2 Fibroblastic Myoblastic Tumor

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2006 10:14 Page 47


Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic Tumours

Fibroblastic / myofibroblastic tumours represent a very large

subset of mesenchymal tumours. Many lesions in this category
contain cells with both fibroblastic and myofibroblastic features,
which may in fact represent functional variants of a single cell
type. The relative proportions of these cell types vary not only
between individual cases but also within a single lesion over
time (often in proportion to cellularity). A significant subset of
spindle cell and pleomorphic sarcomas are probably myofibrob-
lastic in type but, to date, only low grade forms have been repro-
ducibly characterized. Among lesions formerly known as malig-
nant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH – see Chapter 3), at least some
represent pleomorphic myofibrosarcomas.

Principal changes and advances since the 1994 WHO classifi-

cation have been the characterization of numerous previously
undefined lesions, including ischaemic fasciitis, desmoplastic
fibroblastoma, mammary-type myofibroblastoma, angiomyofi-
broblastoma, cellular angiofibroma, Gardner fibroma, low grade
fibromyxoid sarcoma, acral myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sar-
coma, sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma and low grade myofi-
broblastic sarcoma.

Conceptual changes have included the clearer recognition of

solitary fibrous tumour in soft tissue and the realization that most
cases of so-called haemangiopericytoma belong in this catego-
ry, as well as the reclassification of lesions formerly labelled
myxoid MFH as myxofibrosarcoma and the definitive allocation
of these tumours to the fibroblastic category.
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Nodular fasciitis H.L. Evans

J.A. Bridge

Definition but not all, cases of not more than 1-2 Aetiology
Nodular fasciitis is a mass-forming months. Soreness or tenderness may be Some patients with nodular fasciitis
fibrous proliferation that usually occurs in present. It usually measures 2 cm or less report trauma to the site of the lesion, but
the subcutaneous tissue. It is composed and almost always less than 5 cm. the majority do not. Birth trauma may be
of plump but uniform fibroblastic / myofi- Intravascular fasciitis may enlarge more a factor in the genesis of cranial fasciitis.
broblastic cells and typically displays a slowly but is also normally not more than
loose or tissue culture-like growth pat- 2 cm in size. Cranial fasciitis expands Macroscopy
tern. Intravascular fasciitis and cranial quickly, like nodular fascitis, and may Grossly, nodular fasciitis may appear cir-
fasciitis are histologically similar lesions become somewhat larger than the usual cumscribed or infiltrative but is not
that extend into vessel lumens and example of the latter. When the skull is encapsulated. The cut surface varies
involve the skull and overlying soft tis- involved, X-ray shows a lytic defect, from myxoid to fibrous, and occasionally
sue, respectively. often with a sclerotic rim. By contrast, there is central cystic change.
nodular fasciitis presents as a nondis- Intravascular fasciitis ranges from nodu-
Synonym tinctive soft-tissue mass on imaging lar to plexiform, the latter contour result-
Pseudosarcomatous fasciitis. studies, and there is little information on ing when there is extensive intravascular
imaging of intravascular fasciitis. growth. Cranial fasciitis is typically cir-
Nodular fasciitis is comparatively com-
mon among soft tissue mass lesions {39,
2000}. It occurs in all age groups but
more often in young adults. Intravascular
fasciitis {1727} and cranial fasciitis {1225}
are rare. Intravascular fasciitis is found
mostly in persons under 30 years of age,
whereas cranial fasciitis develops pre-
dominantly in infants under 2 years of
age. There is no sex predilection for nod-
ular fasciitis or intravascular fasciitis, but
cranial fasciitis is more frequent in boys.

Sites of involvement
Nodular fasciitis is usually subcuta-
neous, although occasional cases are
intramuscular. Dermal localization is very
rare {812} (see volume on skin tumours).
Any part of the body can be involved, but
the upper extremity, trunk, and head and
neck are most frequently affected.
Intravascular fasciitis is also chiefly sub-
cutaneous. It occurs in small to medium-
sized vessels, predominantly veins but
occasionally arteries (or both). Cranial
fasciitis typically involves the outer table
of the skull and contiguous soft tissue of
the scalp, and may extend downward
through the inner table into the
Clinical features Fig. 2.01 Nodular fasciitis. A This low power view illustrates the typical subcutaneous location. B Detail from
Nodular fasciitis typically grows rapidly the same lesion showing infiltration of adjacent fat. C This high power view shows the typical plump but
and has a preoperative duration in most, regular fibroblasts / myofibroblasts (From R. Kempson et al. {1086}).

48 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

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cumscribed and rubbery to firm, and

may be focally myxoid or cystic in its

Nodular fasciitis is composed of plump
but regular spindle-shaped fibroblasts
(or myofibroblasts) lacking nuclear
hyperchromasia and pleomorphism.
Mitotic figures may be plentiful, but atyp- A B
ical mitoses would not be expected. The
lesion may be highly cellular, but typical-
ly it is at least partly loose appearing and
myxoid, with a torn, feathery, or tissue
culture-like character. In more cellular
areas, there is often growth in S- or C-
shaped fascicles, and sometimes a stori-
form pattern. There is normally little colla-
gen, but this may be increased focally,
and keloidlike collagen bundles may be
present and even occasionally promi- C D
nent. Isolated cases may show extensive Fig. 2.02 Nodular fasciitis. A Note the thick, keloidlike collagen bundles. B Multinucleated, osteoclastlike giant
stromal hyalinization. Extravasated red cells are sometimes present. C Nodular fasciitis, intramuscular variant. There is a loose and "torn" appearance,
cells, chronic inflammatory cells, and but greater fibrosis than usual in one area (upper right). D Intravascular fasciitis. The intravascular location is
multinucleated osteoclastlike giant cells demonstrated at scanning magnification (From R. Kempson et al. {1086}).
are other frequently identified features.
The lesional border is typically, at least mesenchymal proliferations. CD68 stain- in two {1869,2229}. The remaining case,
focally, infiltrative, although it may be well ing is present in the osteoclast-like giant a case of nodular fasciitis arising in the
delineated; peripheral extension is often cells and occasionally in spindle cells. breast, exhibited a 2;15 translocation,
seen between fat cells in the subcutis Keratin and S100 protein are typically loss of chromosomes 2 and 13, and sev-
and between muscle cells in intramuscu- negative. eral marker chromosomes {199}.
lar locations. Small vessels are numerous Although the observation of clonality in
in some examples, resulting in a resem- Ultrastructure these limited cases of nodular fasciitis
blance to granulation tissue, sometimes By electron microscopy, nodular fasciitis would appear to support true neoplastic
with poorly delimited margins. demonstrates fibroblastic/myofibroblas- rather than reactive origin, it is possible
Intravascular fasciitis and cranial fasciitis tic features; the cells are elongated, have that the culturing conditions used may
are basically similar to nodular fasciitis abundant, often dilated rough endoplas- favour growth of a particular clone or
histologically, although the former often mic reticulum, and sometimes demon- type of cell.
displays a greater number of osteoclast- strate cytoplasmic filaments with dense
like giant cells. Intravascular fasciitis bodies, pinocytotic vesicles, and cell Prognostic factors
ranges from predominantly extravascu- junctions. Like the immunohistochemical Recurrence of nodular fasciitis after exci-
lar, with only a minor intravascular com- profile, these findings are common to sion is very rare. It has been observed
ponent, to predominantly intravascular. numerous mesenchymal entities. occasionally (<2% of cases) after incom-
Osseous metaplasia is occasionally seen plete excision of bona fide examples, but
in nodular fasciitis (fasciitis ossificans) Genetics in general recurrence should prompt
{450,1193} and cranial fasciitis. Assessment of DNA ploidy in nodular reevaluation of the diagnosis. Metastasis
fasciitis using flow cytometry has shown does not occur. Intravascular fasciitis has
Immunophenotype these lesions to be diploid {575,1621}. In the same innocent behaviour as nodular
Stains for SMA and MSA are usually pos- contrast, clonal chromosomal abnormali- fasciitis, despite its sometimes prominent
itive, but desmin positivity is rare {1497}. ties have been detected by cytogenetic intravascular growth, as does cranial
These results are consistent with myofi- analysis in three cases of nodular fasci- fasciitis.
broblastic differentiation but do not dis- itis including a rearrangement of 3q21
tinguish nodular fasciitis from many other with a group D acrocentric chromosome

Nodular fasciitis 49
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H.L.. Evans
Proliferative fasciitis and J.A. Bridge
proliferative myositis

Definition idly and are usually excised within 2 to basophilic cytoplasm. These features
Proliferative fasciitis is a mass-forming months of the time they are first noted. result in a resemblance to ganglion cells,
subcutaneous proliferation character- Proliferative fasciitis almost always and the cells are often described as gan-
ized by large ganglion-like cells in addi- measures less than 5 cm and is most glion-like. They usually have one nucleus
tion to plump fibroblastic / myofibroblas- often less than 3 cm. Proliferative myosi- but may have two or three. They vary in
tic cells similar to those seen in nodular tis may be slightly larger but not greatly number in different examples and may
fasciitis. Proliferative myositis has the so. Either lesion may be painful or tender, be evenly or patchily distributed. Mitotic
same cellular composition but occurs but this is more common with prolifera- figures are found in both the spindle cells
within skeletal muscle. tive fasciitis. There is not much experi- and ganglion-like cells and may be rela-
ence with imaging of these conditions. tively numerous, but are not atypical. The
Epidemiology stroma varies from myxoid to collage-
Proliferative fasciitis and myositis are Aetiology nous, and the lesional borders are typi-
much less common than nodular fasci- There is sometimes a history of trauma to cally infiltrative or even ill defined.
itis. Both occur predominantly in middle- the site of proliferative fasciitis and Proliferative fasciitis may grow laterally
aged or older adults {349,594,1093}, i.e., myositis, but more often there is not. along fascial planes, whereas prolifera-
an older age group than for nodular tive myositis extends between individual
fasciitis. A rare variant of proliferative Macroscopy muscle fibres and small groups, creating
fasciitis is described in children {1395}. Proliferative fasciitis typically forms a the characteristic "checkerboard" pat-
poorly circumscribed mass in the subcu- tern. The childhood variant of prolifera-
Site of involvement taneous tissue and may extend horizon- tive fasciitis normally has better delineat-
Proliferative fasciitis develops most fre- tally along fascia. The rare childhood ed borders than the adult form, greater
quently in the upper extremity, particular- variant is often better circumscribed. cellularity, dominance of ganglion-like
ly the forearm, followed by the lower Proliferative myositis is also poorly mar- cells and more mitoses. Focal necrosis
extremity and trunk. Proliferative myositis ginated and replaces a variable propor- and acute inflammation may be present,
arises predominantly in the trunk, shoul- tion of the involved muscle. in addition. Proliferative myositis may
der girdle, and upper arm and less often contain metaplastic bone, thus demon-
in the thigh. By definition, proliferative Histopathology strating kinship to myositis ossificans.
fasciitis is subcutaneous and prolifera- Both proliferative fasciitis and myositis
tive myositis is intramuscular. contain plump fibroblastic/myofibroblas- Immunophenotype
tic spindle cells similar to those seen in The immunohistochemical profile of pro-
Clinical features nodular fasciitis but also demonstrate liferative fasciitis and myositis is similar
Both proliferative fasciitis and prolifera- large cells with rounded nuclei, promi- to that of nodular fasciitis, with usual pos-
tive myositis characteristically grow rap- nent nucleoli, and abundant amphophilic itivity for SMA and MSA and negativity for

Fig. 2.03 Proliferative fasciitis. A In this example the ganglion-like cells are larger and more prominent. B On high power the details of the ganglion-like cells are better
seen. (From R. Kempson et al. {1086}).

50 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

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Fig. 2.04 Proliferative myositis. A Low power demonstrates the "checkerboard" pattern resulting from separation of muscle cells by the lesion. B Note the large nuclei
and abundant amphophilic cytoplasm of the ganglion-like cells (From R. Kempson et al. {1086}).

Fig. 2.05 A Proliferative myositis, showing in detail the cytological features of the ganglion-like cells (From R. Kempson et al. {1086}). B Proliferative fasciitis in
childhood. Such lesions may readily be mistaken for rhabdomyosarcoma.

desmin {574,1295}.The ganglion-like Genetics 60-year-old female, showed the following

cells, however, may stain only focally or DNA flow cytometric analyses of prolifer- translocation: t(6;14)(q23;q32) {1371}.
weakly for actins. CD68 may stain some ative fasciitis have revealed a uniformly Fluorescence in situ hybridization studies
cells, but keratin and S100 protein are diploid pattern {574,1295}. Trisomy 2 has performed on uncultured cells of this
typically negative. been detected in a single case of prolif- latter case excluded the presence of
erative fasciitis by standard cytogenetic trisomy 2.
Ultrastructure evaluation {499}.
As with nodular fasciitis, the ultrastructur- Cytogenetic studies of two cases of pro- Prognostic factors
al features of proliferative fasciitis and liferative myositis have revealed distinct Both proliferative fasciitis and myositis
myositis are those of fibroblasts and abnormalities {1371,1597}. An extra recur only rarely after local excision and
myofibroblasts {574,1295}. The ganglion- copy of chromosome 2 or trisomy 2 was do not metastasize.
like cells demonstrate abundant and detected in one case arising in the axilla
dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum and of a 62-year-old male {1597}. The second
lack neuronal characteristics. case, arising in the rectus muscle of a

Proliferative fasciitis and myositis 51

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A.E. Rosenberg
Myositis ossificans and fibroosseous
pseudotumour of digits

Definition Sites of involvement history of trauma is documented in 60-

Myositis ossificans (MO) and MO may develop anywhere in the body 75% of cases {1580,1667}. In patients
fibroosseous pseudotumour of digits including the extremities, trunk, and without a history of trauma, repetitive
(FP) are localized, self-limiting, repara- head and neck {2,805,1580,2054}. The small mechanical injuries, ischaemia or
tive lesions that are composed of reac- most common locations are those most inflammation have been implicated as
tive hypercellular fibrous tissue and susceptible to trauma such as the elbow, possible causative factors. Initiation of
bone. Morphologically similar lesions thigh, buttock, and shoulder. MO-like the process is followed by proliferation of
may also occur in the subcutis, tendons lesions have also been reported in the mesenchymal stem cells that produce
or fascia and have been termed panni- mesentery {2277}. FP usually affects the activated fibroblasts and osteoblasts
culitis ossificans and fasciitis ossificans, subcutaneous tissues of the proximal that grow in a centripetal fashion. The
respectively. The rapid growth of these phalanx of the fingers and less frequent- mechanisms underlying the characteris-
lesions that frequently arouses clinical ly the toes {559}. tic pattern of zonation have not been
suspicion in conjunction with their hyper- clearly elucidated.
cellularity, cytological atypia, and mitotic Clinical features
activity makes them classic pseudosar- The clinical and radiographic findings of Macroscopy
comas of soft tissues. MO parallel the stage of development of Myositis ossificans manifests as a well
the lesion. In the early phase (1-2 delineated ovoid tan mass with a soft
Synonyms weeks), the involved area is swollen and
Pseudomalignant osseous tumour of soft painful. Similarly, in FP the digit hurts and
tissue, extraosseous localized, nonneo- there is a localized fusiform swelling of
plastic bone and cartilage formation, the affected area.
myositis ossificans circumscripta, myosi- Plain X-rays and CT scans of MO may
tis ossificans traumatica. demonstrate soft tissue fullness and
oedema, whereas MRI reveals signal
Epidemiology heterogeneity and high signal intensity
MO and FP have a broad age distribution on T2 weighted images {805,1169,
ranging from infancy to late adulthood 1580,1949,2277}. Two to six weeks after
(14 mos-95 years), however, they are the onset of symptoms, flocculent dense
characteristically encountered during calcifications become evident in the
young adulthood (mean age 32 years), periphery of the mass and eventually
and rarely occur in infants or the elderly produce a lacy pattern of bone deposi-
{2,13,358,1588,2054}. Males are affect- tion that sharply demarcates the periph-
ed more frequently than females (3:2), ery of the lesion in an eggshell-like fash- A
however, females are more commonly ion. In FP the lesional calcification has a
involved in FP {559}. Patients with MO more random distribution. In MO this cor-
are typically physically active. relates with the clinical progression for
the affected site becomes more circum-
scribed and firm and eventually evolves
into a painless, hard, well-demarcated
mass. After a prolonged period of time
the mass may remain stable or undergo
partial or complete resorption. In older
stable lesions MRI exhibits a well defined
mass that possesses a rim of low signal
intensity (mineralized bone) and con-
tains intralesional regions of higher inten-
sity representing marrow fat.
Aetiology Fig. 2.07 Myositis ossificans. A Plain X-ray and (B)
Soft tissue injury produced by a variety cross sectional CT of a forearm lesion of approxi-
Fig. 2.06 Fibroosseous pseudotumour of digits of mechanisms is believed to be the initi- mately 6 weeks duration with a well circumscribed,
presenting as a red and swollen mass. ating event in most instances and a clear ossified periphery and a more lucent centre.

52 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

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Fig. 2.08 Myositis ossificans. A Gross appearance of myositis ossificans in a young adult male. B Low power view showing typical zonation with fasciitis-like features
(centre right), immature osteoid (centre) and bone formation at the periphery (left).

glistening centre and a firm, grey-white contains fibrin, clusters of extravasated more collagenous over time. This histo-
gritty periphery. The lesion ranges in size red blood cells, scattered chronic inflam- logical pattern of zonation is most evi-
from 2-12 cm but most are approximate- matory cells, osteoclast-like giant cells dent in cases of MO that are of at least
ly 5 cm in greatest dimension. and injured or atrophic myocytes. three weeks duration. Eventually, the
Peripherally, the fibroblastic component central cellular areas become progres-
Histopathology merges with ill defined trabeculae and sively quiescent such that over a period
Myositis ossificans is characterized by a sheets of unmineralized woven bone that of years, the lush, richly cellular and pro-
zonal proliferation of fibroblasts and harbour large osteocytes and demon- liferative fibroblastic centre is trans-
bone-forming osteoblastic elements that strate prominent osteoblastic rimming. In formed into a paucicellular, collagenous
progresses through various stages over FP the bone is randomly distributed zone that ultimately undergoes ossifica-
time {1210}. In the early stages of devel- throughout the lesion. In some cases of tion. Some cases appear to regress com-
opment MO is most cellular, bearing a MO, nodules of cellular hyaline cartilage pletely. In the end, the residual ovoid
resemblance to nodular fasciitis, and is with foci of enchondral ossification are mass is composed merely of cortical and
composed of numerous proliferating present. Some late stage lesions of FP cancellous bone with fatty or
fibroblasts that are oriented randomly or fuse with underlying periosteum and haematopoietic marrow. In some cases
in short intersecting fascicles. The fibrob- form an ostechondroma-like lesion. The of MO, especially those occurring in
lasts have ill defined, tapering cell most peripheral portions of MO are com- more superficial soft tissues, the zonal
processes that consist of faintly posed of well formed bony trabeculae pattern is not well developed and the
eosinophilic cytoplasm and contain and cortical-appearing bone which ini- reactive bone may be located throughout
vesicular or finely granular nuclei with tially has a woven architecture but even- the lesion.
smooth nuclear membranes and nucleoli tually is remodelled into lamellar bone. In
of variable size. Numerous mitoses may most instances, the lesion is surrounded Immunophenotype
be present but atypical mitotic figures by a fibrous capsule that is typically The immunohistochemical staining pat-
are uniformly absent. The stroma is rich- oedematous in the early phases of devel- tern reflects the bidirectional differentia-
ly vascular, oedematous or myxoid and opment, but becomes progressively tion characteristic of MO and FP. The

Fig. 2.09 Myositis ossificans. A Centre of MO composed of randomly arranged plump fibroblasts in a myxoid stroma. B Periphery of fibroblastic component merging with
region containing trabeculae of woven bone. C Woven bone is prominently rimmed by osteoblasts.

