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Language Arts

Type of sentence
Class Rules

1.Follow Direction Quickly.

2.Raise your hand for permission to speak.

3.Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.

Bible words

1“That is why it was called Babel -because there the

Lord confused the language of the whole world. From
there the Lord scattered them over the face of the
whole earth." (Genesis 11:9)
Types of Sentences

1.A sentence is a group of words that

expresses a complete thought.

2.There are four types of sentences.

3.Each type begins with a capital letter and

ends with a punctuation mark.

Activity 1---Find a little friend : (?)Or( .)
1. I am in second grade
2. Where is the kitchen
3. We have a class pet
4. Can you hear me
5. Sally and Jenny are best friends
6. How do you make a cake
7. Where do you live
8. Can we go to the park
Activity 2---Watermelon Time

1. Use the watermelon cards to show

your point of view
Red : question (Interrogative)
white :statement (Declarative)
2. Makes a sentence:
Declarative sentences×2
Interrogative sentence×2

Language Arts
Thank You

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