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Data Analysis

The researchers will examine the life of individuals living in Purok 7, Basecamp Maramag,
through face to face interview. We will use the phenomenological analysis to have deeper
understanding into the experiences and perceptions of the people of Basecamp Maramag,
towards water filtration. This method will allow us to identify patterns, motifs, and
categories within the answers we collected from our respondents. Using this approach we
can have freedom to communicate in many ways in which community members can have
better understanding towards water filtration. The following four steps will be used in
exploring the lived experience of the individuals living in Purok 7, Basecamp Maramag:

Step 1: Initial Coding - The transcripts have been read repeatedly several times in order to
detect patterns and themes relevant to the research issue. The researchers took an
inductive approach and let the findings emerge from the data.

Step 2: Bracketing Assumptions– it involves eliminating redundant and irrelevant

statements to the paper's purpose. The remaining relevant statements were carefully
evaluated and sorted into meaning units or themes (Moustakas, 1994) and will be
partnered with related studies with the same concepts.

Step 3: interpreting findings– The findings were analyzed by the researchers, who
indicated how the themes link to the research question, literature, and general social
context. the phenomena were described both texturally and structurally. The themes were
combined into a description of the texture, or "what," and then the textural description is
studied from many angles or creative variations to arrive at a description of the structure
or "how" (Moustakas, 1994).

Step 4: Describing – this is the final phase of the process, providing distinctions and crucial
descriptions of the captured meaningful experience from the extracted data. Here comes
the Validation of interpreted findings to ensure alignment with their experiences, which
will enhance the credibility of the research outcomes.
Research Design

To fully describe the perspective of people living in off–grid communities, we use

phenomenological approach. According to Neubauer et al. (2019), phenomenology is a type of
qualitative research that is interested in investigating the lived experiences of individuals. Morley
(2017) elaborated that phenomenology’s primary concern is with lived experiences and how these
lived experiences are described by this experience. Thus, phenomenological approach is a
philosophical to qualitative research that seeks to explain life experiences. This analysis of lived
experiences through phenomenology will give a deeper understanding of the experiences and
perceptions of individuals living in Purok 7, Basecamp Maramag towards water filtration. The
phenomenological approach also aligns with the exploratory nature of the study, since it generate
descriptive data that will provide insights to the adoption of water filtration solutions in off-grid
communities. Moreover, by focusing on the lived experiences of participants, this approach identify
unique patterns, perspectives, and motifs in the respondents answers.

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