Myositis ossificans and fibroosseous pseudotumour of digits 53

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Fig. 2.10 A Fibroosseous pseudotumour of digits presenting as well circumscribed mass in subcutis. B Reactive woven bone lined by osteoblasts is present throughout
the lesion.

centrally located fibroblasts and myofi- endoplasmic reticulum and aggregates of the early stage of development have
broblasts express vimentin but may also cytoplasmic filaments occasionally asso- been known to regrow. There are rare
stain with antibodies for actin, smooth ciated with dense bodies {2,1722}. The examples of MO transforming into
muscle actin and desmin. The bone forming cells demonstrate evidence osteosarcoma but most of these reports
osteoblasts and osteocytes located in of osteoblastic differentiation and contain are not well documented. Therefore,
the periphery of the tumour typically many mitochondria and abundant dilated although the possibility of malignant
express vimentin and osteocalcin. rough endoplasmic reticulum. transformation exists, this should be
regarded as an extremely rare event and
Ultrastructure Prognostic factors patients should be treated conservatively.
The spindle cells have the characteristic MO and FP have an excellent prognosis
ultrastructural features of fibroblasts and and rarely recur; however, lesions
myofibroblasts including dilated rough removed marginally or incompletely in

54 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

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Ischaemic fasciitis M. Michal

Definition Sites of involvement are affected slightly more commonly than

Ischaemic fasciitis (IF) is a distinctive IF is usually localized over bony promi- males.
pseudosarcomatous fibroblastic prolifer- nences subjected to intermittent pressure
ation typically occurring over bony (e.g. greater trochanter or shoulder), Histopathology
prominences, usually in immobilized where it forms a poorly circumscribed, Histologically, IF is composed of multi-
patients. painless soft tissue mass usually less nodular zones of fibrinoid (coagulative)
than 10 cm in diameter {1498}. It is locat- necrosis, fibrosis, myxoid changes
Synonym ed in the subcutis, sometimes extending involving adipose tissue and areas of
Atypical decubital fibroplasia. into the muscle tissue and dermis. vascular proliferation. Necrosis has a
characteristic appearance consisting of
Epidemiology Clinical features central zone of liquefactive, fibrinoid
Ischaemic fasciitis most often occurs in Most of the patients are elderly, with a necrosis having sharp uneven borders,
immobilized patients as a result of pro- peak incidence between the seventh staining deeply red to violet by H&E
longed pressure and impaired circulation and ninth decades of life. Patients are staining {233,2338}. Foci of necrosis are
{114,1498,1691}. usually chronically immobilized. Females frequently surrounded by a fringe or pal-


Fig. 2.11 Ischaemic fasciitis. A Medium power view showing fibrinoid necrosis and plump fibroblastic cells. B Note the prominent interstitial deposition of fibrin, asso-
ciated with haemorrhage and reactive fibroblastic proliferation. C Foci of necrosis are frequently surrounded by a fringe or palisade of capillary proliferation and fibrob-
lasts. D Necrosis has a characteristic appearance consisting of central zone of liquefactive and coagulative necrosis having sharp uneven borders, staining deeply
red to violet by H&E. Muscular vessels reveal often a fibrinoid change within the wall with fibrin thrombi in various stage of recanalization.

Ischaemic fasciitis 55
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isade of capillary proliferation and fibro- Immunophenotype

blasts. Muscular vessels reveal often fib- Immunohistochemically the cells are
rinoid change within the walls with fibrin vimentin positive and occasional fibrob-
thrombi in various stage of recanaliza- lastic cells are smooth muscle actin and
tion, and a small amount of secondary CD68 positive. All cells are S100 protein
acute inflammation and extravasated and desmin negative. Enlarged, bizarre
RBC. Evidence of primary vasculitis or fibroblastic cells are CD34 positive
myositis is, however, never seen. Some {1498}.
of the fibroblasts are enlarged and even
bizarre with abundant deep staining Prognostic factors
cytoplasm, large eccentric nuclei and These lesions may recur, due to persist-
smudged, hyperchromatic nucleus with ence of the underlying cause rather than
Fig. 2.12 Ischaemic fasciitis. High power view of the prominent nucleoli. These cells resemble to intrinsic biological aggression. Most
ganglion-like fibroblastic cells. the fibroblasts in proliferative fasciitis. patients are cured by local excision.

H. Hashimoto
Elastofibroma J.A. Bridge

Definition boid major muscles, often with attach- lower scapula and the underlying chest
An ill defined fibroelastic tumour-like ment to the periosteum of the ribs. wall {1031}, this has never been con-
lesion that occurs primarily in the soft Although it is unilateral in most cases, firmed, particularly for examples located
tissue between the lower portion of the bilateral elastofibromas may be more in extrascapular sites. Nagamine et al.
scapula and the chest wall of elderly common than previously recognized. described that approximately one-third
persons and is characterized by a large Naylor et al. radiologically detected sub- of 170 patients with this lesion in
number of coarse, enlarged elastic clinical bilateral elastofibromas in many Okinawa occurred within the same fami-
fibres. cases {1545}. Rare lesions have been ly lines, supporting a genetic predisposi-
reported in extrascapular locations, such tion in at least some patients {1526}.
ICD-O code 8820/0 as other parts of the chest wall, the Enjoji et al. reported an elastofibroma-
upper arm, the hip region, and the gas- tous lesion of the stomach at the base of
Synonym trointestinal tract or other viscera. a peptic ulcer in a patient with bilateral
Elastofibroma dorsi. subscapular elastofibromas, suggesting
Clinical features the possibility of an underlying systemic
Epidemiology Elastofibroma occurs almost exclusively enzymatic defect {585}. The accumula-
Although elastofibroma was originally in elderly individuals over the age of 50, tion of large irregular elastic fibres in this
considered as a rare lesion, there are with a peak between the seventh and lesion may be the result of abnormal
geographically different distributions of eighth decades of life {1526}. There is a elastogenesis rather than degeneration
this lesion, for example, many cases of striking predominance in women. of preexisting elastic fibers.
elastofibroma have been detected in Elastofibroma is a slowly growing mass
Okinawa, Japan {1526}. Elastofibroma or that only rarely causes pain or tender- Macroscopy
pre-elastofibroma-like changes have ness. Computed tomography (CT) and Elastofibroma is usually ill defined and
been found at autopsy in 13 to 17 % of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allow rubbery, and exhibits grey-white fibrous
elderly individuals {786,1030}. a presumptive diagnosis of elastofibro- tissue with interposing small areas of yel-
ma {1170}. low fat. The mass varies from 2 cm up to
Sites of involvement 15 cm in diameter.
Elastofibroma is almost always located in Aetiology
the connective tissue between the lower Although some have suggested that Histopathology
scapula and the chest wall, and lies elastofibroma may be a response to The lesion is composed of a mixture of
deep to the latissimus dorsi and rhom- repeated trauma or friction between the paucicellular collagenous tissue and

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Fig. 2.13 Elastofibroma. A Paucicellular collagenous tissue and entrapped mature fat cells. B Large, coarse, densely eosinophilic elastic fibres admixed with collagen in
an elastofibroma.

Fig. 2.14 Elastofibroma. A Elastic fibres arranged like beads or globules with serrated edges on a string in an elastofibroma. B Weigert's elastic stain highlights the bead-
like arrangement of the abnormal elastic fibres in an elastofibroma.

large numbers of elastic fibers, associat- Ultrastructure cant chromosomal instability manifested
ed with small amounts of mucoid stroma Elongated or globular masses with a as both clonal and non-clonal structural
and entrapped mature fat cells. The elas- central core of more electron-lucent changes {141,1370,2188}. Aberrations of
tic fibres are large, coarse, deeply material like mature elastic tissue sur- the short arm of chromosome 1 are par-
eosinophilic, and fragmented into small, rounded by a fibrillary electron-dense ticularly prominent. Additional studies
linearly arranged globules or serrated substance like immature elastin are seen are needed to define the potential bio-
disks simulating beads on a string. in a collageous stroma {159,733,1118, logical significance of these chromoso-
Elastic stains reveal the large branched 1182,1753}. The constituent cells in mal abnormalities in elastofibroma. The
or unbranched fibres to have a dense close proximity to the elastic fibres have observation of familial occurrences of
core and irregular serrated margins. ultrastructural features of fibroblasts and elastofibroma supports a genetic predis-
Although the elastin-like material is myofibroblasts, some of which contain position to this lesion of controversial
removed by prior treatment of the sec- non-membrane-bounded dense granular aetiology {1526,1884}.
tions with pancreatic elastase, it is more bodies with an intensity similar to that of
resistant to the digestion than that of con- extracellular elastin in the cytoplasm, Prognostic factors
trol skin {1531}. suggesting that these cells produce the Elastofibroma is cured by simple exci-
extracellular elastin. sion. Local recurrence is very rare.
The elastic fibres in elastofibroma are Genetics
reactive with a specific antibody to Cytogenetic investigations of elastofibro-
elastin {733,1182}. ma reveal that this lesion exhibits signifi-

Elastofibroma 57
bb5_5.qxd 13.9.2006 10:14 Page 58

Fibrous hamartoma of infancy H. Hashimoto

Definition or axillary fold, followed by the upper solitary lesion, and usually a rapidly
A paediatric, benign, poorly circum- arm and shoulder, thigh, groin, back, growing, freely movable mass in the sub-
scribed, superficial soft tissue mass and forearm {590,1476,1638,1998}. This cutis or dermis, occasionally being
characterized by an organoid mixture of lesion arises only exceptionally in the attached to the underlying fascia and
three components: well defined inter- hands and feet {1029,1034,1794}. The only rarely involving the skeletal muscle.
secting trabeculae of dense fibrocol- feature helps distinguish fibrous hamar-
lagenous tissue, loosely textured areas toma of infancy from calcifying aponeu- Macroscopy
of immature-appearing, small, rounded, rotic fibroma, which occurs almost exclu- Fibrous hamartoma of infancy is usually
primitive mesenchymal cells, and sively in the hands or feet. poorly circumscribed and exhibits grey-
mature fat. white tissue alternating with yellow fat.
Clinical features The amount of the fatty component
Epidemiology The majority of fibrous hamartomas of varies from case to case. Most lesions
Although in overall terms fibrous hamar- infancy present in the first 2 years of life are less than 5 cm in diameter, but
toma of infancy is rare, accounting for and up to 25 % are discovered at birth tumours rarely reach larger than 10 cm
approximately 0.02 % of all benign soft {519,570,590,1638}. They do not occur {519}.
tissue tumours {1016}, this lesion is one after puberty, although rare lesions have
of the relatively more common tumours of been reported in older infants. There is a Histopathology
fibrous tissue in early childhood. striking predominance in boys {1638, Fibrous hamartoma of infancy is charac-
1998}, but there is no evidence of famil- terized by three distinct components
Sites of involvement ial tendency or of association with any forming organoid structures. The well
Fibrous hamartoma of infancy occurs other congenital disorder. Fibrous defined intersecting trabeculae of dense
most frequently in the anterior or posteri- hamartoma of infancy is almost always a fibrocollagenous tissue are composed of
fibroblastic and myofibroblastic spindle
cells with bland, straight or wavy nuclei
separated by varying amounts of colla-
gen. The loosely textured islands inter-
spersed among the fibrous trabeculae
are made up of immature-appearing,
small, rounded or stellate, primitive mes-
enchymal cells with scant cytoplasm
embedded in a myxoid matrix containing
abundant hyaluronidase-sensitive acid
mucopolysaccharides. The primitive
myxoid areas are frequently oriented
A B around small veins. Mitotic figures are
Fig. 2.15 Fibrous hamartoma of infancy. A Organoid pattern composed of trabeculae of dense fibrocollagenous absent or few in either the fibroblastic or
tissue, with typical islands of loosely arranged spindle cells, and mature fat cells. B This case shows three
myxoid areas. The mature fat component
distinct components, with mature fat predominating.
is interspersed among the other two
components. The relative proportions of
these three components vary consider-
ably between cases. Fat may be recog-
nized only at the periphery or may be the
major component. In some cases, espe-
cially in older children, a pronounced
sclerosing process, that is somewhat
reminiscent of disorderly fibrosis or neu-
rofibroma, replaces the majority of the
lesion {590}.
Fig. 2.16 Fibrous hamartoma of infancy. A Spindle cells in fibrous trabeculae are composed of bland fibroblas- Immunohistochemistry
tic or myofibroblastic cells with straight or wavy nuclei. B In the myxoid islands, note bland primitive spindle Both the fibroblastic and primitive cells
cells with scant cytoplasm. are positive for vimentin. There are

58 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

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actin-positive spindle cells only in the Ultrastructure Prognostic factors

trabeculae, probably indicating myofi- A mixture of fibroblastic and myofibrob- Fibrous hamartoma of infancy is benign
broblastic differentiation {686,845, lastic cells are seen in the trabecular and usually cured by local excision. Rare
1440}. Desmin is usually negative, component {830,845,1440}, whereas recurrences are cured by reexcision
although some have described positive primitive mesenchymal cells with slender {519,590,1998}.
immunoreactivity to desmin in the tra- cytoplasmic processes and few intracy-
becular component {845}. toplasmic organelles are found in the
loosely textured myxoid areas.

B.P. Rubin
Myofibroma / Myofibromatosis J.A. Bridge

Definition those affecting bone, may not be clini- organs that are involved. The radio-
Myofibroma and myofibromatosis are cally apparent. In adults, solitary lesions logical appearance of soft tissue lesions
terms used to denote the solitary (myofi- are more common than multicentric varies greatly, and can be well-circum-
broma) or multicentric (myofibromatosis) tumours and this is probably also the scribed or infiltrative, often with calci-
occurrence of benign neoplasms com- case in children. fication, either within or surrounding the
posed of contractile myoid cells lesions. Bony lesions characteristically
arranged around thin-walled blood ves- Sites of involvement occur as multiple elongated radiolu-
sels. Myofibroma(tosis) forms a morpho- Approximately half of solitary myofibro- cent lesions within the metaphyseal
logical continuum with myopericytoma mas occur in the cutaneous/subcuta- regions, sparing the region immediately
and so-called infantile haemangiopericy- neous tissues of the head and neck adjacent to the epiphysis {1992}. A scle-
toma. region, followed by trunk, lower, and rotic margin forms invariably in more
upper extremities {353}. The other half mature lesions, which also have central
ICD-O codes occur in skeletal muscle or aponeuroses, mineralization.
Myofibroma 8824/0 with a small number involving bone, pre-
Myofibromatosis 8824/0 dominantly the skull {353,894,1007,
1111}. Myofibromatosis (i.e., multicentric
Synonyms disease) involves both soft tissue and
Infantile myofibromatosis, congenital bone and frequently (from 15-20% of the
generalized fibromatosis. time) occurs in the deep soft tissues and
at visceral locations, including the lungs,
Epidemiology heart, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidney,
Solitary and multicentric lesions can pancreas, and rarely, the central nervous
occur over an extremely wide age range system {17,48,1828,1846}. Any bone
that extends from newborns to the elder- can be involved but most often, the long
ly {151,353,431,1970}. However, many bones are affected.
cases are detected at birth or within the
first two years of life. Myofibroma(tosis) is Clinical features
more common in males {353}. There are Lesions can be of short or of longstand-
rare familial cases (see discussion of ing duration {431,679}. Cutaneous
genetics). The relative frequency of soli- lesions have the appearance of purplish
tary versus multicentric forms is unclear macules, simulating a vascular neo-
from the literature {353,2284}. This may plasm. Subcutaneous lesions occur
be due to methodological differences in most often as painless, freely mobile
the types and completeness of radiolog- masses while more deeply seated
ical studies that were performed, as lesions may be fixed. Visceral lesions Fig. 2.17 580 Myofibroma / Myofibromatosis. Small
many lesions, even deep lesions and may cause symptoms referable to the bowel lesion in a newborn.

Fibrous hamartoma of infancy / Myofibroma / Myofibromatosis 59

bb5_5.qxd 22.9.2006 10:54 Page 60

Fig. 2.18 Myofibroma / Myofibromatosis. A Primitive spindle cells with haemangiopericytoma-like blood vessels. B Note the perivascular growth pattern, underlying the
close relationship with myopericytoma.

Aetiology branching, haemangiopericytoma-like called infantile haemangiopericytoma,

The aetiology of myofibroma(tosis) is blood vessels {2037}. Occasional cases are actually cases of myofibroma(tosis)
unclear. There are rare familial cases, have a more random distribution of the {353,1412}. Calcification, necrosis and
indicating a genetic component (see dis- two cell types and in some cases, the stromal hyalinization are identified fre-
cussion of genetics). arrangement can be completely quently. Mitotic activity is usually minimal
reversed (haemangiopericytoma-like although exceptional cases can have up
Macroscopy appearance at the periphery and myofi- to 10 per 10 high power fields. Another
Nodules vary greatly in size, from 0.5 to broblastic cells in the middle) {151,353}. histological feature which merits atten-
7 cm, with a median size of 2.5 cm The haemangiopericytomatous compo- tion, is the frequent presence of intravas-
{353}. Lesions within the dermis and nent can predominate and this has led to cular growth, which can lead to the mis-
subcutaneous tissue are better defined the suggestion that most cases of so- taken diagnosis of malignancy {151,
than those in the deep soft tissues and
viscera. On cut surface, myofibromas
have a firm, fibrous cut surface and are
greyish white, light tan to brown, or pur-
plish in colour. They often have central
yellow / necrotic areas and / or cystic
spaces filled with caseous-like material
or haemorrhage.

At low power, there is a nodular or multin-
odular proliferation with a zoned appear-
ance, due to regional variation of cell
types. Usually within the periphery of the Fig. 2.19 Infantile myofibromatosis. A Lung is one of the more common visceral locations to be affected. Note
the typically multinodular growth pattern. B High power view showing the typical cytologic features. On the
nodules, there are plump myofibroblasts
left are the rounded, less well differentiated cells arranged around haemangiopericytoma-like blood ves-
arranged in short fascicles or whorls. sels and on the right are the spindle-shaped myoid cells.
These myofibroblasts are spindle
shaped with pale pink cytoplasm and
have elongated, tapering nuclei with a
vesicular chromatin pattern and one or
two small nucleoli. There is no significant
atypia or pleomorphism. These myoid
whorls or nodules often hyalinize, with a
pseudochondroid appearance. Within
the centre of the nodules, are less well
differentiated, rounded, polygonal, or
spindle-shaped cells, with slightly larger,
hyperchromatic nuclei. These cells have A B
relatively scant cytoplasm, and are Fig. 2.20 Myofibroma / Myofibromatosis. A Focal calcification in a myoid area. B Both necrosis and apoptosis
arranged around thin-walled, irregularly are often identified.

60 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

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353}. This intravascular growth is in fact Genetics of solitary lesions (<10%) recur, but there
subendothelial and is not associated with Familial occurrence is too rare to allow do not appear to be any factors that are
true metastatic potential. any firm conclusions regarding the predictive of recurrence and these recur-
genetics of myofibromatosis. However, rences are cured by local re-excision
Immunophenotype the documentation of affected cousins, {353}. The extent and location of the vis-
Both the myofibroblastic and more primi- half-siblings, and parent-offspring pairs ceral lesions determines the prognosis,
tive component are positive for vimentin suggests an autosomal dominant inheri- with involvement of vital organs, leading
and smooth muscle actin, while the tance pattern {244,1037,2070}. The true to cardiopulmonary or gastrointestinal
myofibroblastic component is more incidence of myofibromatosis occurring complications, causing death in rare
strongly positive for pan-actin HHF-35. in a familial setting may be higher than it cases {40,353,2284}. Pulmonary involve-
Both components are negative for S100 appears as the lesions are frequently ment appears to be an especially bad
protein, epithelial membrane antigen, small and asymptomatic and tend to dis- prognostic factor.
and keratin {431,1412}. appear spontaneously and thus, milder
expressions of the disease in relatives
Ultrastructure could easily be overlooked {244}.
Typical are prominent dilated rough endo-
plasmic reticulum, longitudinal filament Prognostic factors
bundles with dense bodies, and focal Some myofibromas regress sponta-
basal lamina {151,161,224,523,894}. neously {146,161,353}. A small number

Fibromatosis colli J. O’Connell

Definition 1187,1863}. Additionally, there is a clear the infants exhibit cervico-facial asym-
A benign, site-specific lesion that occurs association with other musculoskeletal metry with facial tilt due to the shortening
in the distal sternocleidomastoid muscle developmental abnormalities that are
of infants. The mass results in fusiform associated with abnormal intrauterine
thickening of the muscle and cervico- positioning, including forefoot anomalies
facial asymmetry due to its shortening and congenital hip dislocation {198,
(torticollis). 1187,1863}.

