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Department of Education

Division of Quezon
Atimonan District II
Atimonan, Quezon

Summative Test – Quarter 3

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Grade and Section: Date:
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the best answer from the given choices. Write only the letter of your
choice on the space provided before the number.
_____1. What part of the female reproductive system produces estrogen?
A. uterus B. fallopian Tube C. ovaries D. All of these
_____2. What is a hormone?
A. chemical substance B. just a thing C. glands D. None of these
_____3. Which one here is not a hormone?
A. luteinizing hormone B. testosterone C. ovary D. estrogen
_____4. A tissue or group of tissues that make and releases hormones
A. circulatory System B. pancreas C. endocrine glands D. None of these
_____5. Which hormones are found in the contraceptive pills?
A. Only estrogen C. Thyroxine and Estrogen
B. Only testosterone D. Estrogen and Progesterone
_____6. Which hormone promotes the thickening of the endometrium and also inhibits the hormone
that promotes the development of the follicle wall into the corpus luteum?
A. Luteinizing hormone B. Progesterone C. FSH D. Estrogen
_____ 7. Figure out what is responsible for involuntary movements.
A. Autonomic nervous system C. Parasympathetic nervous system
B. Somatic nervous system D. Sympathetic nervous system
_____ 8. Identify which makes up the nerve cells.
A. Autonomic nervous system C. Peripheral nervous system
B. Central nervous system D. Sensory nervous system
_____ 9. Choose which is accountable for voluntary actions.
A. Autonomic nervous system C. Somatic nervous system
B. Parasympathetic nervous system D. Sympathetic nervous system
_____ 10. The technique known as karyotyping that is used to detect abnormalities in what?
A. Amniotic fluid B. Blood and urine C. Chromosomes D. Ribosomes
_____ 11. It is a chromosomal breakage where a fragment reattaches to the original chromosome in a
reverse orientation.
A. Deletion B. Duplication C. Inversion D. Translocation
_____ 12. When a segment of a chromosomes has been copied, it is a result of _____________.
A. Deletion B. Duplication C. Inversion D. Translocation
_____ 13. Tell what will happen if there is a balance and harmony among the organ systems.
A. disease B. disorder C. epistasis D. homeostasis
_____ 14. Classify the following parts of the body: muscles and glands.
A. effector B. neurons C. stimuli D. receptors
_____ 15. Identify which part of the neuron sends information away from the cell body.
A. axon B. axon terminal C. dendrite D. myelin sheath
_____ 16. Which type of speciation DOES NOT require a geographical barrier.
A. allopathic B. sympathetic C. divergent D. convergent
_____ 17. Which idea stems from the theory of evolution?
A. The earth is relatively young.
B. Each organism is specially created.
C. Species are related by common descent.
D. A mix of fossils in a region indicates that a local catastrophe occurred.
_____7. Which hormone is inhibited during pregnancy in order to prevent contractions of the uterus?
A. Oxytocin B. Progesterone C. Estrogen D. FSH
_____8. Which two hormones promote thickening of the endometrium?
A. FSH and LH B. Estrogen and FSH C. LH and Estrogen
D. Progesterone and Estrogen
_____9. If GnRH production were blocked, the following would occur, except
A. FSH level would increase. C. Testosterone
production would decrease.
B. LH levels would decrease. D. Sperm production
would decrease.
_____10. What would happen if testosterone levels get too high?
A. Testosterone feeds back to directly inhibit GNRH production
B. Testosterone feeds back to directly inhibit FSH production
C. FSH production increases to counteract high testosterone levels
D. LS production increases to counteract high testosterone levels
week 3
_____ 11. The division of Nervous System that serves as the main processing center for entire nervous
system is called ______________.
A. Central Nervous System B. Peripheral Nervous System C. Somatic
Nervous System D. Autonomic Nervous System
