Lecture 1-2 - ECE 3101

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ECE 3101

B.Sc. in Civil Engineering

Year 3.1
Course Outline:
• Introduction to transportation Engineering: Definitions, Principles and
objectives of Transportation, Role of transportation in society, economic, social,
political and environmental areas, Interdependence of Land Use and Traffic.
• Classification of transportation facilities: Land, water, air, pipeline, transport in
Kenya, elements of transportation systems.
• Evolution of transport: the railroads, water, highways and aviation, history of
transport in Kenya, emerging technologies.
• Regulation and Management of transportation facilities in Kenya:
Classification of national, rural and urban roads in Kenya, postindependence
management of roads in Kenya, road management bodies in Kenya.
Course Outline:
• Financing of transportation facilities: Sources of funds, transportation
costs, and economic appraisal of highway schemes.
• Route location: Introduction to route location, factors affecting route
location, location process for rural, urban, recreational, bridge, etc., route
• Sustainable transportation: energy demand, space requirements, non-
motorised transport system, pollution effects.
• Road safety: Road user psychological traits, the road traffic system, Haddon
Matrix, parameters affecting road safety, Accident reduction & prevention
(The 3E’s concept).
Expected Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course the student should be able to:
1. Identify the types and history of various transportation systems;
2. Describe the road management systems in Kenya;
3. Carry out basic economic appraisal for transportation systems
4. Describe the processes and considerations principles of route location;
5. Discuss various aspects of sustainable transport;
6. Discuss various aspects of road safety;
Course Assessment:
• Continuous Assessment Tests (CATs) - 15%
• Regular assignments - 15%
• Final Examination - 70%
• Class Attendance - Very important
Course References:
1. Gichaga, F. J. and Parker, N. A. (1988): Essentials of Highway
Engineering with reference to warm climates; Macmillan Publishers.
2. Kadiyali, L. R. (2013). Traffic engineering and transport planning. Khanna
Other References:
1. Banks, J. H. (2002). Introduction to transportation engineering (Vol. 21).
New York: McGraw-Hill.
2. O’Flaherty, C. A. (Edtd) (1997): Transport Planning and Traffic
Engineering; Arnold a member of the Hodder Headline Group-London.
3. Hobbs, F. D. (1974): Traffic Planning and Engineering; Pergamon Press.
ECE 3101 – Group Presentation Assignment 1 –
To be presented in groups on 26/05/2023
Question 1:
Discuss the role of Transportation in the following
1. Economy – Group 1
2. Society – Group 2
3. Environment – Group 3
4. Land Use – Group 4
5. Political area – Group 5
Classification of Transportation Facilities
To Discuss:
1. Elements of transportation systems.
2. Classification of transport systems
These are aspects that influence the effectiveness of different modes of transport and
their utility to users. Three major elements of transportation include:-
i. Infrastructure – These are fixed installations that allow a vehicles to operate.
ii. Vehicles - These are devices that move people and goods along the way/route
infrastructures. A vehicle provides its own propulsion using engines such as steam,
fuel or electric engines. Example?
iii. Operation – The movement of transportation vehicles can either be public or
private based depending on the mode of transport.