Synonyms Site of involvement

Congenital muscular torticollis, stern- Fibromatosis colli typically affects the
ocleidomastoid tumour of infancy, lower one-third of the sternocleidomas-
pseudotumour of infancy. toid muscle. There is no predilection as
to side.
Fibromatosis colli is uncommon. It Clinical features
occurs in approximately 0.4% of live The affected infants present with a
births {1187}. There is no sex predilec- smooth fusiform swelling of the distal
tion. The majority of affected infants are sternocleidomastoid muscle {198,1187,
diagnosed before 6 months of age 1863}. This usually measures less than
{1187}. There is a high incidence of 5.0 cm in length. The muscle typically is Fig. 2.21 Fibromatosis colli. Plain X-ray showing a
abnormal intrauterine positioning or diffi- expanded although it rarely measures soft tissue mass in the region of sternocleidomas-
cult delivery in the affected infants {198, greater than 2.0 cm in width. Typically toid muscle.

Myofibroma / Myofibromatosis / Fibromatosis colli 61

bb5_5.qxd 13.9.2006 10:14 Page 62

of the affected muscle {198,1187,1228,

1863}. Ultrasound investigation is useful
and non-invasive. It demonstrates a uni-
form isoechoic mass confined to the
muscle {407}. In real time this can be
shown to move with the action of the

It is most likely that fibromatosis colli rep-
resents a cellular scar-like reaction to
injury of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
acquired in the last trimester of intrauter-
ine growth, or at the time of delivery {198,

The lesion appears as a tan gritty mass
confined to the muscle. Regions of
haemorrhage or necrosis are not present. A
Like many presumed reactive prolifera-
tions, the microscopic appearance of
fibromatosis colli varies depending on
the time at which it is examined.
Currently the favoured investigation of
these masses is by fine needle aspiration
cytology {1187}. This demonstrates cel-
lular specimens with aggregates of uni-
form plump spindle cells embedded in
myxoid to collagenous ground sub-
stance {1187}. Multinucleated skeletal
myocytes may be admixed. These aspi-
ration specimens correspond to the cel-
lular proliferative phase of the process.
Surgical specimens, which are obtained
only from a minority of the patients at the
time of tenotomy for persistent torticollis,
usually demonstrate less cellular colla- B
gen-rich tissue that resembles scar or Fig. 2.22 Fibromatosis colli. A Note the diffuse pattern of scar-like fibroblastic proliferation within sterno-clei-
conventional fibromatosis. In these the domastoid muscle. B The entrapped skeletal muscle fibres commonly show both degenerative and reactive sar-
lesion is composed of uniform plump colemmal nuclei.
fibroblastic and myofibroblastic cells
embedded in a collagenous background
{198,1228,1863}. Infiltration and entrap- The treatment involves passive stretch- following timely intervention {198}. The
ment of skeletal myocytes is evident. ing and physiotherapy {198}. Seventy prognosis is worse in those infants who
percent of children will have complete are diagnosed and treated when older
Immunophenotype resolution of the mass and demonstrate than 1 year.
The lesional cells exhibit positive staining normal cervico-facial posture and move-
for vimentin and muscle actins. ment with this approach {198}. Surgical
intervention, principally tenotomy, is
Prognostic factors required in between 10 to 15% of
When diagnosed early, fibromatosis colli patients {198}. Overall, 90% of patients
is managed in a non-surgical manner. achieve normal function and appearance

62 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

bb5_5.qxd 13.9.2006 10:15 Page 63

J. O’Connell
Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis

Definition 1313,2279}. Imaging studies reveal gen- stance. Continuity between the vesicles
An apparently non-neoplastic disorder eralized osteoporosis and discrete lytic and the extracellular space may be evi-
that typically presents in infancy, charac- lesions in the affected bones {1057, dent {1057,1313,1480,2279}.
terized by the accumulation of extracel- 1094,1480}.
lular "hyaline material" within skin, somat- Prognostic factors
ic soft tissues and the skeleton, resulting Aetiology The lesions are treated by surgical exci-
in tumour-like masses. The hyaline mate- The aetiology of juvenile hyaline fibro- sion depending on their location. Local
rial is produced by an aberrant popula- matosis is unknown. It appears to be recurrence rates are high {1057}. The
tion of fibroblasts. The clinical manifesta- transmitted in an autosomal recessive
tions vary depending on the number, manner {1057,1094,1313}. Biochemical
location and growth rate of the masses. investigation of the hyaline material
suggests increased extracellular chon-
Synonyms droitin sulphate, and types I and VI colla-
Molluscum fibrosum, mesenchymal gen {250,1073}. Recently it has been
dysplasia. suggested the fundamental defect may
be a reduction in type III collagen
Epidemiology production {250}.
Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis is an
extremely rare disorder {1057,1094, Macroscopy
1313}. As of 1998 less than 50 cases had The nodules have a uniformly solid, white
been reported in the literature {2279}. It or waxy appearance.
typically presents in infancy {1057,1094, Fig. 2.23 Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis. Multiple
1313,2279}. There is no sex predilection Histopathology subcutaneous nodules on the scalp and face are
and affected infants are often the proge- The individual nodules obliterate the nor- the most consistent finding.
ny of consanguineous parents {1057, mal tissues in which they are found. They
1094,1313,2279}. The clinical phenotype are composed of an admixture of plump
of affected children varies {1313}. Most fibroblastic cells associated with extra-
of the time there is progressive increase cellular uniform hyaline material that is
in the number and size of superficial and non-fibrillar and eosinophilic in haema-
deep nodules with resulting deformity toxylin and eosin stains. In younger
and dysfunction. Survival into adulthood patients or "newer lesions" the nodules
may occur {1078,1094}. are relatively more cellular {1362,1480}.
The constituent fibroblasts have clear
Sites of involvement cytoplasm and may exhibit a vague fas-
The tumour-like masses of hyaline mate- cicular arrangement. Nuclear atypia or
rial develop in the skin (particularly the necrosis is not seen. Older lesions are
face and neck resulting in papules and less cellular and the fibroblasts may
nodules), gums (producing "gingival appear compressed by the extracellular
hyperplasia"), periarticular soft tissues material. PAS stain is strongly positive
(resulting in joint contractures) and and diastase resistant.
bones (especially the skull, long bones
and phalanges) {1057,1078,1094,1313, Immunophenotype
2279}. The fibroblastic cells label positively for
vimentin. Stains for muscle actin and
Clinical features S100 protein are negative {14,1920}.
Patients present with skin papules affect-
ing the face and neck, in particular, Ultrastructure
around the ears. Perianal skin papules The lesional cells are fibroblasts and
may resemble genital warts. Periarticular demonstrate numerous cystically dilated
deposits of the hyaline material result in membrane-bound vesicles. These con- Fig. 2.24 Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis. Low power
joint contractures, particularly involving tain granular and filamentous material view of a typically well circumscribed hypocellular
the knees and elbows {1057,1078,1094, similar to the extracellular ground sub- nodule in deep dermis / subcutis.

Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis 63

bb5_5.qxd 13.9.2006 10:15 Page 64

prognosis is determined by the number,

size and location of the nodules and the
degree of the patient’s functional impair-
ment. A single case of oral squamous
carcinoma arising in association with
juvenile hyaline fibromatosis has been
reported {1078}.

Fig. 2.25 Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis. A Cellular focus of a nodule. Note the clustered arrangement of the
fibroblasts and the extracellular amorphous material. B An older nodule that is less cellular and dominated by
the hyaline material.

J. O’Connell
Inclusion body fibromatosis

Definition Site of involvement sex predilection. Occasionally clinically

A benign proliferation of fibroblastic and Typically, lesions develop on the dorsal typical lesions present in older patients
myofibroblastic cells that typically aspect of digits of the hands or feet {148, and conversely pathologically character-
occurs on the digits of young children. It 344,913,1791}. In a minority, more than istic tumours occasionally develop in
is named for the intracytoplasmic inclu- one digit may be affected synchronously sites other than the digits {1702,1738}.
sions that are detected in a minority of or asynchronously. Involvement of the Treatment is by local excision, with an
the lesional cells. thumb or big toe is extremely unusual. effort to preserve function. Digital exam-
Rarely inclusion body fibromatosis ples present as dome shaped swellings
Synonyms occurs in extra-digital sites such as the overlying the phalanges or interpha-
Infantile digital fibromatosis, digital soft tissues of the arm and breast {1702, langeal joints. The nodules usually meas-
fibrous tumour of childhood, infantile 1738}. ure less than 2.0 cm and the overlying
digital fibroma. skin is typically taught and stretched.
Clinical features Occasional examples may erode bone.
Epidemiology Patients typically present in the first year The extra-digital nodules present as non-
Inclusion body fibromatosis is rare. of life {148,344,913,1791}. There is no specific soft tissue masses.

Fig. 2.26 Inclusion body fibromatosis. Two pha- Fig. 2.27 Inclusion body fibromatosis. A Low power view demonstrating intersecting fascicles of spindle cells
langeal nodules overlying the distal interpha- associated with extracellular collagen. B High power view shows the plump spindle cells, uniform nuclei and
langeal joints. Note the stretched overlying skin. scattered intracytoplasmic eosinophilic round inclusions.

64 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

bb5_5.qxd 13.9.2006 10:15 Page 65

The lesions have a uniform white / tan
appearance. They lack regions of haem-
orrhage or necrosis. They are typically ill

The nodules are composed of intrader-
mal sheets and fascicles of uniform spin-
dle cells associated with varying
amounts of extracellular collagen {344,
913,1702,1738}. They are non-encapsu-
lated and fascicles of cells extend into
adjacent tissues. Individual cells have
central elongated nuclei and vaguely fib-
rillar cytoplasm. The diagnostic feature is Fig. 2.28 Inclusion body fibromatosis. Masson Fig. 2.29 Inclusion body fibromatosis. Myofibro-
the presence of intracytoplasmic, trichrome stain shows the typical purple-red blastic cell with a typical intracytoplasmic granular
eosinophilic spherical "inclusions" {344, juxtanuclear rounded inclusions. filamentous inclusion.
913,1702,1738}. Inclusions are brightly
trichrome positive and PAS negative.
These are present in a minority of the able results appear to be dependent beneath the cell membrane and focally
cells and are not always uniformly dis- upon the method of tissue preparation show dense bodies. The inclusions lie
tributed. The lesional cells lack nuclear prior to immunohistochemical staining. free in the cytoplasm and have a granu-
atypia and mitoses are not prominent. Pretreatment with KOH has been report- lar / filamentous appearance {344,913,
ed to aid in demonstrating a positive 1020,1516,1702}. Cytoplasmic actin fila-
Immunophenotype staining result for actins within the inclu- ments extend into the granular inclusions
The lesional cells demonstrate positive sions {1515}. and may be demonstrated to be continu-
staining for vimentin, and muscle actins ous with them {913}.
{344,1515,1516,1702}. The latter stains Ultrastructure
often exhibit a parallel linear pattern The lesional spindle cells demonstrate Prognostic factors
beneath the cell membrane, in a so- ultrastructural features of myofibroblasts Local recurrence occurs in about 50% of
called "tram-track" pattern. The {344,913,1020,1516,1702}. They exhibit cases {148,1791}. The main prognostic
eosinophilic globules demonstrate vari- well formed rough endoplasmic reticu- indicator is the adequacy of the primary
able staining for actins in formalin fixed lum and intracytoplasmic aggregates of excision. Metastasis does not occur.
material {1515,1516,1702}. These vari- filaments. These are concentrated

Inclusion body fibromatosis 65

bb5_5.qxd 22.9.2006 10:43 Page 66

G. Farshid
Fibroma of tendon sheath J.A. Bridge

Definition A heterogeneous and lobulated mass and nuclear hyperchromasia are not
Fibroma of tendon sheath (FTS) is an with low signal intensity both in T1- and seen. Other less common histological
uncommon, small, benign fibrous nodule T2-weighted images may be seen on features may include presence of stellate
that arises near tendinous structures, MRI. Smooth erosion into bone has been cells, pleomorphic bizarre cells, myxoid
mostly in the hands of adult males. reported {2002}. change, cyst formation, dense hyali-
nization and chondroid or osseous
ICD-O code 8810/0 Aetiology metaplasia.
The predilection for specific digits of the
Synonym right hand and the finding of fasciitis-like Immunophenotype
Tenosynovial fibroma. areas in some cases suggest a possible The cells of FTS express SMA and
reactive origin. Injury is reported in 10% vimentin.
Epidemiology of cases. Clonal chromosome abnormal-
Most patients are in the fourth decade ities have been demonstrated in one Ultrastructure
but FTS can occur at any age. case. Features of fibroblasts and myofibro-
Approximately 60% of lesions affect blasts are identified.
males. In the hands the right side is Macroscopy
favoured. Multiplicity of lesions is rare. FTS forms a sharply-demarcated, multi- Genetics
Familial or racial clustering is not lobated and sometimes multinodular, A clonal chromosomal abnormality,
reported. fibrous mass, almost always <3 cm in t(2;11)(q31-32;q12), has been described
diameter. The cut surface is homoge- in one case {440}. Notably, an identical
Site of involvement nous, pale and solid. translocation has also been observed in
The thumb, index and middle fingers are desmoplastic fibroblastoma {1911}.
the favoured sites of origin. Together with Histopathology
lesions of the volar aspect of hand and FTS is composed of well-circumscribed Prognostic factors
wrist, they account for 80% of cases. The nodules separated by deep, narrow Up to 24% of lesions in the hands recur
anterior knee and plantar aspect of the clefts. The nodules are typically pauci- months to years after the diagnosis,
foot are less commonly involved. Arms, cellular, containing spindled fibroblasts sometimes repeatedly but non-destruc-
elbows, toes, temporomandibular joint, embedded in a collagenous stroma. tively {352}. Because of adherence to
trunk and neck are rarely affected. Scattered slit-like vascular channels are tendinous structures local excision may
frequent {103,352,905,981,1736}. Some be difficult. In view of their non-aggres-
Clinical features lesions may show hypercellularity, but sive course, excision should aim to
FTS typically presents as a small, firm, the cellular areas usually merge with relieve symptoms but preserve function.
slowly enlarging, painless mass. more typical paucicellular zones. These Metastasis has never been reported in
Impingement on nerves, carpal tunnel hypercellular examples resemble nodu- FTS.
syndrome, pain, finger triggering and lar fasciitis and often display typical
ulceration may occur. mitotic figures, but coagulative necrosis

Fig. 2.30 Fibroma of tendon sheath. A Border of a well circumscribed nodule, showing (B) paucicellular spindle fibroblasts in a collagenous stroma. C Detail of a more
cellular lesion.

66 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

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M.M. Miettinen
Desmoplastic fibroblastoma J.A. Bridge

Definition cases involve skeletal muscle. It occurs

A rare, benign, paucicellular tumour in a variety of peripheral sites with the
affecting mainly adult males, character- most common locations being the arm,
ized by densely collagenous, predomi- shoulder, lower limb, back, forearm,
nantly stellate-shaped fibroblasts exhibit- hands and feet. The behaviour is benign,
ing bland cytological features. Myxoid and none of the published clinicopatho-
stroma may be present. logic series had recurrences {622,900,
ICD-O code 8810/0 Fig. 2.34 Desmoplastic fibroblastoma showing a
Macroscopy 2;11 translocation with a breakpoint at 11q12.
Synonym The tumour is usually relatively small,
Collagenous fibroma. measuring 1-4 cm in greatest dimension,
but examples over 10 cm and as large nance of amorphous collagenous stroma
Clinical features as 20 cm have occurred. Grossly it and inconspicuous vasculature separate
This relatively uncommon tumour is usu- appears as a well-circumscribed oval, it from desmoid tumour.
ally diagnosed in men between the 5th fusiform-elongated, or disc-shaped
and 7th decades (70%), and rarely in mass, which may be lobulated. On sec- Immunophenotype
adolescents; only 25% of cases have tioning the tissue is firm and homoge- The tumour cells are positive for vimentin
been diagnosed in women. The tumour neous with cartilage-like consistency and are variably positive for alpha-
typically presents as an asymptomatic and pearl-grey colour. smooth muscle actin and occasionally
mass involving the subcutis, but fascial for keratins AE1/AE3. They are negative
involvement is common and up to 25% of Histopathology for desmin, EMA, S100 protein and CD34
Microscopically, desmoplastic fibroblas- {1447}.
toma is relatively paucicellular with a
prominent collagenous background. The Genetics
tumour involves the subcutaneous fat in Clonal chromosomal abnormalities have
70% of cases and extends into the skele- been observed in two cases {1911}. Both
tal muscle in 25% of cases. The margins exhibited abnormalities involving band
are variably circumscribed. It is com- 11q12. Notably, an identical 2;11 translo-
posed of scattered spindled or stellate- cation has also been observed in a case
shaped fibroblasts and myofibroblasts. A of fibroma of tendon sheath {440}.
minority of cases have variably, usually
focally myxoid stromal change. The Prognostic factors
lesional blood vessels are usually incon- These lesions do not recur and do not
Fig. 2.31 Desmoplastic fibroblastoma. The lesion spicuous with thin walls. Lower cellulari- metastasize.
has a smooth, rounded contour. ty, lack of fascicular pattern, predomi-

Fig. 2.32 Desmoplastic fibroblastoma. The tumour is Fig. 2.33 Desmoplastic fibroblastoma. The tumour is paucicellular and composed of uniform, often stellate-
paucicellular and composed of uniform, often stel- shaped fibroblasts.
late-shaped fibroblasts.

