2019 DR Moorhouse On Proposed ESA Legislation

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Jeff Moorhouse
Superintendent of Schools

400 Clinchfield Street, Ste. 200

Kingsport, TN 37660

p: (423) 378.2100
f: (423) 378.2120


April 15, 2019

Over the past several weeks, I have often been asked for my opinion regarding the issue of Education Savings
Accounts (ESAs), also known as vouchers, which are currently under consideration by the Tennessee General
Assembly. This is an issue of primary importance to the children and families of Tennessee and I am greatly
concerned at what I believe to be a risk to our society’s greatest priority... the full commitment to educating all
of our children, regardless of income, race, religion, or location. I believe ESAs to be a threat to accomplishing
this moral goal and that passage of such a program in Tennessee will lead to decreased opportunities in schools
statewide, who are already facing a lack of full funding from the State.

As the proposed ESA legislation has evolved during this year’s legislative session, the specifics of the proposal
have generally remained the same. Rather than fully funding Tennessee’s public schools, taxpayer funds would
be shifted for the private education of children, often in settings with little or no accountability for the use of
such funds. Given the current structure of the proposed voucher legislation, Kingsport citizens would not
benefit from these additional tax dollars, which in the beginning of the program, would be sent to districts in
Tennessee with schools in the bottom ten percent of the State. In fact, as currently proposed, any student in a
district that contains three low-performing schools would be eligible to receive ESA funds. This even further
erodes the message that only students in low-performing schools would be eligible, as it would be available to a
much wider population than suggested. And though described as school or parent choice, note that the actual
“choice” lies instead with the institution that would be providing the education, as the private school gets to
decide whether or not to admit the student.

For over 100 years, the citizens of Kingsport have made a choice… the choice to commit extra funds beyond
the minimum the State provides to give our children an education of excellence. Through property and sales
taxes, that equates to a local investment of almost $20 million each year toward our children’s future. This is
not done out of a sense that our schools are run as businesses or profit centers, but because our community
choses to prioritize the development of people and our city’s future. The results of that commitment are seen in
the generations of Kingsport students that have attended schools identified as among the best in Tennessee and
the nation. Our schools are routinely recognized academically as among the most successful in the country.
Innovative programs and partnerships with our community allow students to develop the skills necessary for
success after graduation. KCS arts and music programs provide students the opportunity to develop and excel
on a national stage. And our student-athletes lead the way on some of the winningest programs in Tennessee
and the U.S.

Kingsport City Schools has traditionally taken a progressive approach to program development that reflects the
desires of our community. That work is continuing as we speak. Construction of the science and technology
center at Dobyns-Bennett High School is almost complete, which will provide an environment where cutting-
edge STREAM learning will take place starting this fall. Workforce development programs focusing on career
and technical learning are taking place at schools throughout the district, including opportunities such as coding
and robotics. Our high school Advanced Placement program not only boasts the largest number of course

Inspire. Cultivate. I mpact

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Dr. Jeff Moorhouse
Superintendent of Schools

400 Clinchfield Street, Ste. 200

Kingsport, TN 37660

p: (423) 378.2100
f: (423) 378.2120


offering in the region, but also includes a vertical focus that prepares students from an early age to be successful
in such rigorous coursework. Arts and music programs help grow the skills and talents of children from
elementary through high school, and leadership development is a key priority for students at all levels. I believe
ESAs pose a threat to the commitment our community has made to provide such an excellent educational
environment. The loss of those extra tax dollars could not only reduce our ability to prioritize programs our
community finds important, but would also then not be available for other vital needs we have, such as
increased school security measures and mental health supports. Additionally, when other states have
implemented similar ESA programs, those programs have expanded beyond the originally targeted districts,
which then impact all communities in the state.

Regardless of what supporters and those in the for-profit voucher business may state, research does not support
the claim that private schools are performing better than public schools. In addition, having been recognized as
the state with the fastest growing educational gains in the nation, Tennessee is making great strides due to the
innovative and forward-thinking efforts of students, families, and educators. Kingsport City Schools has taken,
and continues to take, a leading role in that work. The results of those efforts are reflected in a community that
expects excellence and values the education of the whole child, where all of our students have the opportunity
and expectation for success. The citizens of Kingsport have made a choice to invest in our students and
schools, and we work hard every day to own that responsibility and provide an exceptional return on that
investment. That is and will always be our focus as an organization and why as Superintendent, I oppose
legislation that would allow for Education Savings Accounts in Tennessee.


Dr. Jeff Moorhouse

Superintendent, Kingsport City Schools

Inspire. Cultivate. I mpact

Facebook: KptSchools
Twitter: @KCS_District
Instagram: KCS_District


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