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1 Complete the description of the immune system, using the words from the list.

Each word may be used once, more than once or not at all.

antibodies antigens biological block

chemical engulf hairs mechanical

nails vaccines

The body has defences to protect against infectious diseases.

Skin and ............................................... mechanical
in the nose are ............................................... barriers.

Some types of blood cell are involved in defending the body against infectious diseases.

Some blood cells can produce ............................................... which can kill the pathogen.
Other cells can ............................................... the pathogen in a process called phagocytosis. [4]

[Total: 4]

2 Describe actions that can be taken by individuals in their homes to reduce the spread of disease.

e.g., store food at correct temperature cook food
thoroughly / ref. to cleaning utensils or surfaces /

avoiding pest proof food storage; e.g., washing

hands or body / washing clothes or bedding / not
sharing a toothbrush or razor and an appropiate
waste disposal

.................................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 3]

3 Pathogens in food can cause diarrhoea.

Describe ways of preventing the spread of diseases that are caused by pathogens in food.

use hygienic food preparation

methods ;;
examples of hygienic food
storage ;;
e.g. store food at
correct temperature /
cook food thoroughly /
ref. to cleaning utensils
or surfaces / avoiding
cross contamination /
pest-proof food
storage (named example of) appropriate
waste disposal ;
good personal hygiene ;
monitor or identify infected
individuals / isolate infected
.................................................................................................................................................. [4]

[Total: 4]

4 The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infects and destroys lymphocytes.

The number of lymphocytes in the blood of a person infected with HIV was measured over a period
of 84 months.

The results are shown in the graph.

Use the information shown in the graph to calculate the percentage change in the number of
lymphocytes from month 10 to month 60.

Give your answer to two significant figures.

Space for working.

MP1: both correct

readings from graph
760 and 100
MP2: correct answer
MP3: correct rounding
to two significant
...................................................... % [3]

[Total: 3]

5 The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infects and destroys lymphocytes.

The number of lymphocytes in the blood of a person infected with HIV was measured over a period
of 84 months.

The results are shown in the graph.

Outline the consequences of the changes in the number of lymphocytes for the health of the person
infected with HIV.

any four from: 4 fewer antibodies (produced by lymphocytes) ; decrease in immunity / inefficient immune
system ; fewer memory cells ; any role of antibodies or lymphocytes (that will be 5 impacted by fewer
lymphocytes) ; develop AIDS ; example of (secondary) infection / disease / pathogen that may result from
reduced number of lymphocytes ;






.................................................................................................................................................. [4]

[Total: 4]

6 The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infects and destroys lymphocytes.

The number of lymphocytes in the blood of a person infected with HIV was measured over a period
of 84 months.

The results are shown in the graph.

Describe the changes in the number of lymphocytes, over the 84 months following infection with
HIV, shown in the graph.

any two from: (overall) decrease in number (of lymphocytes during the 84 months) ; rapid decrease
from 10 months and then, less steep / (eventually) levels off ; suitable description from graph



.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

7 The table shows three ways the body can defend itself and some examples of the three methods.

Place ticks (✓) in the boxes to show the correct type of defence mechanism for each example.

example of defence mechanism cells chemical mechanical

antibody production

hairs in the nose




stomach acid


[Total: 3]

8 The diagram shows a pie chart showing the number of people infected with four different
transmissible diseases in one country in 2018.

Use the information in the pie chart to calculate the total number of people infected with these four

283 402 (people infected

................................................ people infected [1]

[Total: 1]

9 The diagram shows a pie chart showing the number of people infected with four different
transmissible diseases in one country in 2018.

State the name of the disease with the smallest number of infections in the pie chart.
.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

10 Measles is an example of a transmissible disease that is caused by a virus.

Complete the definition of transmissible disease.

A transmissible disease is a disease in which the .............................................. can be passed from

one .............................................. to another. [2]

[Total: 2]

11 Rubella and kwashiorkor are two diseases that affect children.

Rubella is a transmissible disease and kwashiorkor is a non-transmissible disease.

Explain why women should be vaccinated against rubella before they reach reproductive age.
rubella is caused by a virus ; (virus) can cross the placenta ; (virus) can affect embryo /
fetus ; can cause serious, disease / damage / death, to baby / offspring ; vaccination
stimulates, long-lasting / active, immunity (in the mother) ; (immunity gained) before they
become pregnant





.................................................................................................................................................. [4]

[Total: 4]

12 Explain how antibodies protect the body against pathogens.

pathogens have antigens ;

antibodies, lock on to, antigens
/ pathogens ;
antibody is specific (to antigen /
pathogen) ;
antibody has a complementary
(shape) to antigen / AW ;
antibody marks pathogen for,
destruction by phagocytes /
phagocytosis ;
antibodies destroy pathogens /

.................................................................................................................................................. [4]

[Total: 4]

13 Antibodies are proteins that are produced by lymphocytes.

Antitoxins are antibodies which neutralise the toxins released by some bacteria. The transmissible
disease diphtheria is caused by a bacterium that releases a toxin that can cause serious damage
to the body.

