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Research Paper
In Partial fulfilment of the requirements for the subject
English 10 and Mathematics 10

Baco, Junefel Q.
Dizon, Steven P.
Gainsan, Anthrew G.
Jeronggay, Matt Elton M.
Ocanada, Jeffrey M.
Sienes, Jayward F.
Carsano, Irish Kay B.
Janipin, Brenda Jane
Jandog, Jeraldine
Pialago, Esvin Mae R.
Ybanez, Ryza C.
Table of Contents
Title page Page No.

Title……………………………………………………………………………… I

Table of Contents………………………………………………………………… II

List of Table ……………………………………………………………………… III

List of Figures………………………………………………………………..…… IV

List of Appendices…………………………………………………………...…… V

Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………...… VI

Chapter I

Background of the study………………………………………………………….. 1

Conceptual Framework of the Study……………………………………………… 2

Statement of the Problem ………………………………………………………… 3

Significance of the Study…………………………...………………………..…… 3

Scope and Limitation of the Study………………………………………...……… 4

Operational definition of terms……………………………………………….… 4

Chapter II

Review of the literature………………………………………………………… 5-6

Chapter III

Research Methodology ……………………………………………………….. 7

Research design ………..………………………………………………..…… 7

Research environment ….…………………………………………...…..…… 7

Research respondent …………………………………………………....…… 8

Research Instrument ………………………………………..…………..…… 8

Research procedure …………….……………………..………………..…… 8

Statistical Treatment of Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Table 1: Students’ Awareness ……..………………………………...…..… 9-10

Graph 1: Students’ Awareness …………………………………….......…… 11-12

Chapter IV:

Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

Restatement of the problem …….……………….…………………..…… 14

Summary of finding …….…….……………….…………………..……… 14-16

Conclusion …….……………….…………………..…………………….... 16-17

Recommendation …….……………….…………………..…………..…… 17

Reference …….……………….…………………..……………………….. 17-18


Appendix A. Letter of approval …….……………….…………..…….…… 18

Appendix B. Questionnaire …..…….……………….………………....…… 19

Appendix C. Research profile

Chapter I

Background of study

In the research year’s, modern society has become more responsible when it comes to
waste management. Irresponsible disposal of waste or not considering the convenience of
other people on environments punishable act. Therefore business and household should
be aware and cautious of the environment policies when it comes to waste disposal and
management. Therefore, so many benefits of waste management both of the environment
and to the people.

Besides the environment benefits of waste management, it’s also beneficial to health as
well. In the past, burning ways in landfill or in the backyard was a common practice. But
according to health agencies, when garbage in plastic are being burned, they produce
particular matter that are sold compounds. And are suspended in the air. Exposed to this
can increase the rest of developing heart disease, respiratory disease, asthma and in
emphysema, proper disposal of waste or waste management relocates waste to areas
where they can be left, in segregated or disposed of in a safe manner, Removing waste
from public areas helps reduce risks to several health, decreases exposure to biohazard
and reduces infestation or pest.

The environment public health has become a prominent, but complex and
multidimensional issue on the public policy agenda of State and international
organization. This transformation after a long period of benign neglect, began in Rio in
1992. The issue of the environment is today previewed not simply as a narrow ecological
problem of how to ensure I symbolic and congruent interface between man and
environment. It is more than that. It is initial and scientific ramifications, of which are
endorsed of the new concept.

Conceptual Framework of the Study

Primary Independence variable

The effectiveness of learning

proper waste disposal and

Dependent Variable
Proper waste disposal management in Giligaon
High School

Secondary independent variable

•Student attitude
•Student awareness

The Problem

Statement of the Problem

This study aims the effective learning of proper disposal and management in Giligaon
High school.
1. What is the effectiveness of learning proper with disposal in management in terms
of following

1.1 student awareness

2. Does every class room have a proper disposal bins?

Significance of the study

The result of the study determines the effectiveness of learning proper waste disposal and
management in Giligaon High school Furthermore, this study is significance as it will
benefit is the following:
This study will hold the school to know whether, it is effective the learn proper
waste management.

