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ReDemon Book 1: Beckham Institute for Prodigies Chapter 4: Making friends and Remote Viewing The girls marched

out of the student center in four lines led by Bonnie and Emma. Suzan thought it was embarrassing. The whole time all she could think of was a mother duck leading her ducklings. And if that wasnt enough, Bonnie had them singing a marching song along the way. Emma seemed to be the only one actually singing, loudly, and enjoying it. The other girls were averting their eyes and trying not to look at the guard who smiled and laughed as the procession of girls walked off to the east tower. Sadies face grew red as Bonnies voice grew louder, in hopes of more girls joining in, but the only thing that happened was that Emmas voice grew louder, which now sounded more like screaming than singing. Eventually Bonnie stopped trying and Emma stopped screaming. The east tower was a building full of classrooms and a very nice lobby that was furnished with large comfy chairs and couches and a fire place. It was called the east tower for obvious reasons, one reason it being nine stories tall. Each floor had several classrooms and the girls were going to occupy a portion of them for the first part of the test. Bonnie and Emma opened the double doors, leading the girls inside. They walked in to see a lobby with couches and chairs. Ok, yall, said Bonnie as she took her place in the center of the room, Have a seat. The firs part of the test is the written part. There are 1000 questions dealing in logic, mathematics, reading, spatial, pattern recognition, classification, and visualization. Sadies jaw dropped. One Thou Sand Questions? She had never ever taken a test that big before. Will this take the entire day? asked a very small girl sitting on a cushion on the floor. Bonnie looked down, It can, sweetie. But many of you will just breeze through it. Sadie wasnt so sure. Suzan had never been adverse to tests but she didnt have full confidence in her mathematics

skills. And around the room, she could feel the mixture of relief and horror from her classmates and it made her feel sick all over again. The first chance she got, she was going to get some fresh air. Now to begin, said Bonnie, I want a line in front of me and the first thirty will go to classroom 201. There I want you to pick a seat and sit there until I or Emma come to give you further instructions. The line began with the small girl who sat on the cushion. Suzan pulled Sadie up from her chair, her mouth still agape from the mention of how many questions there were, and she guided her to the line. Once again they were behind the girl with the long, black hair, but Suzan also found that the spooky girl was right behind Sadie. Hi, she said, the corner of her mouth rising to a smirk. Suzan turned around and nearly fainted. Luckily Sadie snapped out of her funk. Hi spooky, she said, telemessaging again? No, she said, But I could show you something that would wet your pants. Ahem, said Bonnie, You three come along. Get on up to 201. The girl with the long, black hair turned around to see the three she was talking about. Come on girls, she said, Lets do our best! Her eyes were beckoning. They were very pretty and Suzan felt extremely envious. This girl was a complete knock out. Comparatively, the three of them were a bunch of boys. They all scowled in unison as they followed their superior up to the next floor. Up the stairs, the four ascended and opened the door to the second floor. 201 was just next to the stairwell. As they entered, they noticed that all the seats were taken except for a table in the front with four seats. Arent we lucky, said the black haired girl folding her hands together, We get to sit together! The other girls in the classroom eyed them suspiciously. The spook could

tell that none of them thought very highly of her, so she glared at them. And Sadie just closed her eyes and stuck her tongue out at them, the whole time laughing in her head. Suzan didnt like being stared at, at all. She pointed her head down and couldnt help but blush. They sat down at the table. The spook sat cat corner from the black haired girl as Sadie sat next to the spook. Suzan sat next to the black haired girl. Hi, she said to Suzan, My name is Tabatha. Im a little nervous. I dont like tests at all. I never do to well on them. Whats your name? Oh, said Suzan, Hi my name is Suzan. Im nervous too, but Im usually pretty good at tests. Bet youre no good at the physical, said the spook. Oh, hello, said Tabatha, Whats your name? do you know about the physical test? The other girls began to listen in on their conversation. All I know, dopey, said the spook, is that the physical is only for those who have special training. Im destined to get at least a C class rating. Whatevs, Spooky, said Sadie, If you get a C class, Im getting a B class. Idiot! You dont know anything, said the spook, Youre one of those girls who runs her mouth, arent you? And you, the spook looked at Suzan, You have no confidence at all. I can see into your mind. Youre afraid! What about me? said Tabatha. Youre just dumb, said the spook dismissively, You may be perfect on the outside, but your brain is an empty canister. Thanks for the compliment, said Tabatha smiling, But Im not perfect. I can be a bit slow sometimes. She knocked her fist against her head playfully. Excuse me, Spooky, said Sadie rising from her seat, Do you want to have that little physical exam now? I could use some light exercise to get my brain moving. Do some pushups, said the spook, You couldnt handle me even if you