A person is suspected of having caught diphtheria.

At a clinic, the person is given an injection of antitoxin antibodies that provide protection against
the diphtheria toxin. She is also given an injection of the vaccine for diphtheria.

A few weeks later she is given a second injection of the diphtheria vaccine.

The graph shows the changes in concentration of the antitoxin antibodies and the antibodies
produced in response to the vaccine.

injection of antitoxin antibodies

antitoxin antibodies
of antibodies
in the blood second antibodies produced in
injection of response to vaccination
first injection
of vaccine


Explain how the two injections of the vaccine result in better protection against diphtheria than the
injection of antitoxin antibodies.
ref. to active immunity ; (more) memory cells are produced ; long-
term, immunity / protection ; after second injection higher
concentration of antibodies than passive immunity ; reduces the
chance of catching the disease (again) / AW ; response to
second injection is, faster / greater, than first



.................................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 3]

14 Conjunctivitis can be caused by pathogens and affects the tissues lining the eyelids and covering
the sclera. People with conjunctivitis that is caused by a pathogen can develop active immunity.

Explain why the shape of specific parts of a pathogen is important in the development of active

any three from:

(different) pathogens / antigens,
have different / unique shapes ;
pathogens have antigens ;
lymphocytes, produce (specific)
antibodies ;
antibodies are, complementary
/ specific to, antigens ;
antibodies, mark / destroy,
.................................................................................................................................................. [3]
pathogens ;
ref. to memory cells ; [Total: 3]

15 Antibodies are proteins that are produced by lymphocytes. Antitoxins are antibodies which neutralise
the toxins released by some bacteria.

The transmissible disease diphtheria is caused by a bacterium that releases a toxin that can cause
serious damage to the body.

A person is suspected of having caught diphtheria.

At a clinic, the person is given an injection of antitoxin antibodies that provide protection against
the diphtheria toxin. She is also given an injection of the vaccine for diphtheria.

A few weeks later she is given a second injection of the diphtheria vaccine.

The graph shows the changes in concentration of the antitoxin antibodies and the antibodies
produced in response to the vaccine.

injection of antitoxin antibodies

antitoxin antibodies
of antibodies
in the blood second antibodies produced in
injection of response to vaccination
first injection
of vaccine


Explain the advantage of giving the person an injection of antitoxin antibodies.

ref. to passive immunity ;
idea of immediate / fast,
protection / response / AW ;
AVP ; e.g. idea that gives time
for immune system to produce
own, antibodies / antitoxins

.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

16 Measles is a transmissible disease.

The percentage of the population that were vaccinated against measles in a country was determined.

The number of confirmed cases of measles in the country was also recorded.

The graph shows the data that were collected between 1975 and 2010.

Explain how vaccination protects people against a transmissible disease such as measles.

1 harmless / dead / attenuated, pathogen is given ; 2 antigens are present on

pathogens ; 3 (antigens) trigger an immune response ; 4 lymphocytes / memory
cells produce antibodies ; 5 ref. to specificity ; 6 memory cells are produced ; 7
antibodies destroy pathogen ; 8 providing long term immunity / recognise pathogen
if it returns / ref. to active immunity / AW ;








.................................................................................................................................................. [5]

[Total: 5]

17 Measles is a transmissible disease.

The percentage of the population that were vaccinated against measles in a country was determined.

The number of confirmed cases of measles in the country was also recorded.

The graph shows the data that were collected between 1975 and 2010.

Calculate the percentage change in the number of cases of measles between 1980 and 1990.

Space for working.

(140 000 – 14 000) / 140 000 ×

100 ;
90 (%) .................................................................% [2]

[Total: 2]

18 The body has defence mechanisms to protect it from infection.

Outline the body’s defence mechanisms.

any five from: (named) mechanical (barriers) ; (named) chemical barriers ; ref. to
active immunity ; white blood cells / lymphocytes / phagocytes ; (phagocytes) engulf
(named) microorganisms / phagocytosis ; lymphocytes produce antibodies ; ref. to
specific, antigens / pathogens ; ref. to long term immunity / memory cells ;








.................................................................................................................................................. [5]

[Total: 5]

19 Measles is a transmissible disease.

The percentage of the population that were vaccinated against measles in a country was determined.

The number of confirmed cases of measles in the country was also recorded.

The graph shows the data that were collected between 1975 and 2010.

