as an instructor. AR approaches can affect the
in study R15, that utilizes a table-based tactile interface which instructor’s role and provide helpful insights towards teaching
bridges physical actions with digital results, allowing players to practice. Finally, study R07, features a physical user configurable
coding game-board, which allows the teachers to tailor the game
learn basic programming concepts by playing a card game. This
according to their instructional needs.
game simplifies coding concepts and introduces the fundamental
of programming in an intuitive setting where players are able to
5.1.5. Prior programming knowledge & interest towards coding
obtain knowledge and accomplish objectives. In addition, AR can be used to learn coding without prior pro-
gramming experience, since it avoids the problem where learners
5.1.3. Pedagogical aspects & learning gains need a programming knowledge before they can start to de-
However, the most important part of learning is to acquire velop their own programs, e.g., studies R01, R02, R22, R23, R28,
new understandings, knowledge, behaviors and skills. As shown, R30 and R31. Another positive characteristic it that AR can in-
AR environments can potentially promote student’s motivation crease interest towards programming. In study R21, AR supported
and engagement and therefore can lead to increased learning. the performance and motivation among students and influenced
Many studies (n = 11) in this review provide evidence for learning them to continue with the rest of the course and they may
gains in terms of achievement and performance. In study R05, re- continue their studies by not failing their school year and their
searchers integrated AR into CS activities with the Thymio robot. career. Similarly, in RoboTIC (study R22), children’s motivation
They compared students’ errors on different tasks and found that and interest towards programming was increased after the AR
those who used AR made fewer errors, and their performance im- intervention.
proved. In study R09, students used a learning system to explore
the impact on the learning effectiveness and CT. The experimental 5.1.6. Collaborative & creative environments
group used deep learning recommendation with AR technology Moreover, we found evidence that AR can motivate collabo-
ration, social and communication skills and creativity. In study
and the control group used a non-deep learning system. Those
R18 students worked in teams to develop a concept, reflected
that used deep learning recommendation-based AR system were
this in pseudo-code and next they created a working application
significantly better in the part of CT ability, than those using
prototype. This way of active learning, enhanced their learning
non-deep learning recommendation-based AR system. In another
experience and made it enjoyable. In study R24, an AR mobile
study (R11), participants with the AR support made better quality application that featured a game-based collaborative learning
of programs with lower errors and less amount of code edits, scenario was used. Similarly study R25, introduces the evolution
compared to those without the AR support. Similarly, in (R14) the of a 2D graphic notation to a 3D environment and it represents
AR treatment group had significantly improved scores. an improvement to a platform named COLLECE-2.0, which is built
Also, in some works the ability to understand the logical for collaborative programming learning. Furthermore, many AR
connection between ideas (critical thinking) is enhanced through activities are connected with creativity. For example, the MR
AR activities. In study R09, the students’ that used AR, performed game in study R07 can trigger creativity among students, enabling
better with regards to logical computing, critical thinking, and them to physically interact with a program. Also, in study R09, the
problem-solving skills. CT involves breaking down a complex AI recommendation system that was developed, helped students
problem into pieces like In study R29, where children sensed of the experimental group to be more creative.
A. Theodoropoulos and G. Lepouras International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 30 (2021) 100335

Table 9 Table 10
Negative impacts/considerations. AR functionality.
Non achievable extend References Functionality References
Technology/hardware requirements R11, R31 Marker-based R01, R06, R07, R08, R13, R14, R15, R17, R19, R20,
Physical arrangements, interaction R01, R04 R21, R26
Learning considerations, feedback R02, R04, R24
QR code R13, R15, R20, R21
Marker-less R03, R04, R09, R10, R11, R12, R16, R18, R23, R24,
R25, R28, R31
5.1.7. Negative effects/considerations HMDs R02, R04, R07, R17, R18, R22, R24, R25
On the other hand, there are a few considerations that may TUIs R01, R02, R07, R08, R22, R27, R29, R30
lead to negative impacts of using AR technology for programming
learning. As reported in study R01, spatial limitations as well as
the physical arrangements should be considered in AR system 5.2. Learner interaction in AR based environments (RQ2)
design. Specifically, the physical arrangement of the technology,
needs to be adjusted according to each user’s needs. Moreover, For RQ2, we analyzed the AR functionality in the programming
in AR-maze (R01) the camera’s capture should be arranged for activities of the selected studies, the AR architecture and tools
programming blocks and position maps. This problem will be for AR development. Moreover, we highlight the elements with
enlarged exponentially as soon as the program’s complexity ex- which the children/learners interact in an AR based environment
ceeds a certain threshold, which requires more space and a wider and present implications for research and practice.
interface for the experiment. A possible solution could be to use
other AR systems like projection.