had a functioning brain. Alright, bitch! shouted Sadie, tossing her seat behind her, Get up and get ready! Im kicking your ass! Then Emma appeared out of nowhere. Hello, she said, You should be sitting. Cant you follow instructions? Emma extended her arm and wrapped it around Sadies middle and then with the other arm reached her chair and sat it up right and placed Sadie in it kicking and screaming. The spook smirked and Tabatha giggled and clapped her hands. Suzan hung her head and blushed even redder. Ok, class, said Emma as she whacked the black board up front with a pointer and broke it to get the girls attention, This first test is just as Bonnie has described. I have scantrons and paper tests. Each of you get one. All questions are mixed so cheating is impossible; or is it Suzan caught this and she noticed that everyone else was now enraptured where once they were simply waiting for the test to start. What was she saying? Was she just being weird? It is now eleven o clock a.m., said Emma, And we will have a lunch break at one o clock p.m. Afterwards, if you have not finished your tests, you will come back and continue until you are done. Dinner is for those who can finish, or is it? I wish you luck, or do I. Emma smiled, as if laughing at her own joke, as she passed out scantrons and tests. Once everyone had received one, Emma left the room to go to the next one. Hey, said a student, What was that about cheating? Theres nobody here. Couldnt we all take the test together? Hey dumb ass, said the spook, Cameras in the corners of the room. And probably monitored by prodigies. Shhhh! said the small girl from before, Im trying to focus. My first question is a riddle! said another student, Anyone else reading riddles? Yeah, said Tabatha, Theyre kind of funny. Funny! said another student, I dont see how riddles help in preparing

me for high school. Eventually the class room quieted and everyone was hard at work on their tests. Thirty minutes in, the small girl said, What do we do with our tests when we finish? Are you serious! shouted Sadie who was still on question ten. Cant handle it, dumb ass? said the spook. Shut. Up! said Sadie. They glared at each other and then went back to their tests. Suzan thought the exam was extremely hard. It was completely different from any test she had ever taken. Most of the questions were complicated with varying variables and she felt that she was far behind like Sadie. When she really got stumped she would look around the room at the other girls. But the most interesting girl was the one sitting in front of her. The spook would often close her eyes for a couple of minutes and then open them suddenly to scribble in a circle and then close them again. Suzan wasnt sure what she was doing, but whatever it was, it seemed to be effective. Tabatha didnt seem to be reading the questions at all. She just marked down questions quickly except for a few. Some seemed to give her more problems than others, but she plodded along. Sadie looked tense. She hated tests. Even as laid back as she was and even when it wasnt really important, tests bugged her. For Suzan, it wasnt that the questions didnt make sense, they were just really time consuming. Finding the pattern. Finding the mistake. Finding the answer. It seemed like every question was taking a life time. And she wasnt even sure if she was doing them right. For many of them she just put an answer down, trying to tell herself that it wasnt important. But she really wanted to do well. There were a couple of moments where she would have a mini-blackout, but otherwise the time between was small so she barely paid any attention to it. She thought she was just tired from the lack of sleep the previous night.

