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As human society progresses, the desire for international acculturation rises.

Many countries,
including Vietnam, have been adopting more world festivals and celebrating them as their own.
Nevertheless, the discourse on this ongoing trend and how it is taking hold of our nation’s young
generation is still up for debate. In my opinion, though, this phenomenon can act as a double-edged
sword, being both advantageous and disadvantageous at the same time.

On the one hand, world festivals can be of great value to young people in numerous aspects of their
lives. First and foremost, there is no doubt that one of the pivotal purposes of festivals is for people
to learn about their cultural roots. Unsurprisingly, this holds especially true for foreign celebrations,
as they provide youngsters with an immersive experience of another culture, which helps to foster
their fascination for peculiar traditional values. Despite its seemingly serious premise, turning up at
one of these events will guarantee a joyous time for young folks, for they will be free to try on
conventional clothing, have a taste of the exotic delicacies, or play customary games. Additionally, by
participating in these festivals, attendees are presented with the chance to meet many interesting
people from various backgrounds. As most of them already share a similar passion for the wondrous
festivities, it is only a matter of time before they hit it off and become the best of friends, which
inspires a sense of empathy and inclusivity. Lastly, having extra hands-on experiences in these social
events can give participants an edge over their peers in the race for future careers, offering them an
opportunity to unlock their full potential. Due to their thematic nature, these festivals can stimulate
creativity, enhance critical thinking skills, and broaden young people’s perspective of the world, all of
which are vital elements to an exceptional individual. In recent years, plenty of high schoolers have
been volunteering to work for festival organizers. In doing so, they gain insight into how these events
are put together and operate. As a small bonus, they also get to attend the carnivals free of charge.

On the other hand, when not aptly managed, world festivals may backfire, posing detrimental threats
to the well-being of young folks. One of the drawbacks is shockingly due to the immense popularity
of these events, luring in countless people to gather around in one place. Consequently, safety
hazards, including, but not limited to, violence, mugging, or potential exposure to illicit substances,
become inevitable, which can severely ruin the supposedly joyful yet educational experience. On top
of that, if not careful, immature adolescents are likely to fall victim to the glamorous marketing
tactics of giant corporations, causing them to overspend their money on practically useless items.
Moreover, having an excessive number of world festivals can lead to over-saturation, trivializing the
cultural values of each unique tradition. As celebrations become more and more commonplace,
many youngsters are starting to forget the true meaning of these historically significant occasions,
ignorantly reducing them to a mere excuse for a day off. Finally, by getting overly engulfed by these
world festivals, the young are to lose touch with their heritage, which they perceive as dull and
rigorous. It is because of that particular mindset that has led to the disheartening eradication of our
cultural legacy. In contemporary times, it is alarming to note the significant number of youths
unaware of their National Independence Day while effortlessly recalling other festivities like
Halloween and Christmas. It is due to that willful absentmindedness that has caused numerous
people to believe that our society would be better off without world festivals, which can not be any
further from the truth.

In conclusion, the influence that world festivals can have on youngsters may vary, depending on the
managing capability of the local authorities as well as on the ability of young folks to control themself
around the alluring yet detrimental temptations. Nonetheless, I am confident that with adequate
effort, we can minimize the cons of world festivals and ensure that these events remain a
constructive and rewarding experience for young adults.

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