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CÂU1: Which underlined letter(s) has different sound from the others?

A. care
B. family
C. accident
D. snack

CÂU2: Choose the correct word to complete the following sententce

If medicine is _________, it focuses on preventing diseases from occuring rather
than curing them
A. preventative
B. curable
C. protective
D. treatable

CÂU3. What do family physician (bác sĩ gia đình) do?

a. diagnosing and treating illnesses, doing routine check ups and health-risk
b. specializing in heart treament, doing routine checkups and health-risk assessments
c. counseling on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, specializing in surgery
d. specializing in mental disorders, providing preventive care

CÂU4. The word “ prac’titioner” is stressed on the ________ syllable

a. 2 b.1 c.3 d.4

CÂU5. Discontinue using this cream immediateky if it makes you feel_________

a. itchy (ngứa) b. allergy c. sprain d. dizzy

CÂU6. Choose the correct

_________ refers to the first and main point of medical assistance for patients in a
health care system
a. primary care c. health care
b. fist aid d. physical care

CÂU7. You shouldn’t drive because this medicine might make you feel
a.light-headed b. life-threatened c. malignant d. allergic

CÂU8. Choose the correct

A________ is someone who is legally licensed (cấp phép hợp pháp) to perform
medical treatments (điều trị y tế) without supervision
A. Practitioner (người hành nghề) B. resident doctor

CÂU9. The word “preventative” is stressed on the ____ syllable

a.2 b.1 c.3 d.4
CÂU10. Choose the best of “ family medicine”
a. medicine the provides long-term, general health care for all individuals
B. health care provided to immediately respond to and injury or illness, but not in an
emergency room
c. focusing on preventing diseases from occuring rather than curing them
d. the first and main point of medical assistance for patients in health care system

Câu11. To________ a patient is to transfer a patient from one doctor to another doctor
who may better address the patient’s specific needs
a. refer b. recommend c. change d. treat

Câu12. The act os teaching people about their bodies and good health habits
a. health education b. body education c.primary healthcare d. general practice

Câu13. You couldn’t have inherited the disease because it is not______

a. genetic b. feverish c.allergic d.achy

Câu14. ______ from this medication include nausea and depression

a. side effects (tác dụng phụ) b. stresses c.spasms d. instructions

Câu15 “health education”

a. the act of teaching people about their bodies anf good health habits
b. health care provided to immediately respond to and injury or illness, but you in an
emergency room
c. focusing on preventing diseases from occuring rather than curing them
d. medicine that provides long-term, general health care for all individuals

Câu16. “urgent care”

a. health care provided to immediately respond to and injury or illness, but not in an
emergency room
b. medicine that provides long-term, general health care for all individuals
c. . focusing on preventing diseases from occuring rather than curing them

Câu17. “primary care”

a. the first and main point of medical assistance for patients in health care system
b.health care provided to immediately respond to and injury or illness, but not in an
emergency room
c. focusing on preventing diseases from occuring rather than curing them
d. medicine that provides long-term, general health care for all individuals

Câu18. _______ will always be at the core of the health care system (hệ thống chăm
sóc sức khoẻ
a, family medicine
b. sport medicine
c. internal medicine
d. emergency medicine

Câu19. A branch of medicine that provides long-term, general health care for all
a. family medicine
b. general medicine
c. primary healthcare
d. general practice

Câu20. The doctor wrote me a _____ for a new type of pain reliever
a. prescription c. radiation
b. parient d. referral

Câu21. The abbreviation of “ family doctor” is______

a, GP B. DOB C. NS D. BP

CÂU22. “ preventive”
a. focusing on preventing diseases from occuring rather than curing them
b. medicine that provides long-term, general health care for all individuals
c. health care provided to immediately respond to and injury or illness, but not in an
emergency room
d. . the first and main point of medical assistance for patients in health care system