5.2.1. AR functionality
Another issue may be the hardware needs and specifications.
In terms of functionality (Table 10), many studies use markers
In R31, researchers created an AR android application that tracks
as images and objects in the real-world environment (e.g., a table,
physical tiles and creates 3D maps for the user. The application
a board or a cube) to trigger the appearance of the virtual content
simulates a programming toy, by programming a character to
(n = 12). For example, each surface of a physical object may have
walk on the created map. Authors state that the hardware limits
an AR marker that represents a basic programming instruction or
in this study, prevent the application from causing bigger impact
movement like in study R26: e.g., start, go_forward, turn_right,
and notice in children, as such problems can create troubles in
turn_left, go_back and end. Some studies use location maps as
usability. Also, in R04, a study that used holograms, students
markers like study R01, while others, require a functioning QR
stated that it was difficult to interact with the AR system since
code to implement AR (n = 4).
gestures often required several tries before they got recognized.
Moreover, the coding visualization can also be
Furthermore, the feedback for using AR should be properly pre-
displayed through AR devices like head-mounted displays (HMD)
sented. In study R01, young children are more likely to ignore
(n = 8). Among the current HMDs, Microsoft HoloLens excels
the feedback from plain text. Visual representations may provide
thanks to the immersion and interaction potentials that it offers.
better understanding and engagement in littler ages. For these reasons, the HoloLens HMD has been selected as a
Additionally, as many AR tasks are gamified, many elements of medium in many studies of this review (e.g., R02, R07, R17, R22,
the gameplay tend to be ignored, such as assessing and managing R24).
the environment appropriately. A very critical topic to discuss, Furthermore, tangible user interfaces (TUI) are used in numer-
is determining the gaming outcomes. AR gaming environment ous studies (n = 8). TUIs have the potential to make it easier for
should provide proper analytics. In study R24, the mobile AR children to be involved in programming. For example study R22,
application was developed and used with undergraduate students presents a tangible AR game for learning sequential instructions,
with a game-based collaborative learning scenario. However, it is using mobile devices and 3D printed manipulatives. In the visual
unclear how this game-based AR application can impact students’ game ARCat from study R02, tangible cards were used to help
motivation and performance in an applied course. Finally, as seen learn coding more easily and with more fun. In study R04, authors
in several studies (Table 7), ease of use, simplicity and clarity of conducted a pilot study to evaluated two interactive AR coding
intent are essential factors that enable learners to efficiently use environments, a head-mounted AR and a mobile AR and found
AR. AR designers should take those factors into account when that the tangible version was immersive and intuitive to use.
designing innovative CS curriculum technology, and educators
should also aim to implement these variables into teaching to
5.2.2. AR architecture and implementation
improve learning efficiency and engage students to participate in
Beside the functionality and the visualization of AR, the de-
learning activities.
veloped architecture for implementation is independent. In terms
of tools and AR software development kits (Fig. 7), most studies
5.1.8. RQ1 synopsis-implication used Vuforia and Unity engines (e.g., R01, R03, R05, R08, R09, R14,
AR tends to be a very popular immersive technology and R22, R26, R29, R30). This was more or less expected, since Vuforia
it can be an efficient and very stimulating technique to teach SDK supports a variety of 2D and 3D target types and has many
programming concepts to students. However, in order to learn different frame markers and image markers, while Unity3D can
programming, we should not generalize the positive or negative be fully integrated with development engines such as Vuforia and
elements of AR, as results may change under various circum- provides great functionality for the creation of interactive 3D con-
stances, for example age or background. Consequently, AR tech- tent. However, it seems that there many options to develop AR
nology has a great deal of potential to help with CS education, technologies in the field. Study R24 used the Aurasma platform in
especially in terms of motivation and engagement. The value of order to recognize real world images and then overlay media on
student learning, however, is not only ensured by the easy use top of them in the form of 3D models. Study R07, used the Apple’s
of technology, since there are many variables that can affect the ARKit, to implement a real-time image tracking that establishes
outcome. a correspondence between real and virtual spaces while study
A. Theodoropoulos and G. Lepouras International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 30 (2021) 100335

Table 11
Coding concepts, tools and processes.