Then Emma came in. Alright ladies, she said, Its lunch time. Everyone put their pencils down. If you are finished, pass me your tests and you can have the rest of the day to explore the grounds. Sadie was so happy that it was lunch time. I cant believe that test, she said, How do you think youre doing Suzu? They were walking down the stairs with Tabatha and the spook close behind. Suzan shook her head, Terrible. I have no idea what Im doing is right at all. Thats a relief, she said, I mean Damn it! Sorry I think its hard, said Tabatha, Ive only been answering C the entire time. Suzan and Sadie stared at her. In fact, she said, Im nearly done. You havent finished marking C yet? said the spook. Oh no, said Tabatha, Sometimes I get nervous. Whatevs, spook, said Sadie, I bet youre not even close to being done. On the contrary, idiot, said the spook, I turned mine in when that girl came to get us. Her names Emma, said Tabatha, Shes funny. Whatever, dopey, said the spook. Get off of me, said a voice from around the corner of the tower. What was that? said Suzan. Come on, said Sadie as she ran towards the voice. Suzan and Tabatha followed close behind with the spook walking after them. Please, leave me alone! said a girl. She was one of the new students and she was being attacked by a lone guard. Come on, baby, he said, Its part of the program here. Every guard gets his choice of freshmen girls and youre mine. So lose the pants and let me see your panties. Oh hell no, said Sadie. She ran forward, jumped, and attempted to kick him in the face. He saw her coming and pulled out his club, striking Sadies

attacking leg.

Ahh! Sadie cried as she fell to the ground. Suzan and

Tabatha ran to help her up. Stupid girls! he shouted, Now I have to kill you! I cant have anyone blabbing! You should have just left her alone! said Suzan, I might not be able to stop you, but someone will be able to hear this. Suzan opened her mouth to scream but then another guard came up behind her and covered her mouth. Two more guards apprehended Tabatha and Sadie as well. You didnt think he was alone, did you? said another guard. Hes right, said another, We do pick out girlfriends. Its been that way for a long time. And if you dont play along, said the first, We know exactly what to do. We can get you shipped out to Atmass. Youll hate it there. Much worse than giving in to us. What a load of horse shit, said the spook. She was sideways, walking on the side of the tower above them. I could kick all your asses easy, she said, And none of you could ship me off anywhere. She started to run down the building towards the guards. They pulled out their clubs and the first guard grabbed his phone. This is Rick Morganis, he began, We have His phone was ripped from his hand by a flying knife--a balisong. The spook was flipping another balisong in her hand and intimidated the guards with her thoughts. They began to cower as she entered their minds and pressed their fears against them. And one by one, they all let go of Suzan and the others. The spook continued her onslaught: once her feet touched the ground, she ran at the guards, one by one breaking their knees until she came to the final guard. He was still holding onto the other girl, sweat pouring down his face. His arms reluctantly released her and she ran away to the student center.

Do you know what Im doing? she said, Right now Im in your head. I have disabled all signals from your brain to your limbs. In doing so, you cant feel pain in those limbs. So if I was to cut you here, she said moving her second knife towards his bicep, You wont feel it. Or if I was to stab your leg, you wouldnt feel it. But she said as she positioned her knife in front of his balls, I want you to feel it. Freeze girls! said a high ranking guard, What the hell do you think youre doing? Cheese and fries! shouted Suzan. Tabatha laughed and Sadie hit her forehead with the palm of her hand. You girls are going to have to come with me to see the Dean, he said, practicing your techniques on guards is against the rule here. We werent attacking them, said Suzan, They attacked us! To me, said the lead guard, You used excessive force against my men and all they had to defend themselves were clubs. Would you like them to carry assault rifles? Bring it on, said the spook. Thats enough! said a lovely woman walking towards them. The girl who was attacked walking closely behind her. Dean Croft, said the head guard, These girls have disposed of my guards. Correction, I did, said the spook. Lieutenant, said Dean Croft, Your men have been walking a crooked line on my school grounds. You know what happens when your men violate my children. I will cut off their balls myself. She was holding the spooks other balisong. The spook looked over to where she had seen it land. It was gone; just the phone remained. This young lady told me about private Rick Morganis and his intentions. I want you to personally take responsibility for your men. They are not allowed to walk alone without a superior officer. Or I will allow my students to give your men some real training. I hope Ive made myself

