UTS EBII-1 (I Gusti Agung Winda Ari Dwiyanti)

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Nama : I Gusti Agung Winda Ari Dwiyanti

Nim : 2301010001
No Absen : 01
Mata Kuliah : EBII-1/ II (Dua)
Nama Dosen : Putu Duiyatcita Arma Khinanti,S.Pd
Jenjang dan Jurusan : D1/ Manajemen Administrasi Rumah Sakit

Teory question
1. Asking and Giving Opinion
(How Can Technology help students learn?)

Dwiyanti : Hi Mar,good morning how’s your day?

Mar :Hi Dwi ,morning my day today went smoonthly. How about you?

Dwiyanti : I’m so-so mar. Wow there’s Winda , hi winda how are you?

Winda : Hi mar and Dwi, I’m good and very happy

Dwiyanti : Guys, how do you think technology can help students learn ?

Mar : In my opinion, technology really helps students way of learning

because, nowadays it can be calledthe era of didgitalization,which means that all actions will

require technology including learning. For example during the covid-19 era you couldn’t carry

out face to face learning but instead had to do it online or remotely to minimaze the spread of

the virus and technology such as cellphones played an important role at that time for the

continuity of learning and technology could be used as basis for learning new things related to

digitalization. Because, later students will use technology mastery skils when working in the

Winda : In my opinion, what is conveyed will be correct but there

aresaveral things that will affect students. One of wich is health. The health in question is eye

health why? Because in directly the use of technology such as cellophones for a long time will

affect and force the eyes to be used to see, so that the muscles in the eyes can’t rest as the

should,and it cloud be that with such continuous conditions many students will experience

blurry distance vision and many will uses glasses.

Dwiyanti : wow, the opinions you give are very good. My personal opinion is a

combination of your opinions. The use of technology nowadays has it’s minuses and positives,

on the one hand you have to keep up with the era digitalisation so you don’t become

technologically clueless and on the one hand you also have to pay attention to health.

Dwiyanti : hmm, I have a solution for this health problem , I think students can

use technology under parental supervision and parents must supervise by minimizing the use

of technology in children, in other words technology is used when studying by paying attention

to time, light intensity and use of larger screens to facilitate the learning process and provide

vitamin intake to prevent eye complaints.

Mar and Winda : yes it’s good solution Dwi

Dwiyanti : Oke.. Thank you for yout opinion Mar and Winda. Nice to meet you

Mar and Winda : You’re welcome Winda. Nice to meet you too.
2. Expressing Agreement and Disagreement

( Having Life Insurance is important)


Wijaya : Hi Winda and Laksmi, coincidentally you are here. I want to ask , I’m

complaining of a toothache I want to see a doctor but I haven’t got insurance. Do you think

insurance is importantfor health check? But I think insurance is important at this time currently

in the health sector.

Laksmi : Hi Wijaya.. I agree with you. In my opinion, having insurance is very

important including health insurance such as BPJS, shich is very important because, almost all

hospital in Indonesia especially in bali collaborate with BPJS.

Why is it to so important because BPJS covers the cost of examinations,treatment and make it

easier to carry out health checks. Currently if you don’t have health insurance I think the costs

of health care will become more and more expensive over time . Therefore, the use of insurance

is very necessary.

Winda : Hi Wijaya.. Laksmi’s opinion is good but, I don’tagree with what was

said that nt all health insurance covers all types of illnesses suffered by patients.There are

provisions that must comply with the conditions for the use and use of insurance and not

everything is covered only certain one are covered and what I have experienced is that

insurance users take a little longer to get inspection services compared to general or private

cost user.

Wijaya : Hmm... two different opinions but I know what I have to do, thank you

for giving your opinion. See you next time. Nice to meet you

Winda and Laksmi : You’re welcome. Sure nice to meet you to Wijaya

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