UTS Ebi-1 (Ni Putu Intan Juni Astuti) 2301010005

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Nama: Ini Putu Intan Juni Astuti

Nim : 2301010005
Matkul : Ebi-1
Jenjur : D1/Mars
Dosen : Putu Duiyatcita Arma Khinanti,S.Pd

1. Asking and Giving Opinion

•Is learning English important for our life?

Intan: Hey, what do you think about the importance of learning English in our lives?

Tina: Well, I believe learning English is crucial in today's globalized world. It opens
up countless opportunities for communication and career advancement.

Intan: Hmm, I see your point. But isn't it true that many people get by just fine
without knowing English?

Tina: Yes, that's true to some extent. However, knowing English can significantly
enhance one's access to information, resources, and job prospects, especially in
international settings.

Intan: I guess you're right. But what about preserving one's native language and

Tina: Absolutely, preserving one's native language and culture is important. Learning
English doesn't mean abandoning one's roots. Instead, it's about embracing diversity
and expanding one's horizons.

Intan: That makes sense. So, you think learning English can coexist with preserving
one's cultural identity?

Tina: Exactly. In fact, being bilingual or multilingual can enrich both personal and
professional experiences.

Intan: Thanks for sharing your perspective. I'll definitely consider that.

2. Expressing Agreement and Disaggreement.

•Having life insurance is important

Teeja: Hey Mark, have you ever considered getting life insurance?

Bayu: Hmm, not really. I've always thought it's unnecessary. Why do you think it's

Teeja:: Well, I believe having life insurance provides financial security for our loved
ones in case something unexpected happens to us.

Bayu: I see your point, but isn't it just another expense? I'd rather invest that money
Teeja: I understand your concern about expenses, but think about the peace of mind it
brings knowing that your family will be taken care of financially if the worst were to

Bayu: That's true. I guess I've never really looked at it from that perspective before.

Teeja: Exactly. Plus, life insurance can also cover outstanding debts and funeral
expenses, easing the burden on your family during a difficult time.

Bayu: You make a compelling argument. I suppose I should start looking into it more

Teeja: Definitely! It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it,

Bayu: Agreed. Thanks for sharing your perspective, Alice. I'll give it some serious

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