Describe the data shown in the graph.

any four from: 1 decrease in number of cases of measles as the

percentage of the population vaccinated against measles increases ; 2
percentage of the population vaccinated increases (until 1995) and then
fluctuates ; 3 measles cases decrease, then remain constant ; 4 ref. to
rapid change before 1995 in percentage vaccinated and number of
cases ; 5 number of cases remains the same from, 2000 / 2005, while
percentage vaccinated fluctuates / decreases ; 6 correct data quote





.................................................................................................................................................. [4]

[Total: 4]

20 The human body has several defences against pathogens.

These can be mechanical barriers, chemical barriers or responses by cells.

The boxes on the left are examples of body defences.

The boxes on the right are the different types of defence.

Draw one line to link each example to the correct type of defence.

Draw four lines.

example type of defence

antibody production


hairs in the nose



response by cells

stomach acid


[Total: 4]

21 A vaccine was introduced in 1942 for a particular disease.

The graph shows the effect of introducing the vaccine on the number of cases of the disease in
one country.

In 1946 the government of the country concluded that the vaccine was successful.

Discuss the evidence, shown in the graph, for and against this conclusion.

support of conclusion: general decrease, from 1942 / vaccination ;
cases do not return to pre-vaccine levels / AW ; no cases from 1974
.................................................................................................................................................. ;
against conclusion: number of cases increased, (during the 2 years)
after the vaccine was introduced / until government made its
conclusion ; took 32 years after vaccine introduced before no cases
of disease ; but there are (small) peaks (in cases) / fluctuation (in
cases) ; comparative data quote ;




.................................................................................................................................................. [4]

[Total: 4]

22 Pathogens cause disease.

The diagram shows some cells that are part of the human immune system. These cells are
responding to one type of pathogen.

Explain how the immune system responds to an invasion of pathogens.

Use the letters in the diagram in your answer.

Q / pathogen, are recognized as foreign ; Q / pathogen, will have

specific / unique / AW, antigen ; S and R are white (blood) cells ; S
/ lymphocytes, make antibodies ; T are antibodies ; T / antibodies
are as specific shape / complementary to, antigen / pathogen / Q ;
T / antibodies bind to, antigen / pathogen /Q ; ref. to forming
memory cells ; ref. to, active / long-term, immunity ; R /
phagocytes, engulf, pathogens / antigens ; R / phagocytes, have
enzymes / digest pathogens OR antigens









.................................................................................................................................................. [6]

[Total: 6]

23 The boxes on the left describe processes carried out by cells.

The boxes on the right contain the names of the cells that carry out these processes.

Draw one straight line from each box on the left to a box on the right to link the process to the cell

Draw six lines.

An example has been done for you.


[Total: 6]

24 Carbon dioxide is one of the components of inspired and expired air.

State the name of the chemical used to test for the presence of carbon dioxide.
.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

25 Complete the sentences about the differences between inspired and expired air.

Inspired air contains .......................................... oxygen than expired air.
Inspired air contains .......................................... carbon dioxide than expired air.

The concentration of water .......................................... in inspired and expired air varies. [3]

[Total: 3]

26 State the name of the part of the body through which air enters and leaves.
.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

27 The diagram shows the human gas exchange system.

Bronchus Trachea


The list shows the names of some of the parts of the human gas exchange system.

alveolus bronchiole bronchus diaphragm

larynx rib trachea

Use the words from the list to label the diagram.

You do not need to use every word.

Write your answers on the answer lines provided in the diagram.. [5]

[Total: 5]

28 Complete the sentences about the features of the human gas exchange system.
Gas exchange surfaces have a ................................................ surface area.
The distance across the gas exchange surfaces is very ................................................ .

The gas exchange system has a ................................................ blood supply and good

................................................ with air. [4]

[Total: 4]

29 The diagram shows part of the gas exchange system in the lungs of a human.

State the name of structure W in the diagram.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

30 Complete the sentences by writing the appropriate word or phrase in the spaces provided.

During physical activity the carbon dioxide concentration in the blood increases. The
reason for this is an increase in the rate of ............................................... that occurs in the

mitochondria in muscle cells.


The increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood is detected by the
............................................... , which increases the rate and depth of breathing so that

carbon dioxide can be ............................................... from the body. This is important

because carbon dioxide is a ............................................... substance and can cause

harm if it accumulates. [5]

[Total: 5]

31 Scientists investigated the effect of increasing carbon dioxide concentration in the air on the rate
and depth of breathing. The people who took part in the investigation were healthy volunteers.

The people breathed atmospheric air containing 0.04% carbon dioxide for five minutes. They then
breathed air containing 2% carbon dioxide for five minutes and then returned to breathing
atmospheric air for a further five minutes.

The results are shown in the graph.

