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NO : 26

NIM : 2301010039


DOSEN : Putu Duiyatcita Arma Khinanti.S.Pd



Nanda : Helio , what do you think is the importance of learning English in our lives?

Indra : Yes I think this could be very important but it dependes on various factors what do you think

About this?

Nanda : I believe learning English is very important because it is a global language whichopens up many

Opportunities for communication travel and career advancement what do you think ?

Ayu : I understand what you mean but I’m not completely sure I think although useful this may not be

Important for everyone especially those who live in areas where eglish is not widely spoken

Nanda : really ?i never thought like that can you explain why you think it s not important ?

Ayu : of course I believe that although proficiency in English can provide benefits it is not the only

Factor that determines success in some professions or cultures fluency in another language

May be more valuable

Indra : interesting perspective so do you think English proficiency is not always necessary depending

On one ‘ s circumstances ?

Ayu : this time I think it ‘ s more about understanding the context and individual goals rather than just

Assuming that everyone needs to prioritize learning English

Nanda : that ‘ s a very interesting point of view let me think about it for a moment
Ayu : take your time this is a complex topic with many aspects to consider

2.(expressing agreement and disagreement )

Agus : hey have you ever thought about getting health insurance ?

Tini : yes ihave considered it I have heardv variouse opinions what do you think about this ?
Agus : personally I think having health insurance is important it provides health security for your loved

Ones if something unexpected happens

Tini : I understand your point but I am completely sure I feel it is an additional expense that may be

Necessary for health

Agus : understandable but think about the peace of mind it offers knowing your family will be taken

Care of financially it can outweigh the cost

Tini : true but I ve heard stories about people who pay premiums for years and don t need to use


Agus : even thought this can happen it is still a good idea to have a safety net apart from that health

Insurance can also function as an investment tool that offers additional benefits such as cash

Value accumulation

Tini : yeah I don’t t think like that I guess it depends on individual circumstances and priorities

Agus : ultimately it s about assessing my own needs and making the right decision but I think having

Health insurance is an important aspect of health planning

Tini : thank you for sharing your perspective I will definitely think about it futher

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