CÂU23. It is important to emphasize the need for family medicine practitioners

because _____
a. the demand is overcoming the supply
b. general practitioners are abundant
c. family medicine is not important
d. patients don’t visit general practitioners

CÂU24. The patient is a 60 year-old electrician. He has coughed up blood several

times over the last few weeks. He is losing weight. His clothes don’t fit him properly.
He smokes 30 cigarettes a day
a. cancer of the lung b. cancer of the colon c. cholelithiasis d. sinusitis

Câu25. Whenever the weather changes suddenly, I have aches and _____ all over my
a. pain b. painful c. in pain d. painless
Câu26. An illness in which waste from the bowels is watery and comes out often is
a. diarrhoea b. nausea c. dizziness

Câu27. _____ is the condition of having diffculties in getting rid of solid waste from
your body
a. constipation b. deformity c. dizziness d. diarrhoea

Câu29. Physical conditions that indicate an illness and are usually described as either
strong, mild or weak are called _____
a. symptoms b. treatment c. diagnosis

Câu30.____ happens when air suddenly comes out (đột ngột thoát ra) of your
mouth and nose
a. Sneezing(hắt hơi) b. vomiting c. nausea d. sore throat

Câu31. What does “ psychiatry” in the text mean?

a. the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of mental
b. the branch of medicine concerned with childbirth and pregnancy
c. th branch of medical science concerned with the diagnosis and nonsurgical
d. the branch of medicine concerned with the health of populations

Câu32. “chronic”
a. continuing for a long time , constantly recrring
b. severe but not last very long

Câu33. How long do family physicians train?

a. three-year residency beyond medical school
b. six years at medical school
c. three-year residency
d. ten years including residency and medical school

Câu34. The___ suggests that your wife is seventeen weeks pregnant

a. ultrasound b. sore c. therapy d.CT

Câu35. U couldn’t have inherited the disease because it is not _____

a. genetic b. feverish c. allergic d. achy

CÂU36. Family physicians treat patients at____

a. all ages b.adolescence c. childhood d. old ages
Câu37. The ____ suggests that your wife is seventeen weeks pregnant
a. ultrasound b. sore c. therapy

Câu 38:Which underlined letter has different sound from the others?
A. Abdomen ơ
B. Bone e
C. Torso
D. Nose
Câu 39: Which underlined letter has different sound from the others?
A. Thigh ai
B. Hip
C. Finger
D. Wrist
Câu 40: Which underlined letter has different sound from the others?
A. Intercourse ơ
B. Sexually
C. Cell
D. Pregnancy
Câu 41: Which underlined letter has different sound from the orther?
A. Eliminate ei
B. Aware ơ
C. External
D. important
Câu 42: which word is different from the others?
A. Organ
B. Lung
C. Heart
D. Kidney
Câu 43: Choose the correct phonetic spelling of the work “pancreas”
A. [ˈpæŋkriəs]
B. [pæŋ’kriəs]
C. [ˈpeiŋkriəs]
D. [peiŋ’kriəs]

Câu 44: The work “involuntary” is stressed on the syllable

A. Second
B. First
C. Third
D. Fourth

Câu 45: The word “stimuli” is stressed on the syllable

A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth

Câu 46: The word Fallopian has the stress on the syllable
A. Second
B. First
C. Third
D. Fourth

Câu 47: Shoulders are frequently

A. Dislocates
B. Sprained
C. Stubbed
D. Jammed

Câu 48: The most common foot injury that occurs when the foot rolls in a twisting
A. Ankle sprain
B. Knee sprain
C. Ellbow sprain
D. Foot sprain

Câu 49: The fuction of the human fingers is

A. To grip the object
B. To connect the hand
C. To rotate the wrist
D. To move the palm

Câu 50: is the organ that pump blood all throughout the human body.
A. The heart
B. The lungs
C. The kidneys
D. The cappilaries