0.04% CO2 2% CO2 0.04% CO2





percentage 30
change in rate
and depth of
breathing 20


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16


time / minutes
rate of breathing
depth of breathing

Describe the effects of changing the carbon dioxide concentration of the air on the rate and depth
of breathing, as shown in the graph.
1 (rate and depth of breathing) increase when carbon dioxide
concentration increases ; 2 depth of breathing levels off at 9 -10
minutes while rate of breathing still going up ; 3 larger increase in
rate of breathing than the depth of breathing ; 4 both rate and depth
of breathing decrease when the carbon dioxide concentration





.................................................................................................................................................. [4]

[Total: 4]

32 The table shows four functions of the human gas exchange system.

Complete the table by identifying the part of the human gas exchange system that carries out each

function part of the human gas exchange system

contracts to decrease air pressure in the

lungs Diaphragm

allows air to flow between the larynx and

the lungs Trachea

contracts to lower the ribs in forced

expiration internal intercostal muscles

site of gas exchange Alveoli


[Total: 4]

33 The gas exchange system is one of the organ systems of the human body.

The diagram shows parts of the gas exchange system during breathing in and breathing out.

Complete the table to show:

• the functions of the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles during breathing in and
breathing out

• the pressure changes in the thorax.

Use these words:


intercostal muscles pressure change in

internal external the thorax

breathing in contract relax contract decreases

breathing out relax contract relax increases

[Total: 4]

34 Explain how the human gas exchange system is protected against pathogens.

any four from: ref. to, mechanical / chemical, barriers ; nasal

hairs, trap / filter / AW, pathogens ; mucus traps pathogens /
pathogens stick to mucus ; mucus, produced / secreted, by
goblet cells ; cilia move mucus (upwards / towards mouth /
away from alveoli) ; coughing / sneezing / swallowing ;
phagocytes / phagocytosis / described ;





.................................................................................................................................................. [4]

[Total: 4]

35 Scientists grew Soybean plants, Glycine max, in two separate plots.

Each plot used a carbon dioxide enrichment system to control the atmospheric carbon dioxide

The atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations in the two plots were kept at:

• 370 ppm, which is similar to the current atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration

• 550 ppm, which is a possible future atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration.

When the scientists were working in the plot with a carbon dioxide concentration of 550 ppm, their
breathing rates were higher than when they worked in the other plot.

Suggest why their breathing rates were higher.

any two from:

more carbon dioxide in the blood

low pH / acid, in blood ;
(high) carbon dioxide detected
by brain ;
increases impulses to (named) [2]
muscles used in breathing [Total: 2]

36 When the external intercostal muscles contract, how do the pressure and the volume inside the
lungs change?

pressure volume

A decreases decreases
B decreases increases
C increases decreases
D increases increases


[Total: 1]

37 A rowing machine is a piece of apparatus that is used in many fitness centres.

The photograph below shows a man training on a rowing machine. The man in the photograph has
his arms extended during the rowing stroke.

(a) The man has an intense workout on the rowing machine.

The graph shows his oxygen uptake before and during exercise.




consumption 1.5
/ dm3 min–1



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
time / min

exercise starts exercise ends

(i) Explain why there is a steep increase in the man's oxygen consumption at the start of
the exercise.
increase in muscle contraction; increase in demand for,
energy/ ATP; increase in rate of respiration; aerobic
respiration; heart beats faster/ breathes faster or breathes






................................................................................................................................ [4]

(ii) It took 10 minutes after the man had stopped rowing for his oxygen consumption to
decrease to its resting value.

On the graph draw a line between 20 minutes and 35 minutes to show the change in
oxygen consumption after exercise has stopped. [2]

(iii) Explain why the man's oxygen consumption did not return to the resting value
immediately after exercise.
1 oxygen debt; 2 (during exercise) oxygen not
supplied fast enough (from lung/ heart); 3 anaerobic
respiration occurred during exercise; 4 lactic acid




................................................................................................................................ [4]

[Total: 10]

38 The diagram shows part of the human gas exchange system.






(a) Label the structures on the diagram using words from the list:

• bronchiole
• diaphragm
• larynx
• rib
• trachea


(b) Organ X on the diagram is not part of the gas exchange system.

State the name of the organ system to which X belongs.

circulatory sistem
........................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 6]

39 (a) The diagrams below show three types of cell found in the female reproductive system.

Draw one straight line to join each diagram to the correct type of cell.


(b) Cell B is found on the insides of the oviducts. This type of cell is also found on the insides of
the air passages leading to the lungs.

(i) Describe the function of these cells in the air passages leading to the lungs.

idea that cilia beat / move / wave, away from lungs ;

remove dust / microorganisms ; reference to mucus
; keep airway clear ;


................................................................................................................................ [2]

(ii) Suggest why these cells are present in the oviducts.

move the egg cell (from ovary to

uterus) ;
................................................................................................................................ [1]

[Total: 6]

40 The diagram below shows processes that are carried out by organs in the human body.

Draw one line from each process to the organ where the process takes place.

You will need to draw five lines.

process organ

breaks down




excess water


carbon dioxide

forms urea


[Total: 5]

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