Programming Concepts References
CT, basic programming R01, R05, R06, R07, R11, R17, R18, R20,
concepts R21, R22, R23, R25, R26, R27, R28, R29,
R30, R31
Introductory programming R03, R09, R14, R19, R24
(e.g., C, C++)
Block-based programming R01, R06, R10, R22, R26, R28
Data structures, algorithms R02, R16
Debugging R04, R08, R11
Educational robotics R05, R10, R18
Parallel programming R12, R13
Fig. 7. Frequency word cloud with software used for AR development. (e.g., OpenGL)

R16 generated HTML code to make use of the AR.js and A- 5.2.4. RQ2 synopsis-implication
frame libraries for AR visualization. In study R13, researchers used The empirical researches provide valuable insights about the
ARToolkit, for an AR-based OpenGL learning environment. elements with which the children interact in an AR based envi-
In addition, for 3D modeling and visualization, some studies ronment and present implications for further research and prac-
used Blender software for the (e.g., R03) and Autodesk 3ds Max tice. Moreover, it seems that the experts’ view is very important.
(e.g., R08). Finally, Android and Firebase SDKs were used in some Experts can define the users behavior and assign the right inter-
cases, in order to build the mobile applications (e.g., R09, R29). actions to an AR environment. For example, in Shapemaker (study
In terms of creation and development, AR technology can be R15), game designers and industry professionals played the game
used as an affordable learning environment. For example, in study and provided valuable feedback about the AR experience. Experts
R22 researchers compared a tangible AR game with the same can also be researchers and educators since it is also important for
game in an unplugged version and for that reason they built the digital content to appear accurately placed in the real world.
a low-cost solution with Unity game engine and Vuforia SDK. In order to build an AR tool for usage in CS education, combined
The application runs on Android mobile devices with printed 3D expertise is necessary, including UX designers who will find the
elements as for the tangible part of the system. Another example, best way on how users should interact and consume content, an
is Shapemaker in study R15, with a table-based tactile interface educational content team that will develop high quality learning
that bridges physical actions with digital results through two content, and an engineer team who will program the content to
game boards and for that reason researchers used a Plexiglas do what it needs to do and appear where it needs to appear.
table, a webcam and cards with QR Codes on their back.
5.3. Learning concepts and processes of AR and programming (RQ3)
5.2.3. Children interaction with AR environments
For RQ3 we explored the development of students’ learning
AR technology can bring immersive and engaging learning
outcomes between the beginning and the end of the intervention
experiences that combine virtual objects with the real world in a
with AR activities and compared to other resources. Moreover,
naturally way. By just using a mobile camera, students can see the
we explored the learning processes (cognitive and pedagogical)
physical world on their screen augmented with 3D virtual objects,
that occur most and Identified additional factors (e.g., the level of
creating the perception that the objects really exist. Depending on
education) that affect the learning process.
the activities, they can explore objects from different viewpoints
and interact with them using gestures and movement. Study R14,
5.3.1. Programming concepts and languages
provides a programming task and a set of paper markers. Each
For that reason, Table 11, presents the most commonly used
marker in the set represents a coding command and the user
programming concepts, tools and processes located in the se-
needs to scan the markers in a correct order to make the complete
lected studies.
program. In another example, in study R20, students designed The majority (n = 18) of the selected studies, dealt with basic
place-based mobile games and developed a storyboard of their programming concepts like variables, structured programming,
game idea within the platform ARIS (location-based AR). The sto- logical conditions, control structures, iteration etc. Some of them
ryboarding process included ideating with large paper, markers, (n = 6) used block-based programming while a few studies (n =
tape, and custom cards of various game objects. Sometimes, in 5) aimed at introductory programming e.g., the C programming
order to improve the detection of the objects and to minimize language. There was a small number of studies about educational
possible recognition errors (e.g., in poor light conditions), the robotics (n = 3) and also some that approached programming
markers may present text labels and patterns (e.g., R26, R27). learning through the debugging process (n = 3). However, there
With AR, students may use visual representations to enhance were some studies that focused on more difficult programming
and concretize their analytical interpretation, which allows them concepts like data structures (n = 2) and parallel programming (n
to imitate how programming languages work fundamentally = 2).
