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I, User Story ..................................................................................................................................................... 1

Story #: 1 ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
Story #: 2 .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Story #: 3..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Story #: 4 .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Story #: 5 .................................................................................................................................................... 5
Test Case Table ............................................................................................................................................. 6
1, scanIris() (Scan Iris) ............................................................................................................................ 6
2, login() (Login) ....................................................................................................................................... 6
3, startChatSession() (Communicate with Doctor) ....................................................................7
4, displayHistory() (View History) ......................................................................................................7
5, bookAppointment() (Book Appointment) ................................................................................ 8

I, User Story

User Story Name: Scan Iris Priority: Effort:

Story #: 1
High High

As a [description of user] User

I want[functionality] To capture an image of my iris

So that [benefit] I can receive a health assessment

Acceptance Criteria:

• The User must be logged in before using the feature.

• The application must be able to allow the user to utilize their in-device

• A viewfinder is displayed for aiming the camera at my eye.

• Pressing the capture button successfully acquires an iris image.

• The application validates the image taken by the user.

• Feedback is provided if image quality is insufficient.

• The image is uploaded securely for backend analysis.

• A loading indicator displays while analysis is in progress.

• The analysis completes within a reasonable time frame.

• The application returns an analysis with visual and textual explanations of

the user’s health.

User Story Name: Login Priority: Effort:

Story #: 2
High Low

As a [description of user] User

I want[functionality] To log in to the iris diagnostic app securely

So that [benefit] I can access the application’s services.

Acceptance Criteria:

• A login screen form is displayed asking for username and password.

• Entering valid credentials logs the user into their account.

• Entering invalid credentials displays an appropriate error message.

• Passwords are encrypted and securely stored.

• Brute force login attempts are locked out after 5 failed attempts.

User Story Name: Communicate with Doctor Priority: Effort:

Story #: 3
High High

As a [description of user] User

I want[functionality] To consult with a doctor or health professional

regarding my iris scan results

So that [benefit] I can get expert advice on concerning health indicators

Acceptance Criteria:

• An option is available after viewing scan results to Get Professional Opinion.

• This initiates a request for the user to consult a doctor or health

• The user is matched to an available online doctor based on location and

relevant data.

• A chat interface opens allowing two-way messaging with the doctor.

• The doctor can view the user's scan results with indicators flagged as

• The application allows messages in forms of texts, images, and sound.

• The application receives and display the messages sent with minimal delay.

User Story Name: View History Priority: Effort:

Story #: 4
Medium Medium

As a [description of user] User

I want[functionality] To view my history of scan results

So that [benefit] I can track changes in my health over time.

Acceptance Criteria:

• Validates user’s stored scan history.

• The application displays all past scans chronologically.

• Each scan in history shows date, time, analysis summary.

• Users can view full analysis report for each historical scan.

• Application display summary highlights changes between current and

historical scans.

• Application display Charts visualize health indicators over time.

• Application lets users to search, filter and compare historical scans.

User Story Name: Book Appointment Priority: Effort:

Story #: 5
Medium High

As a [description of user] User

I want[functionality] To book an appointment with a doctor

So that [benefit] I can better understand my health issues and get

expert medical advice.

Acceptance Criteria:

• After viewing the scan analysis, a "Book Appointment" button is displayed.

• Validate doctor’s schedule.

• An interactive calendar view allows the user to choose an appointment

date and time.

• Application only allows user to choose dates that their doctor is available.

• Before booking, a confirmation screen displays appointment details.

• Application notifies the doctor about the booking.

Test Case Table

1, scanIris() (Scan Iris)

Test Cases Test Data Expected Test Result PASS/FAIL

Test Case 1. validIrisImage Image is displayInformation(analysis) Pass
Check analysed and
function a analysis
with valid report is
image display

Test Case 2. blurryIrisImage Image is displayInformation(blurryError, Pass

Check rejected and reprompt)
function a
with blurry Error and
image reprompt
message is
Test Case 3. footImage Image is displayInformation(irisNotFoundError, Pass
Check rejected and reprompt)
function a
with non- Error and
iris image reprompt
message is

2, login() (Login)

Test Cases Test Data Expected Test Result PASS/FAIL
Test Case 1. (correctUsername, Main menu displayInformation(mainMenu) Pass
Check correctPassword) is displayed
function with
2 correct
Test Case 2. (incorrectUsername, Incorrect displayInformation(wrongU&PError) Pass
Check incorrectPassword) Username
function with and
2 invalid Password
credentials error is
Test Case 3. (correctUsername, Incorrect displayInformation(wrongPError) Pass
Check incorrectPassword) Password
function with error is
1 valid and 1 displayed

3, startChatSession() (Communicate with Doctor)

Test Cases Test Data Expected Test Result PASS/FAIL

Test Case 1. (correctUserId, Chat displayInformation(chat(userId, Pass
Check correctDoctorId) interface is doctorId)
function with displayed
existing user
id, doctor Id
Test Case 2. (incorrectUserId, Throws IncorrectIdError() Pass
Check correctDoctorId) IncorrectId
function with Error

4, displayHistory() (View History)

Test Cases Test Data Expected Test Result PASS/FAIL


Test Case 1. [] History Page displayInformation(noHistory) Pass
Check displayed
function with with no past
empty analyses
Test Case 2. [Analysis1, History Page displayInformation(Analysis1, Pass
Check Analysis2, Analysis3] displayed Analysis2, Analysis3)
function with with
Past Scans Analysis1,

5, bookAppointment() (Book Appointment)

Test Cases Test Data Expected Test Result PASS/FAIL

Test Case 1. (correctUserId, Appointment Appointment(correctUserId, Pass
Check correctDoctorId, object is correctDoctorId, date)
function date) made with the
with existing corresponding
user id, ids and date
doctor Id
Test Case 2. (incorrectUserId, Throws IncorrectIdError() Pass
Check correctDoctorId, IncorrectId
function date) Error

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