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My old school day

Cristina Daniela Santos Bellido Jorge Luis Calle Vega

U21210705 U21224411

PROFESOR: Carolina Cristina Pilco Andia

My old school days

Our names are Calle Vega, Jorge Luis y Santos Bellido, Cristina Daniela on this occasion we will present our Talk about what I am studying

Cristina: Welcome to the program! It is a pleasure having you in here. Let's start by talking about your school days. What was your favorite
subject and why?

Jorge: Thanks for having me! I loved history because I was always fascinated by stories from the past and how they have shaped our present.

Cristina: Interesting, and did you have any teachers that were especially memorable for you?

Jorge: Yes, my English teacher was amazing. He was the one who really inspired me to pursue a career in theater. He had a way of teaching
that made everyone hooked.

Cristina: Did you participate in any sports or have any special hobbies during those years?

Jorge: He played soccer, but he was also very involved in the drama club. He spent almost all my free time acting or preparing plays.

Cristina: Speaking of classmates, what were your friends at school like? Any friends in particular that you still remember?
Jorge: My friends were quite creative and fun. One of them, Mark, was very funny and he always made us all laugh. We still keep in touch.

Cristina: And to change the subject a little, was there anything that you really didn't like to do in school?

Jorge: I definitely didn't like mathematics. I always found it difficult to understand the concepts and didn't really see how to apply them in real life
at the time.

Cristina: That's quite common, thank you very much for sharing your school memories with us!

Jorge: Now it's your turn. Tell us, what was your favorite subject in school?

Cristina: I really liked biology. I was always interested in science and learning how life works on a microscopic level.

Jorge: And your favorite teacher?

Cristina: My art teacher was fantastic. She really supported my interest in drawing and helped me develop my talent.

Jorge: Did you get involved in any sports?

Cristina: Yes, I was part of the swimming team. It helped me stay fit and build an incredible team spirit.
Jorge: How would you describe your friends at school?

Cristina: They were very supportive and kind. We helped each other with studies and were always there for each other.

Jorge: Finally, was there anything you didn't like doing at school?

Cristina: I didn't really like writing essays. I always struggled to express my ideas coherently on paper.

Jorge: Thanks for sharing that with us!

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