English Essays For Class 9th and 10th

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Essays : Marks 10

1. Pakistan , My homeland (Why I Love My Country Pakistan )

Pakistan is our dear homeland . We love it because it is our motherland and it has been gotten
by the cost of our ancestors blood. It is the realization of Allama Muhammad Iqbal. It is the
greatest achievement of the Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. It is an Islamic republic
country . There are five provinces in Pakistan . They are Khyber Pakhtun khwa, Punjab,Sindh
Baluchistan and Gilgit Baltistan. Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan.
Pakistan appeared on the map of the world on 14th August 1947. Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali
Jinnah is the originator of the great country. Every part of it is very sweet to us. My country is a
big country. Lahore, Karachi .Peshawar , Multan, Rawalpindi, Faisalabaf and Quetta are its
famous and important cities.Urdu is its national language . pashto, punjabi,sindhi and balochi
etc are its local languages. Pakistan has three kinds of forces i.e Navel ,Air and land. It is an
agricultural country. More than seventy percent of its population depends upon agriculture. Its
chief products are rice, cotton, sugarcane and leather.
Pakistan is a land of beauty. We have beautiful green valleys in the hills covered with flowers.
We have high mountains with snow-covered peaks here. The K-2 peak is the second highest
mountain in the world. Our Swat Valley reminds the European tourist of Switzerland. Gilgit and
Hazara are also beautiful spots full with the wealth of natural scenery.
2: Allama Iqbal ( Our National Poet) , My favorite personality
Allama Iqbal was born on 9th November at Sialkot, in 1877. His parents Noor Muhammad and
Imam Bibi were pious and religious persons.
He passed his matriculation and intermediate exams in 1893 and 1895 respectively. He did his
B.A from Government College, Lahore in 1897 and M.A in philosophy in 1899. He took his
Doctorate Degree from Munich (Germany). His thesis was "Philosophy Of Ajam".
After talking his Barrister's Degree from London, In 1908; he returned home. After returning
from England he started practice as a Barrister in 1908.
The poet was born in him from early age. He wrote poetry under inspiration. He had written
poetry in Urdu and Persian. Allama Iqbal has left valuable and voluminous treasures of Poetry
and Prose after him. The following are famous poetic works of Iqbal: Israr Khudi, Ramuz-e-
Bekhudi Paigham-e-Mashriq ,Javed Nama and Musafir are his great works in Persian. Bange-e-
Dira Bal-e-Jibrael and Zarb-e-Kaleem are famous collections in Urdu.
The famous Prose collection of Iqbal's lectures is 'The Reconstruction Of Religious Thoughts In
Islam'. Iqbal was a great mystic, a sufi. The poet of Khudi (I-am-ness) lived a very simple and
contented life. His talks were full of wisdom and humor. He generally shunned poet's gatherings
(Mushairas). He was indifferent to wealth and fame.
Iqbal had good command on 'English, German and Arabic Languages'. It was Allama Iqbal who
for the first time presented the idea of separate Home-Land (Pakistan) for the Indian Muslims. He
was the originator of the two-nations theory. He was not only poet and great thinker but also a
great moralist, a reformer and an educationist. Iqbal breathed his last on 21st April, 1938 and is
buried in the compound of grand Badshahi Mosque, Lahore. May his soul rest in peace.

3. My Aim in Life
Every person has some ambition in life because it is a force which excites man to action. But
‫ جہاں‬there are very few persons who have clear-cut aim in their lives. As far myself is concerned
‫تک میرا تعلق مقصد‬the sole objectof my life is to lead a life of simplicity ‫سادگی‬and goodness
‫اچھائی‬. From the core of my heart, ‫ دل کی گہراہونسے‬I wish to become a teacher. I have my own
reasons ‫وجوہات‬for this. From my early childhood ‫بچپن‬, I have developed a love for young children.
To me, they are beautiful and delicate ‫نازک‬like the petals ‫پتیاں‬of a flower. I will widen ‫وسیع‬
outlook by giving them knowledge. I will serve my country by producing better citizens ‫شہری‬. The
company of young children will keep me young in thoughts ‫خیاالت‬and ideas ‫ نظریات‬I have a great
faith ‫ یقین‬in the life of a noble and ideal ‫مثالی‬teacher. I am fully aware of the difficult and hard life
of a teacher. But simple living and high thinking inspires ‫راغب کرنا‬me to take up this profession.
Our Holy Prophet, Muhammad PBUH was the greatest teacher of mankind. He felt pride ‫ فخر‬in
being a teacher. So following the foot-steps ‫ نقش قدم‬of the Holy Prophet PBUH, I aspire ‫خواہش‬
‫کرنا‬to be a teacher because teachers are the custodians ‫محافظ‬of the highest ‫اعلی ترین‬values ‫اقدار‬of a
society. They are respected for their valuable ‫ قابل قدر‬contribution ‫حصہ‬in building an ideal society.
4. My Last Day At School ( A Farewell Party)
I shall remember my last day at school throughout my life. It was 2nd of March. We were bidden
farewell by class IX. It was Sunday. We reached school at 3 P.M. The school hall was beautifully
decorated for the farewell function. The party began at 4 P.M. For about an hour we ate to our
hearts content, ‫جی بھر کر‬gossiped ‫گپیں لگائی‬and laughed very much. The farewell function started
at 5 P.M. Mr. Salman, a student of class X, made a moving ‫جذباتی‬speech in which he mentioned
our long and deep association ‫تعلق‬with the school as well as the class. He wished us every
success in future ‫ مستقبل‬After this speech, I, on behalf of ‫کی طرف سے‬my class, thanked the host
‫میزبان‬. In my speech ‫تقریر‬, I lauded ‫سراہا‬the good arrangements, ‫انتظامات‬made by the host and
accepted their good wishes for all of us. I was feeling sad because of the separation from my old
and august institution in whose lap ‫گود‬I got education. For me, it was not merely ‫محض‬a school,
but it was a cradle ‫گہوارہ‬of culture ‫ثقافت‬and civilization ‫تہذیب‬. In the end, the reverened ‫قابل‬
‫احترام‬Headmaster made an impassioned ‫جذباتی‬speech in which he appealed us to build our mind
and character on sound lines. He advised us to adhere ‫ چمٹنا‬to the glorious ‫شاندار‬traditions of this
institution ‫ادارہ‬. After his encouraging ‫حوصلہ افزائ‬speech, the function came to an end. We left our
school with heavy hearts casting our last looks at this great institution.
5. Knowledge is power
Knowledge is power is the famous proverb which means knowledge is very powerful and has
ability to win over all other physical power in the world. Once a person gets power of knowledge,
he/she do not need to fear from other power. Knowledge plays great role in all aspects of the life
by let us know the easy and effective ways to solve the circumstances. Knowledge is a very
powerful factor which helps us to easily get name, fame, success, power and position in the life.
We can say that money and physical strength are also important tools of power; however both of
them are not so powerful like knowledge. Money and physical strength cannot buy or steal the
knowledge; it can only be achieved by the continuous practice, devotion, and patience.
Knowledge helps us to convert our planning into the right action and enables to get the difference
between right or wrong and good or bad. It helps us to overcome our weaknesses and faults as
well as makes us able to face the dangers and difficulties by giving lots of courage and
confidence. It makes a person more powerful by giving him mental, moral and spiritual
advancement in the life.

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