_____ 12. The part of neuron that transmits impulse towards the cell body is ______________.
A. neurotransmitter B. axon C. nucleus
D. dendrites
_____ 13. The part of neuron that transmits impulse away from the cell body is ______________.
A. neurotransmitter B. axon C. nucleus
D. dendrites
_____ 14. Which part of the brain is the largest and is divided into 4 lobes?
A. cerebrum B. cerebellum C. brain stem
D. spinal cord
_____ 15. Which part of the brain that controls, posture, balance and coordination?
A. cerebrum B. cerebellum C. brain stem
D. spinal cord
____ 16. Which part of the brain controls the involuntary activities such as breathing, digestion, and heart
A. cerebrum B. cerebellum C. brain stem D. spinal cord
Week 4
_______1. A molecular group consisting of a sugar molecule, a phosphate group and a nitrogenous base is
a nucleic acid.
_______ 2. In a DNA molecule, a base pair would be composed of adenine and guanine.
_______ 3. Cytosine and adenine are purines.
_______ 4. During the replication of DNA, bonds are broken between the phosphate groups.
_______ 5. RNA contains the nitrogenous base uracil.
_______ 6. There are 20 different amino acids in a cell.
_______ 7. The coded message carried by messenger RNA is translated into polypeptides at organelles
called chloroplasts.
_______ 8. The decoding of a messenger RNA message into a polypeptide chain is known as translation
_______ 9. A severe mutation may lead to cell death and may have no effect on the body.
_______ 10. Most mutation are harmful
Week 5
_______ 17. Where can most of the fossils be found?
a. Black soil c. Lava flows
b. Granite rock d. Sedimentary rock
2. In which era can the oldest fossils be found?
a. Cenozoic c. Paleozoic
b. Mesozoic d. Pre- Cambrian
3. Based on the number of differences in amino acid sequence, which pair of organisms is least related to
each other?
a. Fruit fly – Pigeon c. Human – Horse
b. Fruit fly – Wheat d. Human – Wheat
4. According to evolutionist, which is the best test to show the relatedness of two organisms?
a. Similarity in structure c. Similarity in genomic DNA
b. Similarity in development d. Similarity in courting behavior
5. Which pairs of animals shows a correct example of homologous structures?
a. Wings of butterfly and wings of bat
b. Flipper of whale and forelimb of cat
c. Fingers of human and arm of starfish
d. Tongue of frog and proboscis of mosquito
week 6
1. Who observed the variation of organisms in Galapagos Island?
a. Charles Darwin c. Jean Baptiste de Lamarck
b. Charles Lyell d. James Hutton
2. Who proposed the Theory of Acquired Characteristic?
a. Charles Darwin c. Jean Baptiste de Lamarck
b. Charles Lyell d. James Hutton
3. What concept states that having many offspring increases the chance that some of them will survive?
a. Adaptation c. Overproduction
b. Descent with modification d. Variation
4. What theory states that organs not in use will disappear while organs in use will develop?
a. Theory of Acquired Characteristics
b. Theory of Evolution
c. Theory of Natural Selection
d. Theory of Use and Disuse
5. Camels and cacti are adapted to live in dry places like desert. What concept does it exhibit?
a. Adaptation c. Survival of the fittest
b. Overproduction d. Variation
week 7
1. It is a group of organisms in a certain area.
a. Population c. Density dependent factors
b. Carrying capacity d. Density independent factors
2. It refers to the number of individuals who can supported in each area within natural resources limits.
a. Population c. Density dependent factors
b. Carrying capacity d. Density independent factors
3. These are the limiting factors that can stop population from growing can be such things as natural
disasters, temperature, sunlight and the activities of humans in the environment.
a. Population c. Density dependent factors
b. Carrying capacity d. Density independent factors
4. These are the factors that come into play when population reaches a certain number of organisms
a. Population c. Density dependent factors
b. Carrying capacity d. Density independent factors
5. It describes how varied are life forms in different ecosystems.
a. Biochemistry c. Biology
b. Biodiversity d. Botany

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