Students and Teachers:

This study will help to have a cleaner and healthier environment for student and

Scope of the study
This study was applied the selected students in Giligaon High school

Limitation of the Study

That researcher relies on the honesty of the respondents. Other one is the bad
weather condition during the distribution of the questionnaire because it may affect their

Definition of terms

Environment - the conditions and influences that’s affect the growth, health and
progress of someone of something

Effectiveness - producing are resul wanted.

Waste disposal area - that are where waste is disposed

Waste - materials that is left over or unwanted after something has been made,
done or use.

Segregating - the separate ways in their particular types

Chapter II

Review of literature

All around the world, there is worsening problem regarding solutions and actions done
for proper waste management. The contribute to the effort of solving this problem, this
paper real discuss the following arising concern and issues off garbage and wastes, the
waste management system of school and how they’ve dealt read the issues regarding
garbage, to assess the waste management has become one of a major concern in
environmental issues (MAZZANTI and ZOBOLL 2008) this is particularly true to urban
areas where population is rapidly growing and amount of waste generated is increasing
like never before (kathirasale & vurus, 2008) Current earth population live in urban area
before (population division the department of economic and social affairs the United
Nation Secretant, 2009) Was generation increase proportionally to this population number
and income creating the needs of effective management | MAZZANTI& ZOBOL,2008).
Urbanization and industrialization leads to new lifestyle and behavior which also affects
waste composition from mainly organic to synthetic material that last longer such as
plastics arid other packaging material (Idris et al. 2004). The waste that barely existed
before was generated as much as 20-50 metric tons a year (UNEP,2006) The management
of waste become complex and the facilities provided cannot cope with the increasing
demand and needs Therefore, best Approach need to be implemented immediately while
considering environmental, social and economic aspects (Aye & widjuava, 2006) for
example, waste management in Africa need to tackle some issues including, lack of data,
insignificant financial resources, was different of amount and waste types between Urban
and Rural are, lack of technical and human rights, low level of awareness and cultural
aversion towards waste (couth& trois, 2010). On other land problem face among Asian
countries differ with two district groups; develop and developing countries. While some
of the countries are having specific national policy on solid waste management, some
others experience problems such as increasing urban population, scarcely of land, serves,
coverage area in an adequate resources and technology, and on (shekdar 2009).

The difference in managing solid waste not only vary between countries but also among
area in the same country, for instance, while Istanbul are having big improvement in their
solid waste management with the establishment of transfer stations, sanitary landfills and
methane recovery system, it does not reduce the problem in the black sea cost in Turkey.
This is coast by the complex topography. Weak administrative tractors in the local income
(berkun et al. 2005) integrated sustainable waste management (SMM) system was been
introduced in 1995 the improve earlier system that neglect characteristics of a green
society, economy and environment (van de Klundert, 1998). For example European
countries had applied various system assessment test and engineering mode e sustainable
communities, manage resources efficiently, stopping innovation potential of economy,
ensuring property, environmental protection and social cohesion in their SWM system
(piers et al, 2011) Asian country had also giving attention in building the national legal.

Chapter III.

Research methodology
This section present in detail the research methodology of the study. Include here in
are descriptions concerning the method which will be used research environment,
instruments used data analysis.

Research design
The nature and objectives of this study required application of the description and
correlation method. As an educational research that used the present time frame when the
study was conduct such the sign was found to be appropriate (best 22) in establishing
norms or standard base of the wide class of survey data.
It likewise make emphasis or observation, description, as well as documentation of
relevant situation as they normally take (hunger 23).Towards this end, items and response
and categorized in accordance with the actual conditions under investigation.

