Brown Elegant Furniture Promotion Trifold Brochure

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Let’s explore with

Ampucao NHS IA Teacher


Choosing the IA strand means you’re ready to
develop your knowledge, understanding, skills and
values to the common competencies of industrial
arts such as the safe interaction with materials,
tools, processes, planning, development and
construction of quality projects.

At Ampucao National High School, we believe in

being an industrial arts student is the sense of
community and camaraderie that permeates
or program. we surrounded by like-minded
individuals who share our curiosity, creativity,
and drive to make a difference. Together we
push each other to grow, learn, and achieve Indusrial Arts
more than we ever thought possible.

As a IA learners! Explore the diverse set of

skills and knowledge that you have to
thrive in the dynamic world of design,
manufacturing, and innovation. Here are
some of the key things that you may learn
in IA strand Hands-on Expertise, Design
Thinking and Problem-Solving, Technical
knowledge and Innovation, Collaboration
and Communication, Passion and
Creativity, and Entrepreneurial Mindset.

With this diverse set of skills and

experiences, You can confident your ability
to contribute to the ever-evolving
industrial arts landscape, whether in a
design studio, a manufacturing facility, or
as an entrepreneur.
The Industrial Arts strand is an educational
program that focuses on the study and
With the IA strand, you can
application of various industrial and
technological fields. Here’s a more
explore job like:
detailed overview of what the Industrial
Arts strand entails: Furniture Designer
Introduction to Industrial Technology Furniture Engineer
Hand on Skills Development Furniture Maker
Design and Problem-Solving Furniture Technician
Technological Literacy Furniture Production Manager
Career Exploration Furniture CAD Technician
Furniture Materials Specialist
The Industrial Arts strand is often offered Furniture Sustainability Coordinator
as part of broader technical or vocational Furniture Sales Representative
education program, preparing students Furniture Marketing Coordinator
for further studies or direct entry in the
workplace in industrial and technological
fields. The hands-on, project based
approach helps students develop
practical skills, critical thinking, and
problem-solving abilities that are highly
valued in the industrial and technological
What you’ll learn
a variety of skills related to design,
Benifits of choosing IA strand engineering, manufacturing, and
1. Hands-on Learning
2. Technical Skills Development
3. Problem-Solving and Critical
Hands on experience
you ‘ll do projects and activities. work with
your classmates and expert to solve
4. Career Exploration
problems and learn to use hand and power
5. Creativity and Innovation
6. Practical Life Skills
7. Competitive Advantage

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