Câu 51: The purpose of the rib cage is to

A. Protect the heart and lungs
B. Protect the spinal cord
C. Protect the stomach
D. Provide an object to which the lungs can attach

Câu 52: Complete the statement with a suitable word:

Is a condition that has maglinant tumors u ác tính in the lung
A. Lung cancer
B. Emphysema
C. Bronchitis
D. Asthma

Câu 53: A large muscle that helps you fill and empty your lungs is called
A. Diaphragm
B. Trachea
C. Bronchus
D. Alvelous

Câu 54: A tube-like structure within the neck and upper chest which transports air to
and from the lungs when a person breathes is called
A. Trachea
B. Diaphragm
C. Bronchus
D. Alveolus

Câu 55: What suspected problem is the following question for?

“Do you ever get wheezing”
A. Asthma
B. Constipation
C. Kidneys stone
D. Cardiac failure

Câu 56: the digestive system is the body’s

A. Food-processing system
B. Breathing system
C. Waste-eliminating system
D. Blood-transporting system

Câu 57: What symtom is inferred from the doctor’s question?

The nurse: Do you still feel sick?
A. Nause
B. Fever
C. Swelling
D. dizziness
Câu 58: What happens when food reaches the stomach?
A. Juices mix with the foo and stomach muscles squeeze it.
B. Nothing happens. No digestion occurs in the stomach
C. The food moves quickly into the small intestine
D. The food is completely digestedand is absorbed bytiny blood vessels in the
walls of the stomach
Câu 59: In nervous system, a(n) is a mass of nerve tissue mô thần kinh or a
claster of neurons found in the peripheral nervous system
A. Ganglion hạch thần kinh
B. Neucleus
C. Gland
D. Hormone
Câu 60: In endocrine system, it is also called the master gland which controls the
fuctions of most other endocrine gland. It is
A. Pituitory gland tuyến yên
B. Thyroid gland tuyến giáp
C. Hypothalamus vùng đồi dưới
D. Pineal gland tuyến tùng
Câu 61: A small endocrine gland in the brain, situated beneath the back part of the
corpus callosum and secretes melatonin that plays a central role in the regulation of
sleep cycle. It is called
A. Pineal gland
B. Hypothalamus
C. Pituitary gland
D. Adrenal gland
Câu 62: An endocrine gland which is also known as a suprarenal gland tuyến trên
thận which is small and triangular-shaped located on top of the kidney . It is called
A. Adrenal gland tuyến thượng thận
B. Pineal gland
C. Thyroid gland
D. Pituity gland
Câu 63: What is a common endocrine disorder?
A. Thyroid cancer
B. Lung cancer
C. Kidnet stone
D. Emphysema
Câu 64: What is the cause of Addison’s disease?
A. It occurs when the adrenal gland don’t produce enough hormones
B. It occurs when the pineal gland don’t produce enough hormones
C. It occurs when the pituitary gland don’t produce enough hormones
D. It occurs when the thyroid gland don’t produce enough hormones
Câu 65: Choose the correct term which has the meaning: refer to several techniques
used to prevent egg fertilization or interupt pregnancy (tránh trứng thụ tinh hoặc
phá thai)
A. Birth control
B. Reproductive system
C. Intercourse giao hợp
D. Checkup
Câu 66: Choose the correct term which has the meaning: inability to have children
A. Intertility vô sinh
B. Fertilization
C. Production
D. Intercourse
Câu 67: choose the correct term to complete the following sentences.
The fuction of birth control pills is to
A. Either prevent pregnancy or prevent STDs
B. Prevent pregnancy
C. Prevent STDs
D. Produce sex cells
Câu 68: Choose the correct term which has the meaning : organs in the female body
that produce egg cell (tạo ra tế bào trứng)
A. Ovaries buồng trứng
B. Gonadstuyến sinh dục
C. Deferens
D. Homones
Câu 69: Choose the correct term which has the meaning : parts of the male and
female (bộ phận sduc nam và nữ) bodies that are involved in the process of