On the other hand, the term “survey” mean the gathering of evidence relating to
current conditions, it assumes a purpose or an idea of what is good or desirable, from the
stand point of the individual or society or both (ruiz35) the interview was also to clarify
or the findings.

Research environment
The study was conduct in Giligaon High School one of the public High School in
Siaton , Negros Oriental. The school was located in Giligaon, Siaton, Negros Oriental
and is following the new curriculum while is the K-12 curriculum. It is one of the oldest
Public High School in the municipality and is situated about 76 kilometers from
Dumaguete City and about 8 kilometers from the municipal proper.

Research Respondents

The respondents the study are grade 9 Palumpa students in Giligaon High School,
Giligaon, Siaton, Negros Oriental. All of the participants were selected through battle
The chosen respondents are 37 students from Grade 9 students of Giligaon High

Research Instruments
There main tool to be used in this study is the researcher’s made questionnaire. This is
classify as a survey to achieve the investigation describe goal. This is the most social
research currently. More owner, the employment of this data gathering tool Target
population in this

Research Procedure
The original title propose by the researcher will be check revised rechecked by the
advisor and the panel of the design hearing to maintain conformity on the subject
research. Research questionnaire will be presented too. Analyzed and will be checked by
the research advisor.
Data will be gathered from the answered questionnaire. This answered questionnaire
will be checked, classified, tabulated and analyses according to the research design
describe in this chapter and prepare for the final presentation for interpretation of the
result and findings.

Statistical Treatment of the Data
Percentage : This will be used to show a part is to a
Whole: It is used in presenting the profile of the respondents.

This chapter summarize the study, present the findings the conclusion and other the
recommendation to improve the respondents’ performance towards waste.

Restatement of the Problem

This study aims to know about the proper waste disposal and management in Gilligaon
High School

1. What is the proper waste disposal and management in terms of the following.

1 .1 Students Awareness

2. Does every classroom have a proper disposal bins?

Summary of Findings

From the data gathered in the study. The following are hereby presented

Student awareness: In terms of student awareness of waste disposal and management, it

shows that a whole with 8 given questions 199 or 83% of student answer yes while there
are 44 or 29% answered no this also shows of positive signs that the respondents throw
and segregate their waste properly.

Does your classroom have proper disposal bins? In terms or having disposal bins in every
classroom, only 17 or 57% from 30 respondents said yes while 13 or 43% of respondents
said no. This applies that not all classroom has proper disposal bins this is a bad thing.

The significant finding of your problems of the study provide by the researcher
information from which to draw the following conclusions

1. Majority of the responding believe that the school have a proper dump site for
waste it is located away from classrooms but most don’t agreed that it have proper

2. terms of the student awareness. Majority of the student know or aware of some
waste management and disposal wrap which is the good thing but they are also
still some who don’t know about the proper way to do towards was

3. Majority of the classroom have proper bins but there are also some who don’t
have a proper one

4. It is really affected learning. Proper way disposal and management in Giligaon

high school.


Based in the findings of this work. The following recommendation were formulated

1.the school must put a good and proper fencing in the school dump site

2. Students must be always responsible of their waste

3. The school must focus on practicing segregation of waste.

4. The school musts also teach some basic knowledge about proper waste management
and disposal for the students to be aware.

5. Each classroom must have proper garbage bin with proper markings on it.

Name: Age:
Grade Level: Gender:

Directions: Please rate each item either it is YES or NO ‘‘THE EFFECTIVENESS OF


Student awareness. YES or NO

1. Do you know about segregation of waste?

2. Do you know the principle waste minimization?

3. Do you know the effects of improper waste management?

4. Do you know the effects of burning waste?

5. Do you know that improper waste management leads to

water and air pollution which is a serious environmental problem?

6. Do you think that rodents, animals and birds scavenging through

waste dumps spread disease?

7. Do you think that land filling of waste should be done after segregation?

8. Do you think that hazardous waste should not be mixed up with

another waste?

Do you have a proper garbage bins in your classroom?

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