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Power Focuses cannot use extraordinary powers until you have recovered

some. Note that even if a character has both types of extraor-

dinary powers, those powers both draw from the same power
Each power talent also has its own associated power focus,
point “pool;” a character can still only manage so much effort!
which is an ability focus for tests involving that talent. For
example, the Fire Arcana talent also has an Intelligence (Fire
Arcana) focus associated with it, which applies its bonus Acquiring
to Intelligence tests using Fire Arcana. Characters usually
acquire a power talent’s associated focus at the Expert degree When a character first gains a power talent, they also gain a
of the talent. This focus is free as part of the power and does PP score of 10 + Willpower + 1d6. Every level the character
not affect the character’s acquisition of other focuses by level. gains thereafter adds Willpower + 1d6 to their PP total, up to
Power focuses are otherwise just like other ability focuses, as level 10. From levels 11 to 20, characters gain power points
described in Chapter 3. The abilities associated with extraor- only equal to their Willpower (minimum of 1) with each
dinary powers can vary between campaigns or even indi- increase in level.
vidual power talents. The GM decides, but by default, the
arcane talents listed here use Intelligence power focuses, and Spending
psychic talents use Willpower power focuses.
Characters pay the PP cost of a power immediately when

Gaining Powers that power is used, before any test or determination of the
power’s effect. If the character has insufficient power points
to use the power, nothing happens. If the power usage fails,
Since extraordinary powers are based on talents, they can be the power points remain spent.
acquired in the same way as other Modern AGE talents. The
GM should choose one of the following options for power
acquisition to suit the needs of the game:
• Unlimited: Any time players are free to choose a new Characters regain expended power points by resting. For each
talent (or degree in a talent) for their characters, they full hour of rest, meditation, or similar restorative activity, a
may choose an available power talent. character regains 1d6 + Willpower power points. A character
• Substitution: Like unlimited, with the addition that who gets a full 8 hours of rest, such as a full night’s sleep,
players can choose to exchange one or more of their regains all expended power points.
characters’ starting talents from Background, Profession,
or Drive for power talents, allowing 1st-level characters
to start out with extraordinary powers. Using Powers
• Limited: There are limited circumstances when players You can use any power by spending the necessary PP and
may choose a power talent or degree in a power talent making the power test associated with it. If you have the power
for their characters. This might be only every even- or talent’s associated power focus, add its bonus to the test.
odd-numbered level, or certain number of levels (such
as every four or five), or the circumstances may require Power test = 3d6 + ability + power
an in-game means of “unlocking” access to a new power focus (if applicable)
talent degree, such as finding and studying specific
sources of knowledge, learning from a suitable teacher, If your power test equals or exceeds the power’s target number,
a measure of practice or study (like solitary meditation), you use the power successfully. If not, the power fails, although
or even access to specific materials like arcane potions, you still spend the necessary PP on the attempt.
designer pharmaceuticals, or strange energy sources. Note that extraordinary powers often bypass the usual
Fulfilling the requirements for extraordinary power systems for investigation or social interaction. A power that
advancement could be an adventure in and of itself! compels obedience, for example, does so regardless of the
• Specialization: One version of limited acquisition of target’s attitude, while a power that provides information
powers is to treat power talents like specializations does so without regard for the usual limits of investigation.
(see Specializations in Chapter 3), available to the See the individual power descriptions for examples.
characters only at certain levels. This greatly limits the
availability of powers in the game and delays characters
getting them until higher levels.
For many powers, a successful power test is all that’s needed.
Power Points For others, the subject’s natural resistance must be consid-
ered. Force is a measure of a character’s powers’ strength
and effectiveness, and determines the target number to resist
Wielding extraordinary powers requires effort, measured in
them. Certain powers allow the subject to test against Force to
the form of power points (PP). A character with one or more
overcome or offset some of your power’s effects.
power talents has a power points score, similar to the charac-
ter’s Health, and each power has an associated power point Force = 10 + Willpower + power focus
cost, which is subtracted from the user’s current PP score
(if applicable)
when the power is used. If you run out of power points, you

Chapter 6 - Extraordinary Powers 91

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