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(5% OF Final Mark)

YOUR TASK: PICK 3 out of the 6 questions and submit your answers to: by the end of your regular class. You have 3 Hours to
complete this assignment.
You may work with ONE other partner OR individually. Ensure BOTH names are
on your submission. Only ONE member of your group needs to submit.

Your answers MUST be in your own words. Immediate ZERO grade if not

1. Mary was driving down the road when Sam came out from a side road, went through a
stop sign without stopping, and struck the side of her car. Upon later examination of
Mary's car, it was determined that the brakes were worn down beyond the point of safety.
Sam sued her for negligence. Explain the likely result.

2. In Canada, in order for a manufacturer to be held liable for injury caused by its product to
an ultimate consumer, What must be shown?

3. "Contracts must be in writing to be enforceable."

Discuss the accuracy of this statement.

4. Joe owned a classic Mercedes automobile, and he agreed to trade it to Sam for a specified
amount of cocaine. Sam took the car and, three days later, before he could deliver the
cocaine to Joe, his cocaine was seized by the police and he was arrested. Joe is now
bringing an action claiming that he's entitled to the car.
Indicate what arguments are available to Joe and the likelihood of him obtaining
his car.

5. Discuss the various remedies that are available where one of the parties to the contract is
a victim of misrepresentation.

6. Consider the available alternatives to going to court and suing someone, and discuss the
relative advantages and disadvantages of these different courses of action.

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