Desmoplastic fibroblastoma 67
bb5_6.qxd 13.9.2006 10:16 Page 68

Mammary-type myofibroblastoma M.E. McMenamin

J.A. Bridge

Definition groin area. Other reported sites include mon in older men, e.g. in the setting of
A benign mesenchymal neoplasm com- abdominal wall, buttock, back and vagi- gynaecomastia and anti-androgen thera-
posed of spindle-shaped cells with fea- nal wall. Lesions arise most commonly in py {1381,2217}. Mammary-type myofi-
tures of myofibroblasts, embedded in a subcutaneous tissue; however, cases broblastoma of soft tissue arises most
stroma that contains coarse bands of have arisen deep to abdominal wall mus- commonly in older adult males. The
hyalinized collagen and conspicuous cle, in the posterior vaginal wall and in a apparent predilection for origin of myofi-
mast cells, and admixed with a variable paratesticular location. There is an broblastomas along a putative milk-line
amount of adipose tissue. The tumour is apparent predilection for myofibroblas- suggests the possible existence of hor-
histologically identical to myofibroblas- tomas to arise along the putative monally-responsive mesenchymal tis-
toma of breast. anatomic "milk-line" that extends from sue.
axilla to medial groin.
ICD-O code 8825/0 Macroscopy
Clinical features Reported lesions ranged in size from 2 to
Epidemiology The tumours generally present as either 13 cm (median 5.8 cm). The tumours are
Lesions have arisen in adults with an age painless masses or incidental lesions well circumscribed and firm. The colour
range of 35 to 67 years (median 55.5 that are detected during surgical proce- can be variable (white, pink, tan or
years) and a male predilection (8 males, dures such as inguinal hernia repair. brown). The cut surface may be whorled
2 females). The extramammary location Occasional lesions are tender or painful. or nodular. Soft "mucoid"-appearing
of some myofibroblastomas has only Tumours have been described to be areas reflecting myxoid change were
recently been defined when 10 cases present for up to a year before clinical present in one case.
were reported {1382}. Therefore, conclu- presentation. There are no imaging data.
sions related to epidemiology could alter Histopathology
with increased tumour recognition. Aetiology Tumours are unencapsulated but well
Unknown. It has been postulated that circumscribed. They are composed of
Sites of involvement myofibroblastomas arising in the breast an admixture of spindle cells and adi-
The most common location of mammary- may be related to a patient’s hormonal pose tissue and are morphologically
type myofibroblastoma is the inguinal / status, in that lesions are relatively com- identical to mammary myofibroblastoma
{2217}. The spindle cells histologically
resemble myofibroblasts and are char-
acterized by oval to tapered nuclei with
finely dispersed chromatin, small nucle-
oli, eosinophilic to amphophilic cyto-
plasm and poorly defined cytoplasmic
borders. The spindle cells are frequently
wavy in contour and generally are
arranged in variably sized fascicles. The
stroma is collagenous with broad bands
of coarse hyalinized collagen that often
adopt a zig-zag pattern. Stromal mast
cells are usually numerous. Epithelioid
change of the lesional cells and focal
nuclear atypia with enlarged nuclei and
multinucleation have been described
{1382}. Such morphologic variation is
well recognized in myofibroblastoma of
breast {1381,2217}. The blood vessels in
myofibroblastoma are generally not con-
spicuous, being small, often focally
hyalinized and commonly having a
A B perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate in con-
Fig. 2.35 A Mammary-type myofibroblastoma with sharply circumscribed margin. B Fasicles of spindle cells trast to the prominent medium to large
separated by coarse bands of intersecting hyalinized collagen. Note scattered adipose tissue. vessels with markedly hyalinized walls

68 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

bb5_6.qxd 13.9.2006 10:17 Page 69

Fig. 2.36 Mammary-type myofibroblastoma. A Note the bland spindle cells with tapering nuclei, collagenous stroma and conspicuous mast cells. B The spindle cells are
consistently immunopositive for desmin. C In most cases, the spindle cells are also positive for CD34.

that are characteristic in cellular angiofi- extramammary myofibroblastoma is dif- and 16q are characteristic of spindle cell
broma or the large branching "haeman- fuse co-expression by the spindle cells lipoma {442}.
giopericytomatous" blood vessels that of desmin and CD34. Expression of
are seen in lipomatous haemangioperi- smooth muscle actin is seen in a third of Prognostic factors
cytoma, two potential morphologic mim- cases. All tumours have followed a benign
ics. Mitotic figures range from 0-6 per 10 course following marginal local excision.
HPF. Genetics However, the reported follow-up time is
Partial monosomy 13q has been detect- limited (up to 26 months).
Immunophenotype ed in two cases, as well as partial mono-
As is characteristic of the breast counter- somy 16q in one of these two cases
part, the typical immunophenotype of {1670}. Similar rearrangements of 13q

Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma G. Farshid

Definition Sites of involvement Clinical features

Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma (CAF) is Palms, soles, wrists and ankles are typi- CAF presents as a solitary, small, slowly
a small tumour of the palms and soles of cal sites of involvement. Back, arms, growing, poorly circumscribed non-ten-
children with a propensity for local recur- legs, neck and abdominal wall are rarely der mass. Plain X-rays show a soft tissue
rence. Foci of calcification, palisaded affected {657}. CAF arises near tendons, mass, possibly with stippled calcifica-
round cells and radiating arms of fibrob- fascia and aponeuroses. tions.
lasts characterise this lesion.

ICD-O code 8810/0

Juvenile aponeurotic fibroma.

CAF is very rare. The age range spans 0-
64 with a median of 12 years. A slight
male predisposition is found without A B
familial or racial clustering. A case with Fig. 2.37 Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma. A 1478 The spindle cell component resembles fibromatosis. B 1336
multiple lesions has been reported {907}. Paucicellular lesion with focal hyalinization.

Mammary-type myofibroblastoma / Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma 69

bb5_6.qxd 13.9.2006 10:17 Page 70

Osteoclastic giant cells may border the

calcium. The lesion may engulf nerves
and blood vessels. Degenerate nuclei
may be present in the calcified areas but
coagulative necrosis or numerous
mitoses are not features of CAF {43,
An uncommon variant seen in very
young children has a more diffuse growth
pattern. Greater cellularity and a paucity
of the mineralised matrix also charac-
terise CAF in the very young.

The limited number of cases examined
have variably expressed vimentin,
smooth muscle actin, muscle specific
actin, CD99 and S100 protein {657}.

Fig. 2.38 Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma. Typical nodule with central hyalinization and incipient calcifica- Cells with features of chondrocytes,
tion. fibroblastic cells and occasional myofi-
broblastic cells are found on electron
microscopy {1019}.

Prognostic factors
Up to 50% of patients experience local
recurrence, usually within 3 years of
diagnosis (range <1-9 yrs). This may be
repeated but is not destructive or
aggressive. Local recurrence is more
likely in individuals <5 years of age but
the likelihood of recurrence is not pre-
A B dictable on the basis of morphology,
Fig. 2.39 Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma. A 1335 Calcification within a nodule. B 1489 Hyalinized area with location or the completeness of the pri-
chondroid features. mary excision. The natural history of the
lesion is one of reduced growth with age.
Macroscopy ed, chondrocyte-like cells, arranged in Because local recurrence is not destruc-
CAF forms a firm, pale, infiltrative mass, short, parallel arrays, (2) a less cellular, tive, re-excision should be considered
usually <3 cm, with a gritty cut surface. spindled, fibroblastic component only for symptomatic relief and should
between the coalescent calcified nod- conserve functionally important struc-
Histopathology ules and emanating into the surrounding tures even if they are involved by tumour.
The typical lesion has two components: soft tissues.
(1) nodular deposits of calcification, The stroma of nodules is usually hyalin-
each surrounded by a palisade of round- ized but may have chondroid features.

70 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

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Angiomyofibroblastoma C.D.M. Fletcher

Definition prominent vessels throughout. Vessels tumour cells are common. Some cases
A benign, well-circumscribed myofibrob- are mostly small, thin-walled and ectatic show very plasmacytoid or epithelioid
lastic neoplasm, usually arising in the and are set in an abundant loose, oede- cytomorphology and rare examples
pelviperineal region, especially the matous stroma. The tumour cells are show degenerative (‘ancient’) nuclear
vulva, and apparently composed of stro- round-to-spindle shaped with hyperchromasia and atypia. Around 10%
mal cells distinctive to this anatomic eosinophilic cytoplasm and typically are of cases have a variably prominent well
region. There may be morphologic over- concentrated around vessels. Mitoses differentiated adipocytic component. In
lap with cellular angiofibroma. are rare. Binucleate and multinucleate post-menopausal patients the stroma is

ICD-O code 8826/0

Angiomyofibroblastoma is uncommon,
having an incidence comparable to
aggressive angiomyxoma.
These tumours arise predominantly in
females, principally in adults between
menarche and menopause {687,738,
1223,1564,1593}. Around 10% of
patients are postmenopausal.
Convincing examples have not been
described before puberty. Rare cases
occur in males {687,1593}.

Sites of involvement
Virtually all cases arise in pelviperineal
subcutaneous tissue, with the majority
arising in the vulva. Around 10-15% of
cases are located in the vagina. Lesions
in men occur in the scrotum or parates- A
ticular soft tissue.

Clinical features
Most cases present as a slowly enlarg-
ing, painless, circumscribed mass. The
most frequent preoperative diagnosis is
Bartholin’s gland ‘cyst’. The aetiology is

These lesions are well circumscribed but
not encapsulated, with a tan/pink cut
surface and a soft consistency. Necrosis
is not seen. Most cases measure less
than 5 cm in maximum diameter,
although rare examples measuring up to
10 cm have been recognized.

Tumours are generally well demarcated B
by a thin fibrous pseudocapsule and, at Fig. 2.40 Angiomyofibroblastoma. A A typically well demarcated tumour which (B) is more cellular and vas-
low power, show varying cellularity with cular than aggressive angiomyxoma. Note the adipocytic component.

Angiomyofibroblastoma 71
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Fig. 2.41 Angiomyofibroblastoma. A Tumour cells and vessels are set in a loose oedematous stroma. B Binucleate and multinucleate cells are frequent and may have
a plasmacytoid appearance. C In this example, the tumour cells are focally clustered with an epithelioid appearance. D Immunopositivity for desmin is a typical feature
in most cases.

often less oedematous and more fibrous {687,1564,1593}. Desmin staining may Prognostic factors
and there may be hyalinization of vessel be reduced or absent in post- Angiomyofibroblastoma is entirely
walls. Some cases show morphologic menopausal cases. Tumour cells are benign and has never been reported to
overlap with cellular angiofibroma (see consistently positive for oestrogen recep- recur locally, even after marginal local
page 73) and rare cases show morpho- tor and progesterone receptor {1223, excision. There is one reported case of a
logic overlap with aggressive angiomyx- 1593}, occasionally positive for CD34 clinically malignant counterpart of
oma {826}. and negative for S100 protein, keratin angiomyofibroblastoma {1566}.
and fast myosin.
The majority of cases show strong and Ultrastructure
diffuse desmin positivity, while, at most, Tumour cells show fibroblastic or
there is usually only focal positivity for myofibroblastic features by electron
smooth muscle actin or pan-muscle actin microscopy {687,1564}.

72 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

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W.B. Laskin
Cellular angiofibroma

Definition Clinical features scanty amount of lightly eosinophilic

Cellular angiofibroma (CA) is a benign, Patients usually present with a painless cytoplasm with ill defined borders.
highly cellular and richly vascularised mass. In males, the mass may be asso- Epithelioid-appearing neoplastic cells
mesenchymal neoplasm that usually ciated with hernia or hydrocoele {1222}. are focally present in some examples .
arises in the superficial soft tissues of the Cytological atypia has been reported in a
vulva and in the inguinoscrotal region of Aetiology few cases {1222,1585}. The tumour cells
men. The tumour may be related to The aetiology is unclear. However, the grow in vague fascicles or in a random
angiomyofibroblastoma, with which it immunohistochemical expression of fashion. Although mitotic rate can be
shares certain morphological features. estrogen and progesterone receptor pro- brisk in cellular angiofibroma {1585},
teins in a small number of cases {1216, mitotic activity in male cases is typically
ICD-O code 9160/0 1222} suggests that these hormones negligible {1222}. Atypical mitotic figures
may have a role in the pathogenesis of and necrosis are absent. The vascular
Synonym the neoplasm. component consists of numerous small
Male angiomyofibroblastoma-like tumour
{1222}. Macroscopy
Cellular angiofibroma of the vulva is gen-
Epidemiology erally small (less than 3 cm) {1585},
Cellular angiofibroma is a rare neoplasm whereas cases in males tends to be larg-
that has been described in small series er in size (range, 2.5 to 14 cm) {1222}.
{1222,1585} and in case reports {393, The tumours appear as round, oval, or
413,1216}. Cellular angiofibroma has a lobulated well-circumscribed nodules.
peak incidence in the fifth through sev- The consistency of the lesion varies from
enth decades of life. soft to rubbery and the cut surface is
solid with a grey-pink to yellow-brown
Sites of involvement colour.
Although the vulva and inguinoscrotal
region are classic locations for cellular Histopathology
angiofibroma, rare examples of tumours The tumours are typically well circum-
microscopically resembling cellular scribed and may or may not possess a
angiofibroma have been described in the fibrous pseudocapsule. Cellularity is
retroperitoneum {1584}, perineum variable. The main proliferating element
Fig. 2.42 Cellular angiofibroma is usually a well cir-
{1585}, and subcutaneous tissue of the is a spindle cell with a cytologically- cumscribed neoplasm. A thick, fibrous pseudocap-
chest {770}. bland, oval to fusiform nucleus and a sule surrounds this example.

Fig. 2.43 Cellular angiofibroma. A The vascular component consists primarily of numerous small to medium-sized open vessels with hyaline walls. B Regressive and
degenerative changes include organizing intraluminal thrombi, intramural inflammation, extravasated red blood cells, and haemosiderin deposits.

Cellular angiofibroma 73
bb5_6.qxd 13.9.2006 10:17 Page 74

to medium-sized vessels distributed

rather uniformly throughout the process.
Perivascular hyaline fibrosis is present to
some degree in all tumours. Intralesional
fat in the form of small aggregates or
individual adipocytes has been
described in close to one-half of reported
tumours {393,770,1222,1585} where it
generally comprises less than 5% of the
tumour area and is usually located near
the periphery of the lesion. The stroma
consists primarily of fine collagenous
fibres. Additional stromal elements may
include scattered thick bundles of
eosinophilic collagen, a myxoid and
oedematous stromal matrix, and
hypocellular collagenous bands parti-
tioning lesional tissue {1222}. Regressive
or degenerative changes, including
intravascular thrombi, extravasation of A
red blood cells and haemosiderin depo-
sition, and cystic (pseudoangiomatous)
stromal alteration are more common in
males. Scattered mast cells are present
in almost all tumours, whereas interstitial
and perivascular chronic inflammation is
more often noted in males.

The tumour cells show strong, diffuse
expression of vimentin. CD34 expression
has been documented in close to one-
third of tumours tested {1216,1222,
1585}. Although cellular angiofibroma in
females has consistently been shown not
to express actin(s) or desmin {393,413,
770,1216,1585}, cases in males demon-
strate more variable expression of mus-
cle-specific and smooth muscle actin
and desmin {1222}. B
Fig. 2.44 Cellular angiofibroma. A Note the prominent dilated vessels with variably hyalinized walls and the
Prognostic factors short spindle cell fascicles. B The spindle cell cytomorphology is reminiscent of spindle cell lipoma. Note also
Although clinical follow-up data for CA is the stromal mast cells.
limited, only one case has been reported
to recur {413,1216,1222,1585}. A com-
plete (local) excision with uninvolved
margins is adequate therapy for these
benign neoplasms.

74 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

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Nuchal-type fibroma M. Michal

Definition Clinical features ized accentuation of the poorly cellular,

Nuchal-type fibroma (NTF) is a rare The mean greatest tumour dimension is collagenous connective tissue that nor-
benign hyalinized fibroblastic prolifera- slightly over 3 cm {1438}. It has hard mally resides in these sites. Scant num-
tion involving dermis and subcutis. consistency and white colour. The bers of lymphocytes are present in a
patients are usually asymptomatic. minority of cases, but inflammatory fea-
ICD-O code 8810/0 Interesting is the relationship between tures are never prominent. Many NTFs
the patients with NTF and diabetes melli- contain a localized proliferation of nerve
Synonym tus {11}. Up to 44% of patients with NTF twigs, similar to that seen in traumatic
Nuchal fibroma. in one series had diabetes mellitus neuromas {113}, and in rare cases, there
{1438}. can be also perineurial fibrosis, as seen
Epidemiology in Morton neuroma. These changes are
NTF is significantly more common in men Histopathology probably the result of repetitive minor
with a peak incidence during the third NTF is an unencapsulated, poorly cir- trauma or a response by small nerves to
through fifth decades. cumscribed, paucicellular lesion com- the local accumulation of collagen. NTF
posed of thick, haphazardly arranged is histologically indistinguishable from
Sites of involvement collagen fibres. In the central parts of the Gardner fibroma (see below).
NTF typically affects the posterior neck lesion, the collagen bundles intersect
region but can also occur in a number of and form a vaguely lobular architecture. Immunophenotype
other sites. Most of the extranuchal Compared with normal tissue from the Immunohistochemically the lesions are
tumours are usually located in the upper nuchal area, NTFs show similarly thick vimentin, CD34 and CD99 positive and
back region, but other locations such as collagen fibres. However, in NTF there is negative with antibodies to actins and
the face, extremities, and others can be an expansion of collagenized dermis desmin {526,1438,2337}.
encountered {600}. Because these with encasement of adnexa, effacement
extranuchal lesions are histologically of the subcutis with entrapment of Prognostic factors
indistinguishable from the nuchal exam- adipocytes, and, in many cases, exten- NTF often recurs but does not metastasize.
ples, the designation nuchal-type fibro- sion into the underlying skeletal muscle.
ma was proposed to encompass all his- A delicate network of elastic fibres is
tologically similar lesions irrespective of observed between the collagen fibres.
their site of origin {1438}. Thus, NTFs appear to represent a local-

Fig. 2.45 Nuchal-type fibroma. A Entrapment of the adipose tissue by hypocellular collagenous tissue is a typical histological feature. B Note the tightly encased twigs
of peripheral nerve.

Nuchal-type fibroma 75
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C.M. Coffin
Gardner fibroma

Definition Histopathology Genetic susceptibility

Gardner fibroma is a benign soft tissue The hypocellular proliferation of hap- Among the reported cases of Gardner
lesion consisting of thick, haphazardly hazardly arranged, coarse collagen fibroma, more than 90% were associated
arranged collagen bundles with inter- bands contains scattered bland spindle with Gardner syndrome, familial adeno-
spersed bland fibroblasts, a plaque-like cells and small blood vessels {2227}. matous polyposis, and/or APC mutation.
growth pattern with infiltration and The central portion of the lesion is
entrapment of surrounding structures, uniform and displays a cracking artefact Prognostic factors
and an association with desmoid-type between the dense collagen bundles. 45% of patients developed subsequent
fibromatosis and familial adenomatous Peripherally, the collagen extends into desmoid-type fibromatoses {42,2227}.
polyposis / Gardner syndrome. adjacent tissues and entraps fat, muscle, Accurate identification of Gardner fibroma,
and nerves. A sparse mast cell especially in childhood, is critical for rec-
ICD-O code 8810/0 infiltrate is present {2227}. ognizing underlying Gardner syndrome,
addressing the high risk of development of
Epidemiology Immunophenotype classic desmoid-type fibromatosis, and
Gardner fibroma is an uncommon soft tis- The spindle cells in Gardner fibroma instituting early and close monitoring of
sue lesion. It affects predominantly are positive for vimentin and CD34 the patient and other relatives for manifes-
infants, children, and adolescents. There and negative for smooth muscle tations of adenomatous polyposis coli
is no sex predilection. Diagnosis of actin, muscle specific actin, desmin, {2227}. Consideration should also be
Gardner fibroma in early childhood can oestrogen receptor, and proges- given to the diagnosis of Gardner fibroma
serve as the sentinel event for identifying terone receptor proteins {526,2226, in paediatric lesions resembling nuchal-
Gardner syndrome kindreds and children 2227}. type fibroma {42,2226,2227}.
with de novo APC germline mutations.

Sites of involvement
Gardner fibroma involves superficial and
deep soft tissues of the paraspinal region,
back, chest wall, flank, head and neck,
and extremities {2227}. A similar mesen-
teric lesion has been reported as "des-
moid precursor lesion" in patients with
familial adenomatous polyposis {363}.

Clinical features
Patients with Gardner fibroma develop ill
defined, plaque-like masses in superfi-
cial or deep soft tissue {2227}. The mass A B
is usually asymptomatic, but may
become painful with growth. Desmoid-
type fibromatoses have arisen in the
sites of Gardner fibromas {42,2227}. With
imaging studies, Gardner fibroma
appears as a dense plaque-like mass.

Gardner fibroma ranges in size from 1 to
10 cm and involves superficial and deep
soft tissues. The poorly circumscribed C D
mass is firm, rubbery, and has a plaque- Fig. 2.46 Gardner fibroma. A Low power view of a paraspinal example in a young child showing a hypocellular
like appearance. The cut surface is white fibrous lesion with entrapment of skeletal muscle and clusters of adipocytes. B Central areas of Gardner fibro-
to tan-pink with scattered yellow areas ma display hypocellular sheets of haphazardly arranged thick and thin collagen bands with sparse spindle cells.
representing entrapped adipose tissue C Small bland spindle cells dispersed in cracks between collagen fibres. D CD34 staining identifies spindle cells
{2227}. between coarse collagen fibres.

