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Nama : Ni Kadek Tari Arya Saputri

NIM : 2301010008
No : 07
Matkul : EBI-1

1. Tary : Hi Ram, how's the job going?

Rama : hi tar, I'm not done yet.
Tary :Let's do the assignment together, Ram.
Rama : Come on tar
Arya : Hello, have you come from earlier?
Tary : Yes Arya, we are discussing the English assignment given by the lecturer
Rama : Guys, do you think learning English is important for our lives?
Tary : I think it's important, because English is an international language that
in the future will definitely be very influential in all fields of work. being able to
speak English will also be able to add many relationships, especially with
Arya : Your opinion is good tar, but I don't think English is too important
because I think my Indonesian is enough, the important thing is that it can be
used for everyday language. besides that many people also find it difficult to
understand English.
Rama : Your opinion is good too, I think English is important but the process to
learn it takes time, it can't be instant.
Rama : After I think about it, English can be important or not, depending on the
individual or person who needs it to do something.
Thank you for your opinion
Tar and Arya : You're welcome

2. Dramika : Hi guys, how are you? Long time no see.

Saputri : Good dramika, how is your grandmother?
Dramika : Already healthy tar, astungkara
Rara : What's wrong with your grandmother?
Dramika : Sick, got hospitalized a few days ago.
Saputri : I heard that your grandmother was hospitalized in a private
Dramika : Yes, daughter.
Rara : It's not like private hospitals are more expensive. Do you think
private or public hospitals are better?
Dramika : In my experience, private hospitals have better and more
complete facilities, and the treatment is faster than public hospitals.
proportional to the costs incurred more expensive.
Saputri : I agree, I think private hospitals are better, the service is faster
and the rooms are more comfortable.
Rara : Hmm, I think public hospitals are better because the treatment
provided is also quite complete and there is bpjs coverage for payment. so, it's
not too expensive for people who are less fortunate or middle to lower class.
Darmika : That's true too, but it goes back to each person's choice. every
hospital must have its advantages and disadvantages.
I'm going home first, I want to take care of nene.
Rara and Saputri : Yes Dramika, give my regards to my grandmother.
Dramika : Thank you

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