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Name: Bera Shyamkumar Bhimjibhai

Enrollment No: 12102080603011

Date Day Name of Completed Task Work of the Day

1/1/24 1 • Introduction session • Overview of ReactJS importance in Real-life and Industry

• Basic ReactJS syntax and • Participants practiced writing simple Javascript code
data types. • Ensured participants have the required environment
• Installation of necessary

2/1/24 2 • Review of JavaScript • Quick recap to solidify understanding

basics • Basics of JavaScript using these libraries and Code
• Introduction to ReactJS Convention
and JavaScript and HTML • Application of ReactJS for Web Developing
• Hands-on exercises with
data structures

3/1/24 3 • Understanding • Practiced passing data between components using props.

Components and Props • Worked on exercises to reinforce component concepts.
• Dived deeper into React
components and their

4/1/24 4 • State Management in • Implemented state management to create dynamic UI

React components.
• Explored the importance • Tested and debugged state-related issues.
of state in React

5/1/24 5 • Styling in React • Implemented styling for React components using various
• Explored different styling methods.
approaches in React, • Experimented with responsive design techniques.
including CSS modules.

Signature of The Industry mentor:

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