76 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

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Calcifying fibrous tumour E. Montgomery

Definition Clinical features inflammatory infiltrate consisting of lym-

Calcifying fibrous tumour is a rare, Soft tissue examples present as painless phocytes and plasma cells. Lymphoid
benign fibrous lesion usually affecting masses. Visceral examples may produce aggregates may be present. Calcifica-
children and young adults. It is paucicel- site-specific symptoms {157,868,1707}. tions, both psammomatous and dys-
lular, with fibroblasts, dense collageniza- Radiographs show well marginated, non- trophic, are scattered throughout.
tion, psammomatous and dystrophic cal- calcified tumours. Calcifications are
cification, and patchy lymphoplasmacyt- apparent on CT and may be thick and Immunophenotype
ic infiltrates. band-like or punctate {606}. On MRI, Lesional cells express vimentin and fac-
masses appear similar to fibromatoses, tor XIIIa, but usually lack actins, desmin,
ICD-O code 8810/0 with a mottled appearance and a signal factor VIII, S100 protein, neurofilament
closer to that of muscle than fat {659}. protein, cytokeratins, CD34, and CD31.
Synonyms The immunophenotype differs from that
Childhood fibrous tumour with psammo- Aetiology of inflammatory myofibroblastic tumours
ma bodies {1809}, calcifying fibrous Although examples have followed trau- in that most calcifying fibrous tumours
pseudotumour. ma {1707,2336} and have occurred in
association with Castleman disease
Epidemiology {448} and inflammatory myofibroblastic
Most soft tissue examples affect children tumours {1714,2176}, the pathogenesis
and young adults without gender remains unknown.
predilection {448,659,948,1306,1539}.
Visceral examples usually occur in Macroscopy
adults {157,337,868,1707}. Tumours are well marginated but unen-
capsulated, ranging in size from <1 to 15
Sites of involvement cm. Some show indistinct boundaries
Tumours were originally described in the with infiltration into surrounding tissues.
subcutaneous and deep soft tissues On occasion, a gritty texture is noted on
(extremities, trunk, neck, and scrotum) sectioning, which reveals a firm whitish
{659,1809} but have subsequently been lesion.
reported all over the body, notably in the
mesentery and peritoneum {157,337, Histopathology
1148,1539,1951,2256}, pleura (some- Tumours consist of well circumscribed,
times multiple) {606,868,1707}, medi- unencapsulated, paucicellular, hyalin- Fig. 2.47 Fat suppressed, gadolinium-enhanced T1
astinum {557}, and adrenal gland {571}. ized fibrosclerotic tissue with a variable MRI of a calcifying fibrous tumour.

Fig. 2.48 A Calcifying fibrous tumour. The lesion is well marginated but not encapsulated. Note the psammomatous calcifications. B 530 Lymphoid follicles in this calci-
fying fibrous tumour.

Calcifying fibrous tumour 77

bb5_6.qxd 13.9.2006 10:17 Page 78

lack actin and anaplastic lymphoma

kinase (ALK) {948,1951}. Occasional
lesions have expressed CD34 {948,

On electron microscopy, fibroblasts are
accompanied by collagen fibrils. The
dystrophic and psammomatous calcifi-
cations are observed as electron-dense
amorphous masses and laminated bod-
ies, respectively, within the cytoplasm of
fibroblasts and in the collagenous stro-
ma. Cytoplasmic degeneration may be
an initial event in intracytoplasmic calcifi-
cation; extracellular calcified material
often abuts fibroblasts {1306,1707}.

Prognostic factors
These lesions are benign; occasional
recurrences are recorded and may be Fig. 2.49 Calcifying fibrous tumour. Calcifications are seen in a background with dense collagen and scattered
repeated {659,948}. plasma cells.

78 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

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L. Guillou
Giant cell angiofibroma J.A. Bridge

Definition males {491,912}, whereas extraorbital extraorbital lesions are located subcuta-
A non-recurring, benign neoplasm con- lesions predominate in female patients neously.
taining multinucleated giant stromal cells {853,2109}.
and angiectoid spaces. Giant cell Clinical features
angiofibroma may belong to the solitary Sites of involvement GCA usually presents clinically as a
fibrous tumour group. GCA is usually observed in the orbital slowly growing, sometimes painful {2109}
region, including the eyelids, the naso- mass.
ICD-O code 9160/0 lacrimal duct and the lacrimal sac region
{491,912}. It has also been observed in Macroscopy
Epidemiology the head and neck region outside the Grossly, GCAs are well circumscribed,
Described in 1995 {491}, giant cell orbit (scalp, retroauricular region, parotid variably encapsulated, small (median : 3
angiofibroma (GCA) is a distinctive gland, cheek, submandibular region, cm) lesions. Upon section, haemorrhagic
benign neoplasm which most often buccal mucosa), as well as in the poste- and/or cystic changes may be observed.
involves the orbital region and eyelids of rior mediastinum {740}, back, axillary Soft tissue lesions tend to be larger than
middle-aged adults (median age : 45 and inguinal regions, retroperitoneum, orbital-region tumours, sometimes meas-
years). Orbital GCA predominates in and vulva {491,853,1454,2109}. Most uring up to 10 cm {1950,2109}.


Fig. 2.50 A A giant cell angiofibroma of the vulva presenting as a well-circumscribed nonencapsulated mass. B Giant cell rich areas often contain characteristic
medium-sized to small thick-walled vessels. C Multinucleated giant cells lining pseudovascular spaces in giant cell angiofibroma. D Morphological appearance of mult-
inucleated giant stromal cells in giant cell angiofibroma.

Giant cell angiofibroma 79

bb5_6.qxd 13.9.2006 10:17 Page 80

Histopathology CD34, CD99 and, less frequently, BCL2

The tumour displays a varying combina- {853,2109}.
tion of cellular areas composed of bland
round to spindle cells, collagenous or Genetics
myxoid stroma with focal sclerotic areas, Cytogenetic analysis of one case arising
medium-sized to small thick-walled ves- in the orbit revealed abnormalities of
sels, and multinucleated giant stromal chromosome band 6q13 {1988}.
cells, often lining angiectoid spaces
{491,853,912,2109}. The number of giant Prognostic factors
cells may vary from one tumour to anoth- Nearly all GCA show benign behaviour;
er, and pseudovascular spaces may recurrences after complete excision are
Fig. 2.51 Strong immunoreactivity of mono- and
occasionally be absent. exceptional {491,853,2109}. multinucleated stromal cells for CD34.

Mononuclear and multinucleated stromal
cells are characteristically positive for

80 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

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Superficial fibromatoses J.R. Goldblum

J.A. Fletcher

Definition fibromatosis have been linked with standing or walking. Plantar lesions only
Superficial fibromatoses are fibroblastic numerous other disease processes exceptionally result in contraction of the
proliferations that arise in the palmar or including other forms of fibromatosis. toes {366}.
plantar soft tissues and are character- Approximately 5% to 20% of palmar
ized by infiltrative growth. They have a fibromatoses are associated with plantar Aetiology
tendency toward local recurrence but do lesions, and up to 4% of patients also The pathogenesis is multifactorial and
not metastasize. have penile fibromatosis (Peyronie dis- includes a genetic component, as many
ease) {195}. patients have a significant family history
ICD-O code of this disease {1271}. Trauma likely also
Palmar / plantar fibromatosis 8821/1 Sites of involvement has a central role. The coexistence of
Palmar lesions occur on the volar surface these diseases with epilepsy, diabetes
Synonyms of the hand with a slight predilection for and alcohol-induced liver disease sug-
Palmar fibromatosis: Dupuytren disease, the right palmar surface. Almost 50% of gests that factors other than trauma are
Dupuytren contracture. cases are bilateral. Plantar lesions arise also important.
Plantar fibromatosis: Ledderhose disease. within the plantar aponeurosis, usually in
non-weight-bearing areas. Cases arising Macroscopy
Epidemiology in children tend to occur in the antero- Both lesions consist of small nodules or
Palmar fibromatosis tends to affect adults medial portion of the heel pad {799}. an ill defined conglomerate of several
with a rapid increase in incidence with nodular masses intimately associated
advancing age. Rarely, patients younger Clinical features with the aponeurosis and subcutaneous
than 30 years of age are affected. The For palmar lesions, the initial manifesta- fat. On cut section, both have a grey-yel-
condition is three to four times more com- tion is typically that of an isolated firm low or white surface, although the colour
mon in men and is most common in palmar nodule that is usually asympto- depends on the collagen content of the
Northern Europe and in those parts of the matic and which ultimately results in lesion.
world now settled by Northern cord-like indurations or bands between
Europeans {1455}. These lesions are multiple nodules and adjacent fingers. Histopathology
quite rare in non-Caucasian populations This often leads to puckering of the over- The proliferative phase is characterized
{1478}. In contrast, plantar lesions have a lying skin, and flexion contractures prin- by a cellular proliferation of plump,
much greater incidence in children and cipally affecting the 4th and 5th digits. immature-appearing spindled cells that
adolescents {45}. Although plantar Plantar lesions present as a firm subcu- vary little in size and shape, have nor-
lesions arise more commonly in men, the taneous nodule or thickening that mochromatic nuclei and small pinpoint
gender difference is not as great as that adheres to the skin and is frequently nucleoli. Plantar lesions are often notably
found in palmar lesions. Both forms of associated with mild pain after long hypercellular. Mitotic figures are usually

Fig. 2.52 A Low power view showing typically multinodular growth pattern (within tendoaponeurotic fibrous tissue), as is usually seen in plantar lesions.
B In the early (proliferative) phase, palmar fascial or aponeurotic tissue is expanded by hypercellular spindle cell nodules.

Superficial fibromatoses 81
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Fig. 2.53 A Early (proliferative) lesion of palmar fibromatosis showing bland fibroblastic / myofibroblastic cells. B Palmar fibromatosis. Late lesions associated with con-
tracture consist largely of densely hyalinized hypocellular collageneous tissue. C High magnification view of cytologically bland cells in a palmar fibromatosis. In this
example, the cells are widely separated by collagen. D Plantar fibromatosis may contain scattered osteoclastic giant cells.

infrequent but may be focally prominent, the stage and degree of myofibroblastic Prognostic factors
but the latter is not indicative of malig- differentiation. Risk of local recurrence is most closely
nancy (e.g. fibrosarcoma). Cells are inti- related to the extent of surgical excision.
mately associated with moderate Ultrastructure Dermofasciectomy followed by skin
amounts of collagen and elongated ves- Most cells have the features of fibrob- grafting is associated with the lowest rate
sels. Older lesions are considerably less lasts, although a proportion of the cells of local recurrence {275,873}. For plantar
cellular and contain increased amounts has myofibroblastic features. lesions, there appears to be an
of dense collagen. Occasional cases of increased risk of local recurrence in
plantar fibromatosis contain notable Genetics those cases with multiple nodules,
multinucleate giant cells {623}. Chromosome aberrations have been in patients with bilateral lesions, those
described in more than 50 cases, all with a positive family history and those
Immunophenotype showing near-diplod karyotypes. who develop a postoperative neuroma
The cells strongly express vimentin and Simple numerical changes are typical, {49,2216}.
variably stain for muscle-specific and particularly gain of chromosomes 7 or 8
smooth muscle actin, depending upon {1477}.

82 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

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J.R. Goldblum
Desmoid-type fibromatoses J.A. Fletcher

Definition some lesions cause decreased joint ence of these lesions, particularly
Desmoid-type fibromatoses are clonal mobility or neurological symptoms. mesenteric fibromatoses, in patients with
fibroblastic proliferations that arise in the Abdominal wall lesions typically arise in Gardner syndrome {859}. Endocrine fac-
deep soft tissues and are characterized young, gravid or parous women during tors are implicated by the frequent
by infiltrative growth and a tendency gestation or, more frequently, during the occurrence of abdominal lesions during
toward local recurrence but an inability to first year following childbirth. Pelvic fibro- or after pregnancy. Trauma likely also
metastasize. matoses arise as a slowly growing palpa- serves as a contributory cause.
ble mass that is usually asymptomatic
ICD-O codes and is often mistaken for an ovarian neo- Macroscopy
Aggressive fibromatosis 8821/1 plasm. Mesenteric lesions may be spo- These lesions are firm and cut with a grit-
Abdominal (mesenteric) fibromatosis radic or arise in patients with Gardner ty sensation. On cross section, the cut
8822/1 syndrome. Most patients present with an surface reveals a glistening white,
asymptomatic abdominal mass, but coarsely trabeculated surface resem-
Synonyms some have mild abdominal pain. Less bling scar tissue. Lesions in the
Aggressive fibromatosis, musculoapo- commonly, patients with mesenteric abdomen may appear well circum-
neurotic fibromatosis, desmoid tumour. lesions present with gastrointestinal scribed. Most tumours measure between
bleeding or an acute abdomen second- 5 and 10 cm.
Epidemiology ary to bowel perforation.
Deep fibromatoses are rarer than their Histopathology
superficial counterparts and are encoun- Aetiology These lesions are typically poorly cir-
tered in two to four individuals per million The pathogenesis is multifactorial and cumscribed with infiltration of the sur-
population per year {1779}. In the paedi- includes genetic, endocrine and physi- rounding soft tissue structures. All are
atric population, these lesions have an cal factors. Features suggesting an characterized by a proliferation of elon-
equal sex incidence and most are extra- underlying genetic basis include the gated, slender, spindle-shaped cells of
abdominal. Patients between puberty existence of familial cases and the pres- uniform appearance, set in a collage-
and 40 years of age tend to be female,
and the abdominal wall is the favoured
site in this group. Later in adulthood,
these tumours are equally distributed
between abdominal and extra-abdominal
locations and occur equally in both gen-
ders {914}.

Sites of involvement
Extra-abdominal fibromatoses may be
located in a variety of anatomic locations,
although the principal sites of involve-
ment are the shoulder, chest wall and
back, thigh and head and neck.
Abdominal tumours arise from muscu-
loaponeurotic structures of the abdomi-
nal wall, especially the rectus and inter-
nal oblique muscles and their fascial
coverings. Intra-abdominal fibromatoses
arise in the pelvis or mesentery.

Clinical features
Extra-abdominal fibromatoses typically C D
arise as a deep-seated, firm, poorly cir- Fig. 2.54 Extra-abdominal desmoid fibromatosis. A Note the whorled fibrous cut surface and poorly defined
cumscribed mass that has grown insidi- margins to surrounding skeletal muscle. B Cellular proliferation of bland spindled cells arranged into ill
ously and causes little or no pain. Some defined long fascicles. Regularly distributed blood vessels are evident. C Cells are spindled or stellate in
cases are multifocal. Although rare, shape and have bland nuclear features. D Extensive keloid-like collagen deposition.

Desmoid-type fibromatoses 83
bb5_7.qxd 13.9.2006 10:30 Page 84

nous stroma containing variably promi-

nent vessels, sometimes with perivascu-
lar oedema. The cells lack hyperchroma-
sia or atypia and have small, pale-stain-
ing nuclei with 1 to 3 minute nucleoli.
Cells are usually arranged in sweeping
bundles. As with superficial fibro-
matoses, the mitotic rate is variable.
Keloid-like collagen or extensive hyalin-
ization may be present. Some lesions,
particularly those arising in the mesen-
tery and pelvis, have extensive stromal
myxoid change and may show more
fasciitis-like cytomorphology.

The cells strongly express vimentin and
variably stain for muscle-specific and
smooth muscle actin. Rare cells may also
Fig. 2.55 Desmoid fibromatosis. Note the irregular infiltration into adjacent skeletal muscle and adipose tissue.
express desmin and S100 protein.

Most cells have the features of fibrob- desmoid tumours. However, APC inacti- 1841,2101}. Because both types of
lasts, although a proportion of the cells vation is found primarily in desmoid mutation are manifested by stabilization
have myofibroblastic features. tumours from patients with familial poly- of the beta-catenin protein, these molec-
posis, and is less common in patients ular mechanisms can be addressed at a
Genetics with sporadic desmoid tumours {261, screening level by immunohistochemical
Desmoid-type fibromatoses may contain 447,785,1481,1640,1919,2327}. Germ- staining for beta-catenin. Beta-catenin is
cell subpopulations with trisomies for line APC mutations can result in familial strongly expressed in most desmoid
chromosomes 8 and/or 20 {251,267,433, desmoid tumour syndromes in which the tumours {9,1483}. Other distinctive
476,689,1986}. These numerical chromo- polyposis component is either inconspic- genetic features, that distinguish
somal aberrations are typically found in uous or even absent. desmoid tumours from most fibrosarco-
no more than 30% of the fibromatosis The APC protein binds to beta-catenin, mas, include a paucity of BCL2, RB1,
cells, and it is unlikely that they play a which is an important cell signalling pro- and TP53 aberrations {966}.
crucial role at the inception of the tein in the Wnt pathway. APC binding to
tumours {267,476,689}. Some clinical beta-catenin induces a chain of events Prognostic factors
series suggest a relationship between leading to degradation of beta-catenin, Local recurrence is frequent and most
the trisomies and more advanced dis- and inhibition of Wnt pathway signalling closely related to the adequacy of surgi-
ease, but there is no consensus that any {1649,1819,1820}. Many sporadic cal excision. However, attempts to
of these aberrations are prognostic in desmoid tumours contain activating achieve tumour-free resection margins
patients with newly-diagnosed fibro- beta-catenin mutations, which render may result in significant morbidity {1246,
matoses {438,444,476,689, 1161,1431}. beta-catenin resistant to the normal 1420}. Some cases may recur as a con-
Inactivation of the APC tumour suppres- inhibitory influence of APC {46,1249}. sequence of multicentricity. Despite the
sor on chromosome arm 5q, occurring These beta-catenin activating mutations lack of metastatic potential, some
typically by point mutation or allelic dele- are generally "either/or" in relationship to desmoids prove fatal due to local effects,
tion, is a potential initiating event in APC inactivating mutations {9,1483, especially in the head and neck region.

Fig. 2.56 A Mesenteric desmoid fibromatosis, presenting as a typically large, macroscopically circumscribed mass. The cut surface of mesenteric examples is often myx-
oid. B Mesenteric fibromatosis with extensive myxoid change. C Ectatic blood vessels with perivascular hyalinization in a mesenteric fibromatosis.

84 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

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Lipofibromatosis M.M. Miettinen

J.F. Fetsch

A histologically distinctive fibrofatty
tumour of childhood, previously desig-
nated as infantile fibromatosis of non-
desmoid type, with predilection for distal

Infantile fibromatosis, non-desmoid type.

Clinical features
This rare paediatric tumour was recently
reported by Fetsch et al. {658}. It typical-
ly forms an ill defined slowly growing,
painless mass in hands and feet and
rarely occurs in the thigh, trunk and
head. The tumour has been described
exclusively in children from infancy to the
early second decade and in some cases
has been congenital; the median age for
first surgery is 1 year. There is an over
2:1 male predominance.
Fig. 2.57 Lipofibromatosis. A Even admixture of fibroblastic and adipocytic components. B The relative propor-
tion of the two components is variable and the spindle cell areas may form delicate trabeculae.
Grossly the lesion is yellowish or whitish
tan, with a fatty component typically evi- component with myxoid stroma. The and EMA and may also be positive for
dent. It usually measures 1-3 cm and lesion differs from other forms of fibro- CD99. No reactivity has been detected
rarely exceeds 5 cm, with a median size matosis by the architectural preservation for desmin and keratins.
of 2 cm. of fat and lack of solid fibrous growth.
Mitotic activity is low and nuclear atypia Prognostic factors
Histopathology is absent. Many cases contain minute The tumour has a high rate of non-
Microscopically the tumour is composed collections of small vacuolated cells near destructive local recurrence, but there
of alternating streaks of mature adipose the interface between the fibroblastic is no metastatic potential. Congenital
tissue and a fibrous spindle cell compo- element and the mature adipocytes. onset, male sex, mitotic activity in the
nent mainly involving the septa of adi- fibroblastic component and incom-
pose tissue. This constellation resembles Immunophenotype plete excision may be risk factors for
that of fibrous hamartoma of infancy, The spindle cells are often focally posi- recurrence.
except that there is no primitive oval cell tive for CD34, BCL2, S100 protein, actins

Fig. 2.58 Lipofibromatosis. A The spindle cell component is bland and may have a rather primitive fibroblastic appearance. B Fascicular growth of the fibroblastic ele-
ment. C Focally positive immunostaining for smooth muscle actin, consistent with fibroblastic / myofibroblastic differentiation.

Lipofibromatosis 85
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Extrapleural solitary fibrous tumour L. Guillou

J.A. Fletcher
and haemangiopericytoma C.D.M. Fletcher
N. Mandahl

This section combines two neoplastic

entities, the border between which has
become increasingly blurred. In particu-
lar, the delineation of haemangiopericy-
toma as a separate entity may become
obsolete since its histopathological fea-
tures, as generally understood at the
present time, are shared by a variety of
soft tissue tumours.