(study R03). They can physically interact with their code, provid-
ing real-time visual feedback that can support their understand- 5.3.2. Pedagogical processes
ing. AR Scratch in study R28, reduces the complexity of learning Findings of the selected studies, reveal that AR environments
by simple interaction metaphors. Scratch content in this study is to learn programming are linked to a range of perceptual, cog-
mixed with physical objects. AR allows students to understand nitive, behavioral, affective and motivational impacts and out-
computer-generated output as it is overlaid on real-world items, comes. The most frequently occurring outcomes and impacts
for example, they can use their finger to play the Pong game and seem to be knowledge acquisition/content understanding and
interact with the virtual program. affective and motivational outcomes (Table 12).
A. Theodoropoulos and G. Lepouras International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 30 (2021) 100335

Table 12 Table 14
Pedagogical processes involved. Sample population in the selected studies.
Effects References Age References
Cognitive behavior R02, R07, R09, R16, R28 Preschool-Primary R01, R02, R22, R23, R28, R30, R31
Middle or High School R05, R11, R18, R20
Learning outcomes, R02, R04, R05, R09, R11, R14, R19, R21,
knowledge acquired R22, R25, R31 Higher Education or Adults R04, R06, R09, R14, R15, R16, R17, R19,
R21, R24, R25
Social interaction, R11, R12, R14, R17, R22, R24, R25
collaboration Mixed R06, R18
Affective and motivational R01, R04, R11, R14, R18, R19, R20, R22, Unspecified R03, R07, R08, R10, R12, R13, R26, R29
R23, R24, R27, R28, R30, R31
Potential use with Children R01, R02, R05, R06, R07, R08, R10, R11,
R13, R18, R20, R22, R23, R26, R28, R29,
R30, R31
Table 13
Categorization of selected studies based in Bloom’s taxonomy levels.
Category References
Remember - Understand R01, R04, R05, R11, R15, R16, R17, R18, 5.3.4. Additional factors
R19, R20, R24, R25, R30, R27 Another effect that comes with AR activities may be the social-
Apply - Analyze R02, R03, R12, R21, R22, R23, R29 ization that arises by mixing users with different genders, classes
Evaluate - Create R09, R28, R31 or intellectual levels in the same learning environment. The social
interactions through AR activities may involve aspects of collabo-
ration between users/learners in a cooperative or in a competitive
The studies reviewed were also classified into three broad manner. Several studies reported positive effects on collaboration
categories according to the type of cognitive outcomes measured through AR activities (R11, R12, R14, R17, R18, R22, R24 and R25,
(Table 13), based on revised Bloom’s taxonomy (Anderson & shown also in Table 7). And AR environments compared to other
Bloom, 2001). The first collection included research on simpli- resources show a great potential to help CS education. In study
fied cognitive mechanisms that is remember and understand. R11, participants with the AR support improved the consistency
The second included studies dealing with more complex cogni- of programs with lower errors and fewer code editing, compared
tive processes involving application and analysis, while the third to those without the AR support. In study R06, through a within-
category was about evaluation and creation. subjects study, StoryMakAR was compared with Wonderscope
The most common category was the ability to remember and with positive results. CodeCubes in study R27, was compared
understand information (n = 14). These studies typically assessed with three other programming activities and could potentially in-
programming learning with pre-post questionnaires. However, crease learning motivation and achievements. Yet, AR technology
there were many studies that were categorized in the upper lev- can help develop systems from different learning backgrounds
els of the aforementioned taxonomy. Six studies assisted students like in study R09, with a deep learning recommendation system
to draw connections among programming concepts and use their which includes AR and learning theory.