What are some of factors that affect the selection of different modes of transport?
Selection of Transport Modes
Factors affecting the selection of transport modes include:-
• Speed – It is the essence of transport. It helps a faster turn-around with the existing facilities, and is
of prime imporatance for perishable commodities
• Safety – For passengers against accidents, and goods against damage and pilferage
• Adequacy – Capacity to serve the demand
• Frequency – Assured frequency attracts users
• Reliability – punctuality of the service and its ability to adhere to published schedules
• Integration – a system with a few modes, operated under a single undertaking suitable o users.
E.g. Cabs and cargo forklifts at the airport
• Reponsibilities – ability to meet liabilities for compensation for loss or damage
• Comfort – essential for passenger transport – The elements of mose that enhance client experience
• Affordability – this is the main consideration for consumer preference. How much a consumer ca
pay for
• Fuel efficiency – This is one of the major consideration for recurrent expenditure
Classification of Transportation Facilities
Mode of transport refers to the means by which people, goods and services
achieve mobility. Modes of transport can be categorized into three broad
groups:- land, water and air.
Some facts about different modes of traffic include:-
• Each mode has its own requirements and features
• Each mode is required to serve the specific demands of freight and
passenger traffic.
• Each mode has its own infrastructure, vehicles, and operational elements.
• Each mode has unique regulations.
This is the transport or movement of people, animals, and goods from one location to another
on land, usually by rail or road. Land transport can be further classified to the following:-
• Human-powered - transport of person(s) and/or goods using human muscle power walking,
running and swimming, cycling, skateboards etc.,
• Animal-powered - the use of working animals for the movement of people and goods.
Humans may ride some of the animals directly, use them as pack animals for carrying
goods, or harness them, alone or in teams, to pull sleds or wheeled vehicles. E.g. Bulls,
donkeys, horses, camels, e.t.c.,
• Road Transport - Constructed route of travel usually surfaced with gravel, concrete or
asphalt that supports movement by foot, animals or vehicles.
• Rail transport - Transportation that involves trains moving along a set of two parallel steel
rails, known as a railway or railroad.
• Pipeline Transport - Pipeline transport is the transportation of goods through a pipe
location on a section of land
Road Tranasportion involves construction of routes of travel usually surfaced with gravel,
concrete or asphalt that enable movement by foot, animals or vehicles.
Advantages of Road Transport.
i. Flexibility: road transport offers great flexibility in terms of time and location. Does not
have to operate on fixed schedules and geographical coverage.
ii. Economical for short distance: road transport is economical for short distance. Again, the
loading and unloading charges are reduced due to direct transportation. Where the distance
is short, road transport is not only economical, but also quicker
iii.Less overhead cost: there is less overhead cost e.g maintenance, wages, safety
iv.Convenience: road transport can provides door to door service which 24 hours operation
v. Low capital investment: road transport requires low investment. The vehicles such as
trucks and buses cost comparatively less compared to trains, ships and aircraft.

What are the Disadvantages of Road Transport?

Limitations of Road Transport.
i. Not suitable for bulky goods.
ii. Uneconomical for long distance
iii.Prone to accidents, breakdowns and delays
iv.It is easily affected by the adverse weather conditions
v. Limited traffic organization/ control – Due to a wide variety of motorized vehicles using
the road facility.
vi. High toll charges – Especially for intercounties
vii. Relatively slow for perishable goods
viii.High rate of failure – Frequently high maintenance cost.
ix.Pollution as a result of emissions.
x. Congestion.
Railway Transport – Transportation that involves trains moving along a set of two
parallel steel rails, known as a railway or railroad.
Advantages of Railway transport.
i. Suitable for high volumes of passengers and goods
ii. Suitable for bulky goods
iii.Economical over long distances
iv.Saves on pavement wear an tear
v. Adaptable to a vareity of energy sources; coal, oil, electricity
vi.Not affected by change in weather
vii. Accidents are rare
viii.Security: the security of freight and passengers is high

What are the Disadvantages of Railway Transport?

Limitations of Railway transport.
i. Requires gentle slopes i.e. the alignment has to chase the contours
ii.Uses widely spaced stations for loading and offloading, except for city rails
iii.Relatively high skills and wages required for staff
iv.If and when accidents occur, they are usually catastrophic
v. It is inflexible to route changes
vi.It may be uneconomical over short distances
vii.Limited to land-based operations
viii.It is capital intensive – contruct.
ix.Pollution – air, noise,.
Pipeline Transport – Transportation that involves the movement of goods through a pipe
located along a section of land. Items transported include liquids, gases and chemically stable
substances. In Kenya, pipeline is used for transportation of oil, gas and refined products – fuel
Classification of pipelines depending on purpose
• Gathering pipelines - Group of smaller interconnected pipelines forming complex
networks with the purpose of bringing crude oil or natural gas from several nearby wells to
a treatment plant or processing facility.
• Transportation pipelines - Mainly long pipes with large diameters, moving products (oil,
gas, refined products) between cities, countries and even continents. These transportation
networks include several compressor stations in gas lines or pump stations for crude and
multi-products pipelines.
• Distribution pipelines - Composed of several interconnected pipelines with small
diameters, used to take the products to the final consumer. Feeder lines to distribute gas to
homes and businesses downstream.