Solitary fibrous tumour

A ubiquitous mesenchymal tumour of
probable fibroblastic type which shows a
prominent haemangiopericytoma-like
Fig. 2.59 Extrapleural solitary fibrous tumour and related lesions.
branching vascular pattern. Morpho-
logically, extrapleural solitary fibrous
tumours (SFT) resemble pleural SFTs; neous tissue, others are found in the tumours may give rise to compression
most were termed haemangiopericy- deep soft tissues of extremities or extra- symptoms, especially in the nasal cavity,
tomas in the past. compartmentally in the head and neck the orbit and the meninges. Malignant
region (especially the orbit), thoracic tumours are often locally infiltrative {736,
ICD-O code wall, mediastinum, pericardium, 737,896,2167}. Rarely, large tumours
Solitary fibrous tumour 8815/1 retroperitoneum, and abdominal cavity. may be the source of paraneoplastic
Other described locations include the syndromes such as hypoglycaemia due
Epidemiology meninges, spinal cord, periosteum as to the production of an insulin-like growth
Extrapleural SFTs are uncommon mes- well as organs such as the salivary factor {545}.
enchymal neoplasms of ubiquitous loca- glands, lungs, thyroid, liver, gastro-intes-
tion, observed in middle-aged adults tinal tract, adrenals, urinary bladder, Macroscopy
between 20 and 70 years (median: 50 prostate, spermatic cord, testes, etc. Most SFTs present as well circum-
years), with no sex predilection. Occasional {27,283,895,896,1406,1561,2062,2073, scribed, often partially encapsulated
cases occur in children and adolescents. 2254}. masses, measuring between 1 and 25
cm (median: 5 to 8 cm). On section, they
Sites of involvement Clinical features frequently have a multinodular, whitish
SFTs may be found at any location. 40% Most tumours present as well delineated, and firm appearance; myxoid and haem-
of tumours are found in the subcuta- slowly growing, painless masses. Large orrhagic changes are occasionally

Fig. 2.60 A Gross appearance of an extrapleural solitary fibrous tumour. The lesion is well delineated and shows a multinodular and whitish appearance on cut sec-
tion. B An extrapleural solitary fibrous tumour presenting as a well circumscribed but nonencapsulated mass. C Strong immunoreactivity of the tumour cells for
CD99 in an extrapleural solitary fibrous tumour.

86 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

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Fig. 2.61 Solitary fibrous tumour A Note the patternless architecture. B Stromal and perivascular hyalinization are common. C Keloidal-type collagen deposition is
frequent. D Typically bland spindle cells with rather vesicular nuclei.

observed {736, 896, 1406, 1561, 2062, cally with the so-called lipomatous hae- Ultrastructure
2167}. Tumour necrosis and infiltrative mangiopericytoma (see below) and giant Ultrastructural features are nonspecific in
margins (about 10% of cases) are most- cell angiofibroma (see above). SFT. Tumour cells often demonstrate fea-
ly observed in locally aggressive or Malignant SFT are usually hypercellular tures of fibroblastic, myofibroblastic
malignant tumours {737, 896, 2167}. lesions, showing at least focally moder- and/or (arguably) pericytic differentiation
ate to marked cytological atypia, tumour {1406,1556,2073}.
Histopathology necrosis, numerous mitoses (* 4 mitoses
Typical SFTs show a patternless architec- per ten high-power fields) and/or infiltra- Genetics
ture characterized by a combination of tive margins {737,896,2167}. Rare cases SFTs are cytogenetically heterogeneous
alternating hypocellular and hypercellu- show abrupt transition from conventional {441,682}. Demonstrable cytogenetic
lar areas separated from each other by benign-appearing SFT to high grade sar- aberrations are particularly uncommon in
thick bands of hyalinized, somewhat coma, likely representing a form of dedif- smaller SFTs, but are found in most SFTs
keloidal, collagen and branching hae- ferentiation. larger than 10 cm in diameter {1452}.
mangiopericytoma-like vessels. The non-
atypical, round to spindle-shaped tumour Immunophenotype Prognostic factors
cells have little cytoplasm with indistinct Tumours cells in SFT are characteristical- Although most cases are benign, the
borders and dispersed chromatin within ly immunoreactive for CD34 (90 to 95% behaviour of SFT is unpredictable.
vesicular nuclei. Myxoid change, areas of cases) {283,896,1406,1561,2062, Roughly, 10 to 15% behave aggressively,
of fibrosis and interstitial mast cells are 2167,2254}, and CD99 (70%) {1783}. 20 thus long-term follow-up is mandatory
commonly observed. Mitoses are gener- to 35% of them are also variably positive {736,896,2167}. There is no strict correla-
ally scarce, rarely exceeding 3 mitoses for epithelial membrane antigen, BCL2 tion between morphology and behaviour.
per 10 high-power fields. Some SFTs {343,2060}, and smooth muscle actin. However, most (but not all) histologically
may contain mature adipocytes {1406, Focal and limited reactivity for S100 pro- benign SFTs prove to be non-recurring
2073} and/or giant multinucleated stro- tein, cytokeratins and/or desmin has also and non-metastasizing lesions, and most
mal cells {896}, overlapping morphologi- occasionally been reported {736,2167}. histologically malignant tumours behave

Extrapleural solitary fibrous tumour and haemangiopericytoma 87

bb5_7.qxd 13.9.2006 10:30 Page 88

Fig. 2.62 Malignant extrapleural solitary fibrous tumours. A Hypercellularity and marked cytological atypia. Note the atypical mitosis. B Moderately cellular area with brisk
mitotic activity. C Hypercellularity, marked cytological atypia, and areas of tumour necrosis (left).

aggressively. Lesions located in the Historical annotation Epidemiology

mediastinum, abdomen, pelvis, and/or Haemangiopericytoma (HPC), similar to The discrete subset of lesions remaining
retroperitoneum also tend to behave malignant fibrous histiocytoma, is a term as HPC is rare. In light of the hetero-
more aggressively than those in the which has been used loosely to encom- geneity of lesions classified as HPC,
limbs {736,737,896,2167}. Metastases pass a wide variety of neoplasms which there are no meaningful estimates of inci-
are most frequently observed in lungs, have in common the presence of a thin- dence. Myopericytoma appears sub-
bone and liver {2167}. walled branching vascular pattern stantially more common than the other
(described below) {294, 676, 1535}. discrete subset of lesions known as HPC
As such, HPC is difficult to define at this which cannot currently be otherwise
Haemangiopericytoma time as a discrete entity, although lesions classified.
showing pericytic differentiation un- The discrete subset of soft tissue lesions
Definition doubtedly exist and were included in known as HPC which currently justify
The residual group of lesions, previously Stout’s original descriptions {2036, retention of this nomenclature occur most
combined under the term haemangioper- 2040}. often in middle-aged adults with an
icytoma, which closely resemble cellular The prototypical pericytic neoplasm is apparent female predominance.
areas of solitary fibrous tumour (SFT) and myopericytoma {825} (see page 138) Lesions formerly known as infantile HPC
which appear fibroblastic in type. It has a and sinonasal HPC (see Tumours of the fall within the spectrum of infantile myofi-
range of clinical behaviour and is closely Upper Respiratory Tract) also appears to bromatosis {1412} (see respective sec-
related to, if not synonymous with, SFT. be pericytic in nature. tion on page 59).


Fig. 2.63 Haemangiopericytoma. A This 12 cm pelvic mass was associated with hypoglycemia. Note the uniform, spongy cut surface. B,C,D Note the evenly distributed
cellularity (in contrast to usual SFT) and the prominent branching vascular pattern. E Even in the more solid areas, tumour cells are arranged around numerous thin-walled
vessels. Tumour cells are small with monomorphic nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm. F Diffuse positivity for CD34 is shared by the spectrum of lesions known as hae-
mangiopericytoma and solitary fibrous tumour.

88 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

bb5_7.qxd 13.9.2006 10:30 Page 89

Sites of involvement cytoma (p. 114) and mesenchymal chon- or fibroblastic features. Convincing evi-
The subset of soft tissue lesions which, drosarcoma (p. 255). dence of true pericytic differentiation is
for the time being, are still named HPC, not seen.
arise most often in deep soft tissue, par- Immunohistochemistry
ticularly pelvic retroperitoneum. A small- The discrete subset of so-called HPC, Genetics
er proportion of cases arise in the proxi- comparable to SFT, shows fairly consis- Few cytogenetically investigated HPCs,
mal limbs or limb girdles. Histologically tent positivity for CD34 and CD99, both located in the lung, tongue, brain, cere-
comparable lesions also occur in the of which are widely expressed in fibrob- bellum, soft tissues, and intrabdominally,
meninges (see WHO Blue Book on lastic tumours. Endothelial markers are have been reported {1477}. The vast
Tumours of the Nervous System). negative, as also (in most cases) are majority of cases have had near- or pseu-
actin and desmin. dodiploid karyotypes with the number of
Clinical features aberrations ranging from one to more
Most tumours present as a slowly grow Ultrastructure than 20. The chromosome aberrations
ing mass which, in the abdomen, may Most of the lesions reported as HPC have are quite disparate, but breakpoints in
cause intestinal or urinary symptoms. shown only undifferentiated spindle cell 12q13-15 and 19q13 have been identi-
Occasional cases, similar to SFT, are
associated with hypoglycemia due to
secretion of insulin-like growth factor

Convincing examples of so-called HPC
in soft tissue tend to be well-circum-
scribed masses with a yellowish or tan
cut surface and a fleshy or spongy con-
sistency. Large vessels may be evident
on the cut surface. Haemorrhage is com-
mon but necrosis is infrequent. Tumour
size is variable but most cases are 5-15
cm in maximum diameter.

The discrete residual subset of so-called
HPC closely resembles the cellular areas
of SFT, albeit with the consistent pres-
ence of numerous, variably ectatic or
compressed, thin-walled branching ves- A
sels often having a staghorn configura-
tion. Tumour cells are usually closely
packed, spindle-shaped to round, of uni-
form size, with small amounts of pale or
eosinophilic cytoplasm with indistinct
margins and small, bland often vesicular
nuclei. Cytological pleomorphism is gen-
erally not a feature. In contrast to SFT,
stromal hyalinization and varying cellu-
larity are not usual features. The mitotic
rate is highly variable. Some cases con-
tain a prominent adipocytic component
(such cases are known as lipomatous
HPC – see below). These lesions also
often show varying cellularity and are
increasingly regarded as a variant of SFT.
Tumours which very often were classified
as HPC in the past include (among oth-
ers) solitary fibrous tumour (p. 86),
monophasic synovial sarcoma (p. 200), B
infantile myofibromatosis (p. 59), Fig. 2.64 Lipomatous haemangiopericytoma. A Many such lesions show features of solitary fibrous tumour in
myopericytoma (p. 138), infantile addition to containing numerous mature adipocytes. Note haemangiopericytoma-like branching vessels B An
fibrosarcoma (p. 98), deep fibrous histio- intimate admixture of bland spindle cells and mature adipocytes.

Extrapleural solitary fibrous tumour and haemangiopericytoma 89

bb5_7.qxd 13.9.2006 10:30 Page 90

Fig. 2.65 Lipomatous hemangiopericytoma. A Gross appearance of a well circumscribed retroperitoneal lesion. Cut section shows fibrous bands dissecting the lesion
from centre to periphery. B Similar to extrapleural solitary fibrous tumours, lipomatous hemangiopericytomas are well-delineated, often encapsulated masses. C
Immunoreactivity of the tumour cells for CD34.

fied in almost half of the cases and one- discrete subset of lesions which might cytoma-like areas {696,852,1556}. LHPC
fourth of the cases, respectively. In two nowadays be termed HPC. However, shares many features with SFT. Both
cases, there was a balanced older data from major centres {598} sug- lesions occur in similar clinical settings,
t(12;19)(q13;q13), in one case as the gest parameters similar to those used although LHPC tends to predominate in
sole anomaly. Among the genomic imbal- currently for SFT – specifically, 4 or more males (M/F ratio 2:1) and to affect prefer-
ances, losses are predominating. mitotic figures per 10 high power fields is entially the deep soft tissues of the lower
Recurrent imbalances include loss of the single feature most worrisome for extremity (especially the thigh) and
segments in 3p, 12q, 13q, 17p, 17q, 19q, malignancy. The presence of necrosis or retroperitoneum. Morphologically, it is a
and the entire chromosome 10, and gain nuclear pleomorphism, particularly in the well demarcated neoplasm consisting of
of 5q sequences. context of a tumour >5 cm in diameter a varying combination of patternless cel-
may also portend malignant behaviour. lular areas, prominent haemangiopericy-
Prognostic factors toma-like vessels, variably collagenized
At least 70% (probably more) of HPCs extracellular matrix, and lipomatous
pursue a benign clinical course, while Lipomatous haemangiopericytoma areas made of mature adipocytes. The
the remainder are malignant. Histological Lipomatous haemangiopericytoma non atypical tumour cells are consistent-
criteria for malignancy are imprecise and (LHPC) is an uncommon, slow-growing, ly positive for CD99 and, less frequently,
prognostication in HPC has long been almost non-recurring, non-metastasizing for CD34 (75%) and BCL2 (60%) {852}.
regarded as difficult. There have been no mesenchymal neoplasm composed of
recent prognostic studies confined to the mature adipocytes and haemangioperi-

90 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

bb5_7.qxd 13.9.2006 10:30 Page 91

Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour C.M. Coffin

J.A. Fletcher

Definition ed in 7 cases {806}. IMT has been report- skin, breast, nerve, bone, and central
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour ed following treatment for Wilms tumour nervous system {30,203,722,960,998,
(IMT) is a distinctive lesion composed of {2207}. 1044,1071,1434,1750,1912,1999,2086,
myofibroblastic spindle cells accompa- 2130,2165,2209,2221,2250}.
nied by an inflammatory infiltrate of plas- Sites of involvement
ma cells, lymphocytes, and eosinophils. IMT can occur throughout the body, and Clinical features
It occurs primarily in soft tissue and vis- the most common sites are the lung, The site of origin determines the symp-
cera of children and young adults. mesentery, and omentum {376,380, toms of IMT. Pulmonary IMT is associat-
1701}. Among extrapulmonary IMT, 43% ed with chest pain and dyspnoea, but
ICD-O code 8825/1 arose in the mesentery and omentum may be asymptomatic {1701}.
{380}. Other sites include soft tissue, Abdominal tumours may cause gastroin-
Synonyms mediastinum, gastrointestinal tract, pan- testinal obstruction. Dermatomyositis
Plasma cell granuloma {2008,2218}, creas, genitourinary tract, oral cavity, and obliterative phlebitis are uncommon
plasma cell pseudotumour {1710},
inflammatory myofibrohistiocytic prolifer-
ation {2086}, omental mesenteric myxoid
hamartoma {809}, inflammatory pseudo-
tumour {1353,1750,2151,2301}. A close-
ly related term is inflammatory fibrosar-
coma {374,1392}.

IMT is primarily a visceral and soft tissue
tumour of children and young adults,
although the age range extends through-
out adulthood. The mean age is 10
years, and the median is 9 years {376,
380,960,1044,1750,2250}. Overall, IMT
is most frequent in the first two decades
of life. There is a slight female predomi-
The aetiology is unknown. The finding of
human herpesvirus-8 DNA sequences
and overexpression of human interleukin
6 and cyclin D1 has been recently report-

Fig. 2.66 Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour pre- Fig. 2.67 Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour. A The myxoid vascular pattern displays spindled myofibroblasts
senting as a circumscribed, multinodular mass with a dispersed in a myxoid background with lymphocytes and plasma cells. B Spindled myofibroblasts and ganglion-
variegated cut surface. like cells dispersed in a myxoid background with inflammatory reaction.

Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour 91

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manifestations {26,2297}. A mass, fever, minority of cases. The mean diameter of able myxoid and collagenized regions
weight loss, and pain are frequent com- extrapulmonary IMT is 6 cm with a range and a distinctive inflammatory infiltrate
plaints. In up to one-third of patients, a of 1-17 cm {380}. In some masses, a with diffuse inflammation, small aggre-
clinical syndrome occurs with fever, zonal appearance with a central scar gates of plasma cells or lymphoid nod-
growth failure, malaise, weight loss, and softer red or pink periphery is seen. ules. This resembles a fibromatosis,
anaemia, thrombocytosis, polyclonal Multinodular tumours are usually restrict- fibrous histiocytoma, or a smooth muscle
hyperglobulinemia, and elevated erythro- ed to the same anatomic region and may neoplasm. In some instances, the spin-
cyte sedimentation rate {380,1999, be contiguous or separate. dled myofibroblastic cells surround
2043}. When the mass is excised, the blood vessels or bulge into vascular
syndrome disappears, and its reappear- Histopathology spaces, similar to infantile myofibromato-
ance heralds recurrence. The spindled myofibroblasts, fibroblasts, sis or intravascular fasciitis. Ganglion-
Imaging studies reveal a lobulated solid and inflammatory cells of IMT form three like myofibroblasts with vesicular nuclei,
mass which may be inhomogeneous basic histological patterns {376,380}. eosinophilic nucleoli, and abundant
{277,458}. Calcifications are sometimes Loosely arranged plump or spindled amphophilic cytoplasm are often seen in
detectable {1071}. myofibroblasts in an oedematous myxoid these two patterns. The third pattern
background with abundant blood ves- resembles a scar or desmoid-type fibro-
Macroscopy sels and an infiltrate of plasma cells, lym- matosis, with plate-like collagen, lower
The gross appearance of IMT is a cir- phocytes, and eosinophils resemble cellularity, and relatively sparse inflam-
cumscribed or multinodular firm, white, granulation tissue, nodular fasciitis, or mation with plasma cells and
or tan mass with a whorled fleshy or myx- other reactive processes. A second pat- eosinophils. Coarse or psammomatous
oid cut surface. Focal haemorrhage, tern is characterized by a compact fasci- calcifications and osseous metaplasia
necrosis, and calcification are seen in a cular spindle cell proliferation with vari- are occasionally seen {1809}.

Fig. 2.68 Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour. A The background contains collagen: the inflammatory infiltrate is focally dense. B Ganglion-like cells with vesicular nuclei
and large eosinophilic nucleoli are dispersed within the fibroblastic-myofibroblastic and inflammatory proliferation.

Fig. 2.69 A This inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour (IMT) behaved in a malignant fashion. It has large atypical vesicular nuclei and could be labelled 'inflammatory
fibrosarcoma'. B Malignant transformation in IMT. In this example, the myofibroblasts are spindled to polygonal and show frequent mitoses and ganglion-like cells.

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Fig. 2.70 Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour. A The scar-like pattern contains abundant plate-like collagen with lower cellularity and relatively sparse inflammation. B
Desmin is present in cytoplasm of myofibroblasts. C Cytoplasmic immunohistochemical reactivity for ALK (ALK1 antibody).

