Daily Log Week 2 Shyam

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Name: Bera Shyamkumar Bhimjibhai

Enrollment No: 12102080603011

Date Day Name of Completed Task Work of the Day

8/1/24 6 • Handling User Input and • Implemented form handling and input validation.
Events • Worked on exercises to reinforce event handling concepts.
• Learned how to handle
user interactions and
events in React.

9/1/24 7 • React Router and • Implemented basic routing for a single-page application.
Navigation • Explored advanced routing features and navigation patterns.
• Introduced React Router
for client-side navigation.

10/1/24 8 • State Management with • Implemented Redux for a React application.

Redux • Explored actions, reducers, and middleware in Redux.
• Introduced the concept of
state management with

11/1/24 9 • Advanced React Concepts • Implemented custom hooks for state and side effects.
• Explored advanced React • Learned how to use context for managing global state.
concepts, including hooks
and the Context API.

12/1/24 10 • Integration with External • Implemented data fetching from an external API.
Libraries and APIs • Ensured proper handling of asynchronous operations.
• Explored how to integrate • Recap of the week's assignments and key takeaways
third-party libraries with

Signature of The Industry mentor:

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