ideas in new situations, while three studies helped them to justify
their decisions in the programming AR activities. 5.3.5. AR as a medium with children
The majority of the AR tools presented in this review (n =
5.3.3. Cognitive load, mental methods 18), is designed or it shows potential use with/for children (Ta-
As shown, AR and programming learning and can be increas- ble 14). 11 (7 preschool-primary, 4 middle-high school). This is
ingly linked each other. Mental methods have to be translated because, most studies and AR tools, in the long-term, they refer
into coding in programming education (Winslow, 1996). AR in- to school education, either primary or secondary. However, many
cludes developing mental abilities, as students need to over- AR-coding activities were tested with adults (n = 11), either from
come computing challenges that mix physical and virtual in or-
university education or experts from the field. Many learners-
der to learn code. The 31 papers presented here, offer insights
testers were young children aged 6–12 (n = 7), while there were
into the following: learning outcomes (programming knowledge),
some cases that involved secondary education students (n = 4).
cognitive outcomes (including declarative, procedural and situa-
Findings may provide a basis for the analysis of the profile,
tional knowledge) and affective outcomes (attitudes or beliefs)
the motivations and the learning experience within an AR en-
(Table 12). Many works (n = 11) found statistically significant
vironment. Previous research shows that there is no important
learning outcomes between the beginning and the end of the
difference in the learning process of children and adults with
intervention with AR activities. Actually, AR has the potential to
help students find ways to learn. For example, in ARCat (study differences being primarily inter-individual (Diamond & Kirkham,
R02), students Instead of using path directions mechanically, they 2005; Kuhn & Pease, 2006), therefore findings could still be
were provided with a simple search pattern that guided them relevant to children.
to program an automated search process. This procedure also Finally, there is another important process that goes beyond
decreases the cognitive load of learning development. Some AR learning programming concepts. It is the process of metacogni-
tools, like AST[AR] (in study R16) were designed based on cogni- tion where learners think about their learning. AR has the poten-
tive load theory. The study used abstract syntax trees for teaching tial to help students to explain their answers and immediate mo-
data structures and the majority of the participants found the tool tivate them and learn. Cognitive load is about the load we put on
exciting and enjoyable. working memory during the learning process. Working memory,
With AR, learners can physically interact with their code, is a significant factor influencing learning output in AR activities
providing real-time visual feedback that can reduce cognitive (especially in young children). If more than a few pieces of infor-
load (study R07). RoboTIC in study R23, uses AR to help pro- mation are stored at the same time, it can become overwhelmed.
gramming learning by using a novel set of visual metaphors Following cognitive load theory, Cook (2006) explained the in-
derived from a notation of roads and traffic signs. It uses a fluence of visual learning in science education (Mine, 1995). The
layered architecture that is scalable enough to add new levels way the human mind works and its neural mechanisms should
and multimedia resources that make possible to address new be taken into account by creators of instructional technology like
programming concepts and techniques. AR.
A. Theodoropoulos and G. Lepouras International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 30 (2021) 100335

5.3.6. RQ3 synopsis-implication for future work may be to research children characteristics like
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in support- spatial cognition and situated cognition involved in AR. Previous
ing the development of technologies to support literacies for chil- research on science education (Cheng & Tsai, 2013), highlights
dren and research in CCI (Giannakos, Horn, Read, & Markopoulos, the need to investigate learner characteristics like spatial ability
2020). New infrastructural developments and approaches like AR or perceived presence in AR environments. AR technology is
can help us to support teaching and learning of programming. applied in many aspects of children everyday life and CS educa-
Moreover, in a broader context, AR implies that advancing lit- tion is no different. In any case, carefully designed interventions
eracies for children will continue to be a central research area should be considered e.g., mixed methods of studying learning
in CCI, with a direct impact on both the educational society and processes through AR activities and thorough examination of
the information technology industry. children involvement beyond usability.

5.4. Challenges to the use of AR in CS education

6. Limitations - threads to validity
The findings of this systematic literature review may be useful
for various stakeholders: students, educators, policymakers and A number of restrictions should be noted, both from the sys-
curriculum designers. They can also help further research on the tematic review undertaken and from the studies included in
field, as well as for the design of AR technology. this review. While our study is focused on commonly used SLR
Previous research has shown that there is no clear view of guidelines (Kitchenham et al., 2015), the validity of the proposed
how to incorporate technologies, such as AR, into the learn- approach could be challenged by some problems. First of all,
ing process in a safe manner (Martín-Gutiérrez, Mora, Añorbe studies that were not included in our chosen papers could exist.