Highly atypical polygonal cells with oval Ultrastructure mechanisms in IMT are also found in
vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli, and IMT displays ultrastructural features of subsets of anaplastic large cell lym-
variable mitoses, including atypical myofibroblastic and fibroblastic differen- phomas {1212,2125}. Immunohistoche-
forms, are seen in rare IMTs which under- tiation. Spindle cells with poorly devel- mical detection of the ALK C-terminal
go histologic malignant transformation oped Golgi, abundant rough endoplas- end is undoubtedly the most efficient
{376,380,536}. Large ganglion-like cells mic reticulum, and extracellular collagen method for identifying ALK oncoprotiens
and Reed-Sternberg-like cells are also are seen, and some contain intracyto- in IMT {378,396}. The specificity of this
seen {1475}. The round cell histiocytoid plasmic thin filaments and dense bodies approach is conferred by the low-to-
pattern may develop after multiple recur- {380,1392}. absent expression of native ALK proteins
rences. in nonneoplastic myofibroblasts.
Genetics Therefore, the finding of strong C-termi-
Immunophenotype IMT are heterogeneous genetically, as is nal ALK expression provides strong evi-
Strong diffuse cytoplasmic reactivity for hardly surprising given the varied clinico- dence for an oncogenic activating mech-
vimentin is typical for virtually all IMT. pathological entities, which have been anism.
Reactivity for smooth muscle actin and grouped in this category. IMT in children
muscle specific actin varies from a focal and young adults often contain clonal Prognostic factors
to a diffuse pattern in the spindle cell cytogenetic rearrangements that activate Extrapulmonary IMT has a recurrence
cytoplasm, and desmin is identified in the ALK receptor tyrosine kinase gene in rate of approximately 25% related to
many cases {380,1750,2209}. Focal chromosome band 2p23 {838,1226, location, resectability, and multinodularity
cytokeratin immunoreactivity is seen in 2047}. By contrast, such rearrangements {380}. Rare cases (<5%) also metasta-
about one-third of cases. Myogenin, are uncommon in IMT diagnosed in size. Evidence suggests that a combina-
myoglobin, and S100 protein are nega- adults beyond 40 years old {326,1226}. tion of atypia, ganglion-like cells, TP53
tive. IMT with ALK genomic rearrangements expression, and aneuploidy may help to
Immunohistochemical cytoplasmic posi- show constitutive activation and overex- identify IMT with a more aggressive
tivity for ALK using a variety of mono- pression of the ALK kinase domain, and potential {202,203,984,1163,1750}.
clonal antibodies is detectable in both the ALK genomic rearrangements Unfortunately it is difficult to predict on
approximately 50% of IMTs and corre- and ALK protein activation are restricted the basis of histopathological findings
lates well with the presence of ALK to the myofibroblastic component of the alone in an individual case whether
rearrangements (occurring mainly in chil- tumours {258,378,396,838,1226}. The recurrence or malignant transformation
dren) detectable by fluorescent in situ inflammatory component is normal cyto- will occur. Although surgery is the princi-
hybridization {326,378,396,838,2330}. genetically and does not express pal treatment, regression and response
However, ALK positivity is not specific for detectable ALK protein. A subset of IMT to corticosteroids and nonsteroidal
IMT. TP53 immunoreactivity is rare and lack ALK oncogenic activation but con- inflammatory agents have been noted in
has been reported in association with tain chromosmal rearrangements target- rare cases {374,376,1044,2048}.
recurrence and malignant transformation ing the HMGIC (also known as HMGA2)
{984}. IMT does not show immunoreac- gene on chromosome 12 {1080}.
tivity for CD117 (KIT). Notably, certain of the ALK activation

Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour 93

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Low grade myofibroblastic sarcoma T. Mentzel

J.A. Fletcher

Definition circumscribed with rather pushing mar- cells have ill defined palely eosinophilic
Low grade myofibroblastic sarcoma rep- gins {1495}. cytoplasm and fusiform nuclei that are
resents a distinct atypical myofibroblas- either elongated and wavy with an even-
tic tumour often with fibromatosis-like Histopathology ly distributed chromatin, or plumper,
features and predilection for the head Histologically, most cases of low grade more rounded and vesicular with inden-
and neck. myofibroblastic sarcoma are character- tations and small nucleoli. More rarely,
ized by a diffusely infiltrative growth pat- hypocellular neoplasms with a more
ICD-O code 8825/3 tern, and, in deeply located neoplasms, prominent collageneous matrix and focal
tumour cells may grow between individ- hyalinization have been described.
Synonym ual skeletal muscle fibres. Most cases Importantly, neoplastic cells show at
Myofibrosarcoma. are composed of cellular fascicles or least focally moderate nuclear atypia
show a storiform growth pattern of spin- with enlarged, hyperchromatic and irreg-
Epidemiology dle-shaped tumour cells. Neoplastic ular nuclei and a slightly increased prolif
Given the lack of consensus on diagnos-
tic criteria, myofibroblastic sarcomas in
general are probably more common than
currently believed, and include a variety
of clinicopathological forms {1405}. Low
grade myofibroblastic sarcoma repre-
sents a distinct entity that occurs pre-
dominantly in adult patients with a slight
male predominance; more rarely chil-
dren are affected {1414,1495,1969}.

Sites of involvement
Low grade myofibroblastic sarcoma
shows a wide anatomic distribution, how-
ever, the extremities and the head and
neck region, especially the tongue and
the oral cavity, seem to be preferred
locations {1414,1495}. Rare cases
involving the salivary gland and the
nasal cavity / paranasal sinus have been
reported {201,1153}.
Fig. 2.71 Low grade myofibroblastic sarcoma, deep seated, presenting as a diffusely infiltrative spindle cell
Clinical features
neoplasm with a fascicular arrangement of neoplastic cells.
In most cases of low grade myofibrob-
lastic sarcoma patients complain about a
painless swelling or an enlarging mass.
Pain or related symptoms have been
more rarely reported. Clinically, local
recurrences are common, whereas
metastases only rarely occur and often
after a prolonged time interval {1414}.
Radiologically, these lesions have a
destructive growth pattern.

Macroscopy A B
Grossly, most cases are described as a Fig. 2.72 A This hypocellular low grade myofibroblastic sarcoma is composed of atypical spindled neoplastic
firm mass with pale and fibrous cut cells set in a prominent collegenous matrix. B Fusiform tumour cells in low grade myofibroblastic sarcoma con-
surfaces and mainly ill defined margins tain ill defined, pale, eosinophilic cytoplasm and spindle-shaped nuclei that are either vesicular with small
{1414}; a minority of neoplasms are well nucleoli and indentations or elongated and wavy, resembling neural differentiation.

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Fig. 2.73 Immunohistochemically, tumour cells in low grade myofibroblastic sarcoma often stain positively for (A) desmin and (B) for alpha-smooth muscle actin. C, D EM
showing (C) a discontinuous basal lamina, (D) thin filaments with focal densities, subplasmalemmal attachment plaques, and micropinocytic vesicles.

erative activity. These neoplasms may Ultrastructure broblastic sarcomas. The preliminary
contain numerous thin-walled capillaries. In contrast to smooth muscle cells, neo- reports are of karyotypes with a moder-
Lymphocytes and plasma cells are not a plastic cells in low grade myofibroblastic ate number of chromosomal aberrations,
prominent feature. sarcoma contain indented and clefted substantially less complex than the kary-
nuclei, a variable amount of rough endo- otypes seen in most high grade myofi-
Immunophenotype plasmic reticulum, and are surrounded broblastic sarcomas {682}.
Neoplastic cells in low grade myofibrob- by a discontinous basal lamina. Unlike in
lastic sarcoma have a variable fibroblasts, randomly oriented intermedi- Prognostic factors
immunophenotype: actin positive/desmin ate filaments and thin filaments with focal The presence of increased proliferative
negative, actin negative/desmin positive, densities and subplasmalemmal attach- activity and tumour necrosis is associat-
and actin positive/desmin positive cases. ment plaques, a discontinous basal lam- ed with more aggressive behaviour
In addition, tumour cells may stain posi- ina and often micropinocytic vesicles are {1495}.
tively for fibronectin, and focal expres- noted.
sion of CD34 and CD99 has been report-
ed, whereas S100 protein, epithelial Genetics
markers, laminin, and h-caldesmon are Genetic aberrations have been des-
negative {1414}. cribed in only a few low grade myofi-

Low grade myofibroblastic sarcoma 95

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Myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma L.G. Kindblom

J.M. Meis-Kindblom

Definition multinodular and frequently have alter- Genetics

Myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma nating fibrous and myxoid zones. Tumour The only case for which cytogenetic
(MIFS) is a unique low grade sarcoma size ranges from less than 1 to 8 cm; information exists showed a t(1;10)
with myxoid stroma, inflammatory infil- median tumour size is 3–4 cm. together with loss of chromosomes 3 and
trate and virocyte-like cells that predom- 13 {1213}.
inantly involves the hands and feet. Morphology
The tumours typically infiltrate the subcu- Prognostic factors
ICD-O code 8811/3 taneous fat and frequently involve the Reported rates of local recurrence vary
joints and tendons. Dermal invasion is widely, ranging from 20% to 70% {1386,
Synonyms often seen, whereas invasion of skeletal 1496}. In one large series, repeated local
Inflammatory myxohyaline tumour of muscle is rare. Bone involvement has not recurrences with proximal extension
the distal extremities with virocyte or been observed. eventually culminated in amputation in
Reed-Sternberg-like cells {1496}, acral The most striking feature at low magnifi- more than one-third of patients who had
myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma, cation is a prominent dense, mixed acute local recurrences {1386}. Differences in
inflammatory myxoid tumour of the soft and chronic inflammatory infiltrate asso- reported rates of local recurrence may
parts with bizarre giant cells {1437}. ciated with alternating hyaline and myx- be attributed to differences in primary
oid zones in variable proportions. surgical treatment, a high rate of misdi-
Epidemiology and aetiology Aggregates of macrophages and uni- agnosis as a benign tumour, and differ-
MIFS is rare and occurs primarily in form mononuclear cells with foci of ences in length of clinical follow-up.
adults with a peak incidence in the fourth haemosiderin deposition closely resem- Metastases to distant lymph nodes and
and fifth decades. Males and females ble pigmented villonodular synovitis. lung occur but are exceedingly rare
are equally affected. There are three main types of neoplastic (<2% of all reported cases), based on
The prominent acute and chronic inflam- cells seen in MIFS, including spindled currently available data {1386}.
mation seen in this lesion, presence of cells, large polygonal and bizarre gan-
inclusion-like nucleoli in tumour cells, glion-like cells with huge inclusion-like
and history of a longstanding mass in nucleoli, and variably sized bubbly, mul-
many patients raise the possibility of an tivacuolated lipoblast-like cells. These
infectious aetiology. However, no evi- cells may be scattered singly or form
dence of CMV or EBV has been detect- coherent nodules.
ed in MIFS using immunohistochemical
and PCR techniques {1496}, and stains Immunophenotype
for bacteria, fungi and mycobacteria The neoplastic cells are strongly positive
have been uniformly negative {1386}. for vimentin, variably positive for CD68
and CD34, and rarely positive for smooth
Clinical features muscle actin {1386}. Occasional cases
Two large series of this entity, including show weak cytokeratin positivity. More
44 and 51 cases, indicate a predilection importantly, they are negative for leuko-
for the distal extremities {1386,1496}. cyte common antigen, T and B-cell
Two-thirds of tumours involve the hands markers and CD30.
and wrists and one-third the feet and
ankles. The elbows and knees are rarely Ultrastructure
involved. Most patients have a relatively All three types of neoplastic cell display
long history of a slowly growing, poorly features of fibroblasts, including abun-
defined mass that is occasionally associ- dant rough endoplasmic reticulum and
ated with pain and decreased mobility. mitochondria, and a network of interme-
The preoperative diagnosis in most diate filaments occasionally forming
cases is benign and may include densely packed perinuclear whorls
tenosynovitis, ganglion cyst, and giant {1386}.
cell tumour of tendon sheath. The tumour cells simulating lipoblasts
demonstrate cytoplasmic pseudoinclu-
Macroscopy sions containing extracellular mucinous Fig. 2.74 T1-weighted MRI with contrast enhance-
Most lesions are poorly defined and material. ment, showing an MIFS involving the dorsal foot.

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Fig. 2.75 Myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma (MIFS). A, B Note the alternating areas of myxoid tissue and more solidly cellular tissue containing inflammatory cells.

Fig. 2.76 Myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma (MIFS). Clusters of (A) macrophages and (B) lymphocytes may obscure the tumour cells.

Fig. 2.77 Myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma (MIFS). A Confluent myxoid nodules containing pleomorphic, bizarre, lipoblast-like cells. B Large polygonal fibroblasts
with inclusion-like nucleoli. Note the presence of prominent eosinophils.

Myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma 97

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Infantile fibrosarcoma C.M. Coffin

J.A. Fletcher

Definition tary diseases, or causative agents have fleshy, and grey to tan with variable
Infantile fibrosarcoma (IFS) is histologically been demonstrated. Prenatal radiation, areas of myxoid or mucinous change,
identical to classic fibrosarcoma of adults, multiple congenital anomalies, congeni- cystic degeneration, haemorrhage,
but carries a much more favourable prog- tal naevus, meningomyelocele, and necrosis, and yellow-red discoloration
nosis. It occurs in infants and young chil- Gardner syndrome have been reported {117,350,424,1808,2035,2038}.
dren, metastasizes rarely, and has a natural in sporadic cases {377,628,847,915}.
history similar to that of fibromatoses. IFS is Histopathology
morphologically and genetically related to Sites of involvement The typical IFS is a densely cellular neo-
congenital mesoblastic nephroma. The superficial and deep soft tissues of plasm composed of intersecting fasci-
the extremities, especially distally, are cles of primitive ovoid and spindle cells
ICD-O code 8814/3 the most common sites, accounting for with a herringbone pattern or forming
61% of cases overall {117,214,350, 377}. interlacing cords, sinuous bands or
Synonyms The trunk (19% of cases) and head and sheets of cells. Zonal necrosis and haem-
Congenital fibrosarcoma {214}, congeni- neck (16%) are other major sites. The orrhage are frequent and may be associ-
tal-infantile fibrosarcoma {377}, juvenile mesentery and retroperitoneum are rarer ated with dystrophic calcifications
fibrosarcoma {2038}, medullary fibro- sites of origin. {350,377,424,2038}. The cells show little
matosis of infancy, aggressive infantile pleomorphism. Giant cells are not usually
fibromatosis, congenital fibrosarcoma- Clinical features seen. Collagen formation is variable, and
like fibromatosis, desmoplastic fibrosar- IFS presents as a solitary enlarging, non- mitotic activity is prominent. Most IFS
coma of infancy, medullary fibromatosis tender mass or swelling in the soft tis- contain scattered chronic inflammatory
of infancy {40,1924}. sues and grows rapidly {350,377,915, cells and may display focal extra-
2038}. The diameter may exceed 30 cm medullary haematopoiesis. Histological
Epidemiology {377}. Congenital and infantile cases are variations include a focally prominent
IFS accounts for approximately 13% of often grotesquely large in proportion to haemangiopericytoma-like pattern of
fibroblastic-myofibroblastic tumours in the size of the child. The overlying skin is irregular cavernous or clefted blood ves-
children and adolescents {372} and 12% tense, erythematous, and ulcerated. sels, dilated blood vessels with fibrin
of soft tissue malignancies in infants Imaging studies reveal a large soft tissue thrombi, myxoid foci, or a predominant
{888}. 36%-80% of cases are congenital, mass with a heterogeneous enhance- round or ovoid immature cellular prolifer-
and 36%-100% of cases occur in the first ment pattern and variable osseous ero- ation with minimal collagen. Infiltrative
year of life {350,377,1017,1848,2001, sion {117,214,572}. growth results in entrapment of adipose
2038}. IFS is seldom encountered after 2 tissue, skeletal muscle and other struc-
years of age {377} and in that context Macroscopy tures. Rarely, recurrent IFS displays fea-
would require cytogenetic confirmation. IFS is a poorly circumscribed, lobulated tures resembling a high grade pleomor-
There is a slight male predominance. mass that infiltrates adjacent soft tissue. phic sarcoma {1848}. Composite tumours
Compression of adjacent tissue gives with overlapping features of infantile
Aetiology the appearance of a pseudocapsule, but myofibromatosis, infantile haemangioper-
The aetiology is unknown. No definite the actual margins are irregular and infil- icytoma, and infantile fibrosarcoma are
predisposing factors, associated heredi- trative. The cut surface is soft to firm, occasionally encountered {2194}.

Fig. 2.78 Infantile fibrosarcoma (IFS). A IFS of the knee presenting as a large mass with purple discoloration and focal cutaneous ulceration. B X-ray of an large IFS
of the hand. C IFS in soft tissue, displaying a fleshy, tan-white cut surface with focal haemorrhage, necrosis, and myxoid change.

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Fig. 2.79 Infantile fibrosarcoma. A Poorly formed fascicular growth pattern. B A herringbone pattern is present with variable collagen deposition.

Fig. 2.80 Infantile fibrosarcoma. A Short interlacing fascicles, congested blood vessels, and zonal necrosis. B Dilated, irregularly branching blood vessels in IFS simulate

Immunophenotype rough endoplasmic reticulum with dense tle, when assessed by conventional
The immunohistochemical features of IFS material, variably abundant lysosomes, chromosome banding methods {1142,
have been reported by several groups focal basement membrane-like material, 1816}. However, ETV6/NTRK3 rearrange-
with somewhat non-specific findings and cytoplasmic filaments. In some ment can be demonstrated readily
{377,1151,1933,2194,2278}. Vimentin cases, bundles of thin filaments are seen by molecular cytogenetic methods
immunoreactivity is found in 100%, but {1151}. or RT-PCR {16,80,235,553,1142,1816}.
otherwise IFS is heterogeneous for mark- Trisomies for chromosomes 8, 11, 17 and
ers such as neuron-specific enolase Genetics 20 are nearly as characteristic as the
(35%), alpha-smooth muscle actin Most infantile fibrosarcomas contain a ETV6/NTRK3 fusion in infantile fibrosar-
(33%), HHF35 actin (29%), and muscle- chromosomal translocation t(12;15) comas {1892}. These trisomies appear to
specific actin (30%). Fewer than 20% of (p13;q26) involving exchange of material be acquired after the ETV6/NTRK3
cases are positive for desmin, S100 pro- between 12p and 15q, resulting in onco- fusion, and are perhaps responsible for
tein, CD34, CD57, CD68, factor XIIIa, genic activation of the NTRK3 (a.k.a. inducing progression to a more mitotical-
and CAM5.2 cytokeratin. TRKC) receptor tyrosine kinase gene ly-active neoplasm {1816}. Notably, a
{235,1142}. The mechanism of activation genetic profile similar to that in infantile
Ultrastructure is a fusion of the 12p ETV6 (a.k.a. TEL) fibrosarcoma is also seen in mixed-his-
IFS displays electron microscopic char- gene to the 15q NTRK3 gene, and the tology and cellular congenital mesoblas-
acteristics of fibroblasts and myofibrob- associated oncoprotein contains the N- tic nephroma. Therefore, the pathogene-
lasts, with a variable histiocytic compo- terminal aspect of ETV6 fused to the sis of congenital fibrosarcoma and con-
nent {82,424,807,810}. The cells have NTRK3 kinase domain. The ETV6/NTRK3 genital mesoblastic nephroma are doubt-
large nuclei, one or more nucleoli, dilated fusion mechanism is cytogenetically sub- less closely related {1141,1816,1893}.

Infantile fibrosarcoma 99
bb5_7.qxd 13.9.2006 10:31 Page 100

Prognostic factors
IFS has a favourable outcome when
compared with adult fibrosarcoma. The
mortality ranges from 4% to 25%, and the
recurrence rate is 5% to 50% {350,377,
1017,18482001,2038}. Metastasis is rare
in more recent series {350,377,2001}. No
definitive morphological or genetic prog-
nostic factors have been identified.
Haemorrhage and involvement of vital
structures by locally aggressive tumours
may cause death {377}. Spontaneous
regression and nonrecurrence of incom-
pletely excised IFS have been reported
Although surgery is the mainstay of treat- A B
ment, chemotherapy has been proven Fig. 2.81 Infantile fibrosarcoma (IFS). A A round cell pattern is a variant of IFS. B A myxoid focus in IFS con-
effective {371,1185,1195,1797,1938}. tains primitive spindle and ovoid cells.