What are the Advantages of Pipeline Transport?

Advantages of Pipeline Transport
i. They are ideally suited to transport the liquids and gases.
ii.Pipelines can be laid through difficult terrains as well as under water.
iii.It involves very low energy consumption.
iv.It needs very little maintenance.
v. Pipelines arc safe, accident-free.
vi.Environmental friendly- Minimal pollution
vii.Secured system
viii.Does not suffer return-cargo problems

What are the Disadvantages of Pipeline Transport?

Limitations of Pipeline transport.
i. It is not flexible, i.e., it can be used only for a few fixed points.
ii.Its capacity cannot be increased once it is laid.
iii.It is difficult to make security arrangements for pipelines.
iv.Underground pipelines cannot be easily repaired and detection of leakage is
also difficult.
v. Types of goods that can be transported are limited
Water Transport is defined at the movement of a watercraft such as a barge, boat,
ship or sailboat, over a body of water, such as a sea, ocean, lake, canal or river.
The section which a watercraft passes through is known as a navigable waterway.
Water transportation is categorized in terms of:-
• Distance/region covered- coastal, international, etc
• Vessel used- boat, ship, sailboat, barge, ferry, tankers etc
• Water body involved - oceans and lakes, through canals or along rivers.
• Purpose - shipping may be for commerce, recreation or the military purpose.
• Cargo involved - Virtually any material that can be moved, can be transported by
water; containerization, iron ore, fuel, etc

What are the Advantages of Water Transport?

Advantages of Water Transport
i. It achieves considerable economies of scale
ii.Suitable for bulky goods especially international movement of goods.
iii.Do not require extensive land facilities
iv.Highly energy efficient
v. Very low maintanca cost

What are the Disadvantages of Water Transport?

Disadvantages of Water Transport
i. Requires special sites for location of terminals
ii. Accidents, if they occur are usually catastrophic
iii.Inflexible – Movement is schedules along specific paths and docking locations
iv.Slow speed hence unsuitable for perishable goods
v. Requires many complementary services – customs, immigration, metereological
vi.High wage – For staff developing, maintening and operating the infrastructure
vii.Not suitable for passengers transport
viii.Relatively high skills required for staff
ix.It is capital intensive
x. Pollution of water and marine life - spillage
xi.Low Security – Attacks by pirates
xii.Affected by weather
xiii. Not convenient - Limited access to locations.
Air Transport involves the movement of passengers and cargo by aircraft such as
airplanes and helicopters following specific routes known as the airway.

What are the Advantages of Air Transport?

Advantages of Air Transport
i. Offers high speed travel – Saves time
ii. Eases international travel
iii. Routes do not occupy land tracts
iv.It is the safest means of travel in terms of accidents per passenger-km of travel
(due to the high safety standards maintained)
v. Not limited to land-based operations
vi. No route maintenance cost
vii.No traffic congestion.

What are the disadvantages of Air Transport?

Disadvantages of Air Transport
i. It is expensive
ii. It has no flexibility
iii.Uneconomical over short distances
iv.Required specialized sites for terminals
v. Contributes considerably to noise pollution
vi.Requires special and expensive fuel
vii.Requires many complementary services – customs, immigration, metereological
viii.Accidents, if they occur are usually catastrophic
ix.Relatively high skills for staff
x. High wages required for staff
xi.It is capital intensive
ECE 3101 – Group Presentation Assignment 1 –
To be presented in groups on 26/05/2023
Question 2: Discuss the evolution of different modes of Transport. In your discussion outline
the following: -
1. The history and evolution of the mode of transport worldwide.
2. The evolution of the mode of transport in Kenya.
3. The current trends for the mode of transport worldwide and The trends adopted in
Kenya as a developing Nation.
4. The current coverage of the mode of transport in Kenya.
Modes of Transport - Assigned Groups:
1. Road – Group 6
2. Railway – Group 7
3. Maritime – Group 8
4. Air – Group 9
5. Pipeline – Group 10

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