Díaz, & González-Marrero, 2017). Our findings confirm this belief, Indeed, the digital library search process may not have returned
since there are many different impacts and effects that should all the related works, because each of them has unique character-
be taken into account in CS education. There are several levels istics. In addition, we considered only complete researches, while
on which a user interacts in an virtual environment (Martín- there could have been other forms of works (e.g., posters) in the
Gutiérrez et al., 2017) and AR application in educational context scientific databases that we missed. It is then likely that specific
can have many positive impacts. It provides students’ motivation
research might have remained outside of this study’s option.
and enjoyment while in the same time it can increase their
In addition, recent research
understanding on several programming concepts. There are also
De Pace, Manuri, Sanna, and Fornaro (2020) has shown a grow-
many systemic difficulties that can prevent educators from de-
ing interest in using AR to augment industrial robots in cor-
ploying AR tools (Jesionkowska et al., 2020). The curriculum
relation with programming. AR technology combined with the
scope, restricted benchmark assessments, lack of resources and
materials, and of course economy restrictions for appropriate programming domain in robotics, can be used in many areas
supplies and materials. As previous research reports (Papanasta- e.g., surgery, manufacturing, fabrication and navigation of re-
siou, Drigas, Skianis, Lytras, & Papanastasiou, 2019; Resnyansky, mote robots. However, this systematic review, targets AR for
Ibili, & Billinghurst, 2018), AR can increase among others: moti- educational purposes/settings only and not for industrial robotic
vation, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, satisfaction and tasks and therefore studies around this area were not included,
for learning the retention of content in working memory, or the although they could provide some insights for the usage of AR
performance of physical tasks. The findings of this systematic technology.
review encourage the incorporation of AR to positively support Moreover, because data retrieval is a manual process, the
CS education. Nonetheless, there is a long way to effectively search strategy may often be affected by human factors and it
incorporate AR into the programming learning process. As a first is possible that important information has not been considered
step, AR activities could be embedded into regular CS curricula or misinterpreted. In order to minimize this bias, all the chosen
and not just seen as an extracurricular activity. papers were read many times. In addition, following the general
Furthermore, creating and deploying AR content seems a very guidelines of SLR (Kitchenham et al., 2015) we used both manual
compound procedure. The target is not just to create an immer- and automatic search, followed by a snowballing process. During
sive virtual technology to support CS, but also to produce an ef- that process, the papers were reviewed and validated by two
fective tool in terms of learning. With AR technology, students can researchers, in terms of accuracy and data extraction. The inter-
explore information by interaction, thus theoretically it encour- rater reliability between the two scholars was 0.96 for the overall
ages their intelligence’s self-construction. Nonetheless, further scores (as presented in section (Section 3.4), suggesting a very
empirical research is still needed with AR technology. Especially, good consensus on articles’ quality. As indicated in Belur, Tomp-
it is important to decide how to build AR-based tools and activi- son, Thornton, and Simon (2018), any problems that occurred
ties to help students to construct knowledge (Zydney & Warner,
during the assessment process were addressed by two scholars
2016) and to discover instruments to measure whether students
on a regular basis, resolved by agreement and correctly stated on
are actually building knowledge (Ibáñez & Delgado-Kloos, 2018).
the following decisions.
However, in our opinion, a barrier to use of AR technology in
Lastly, this study’s review questions require responses that
CS education is the lack of resources, either materials and tools
are not binary. To find answers, various initial studies used a
or applications and software. Future works should focus on that
and on creating appropriate lesson scenarios for the use of AR categorization of words. Nevertheless, it was a difficult process
technology. In addition, more research is required, to explore to define AR for programming education since previous works
in what ways can the AR affordances support learning experi- do not have classic boundaries and some words can be used by
ences (e.g., motivation or cognitive load) and different age groups, different writers with the same definition. A more fine-tuned
educational levels and children populations (e.g., children with approach may be useful for future reviews of the subject, in-
special needs or gender differences). Researchers developed an cluding more study studies, to analyze the results of AR studies
AR-based video-modeling storybook to help children with autism, by also taking into account other possible differences between
show their perceptions and judgments of facial expressions and situations, such as the particular instructional methods adopted,
emotions (Chen, Lee, & Lin, 2016). The work showed that AR at- the programming concepts being discussed and the types of AR
tracts the attention of children with ASD. Finally, an opportunity activities.
A. Theodoropoulos and G. Lepouras International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 30 (2021) 100335

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