clear. She brushed her dark brown hair out of her face. You four, she said pointing to Suzan and the others, Come with me. We need to talk about your actions. It was in self-defense, pleaded Suzan. Stop, said the spook, I dont need a shield. Expressionless as usual, the spook followed after the Dean. Tabatha supported Sadie as the three followed after the spook. Sydney, said the Dean, You can go to lunch now. Thank you for coming to me immediately about this. Um, youre welcome, she said; she stopped and then headed toward the student center. Suzan noticed that they were moving past the student center and towards another building. This building resided in the north of the campus. It was about the same size as the east tower, but maybe a story or two shorter. It became apparent that they were going to the Deans office. Suzan was real nervous now. She had never gotten into this kind of trouble before with other people in a more public environment. She had remembered all the fights that Sadie and she were involved in at the orphanage. But this time it wasnt kind-hearted nuns who were on the other end of the punishment stick. This time it was a woman she barely knew. From the looks of her, she was all business. She was dressed in a violet blouse, grey skirt and P blazer. They went inside the building and then entered the elevator. This was followed by that uncomfortable quiet that all people share in an elevator. Dean Croft pushed the button for the top floor. That must be where her office is, thought Suzan, as she sighed, I hope we arent punished too badly. Then a thought pushed into her head from the spook, dont worry about it, idiot! This was oddly calming for Suzan; she did feel a little better and then the elevator opened to a hot pink room with black borders. Definitely not what

she expected. The walls were decked with posters of girl bands--mostly rocker chicks-and comic book and video game characters--also all girls. This was her office but also her room. Her bed, which was covered in black and pink, rested in a corner and her desk, which had a black and pink computer, occupied the center of the office. Now ladies, she began, I want to first say that you will be punished. But I would also like to say that that was Freaking Awesome! I cant believe the wall climbing, the kicks, and the carnage, that was so sick! She had four chairs in front of her desk; each of the girls sat down. Suzan was confused. She could tell from the feelings of her classmates that they too had mixed feelings. Tabatha seemed to have a clueless smile on her face, whereas the spook blushed furiously from the praise of the Dean. Sadie had the most muddled feelings. She felt helpless; she was unable to do anything against those guards. She had a bruised ankle to go with her shaken ego, which didnt suit her. Suzan was sure Sadie was going to need some cheering up later. The Deans smile transitioned as she changed to a more professional demeanor. Her emotions cleared; the mounted excitement, and possible blood lust, that Suzan had felt in the first few minutes had subsided as her eyes shifted to a notebook on her desk. I know this is going to sound weird, she began, I would rather commend you for helping a classmate in need. It isnt often that we, students and faculty included, go up against the guard or any other of the ordinances around here. Not that I wouldnt. Ive Listen, the amount of force that you exerted, um Im sorry what is your name? She was addressing the spook. Suzan, Sadie, and Tabathas ears perked up to finally hear her name after spending some time with the arrogant girl, it would be nice to have a name to go with the face. My name is Hittle, she said, Whitney Hittle. Oh, said the Dean, Youre Whitney Hittle Well it is nice to meet you.