C. Fisher
Adult fibrosarcoma E. van den Berg
W.M. Molenaar

Definition Sites of involvement tumour (see page 86) and in well differ-
Adult fibrosarcoma is a malignant Fibrosarcomas involve deep soft tissues entiated liposarcoma (see page 35),
tumour, composed of fibroblasts with of extremities, trunk, head and neck. either in the primary or in recurrence, as
variable collagen production and, in Fibrosarcoma has also been reported in a reflection of tumour progression.
classical cases, a herringbone architec- visceral organs but the identity of these
ture. It is distinguished from infantile in older reports is questionable. Macroscopy
fibrosarcoma and from other specific Retroperitoneal fibrosarcoma is rare. The typical fibrosarcoma is a circum-
types of fibroblastic sarcomas. scribed white or tan mass, variably firm
Clinical features in relation to the collagen content.
ICD-O code 8810/3 Fibrosarcoma presents as a mass with or Haemorrhage and necrosis can be seen
without pain. In specific sites local symp- in high grade tumours
Epidemiology toms relate to the effects of a mass.
The incidence of this tumour is difficult to Hypoglycemia has been reported. Histopathology
assess because its diagnosis is partly The tumour is composed of spindle-
one of exclusion, and because in recent Aetiology shaped cells, characteristically arranged
years specific subtypes of fibrosarcoma There are no specific predisposing fac- in sweeping fascicles that are angled in
(see page 47) have been defined. At tors. Some arise in the field of previous a chevron-like or herringbone pattern
most, it probably accounts for 1 to 3% of therapeutic irradiation, and rarely in {2035}. Storiform areas can be seen. The
adult sarcomas {667}. Mixed patterns association with implanted foreign mate- cells have tapered darkly staining nuclei
occur. Classical fibrosarcoma is most rial {6}, although the nature of these with variably prominent nucleoli and
common in middle-aged and older tumours in the older literature is not scanty cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is
adults, but an occasional tumour of this always certain. Tumours with the histo- almost always present but variable.
type is seen in childhood (see also sec- logical features of adult fibrosarcoma Higher grade tumours have more dense-
tion on infantile fibrosarcoma). The sex may arise in dermatofibrosarcoma (see ly staining nuclei, and can display focal
incidence is equal. WHO Tumours of Skin), solitary fibrous round cell change and multinucleated

100 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

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cells, but sarcomas with significant pleo-

morphism are classified as so-called
malignant fibrous histiocytomas (undif-
ferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma). The
stroma has variable collagen, from a del-
icate intercellular network to paucicellu-
lar areas with diffuse or "keloid-like" scle-
rosis or hyalinization. Myxoid change
and osteochondroid metaplasia can
occur. Fibrosarcoma is usually more cel-
lular than fibromatosis and has larger
more hyperchromatic nuclei. However,
fibromatosis-like areas can be seen in
fibrosarcoma so that tumours should be
carefully sampled.

Fibrosarcomas are positive for vimentin
and very focally for smooth muscle actin,
representing myofibroblastic differentia-
tion. Some cases arising in dermatofi- Fig. 2.82 Adult fibrosarcoma. Low power view shows the classical adult-type lesion with a herringbone
brosarcoma or solitary fibrous tumour are growth pattern.
CD34 positive.

Ultrastructure {436,1263,1477,2173}. However, two related to grade and to general factors of

Fibrosarcoma is composed of fibroblasts cases of adult fibrosarcoma showed tumour size and depth from surface. The
with prominent rough endoplasmic retic- involvement of the same 2q21-qter seg- probability of local recurrence relates to
ulum and absence of myofilaments, ment, leading to partial tri– or tetrasomy completeness of excision, with recur-
external lamina or intercellular junctions. for 2q {1263}. Based on this finding and rence rates of 12-79% {1730,1731,
An occasional cell has peripheral fila- other reported cases, disruption of one 1914}.
ment bundles suggestive of myofibrob- or more genes in the 2q14-22 region Fibrosarcomas metastasize to lungs and
lastic differentiation but tumours in which might contribute to the pathogenesis of bone, especially the axial skeleton, and
this is a prominent feature should be some adult fibrosarcomas. rarely to lymph nodes. Metastasis occurs
classified as myofibrosarcomas. in 9-63% of patients and is time- and
Prognostic factors grade-dependent. 5 year survival is 39-
Genetics There are no recent series of fibrosarco- 54% {1731,1914}. Poor prognostic fac-
Adult fibrosarcoma shows multiple chro- ma, which have utilised current defini- tors include high grade, high cellularity
mosome rearrangements of a complex tions. In the older literature, for tumours with minimal collagen, mitotic rates
nature without characteristic anomalies regarded as fibrosarcoma, behaviour is >20/10 hpf, necrosis, and little collagen.

Fig. 2.83 Adult fibrosarcoma. A Cells are arranged in long intersecting fascicles with a herringbone pattern. B Short tapered spindle cells with scanty cytoplasm
and mildly pleomorphic nuclei. C Tumour cells are separated by delicate intercellular collagen fibres.

Adult fibrosarcoma 101

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T. Mentzel
Myxofibrosarcoma E. van den Berg
W.M. Molenaar

Definition lymph node metastases are seen in a lymphocytes and plasma cells).
Myxofibrosarcoma comprises a spec- small but significant number of cases Frequently, so-called pseudolipoblasts
trum of malignant fibroblastic lesions with {1413,1422,2236}. Importantly, low grade (vacuolated neoplastic fibroblastic cells
variably myxoid stroma, pleomorphism lesions may become higher grade in with cytoplasmic acid mucin) are noted.
and with a distintinctively curvilinear vas- subsequent recurrences and hence In contrast, high grade neoplasms are
cular pattern. acquire metastatic potential. The overall composed in large part of solid sheets
5-year survival rate is 60-70%. and cellular fascicles of spindled and
ICO-O code 8811/3 pleomorphic tumour cells with numerous,
Macroscopy often atypical mitoses, areas of haemor-
Synonym Superficially located neoplasms typically rhage and necrosis. In many cases
Myxoid malignant fibrous histiocytoma. consist of multiple, variably gelatinous or bizarre, multinucleated giant cells with
firmer nodules, whereas deep seated abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm
Epidemiology neoplasms often form a single mass with (resembling myoid cells) and irregular
Myxofibrosarcoma is one of the most an infiltrative margin. In high grade shaped nuclei are noted. However, high
common sarcomas in elderly patients lesions areas of tumour necrosis are grade lesions also focally show features
with a slight male predominance. often found. of a lower grade neoplasm with a promi-
Although the overall age range is wide,
these neoplasms affect mainly patients in
the sixth to eighth decade, whereas they
are exceptionally rare under the age of
20 years {1413,1422,2236}.

Sites of involvement
The majority of these tumours arise in the
limbs including the limb girdles (lower >
upper extremities), whereas they are
seen only rarely on the trunk, in the head
and neck area, and on the hands and Fig. 2.84 Superficially located, low grade myxofibrosarcoma with multinodular growth pattern and gelati-
feet {1413,1422,2236}. Origin in the nous, myxoid cut surface.
retroperitoneum and in the abdominal
cavity is extremely uncommon, and most
lesions with myxofibrosarcoma-like fea- Histopathology nent myxoid matrix and numerous elon-
tures in these locations represent dedif- Myxofibrosarcoma shows a broad spec- gated capillaries. The intermediate
ferentiated liposarcomas {67,955,1389}. trum of cellularity, pleomorphism, and grade lesions are more cellular and pleo-
Notably, about two-thirds of cases devel- proliferative activity; however, all cases morphic relative to purely low grade neo-
op in dermal/subcutaneous tissues, with share distinct morphological features, plasms, but lack extensive solid areas,
the remainder occurring in the underly- particularly multinodular growth with pronounced cellular pleomorphism and
ing fascia and skeletal muscle. incomplete fibrous septa, and a myxoid necrosis. Subcutaneous examples of
stroma composed of hyaluronic acid. myxofibrosarcoma commonly have very
Clinical features The low grade end of the morphological infiltrative margins, often extending
Most patients present with a slowly spectrum is characterized by hypocellu- beyond what is detected clinically.
enlarging and painless mass. Local, lar neoplasms composed of only few,
often repeated recurrences occur in up non-cohesive, plump spindled or stellate Immunophenotype
to 50 to 60% of cases, unrelated to histo- tumour cells with ill defined, slightly Tumour cells stain positively for vimentin,
logical grade. In contrast, metastases eosinophilic cytoplasm and atypical, and in a minority of cases some spindled
and tumour associated mortality are enlarged, hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitotic or larger eosinophilic tumour cells
closely related to tumour grade. Whereas figures are infrequent in low grade express muscle specific actin and/or
none of the low grade neoplasms metas- lesions. A characteristic finding is the alpha-smooth muscle actin, suggestive
tasizes, intermediate and high grade presence of prominent elongated, curvi- of focal myofibroblastic differentiation;
neoplasms may develop metastases in linear, thin-walled blood vessels with a desmin, and so-called histiocytic mark-
about 20 to 35% of cases. In addition to perivascular condensation of tumour ers (CD68, Mac 387, FXIIIa) are negative
pulmonary and osseous metastases, cells and/or inflammatory cells (mainly {1413}.

102 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

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Fig. 2.85 A Low grade myxofibrosarcoma showing multinodular growth with a prominent myxoid matrix, (B) atypical fibroblastic cells with enlarged and hyperchromatic
nuclei on a background of low cellularity, and (C) elongated, curvilinear blood vessels as well as pseudolipoblasts (D) are frequent findings in low grade myxofibrosar-
coma. E,F Intermediate grade myxofibrosarcomas retain a myxoid stroma and characteristic vascular pattern, but are more cellular and pleomorphic than low grade

Although fibroblast-like, histiocyte-like,
and myofibroblast-like cells, multinucle-
ated giant cells and undifferentiated
mesenchymal cells have been described
in the past {732,1117,1209}, the majority
of cells in myxoid areas show ultrastruc-
tural features of a fibroblastic differentia-
tion (fusiform or oval tumour cells with
elongated, occasionally clefted nuclei
containing a prominent, often dilated
rough endoplasmic reticulum) with
secretory activity within a myxoid matrix

Cytogenetic aberrations have been
detected in 25 cases diagnosed as myx-
oid MFH or myxofibrosarcoma {1477}. In C D
general, the karyotypes tend to be high- Fig. 2.86 High grade myxofibrosarcoma. A Variegated gross appearance with fleshy, gelatinous and yellow-
ly complex, with extensive intratumoral orange areas of necrosis. B High grade myxofibrosarcoma with features of a high grade, MFH-like sarcoma and
heterogenity and chromosome numbers (C) frequent multinucleated giant cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. D Focally, areas of lower grade
in the triploid or tetraploid range in the myxofibrosarcoma with a prominent myxoid matrix are usually present in high grade myxofibrosarcoma.
majority of cases {1317,1477,1486,
1635,1957}. No specific aberration has
emerged, but ring chromosomes have Prognostic factors within less than 12 months increases the
been reported in five cases. In one case Whereas depth of the lesions and grade tumour associated mortality {1413,
the ring chrosomome was shown to orig- of malignancy do not influence the high 1422}. Proliferative activity, the percent-
inate from 20q {1402}. rate of local recurrence, the percentage age of aneuploid cells, and tumour vas-
Genomic imbalances, as detected by of metastases and tumour associated cularity are associated with the histolog-
comparative genomic hybridization mortality are much higher in deep ical tumour grade, but no clear relation
(CGH), frequently include loss of 6p, and seated and high grade neoplasms with the clinical outcome has been found
gain of 9q and 12q {1957}. {1413,1422, 2236}. A local recurrence {1409,1413}.

Myxofibrosarcoma 103
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A.L. Folpe
Low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma E. van den Berg
W.M. Molenaar

Definition Sites of involvement Approximately 10% of cases show areas

Low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma is a dis- Low grade fibromyxoid sarcomas typi- with increased cellularity and nuclear
tinctive variant of fibrosarcoma, charac- cally occur in the proximal extremities or atypia, similar to that seen in usual-type
terized by an admixture of heavily collag- trunk, but may occur in unusual locations fibrosarcomas of intermediate grade.
enized and myxoid zones, deceptively such as the head or retroperitoneum. The
bland spindled cells with a whorling overwhelming majority of cases occur in Low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma with
growth pattern and arcades of curvilinear a subfascial location. They are often giant collagen rosettes
blood vessels. large at the time of diagnosis. Approximately 40% of otherwise typical
low grade fibromyxoid sarcomas show
ICD-O code 8811/3 Clinical features the focal presence of poorly formed col-
Up to 15% of patients report a pre-biop- lagen rosettes, consisting of a central
Synonyms sy duration of over 5 years. Low grade core of hyalinized collagen surrounded
Hyalinizing spindle cell tumour with giant fibromyxoid sarcomas typically present by a cuff of epithelioid fibroblasts. In that
rosettes; fibrosarcoma, fibromyxoid type. as a painless deep soft tissue mass. subset of low grade fibromyxoid sarco-
mas where these collagen rosettes are
Epidemiology Histopathology particularly prominent and well formed,
Low grade fibromyxoid sarcomas are Classical low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma the term "hyalinizing spindle cell tumour
rare sarcomas, with fewer than 150 Low grade fibromyxoid sarcomas show with giant rosettes" has been applied
reported cases {304,507,563,619,621, an admixture of heavily collagenized, {1217}. It has been recently shown that
699,742,813,1053,1074,1217,1268, hypocellular zones and more cellular the behaviour of low grade fibromyxoid
1417,1552,1939,2077,2150,2296}. It is myxoid nodules. Short fascicular and sarcomas with and without giant colla-
difficult, however, to estimate the exact characteristic whorling growth patterns gen rosettes are identical {699,2296}.
incidence of low grade fibromyxoid are seen, with the latter pattern often
sarcoma, as many tumours go unrecog- most apparent at the transition from col- Immunohistochemistry and
nized. lagenous to myxoid areas. The vascula- ultrastructure
Low grade fibromyxoid sarcomas occur ture of low grade fibromyxoid sarcomas Immunohistochemically, low grade
equally in men and women and typically consists of both arcades of small ves- fibromyxoid sarcomas typically express
affect young adults (median age at pres- sels, and arteriole-sized vessels with only vimentin, consistent with fibroblastic
entation 34 years). However, patients of perivascular sclerosis. The cells of low differentiation. Myofibroblastic differenti-
any age may be involved and up to 19% grade fibromyxoid sarcomas are very ation, as reflected by focal smooth mus-
of cases occur in patients younger than bland, with only scattered hyperchroma- cle actin expression may be seen on
18 years of age {699}. tic cells. Mitoses are very scarce. occasion. Low grade fibromyxoid sarco-

Fig. 2.87 A Low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma showing abrupt transition from hyalinized to myxoid nodules. B Low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma with numerous giant
collagen rosettes (hyalinizing spindle cell tumour with giant rosettes).

104 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

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Fig. 2.88 A Low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma showing arcades of blood vessels. B Low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma with early rosette formation.

Fig. 2.89 A Low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma consisting of very bland spindle cells embedded in a densly collagenous background. B In cases with giant cell "rosettes",
the tumour cells are arranged in cuffs around nodules of hyaline collagen.

mas almost never express desmin, S100 mosome 7 and 16 material {1436}. nally diagnosed with, and treated for a
protein, cytokeratins, epithelial mem- Supernumerary ring chromosomes have benign lesion. However, a recent large
brane antigen or CD34 {699,813,1552}. been found in many other low grade series of prospectively diagnosed low
Ultrastructural studies have also shown mesenchymal tumours, including myxofi- grade fibromyxoid sarcomas showed
almost exclusively fibroblastic differentia- brosarcoma. recurrences, metastases, and death from
tion both in classical low grade fibromyx- disease in only 9%, 6% and 2% of
oid sarcoma and in rosette-containing Prognostic factors patients, respectively {699}, although,
variants {1565}. There has been a recent evolution in our the median follow-up was only just over 4
understanding of the behaviour of low years. However, low grade fibromyxoid
Genetics grade fibromyxoid sarcomas. Although sarcoma may metastasize many years
Excluding cases published as "myxoid the original series of Evans and Goodlad after initial diagnosis and indefinite clini-
malignant fibrous histiocytoma" or "myx- et al suggested that low grade fibromyx- cal follow-up is indicated for patients with
ofibrosarcoma", only three low grade oid sarcomas were paradoxically this disease. Although the presence of
fibromyxoid sarcomas with chromosome aggressive sarcomas, with a local recur- small areas of higher grade fibrosarcoma
aberrations have been reported {1477}. rence rate of 68%, a metastatic rate of within otherwise typical low grade
One had a balanced translocation as the 41% and a death rate of 18%, these were fibromyxoid sarcoma has not been
sole aberration {1868}. The two others retrospective studies {621,813}. Almost shown to be an adverse prognostic fac-
had supernumerary ring chromosomes, all of the approximately 30 patients tor, the significance of larger high grade
in one case shown by comparative reported with low grade fibromyxoid sar- areas remains to be determined.
genomic hybridization to consist of chro- coma in these earlier studies were origi-

Low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma 105

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Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma J.M. Meis-Kindblom

L.G. Kindblom
E. van den Berg
W.M. Molenaar

Definition Macroscopy cyte markers, HMB45, CD68, desmin,

Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma Size is highly variable, ranging from 2 – GFAP, and TP53 are negative {72,1388}.
(SEF) is a distinctive variant of fibrosar- 22 cm, with median size of 7-10 cm {72, Focal, weak immunostaining may be
coma, composed of epithelioid tumour 1388}. SEF is usually well circumscribed, seen in a minority of cases with EMA,
cells arranged in nests and cords that lobulated or multinodular with a firm, S100 protein and more rarely for cytoker-
are embedded within a sclerotic collage- whitish cut surface. Myxoid, cystic, and atins {1388}.
nous matrix, thus simulating a poorly dif- calcified areas may be seen as well
ferentiated carcinoma or sclerosing lym- {1388}. Necrosis is uncommon. Ultrastructure
phoma. The lesional cells display features of
Histopathology fibroblasts {72,1388}, including parallel
ICD-O code 8810/3 Overall, SEF is densely sclerotic, contain- arrays of rough endoplasmic reticu-
ing nests, strands and acini of small epi- lum filled with granular material and
Epidemiology thelioid cells with scant clear to eosino- prominent networks of intermediate fila-
SEF is a very rare fibrosarcoma variant philic cytoplasm and uniform oval, round or ments that may form perinuclear whorls
with a wide age spectrum (median age angulated bland nuclei having little mitotic {1388}.
45 years) and equal sex distribution activity. The abundant collagenous matrix
{1388}. Approximately 25 additional is deeply acidophilic and variably
cases of SEF have been reported {72, arranged in thick fibrous bands, a delicate
86,347,629,791,1773} since the original lace-like pattern, and fibrous, hyalinized
series of 25 cases was published {1388}. zones reminiscent of a scar or fibroma.
Less prominent spindled fascicular areas
Sites of involvement of conventional low grade fibrosarcoma
Most cases are located in the lower and hypocellular myxoid zones resembling
extremities and limb girdles, followed by myxoma or myxofibrosarcoma are also
the trunk, upper extremities, and the seen, as well as degenerative myxoid
head and neck area. SEF is invariably cysts and foci of metaplastic bone and cal-
deep-seated, frequently impinging upon cification. SEF often has a haemangioperi-
but rarely invading underlying bone {72, cytoma-like vasculature. Despite being
1388}. well delineated, vascular invasion may be
seen along peripheral tumour margins.
Clinical features
Patients present with a mass of variable Immunophenotype
duration; in one-third of cases the mass Vimentin immunostains are consistently Fig. 2.90 Deep-seated, well circumscribed, exten-
has enlarged noticeably and is painful. positive whereas stains for CD34, leuko- sively fibrous sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma.

Fig. 2.91 Typical examples of sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma showing cells arranged in (A) cords and in (B) nests.

106 Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours

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Fig. 2.93 EM features of sclerosing epithelioid
fibrosarcoma. Epithelioid fibroblasts are arranged
in cords and surrounded by abundant collagen.

Fig. 2.92 A Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma (SEF) showing cells arranged in alveolae. B Area of low grade Fig. 2.94 Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma
conventional fibrosarcoma in an SEF. metastasis to the lung.

Genetics Prognostic factors larger average tumour size, intracranial

A sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma More than 50% of patients develop one location, and potential referral bias {72}.
from a 14-year-old boy showed a com- or more local recurrences and more than Adverse prognostic factors include prox-
plex karyotype with amplification of 40% have metastases at median inter- imal tumour site, larger tumour size, male
12q13 and 12q15, including the HMGIC vals of 5 and 8 years, respectively sex, local recurrences, and metastases
gene, and rearrangement of band 9p13, {1388}. Metastases are usually to lungs, {1388}.
which has also been reported in a com- pleura and bone. After 11 years, half of
plex karyotype in a case of adult fibrosar- the patients are either dead of disease or
coma {791,1263}. A second case have persistent or recurrent tumour
showed a different karyotype with {1388}. Somewhat higher rates of metas-
involvement of Xq13, 6q15 and 22q13 tases and tumour death have recently
{534}. been reported and may well be due to

Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma 107

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