Uts Ebii-1 Gede Aditya Putrawan

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NAMA : Gede Aditya Putrawan

NIM : 2301010036
DOSEN : Putu Duiyatcita Arma Khinanti, S.Pd

1. Asking and Giving Opinion

- How can technology help students learn?

Leo : Hi Widi, what do you think about the current era of technology for students?

Widi : Hi Leo, In my opinion, this era of technology is not very good, because it is often
misused by students for negative things. Apart from that, we have become
dependent on the internet.

Leo : I think your opinion is wrong, It turns out that technology can help us in daily
activities, especially for students.

Widi : Is that true? Doesn’t technology only have a bad impact, especially for students?

Leo : O course it’s true, if used well then technology nowadays is very useful for
humans, especially for students in the world of education. Not only that, technology
is also very useful for humans because with technology all work is easies to
complete quickly.

Widi : Hmm……. Your opinion is right, Leo, Okay, from now on, let’s make the best
use of this technological development according to our needs.

Leo : Yes of course.

2. Expressing Agreement and Disagreement.

- Having Live Insurance is important

Dono : Hi Indro, where are you going?

Indro : Hi Dono today I will go to make health insurance
Dono : Ha? What’s the importance of getting insurance? Isn’t insurance only for sick
Indro : In fact, insurance is very important, because we never know when illness will
come, there fore we have to prepare it from now so that it can make things easier
in difficult times later.
Dono : In my opinion, if you are sick, it is better to go straight to the doctor rather than
having to go to the trouble of making and taking care of insurance and just wasting
Kasino : Hmm…I really don’t’agree with you opinion, dono. I think insurance is very
important for us because it not only helps when we are sick but can help anticipate
and minimize the financial impact of various life risks that can pucur at any time.
Indro : I really agree with Kasino, apart from that there are also many types of insurance
that can help in dealing with risks in emergency situations which unexpected costs.
Dono : Hmm.. so that’s the benefit of insurance, sorry for causing a misunderstanding
and thank you very much for the explanation that has been given
Indro : Of course
Kasino : You’re welcome.

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