And you girls, your names? Suzan Halden, said Suzan, Its nice to meet you, Dean Croft. They smiled at one another. Tabatha Blessing, said Tabatha, still basking in an oblivious light. Sadie Hawkins, said Sadie quickly. Sadie Hawkins, said the Dean smiling, I love that name. Very empowering, actually. Sadie felt better after that. What I want from you girls, said the Dean is to keep your ears open for any other problems that might arise around here. But I want you to report directly to me instead of taking things into your own hands. That way we can go about this the civil way, instead of a more ahem, direct approach. I dont want you or any other students or the school to face any legal actions. Im sure youre all aware of the stereo-types for our people. Im sorry, said Suzan, But arent we human? What are you talking about: Our People? Sadie and Whitney rolled their eyes simultaneously-the only thing they agreed on. I would like to see it that way, said the dean smiling, And dont misunderstand me. I wish no ill-will towards norms. I just dont want any more bad publicity than is actually afforded. As you may or may not know, we have a very corrupt scientist in charge of our research facility. He has written several books on prodigies claiming we are a threat to the human race. But he is wrong! She lost control for a moment; It felt like she was going to break her desk. She quickly regained her composure. You are right Suzan, she said, We are all human, but they world would rather not see it that way. Sometime before, in the lab underneath the school, Dr. Leroy Ferris was busy watching the tests of the new freshman boys and girls. This task, in his mind, was very important. He needed to know what types of abilities these new students had in order to prep his superiors and the world of their dangers. Dr. Ferris hated prodigies. When he looked at them, he saw a growing

rash bent on the destruction of the real human race. Dr. Ferris had written countless books on prodigies, ever since he and Dr. Strauss discovered them in the 80s. It began here, in this very spot, at this very school, back when things were free and there werent any guards or scientists. There were only stories and legends of extraordinary people doing monstrous things. Back in those first few visits, how Dr. Ferris feared for his life. One student nearly lit him on fire! It was the most frightening experience of his life and all Dr. Strauss could do was laugh. Dr. Strauss he had such a cheery disposition over the whole discovery. Instead of fear, he reacted in awe. He was filled with wonder and amazement. All he saw were the millions of applications that these children possessed, whereas he, Dr. Leroy Ferris, understood the truth: these children were going to bring chaos and ultimately destroy the world. It was during that first year that Dr. Ferris and Dr. Strauss had an argument and thusly parted ways. Dr. Ferris had left the school to make his own startling prodigy discoveries and prove that he was right all along. The Rule of Five, published in 85, Dr. Ferris first published case study on prodigy criminals. He had interviewed five inmates at a maximum security prison called Atmass and they all tested positive for the P gene. And to add to Dr. Ferris joy, they all had been responsible for some of the most atrocious crimes in the US. Then everything fell into place. Many of the inmates tested positive for the P gene; about 57% of inmates were homo praestans. Dr. Ferris had published volume after volume of his research. All of which painted a nasty picture of all prodigies. As it happened, he was now working on some of the cases at BIP and soon this school would be closed and he would find the place he belonged: the finest lab any government could provide. And the prodigies would be placed where they belonged: behind iron doors. No one was sure what happened to Dr. Strauss after those first years when the Rule of Five was published. He just disappeared. It was only after

his disappearance that Dr. Ferris felt he would be able to continue his own agenda at BIP. However, Dr. Ferris now had one new pain in the ass to deal with. Chaiwon Kim was a prodigy of a different type. He wasnt a homo praestan; he was just a regular, prodigious homo sapien. Graduating high school at age twelve and earning his masters at age eighteen, Chaiwon was just as nave as Strauss. The problem with Chaiwon is that he read those stupid comic books with superheroes and this, to him, was some fantastic game that he was excluded from. Wouldnt it be great to be a prodigy? he would ask. Hell no! is what Dr. Ferris always replied. Chaiwon had already made some friends among the prodigy children when he was supposed to be getting coffee! Instead, he would be chatting with those monsters. And as of now he is convinced they are just as normal and human as he and Dr. Ferris. Dr. Ferris often told him, look at the facts! But Chaiwon would often reply, The facts are a little biased. Dr. Ferris found it truly infuriating. But he had a job to do. And by looking at the footage that had been streaming from the classrooms, he had already seen a couple of things. One girl finished her test incredibly fast. Too smart, thought Dr. Ferris. One of the boys broke his chair while concentrating. Further investigation, he thought He would keep this up for hours. Scrutinizing every student, watching them intensely, looking for clues to some hidden evil amongst the children. He just sat at his desk in his office, staring at the monitor watching. Chaiwon Kim stepped out of the elevator door. He had a coffee in each hand, one was of course for his mentor, Dr. Ferris. The lab was a very large underground basement full of high tech surveillance and medical supplies. It was their job to observe the prodigies and learn more about how they do what they do. Often the scientists left the lab and observed classes and spoke to prodigy teachers and students. Asking them questions Chaiwon knew the prodigies disliked it. Most of them were nice about it, but plenty

