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Updated January 2024

Name: ___Ashley Martinez___________________ Date of lesson (for field): __4/2/2024________

(Remove the red comments before submission)
Content Area: English Language Arts
Course Title & Grade Level: 7th

 L.7.5. Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word
 L.7.5.b. Use the relationship between particular words (e.g., synonym/antonym, analogy) to better
understand each of the words.


Content Objective— Students will be able to associate and compare figurative language and nuances in
word meaning by filling out the word journal.

Student Objective - I will will be able to associate and compare figurative language and nuances in word
meaning by filling out the word journal.

Assessment: I will know my students have understood the objective when

Wait Time: allow students Record words they are unfamiliar with in a word journal notebook
Review What We Know: students will Determine the meaning of words through context, dictionary use, or
class discussion
Exit ticket: Students will write their answers on the form presented below as there way of showing
completed work and comprehension.

Proactive Management:

-Greet students at the door to create and maintain respectful relationships with students
- Have students sit in their assigned seats for class period
- Use reminders and cues, all students should have their phones away and chrome books closed since we have
not called to use them yet.
- Be actively supervising while students are filling out their note taking forms and answering the following

Instructional Strategies:

 Word Journal: Active processing, which associates experiences and concepts with words,
contributes significantly to vocabulary growth, comprehension, and continuous learning.
Updated January 2024
Note Taking Strategy:

“What do the following words from The First Americans mean”?

Beginning of the lesson:

10:10- 10:11: welcome students at the door and allow them to settle into their seats. (I do)

10:11- 10:13: smart board will show the prompt for today’s activity Word Journal (note taking strategy) (you

10:13-10:15: I will go over the new excerpt “The First Americans in the StudySync book. (I do)
The Lesson:
10:15-10:19: I will re-read along with the students “the first Americans” an argumentative text The grand
Updated January 2024
council fire of American Indians 1927. (we do together)

10:19-10:22: I will hand out the word journal and go over with the MT what is expected from the students. (I
10:22-10:24: allow the students to ask any questions if there is any and provide an example of what is
expected from them (we do together)
10:24- 10:28: Give the students 4 minutes (or more if needed) to fill out the form with the word the student is
assigned, there is enough words for each student to have one word.

10:28- 10:33: Give the students 5 minutes (or more if needed) to state their word and what they came up with
and present to the class. (you do)

10:33- 10:35: Procedural— give students 2 minutes to put their name on the page and hand to myself.

10:35-10:36: mentor teach will move on to the next assignment.


Using a word journal to create a personal dictionary. Using a Word Journal to Create a Personal Dictionary |
Read Write Think. (n.d.).

Studysync: Reading & writing companion. (2021). . BookheadEd Learning, LLC.

Lesson Plan Reflection (required):

1) Highlight Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) components within your lesson.
Write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) elaborating on the intentionally planned CRT components of your lesson. How did you
leverage student assets, thinking, language and cultural backgrounds to make learning relevant while demonstrating high
expectations for all students?

Students are reading into a story of the First Americans, and it goes into detail about how our history books state how the whites are
the first Americans, but in reality, it’s the native Americans who’s land it actually is. It goes into detail about how Indians killed white
men because white men took their land using descriptive words such as massacre, treacherous, and patriots. This is some of the
students first time reading about native Americans and the picture that history books paint about them and the difference with the
white man.

2) Italicize Universal Design for Learning (UDL) components within your lesson.
Write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) elaborating on the intentionally planned UDL components (representation, action &
expression, engagement) of your lesson. What strategies did you use to meet the needs of ALL learners?

The ways we used UDL throughout the lesson by including representation with providing different language and symbols. I went
through and asked students if they knew certain words to clarify vocabulary and support decoding of text in relatable terms to what
they may relate to. This descriptive words each student will learn and allow them to understand there meeting on a different level.

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