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B.E / B.Tech.


Third Semester


(Regulations 2021)

Time : 3 Hours Answer any one Question Max. Marks 100

Aim/Principle/Apparatu Tabulation/Circuit/ Calculation Viva- Record Total

s required/Procedure Program/Drawing & Results Voce
20 30 30 10 10 100

1. a. Write a C program to implement a simple calculator using switch case statement. (50)
b. Write a C program using Recursive function to compute the factorial of a given number
2. a. Write a C program to find the addition of two matrices. (50)
b. Write a C program to check whether the given string is Palindrome or not. (50)
3. a. Write a C Program to find the roots of the quadratic equation. (50)
b. Write a C program to swap two number using pass by value and references. (50)
4. a. Write a C Program to find whether a given number is a prime number. (50)
b. Write a C program to find the Fibonacci series up to a range. (50)
5. a. Write a C program to sort an array of ‘N’ numbers using quick sort. (50)
b. Write a C program to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. (50)
6. a. Write a C program which copies one file to another. (50)
b. Write a C program to check the biggest of three numbers. (50)
7. a. Write a C program to sort an array of ‘N’ numbers using merge sort. (50)

b. Write a C program to find sum of first N natural numbers. (50)

8. a. Write a C program to implement the Hashing technique using separate chaining
Method. (50)
b. Develop a C program to sort an array of ‘N’ numbers using insertion sort. (50)
9. a. Write a C program to create student details using the structure. (50)
b. Develop a C program for implementing a stack using arrays. (50)

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10. a. Write and execute a C Program to implement payroll application with the given data by
using structure.
HRA=15% of basic Pay
DA=20% of Basic Pay
PF =10% of Basic Pay
LIC=8% of Basic Pay ,
Deduction= PF + LIC
Gross Salary = Basic Pay + HRA + DA
Net Salary = Gross Salary – Deduction (50)

b. Develop a C program to sort an array of ‘N’ numbers using insertion sort. (50)

11. a. Write a C program to create a Pascal triangle. (50)

b. Develop a C program for implementing a Queue using arrays. (50)
12. a. Write a C program to implement the subtraction of two polynomials using linked list. (50)
b. Write a C program to implement Binary Search technique. (50)
13. a. Develop a C program for implementing a Stack using arrays. (50)
b. Write a C program to find the transpose of a matrix. (50)
14. a. Write a C program to implement the addition of two polynomials using linked list. (50)
b. Write a Program to implement Linear Search. (50)
15. a. Write a C Program to implement the following various operations for List ADT using array
i) Creation
ii) Insertion
iii) Deletion
iv) Traversal (50)
b. Write a C program to find the area and circumference of a circle. (50)
16. a. Write a C program to implement the various operations of List ADT using linked list. (50)
b. Write a C program for Matrix Multiplication using two dimensional arrays. (50)

17. a. Write a C program to implement a stack using linked list. (50)

b. Write a C program for post-order traversal of a Tree. (50)

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18. a. Write a C Program to convert the infix expression a+b*c-d into postfix expression. (50)

b. Write a C program to implement any one of the hashing technique. (50)

19. a. Write a C program to implement a queue using linked list. (50)
b. Write a C program for in-order traversal of a Tree. (50)
20. Write a C program to perform the following operations: (100)
Insert an element in to a binary search tree.
Delete an element from a binary search tree.
Display the elements of the BST in preorder.

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