would rather throw you out the window. One boy in particular did not want to be bothered by anyone, and nearly punched a hole through Chaiwons chest. Luckily his friend stopped him. And this was where Chaiwon believed that Dr. Ferris was wrong. Though Chaiwon had read all of Dr. Ferris work, he had also read the couple of books written by Dr. Eric Strauss, and he had to agree that not all prodigies were looking to kill all norms. This is what gave Chaiwon such an admiration for them. That and all the comic books he read as a kid. He would have given anything to be born a mutant in New York City or bitten by a radioactive spider or to be an alien from another planet. Most of his colleagues thought he was an alien anyways because of how smart he was, or even a prodigy. No, Chaiwon would reply with a sigh, Im not one of those. But Chaiwon wished he had been born a prodigy. To come to this school under different circumstances rather than these. He wandered the underground lab for a minute, saying hello to the other scientists, finally making his way to Dr. Ferriss office. Dr. Ferriss office had monitors everywhere. He was constantly watching the students; he wanted to see whatever new developments he could capture for his new book. Hello, Leroy! said Chaiwon handing him his coffee. Its Dr. Ferris, Kim, said Dr. Ferris, sipping from his cup, It will never be Leroy. Ill alert the media, said Chaiwon, So whats going on? Anything interesting pop up during the test? Is there a reason you are zoomed in on that girls rack? Prrrrpp! Dr. Ferris spat out his coffee, I wasnt checking out her rack! I thought I saw something on her chest. Yes, well, said Chaiwon laughing, You do know shes fourteen, right? And I didnt say checking out. Dr. Ferris zoomed out on Tabatha and that was when Chaiwon saw her. She was beautiful. Why are you focused on this table of girls? asked Chaiwon, I mean

besides you being a pervert. Im not a pervert! shouted Dr. Ferris loud enough for most of the other scientists to hear outside his office. This girl right here, he said pointing to Whitney, If you look at this screen you can see she closes her eyes for an extended period of time before she snaps back and quickly writes an answer. Couldnt she be catching some Zs, doc? No! shouted Dr. Ferris, Shes up to something. Maybe she has telepathy. There are a couple of students that have that. Yes, see while she closes her eyes, shes probing the other students for answers. How does she know they are right? asked Chaiwon, keeping his eyes on the one girl in particular. I dont know! Wow, doc, said Chaiwon, Just settle down and drink your coffee So doc, how often do prodigies wear glasses? This is so cool, said Sadie as the four girls were walking out of the building, Its almost like were secret agents. Hey idiot, said Whitney, Its still detention. And I personally have other things I need to do than hang out with you three stooges. Shut up, Whit-ney, said Sadie smiling, How does it feel now that people know your name? I dont know, said Whitney, How does it feel to go back and finish that test, idiot? Shut up! said Sadie. So Suzan, said Tabatha, What do you think of the dean? I think I like her, said Suzan, But this school seems to be more dangerous and complicated. Id like to find out more about how things are run, but I think it may be harder than I hope. Chicken-shit? said Whitney expressionless. Yes, said Suzan, But I think I can handle it. I got your back, Suzu, said Sadie, And Spooky Whit-Whit will probably

help too. Dont call me that, said Whitney. Aww, we forgot lunch, said Tabatha. Sadie and Whitney stopped walking. Damn it! they shouted together and began running for the student center. Chutes and ladders! said Suzan as she and Tabatha chased after them.

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