reproduction (quá trình sinh sản)
A. Genitalia cơ quan sinh dục
B. Contraceptive
C. Penis
D. Vagina
Câu 70: In the urinary system, the tube that carries urine from the kidneys to the
urinary bladder (từ thận đến bàng quang) is called
A. Ureters niệu quản
B. Capillaries
C. Urinary tracts
D. Tubulars
Câu 71: Choose the option that does NOT belong to contraceptive methods (KHÔNG
A. Frequent intercourse (giao hợp thường xuyên)
B. Permancent contraception such as vasectomy
C. Intra uterine device (IUD)
D. Hormonal contraception such as the pill
Câu 72: Choose the option which does NOT belongs to STDs
A. Tonsillitis viêm amidam
B. Chlamydia
C. Syphilis
Câu 73: A body system that controls the creation and expulsion of urine is called
A. Urinary system hệ bài tiết
B. Respiratory system
C. Reproductive system
D. Endocrine system
Câu 74: What is the main fuction of the urinary system? Chức năng
A. To get rid of waste and extra fluid loại bỏ chất thải
B. To keep waste in the body
C. To get rid og nutrients
D. To absorb nutrients in the body
Câu 75: In the unirary system, tiny tube-shaped particles that can be found when urine
is examined uner the microscope during a test called urinalysis are called
A. Urinary casts phân tích nước tiểu
B. Urinary tracts
C. Ureters
D. Kidneys
Câu 76: The pancreas which is located behind the stomach is responsible for
A. Producing the hormones insulin and glucagon to regulate blood sugar
B. Contracting to digest food before bringing it to stomach
C. Secreting bile to clean the blood for the body
D. Producing glucose to provide the body with energy
Câu 77: If this happens, something may be wrong with your kidneys
A. Peeing a lot
B. Constipation
C. Dizziness
Câu 78: can show patients past illnesses or injuries
A. Medical history
B. Family history
C. Patient history
D. Hospital history
Câu 79: Nurse: cigeretters do you smoke a ?
A. How many/ day
B. How much/ day
C. How many/ unit
D. How much/ unit
Câu 80: Nurse: you marries? -patient: No, I'm single
A. Are
B. Do
C. Will
D. Did
Câu 81: Nurse: What you? - Patient: I fell off the ladder when I was painting
the wall
A. Happend to
B. Did happen to
C. Does happen
D. Happen to
Câu 82: Which underlined part is not correct?
Did he late for his appointment?
A. Did
B. For
C. Late
D. Appointment
Câu 83: Doctor: ?
Patient: I’ve got a terrible headache.
1. Can you tell me what the problem is?
2. Which part of your head is affected?
3. Could you describe the pain?
4. How long do they last?
Câu 84: Which of the follwings cam complete the sentence below?
An illness in which waste from the bowels is watery and comes out often is
A. Diarrhoea
B. Nausea
C. Dizziness
D. Constipation
Câu 85: Which of the following can complete the sentence below?
Is the condition of having difficulties in getting rid of solis waste
from your body
A. Constipation
B. Deformity
C. Dizziness
D. Diarrhoea
Câu 86: happens when air suddenly comes out of your mouth and nose .
A. Sneezing
B. Vomiting
C. Nausea
D. Sore throat

Câu87. What is the function of the nervous system

a. to send signals from oe call to others
b. to control most processes from growth to sexual function
c. to protect and nourish the offspring until birth
d. to filter blood and create urine as a waste by-product

Câu88. The nervous system transmits signals between

a. the brain and the heart b. the heart and the stomach
c. the neck and the hand d. the fingertip and the toe

Câu89. You recall your hand when it approaches heat because

a. your nerve ending feel the heat and signal the muscles
b. your hand gets close to a heat source
c. your hand sends signals to the muscles
d. your brain asks to retract your hand

Câu90. How many parts does the nervous system have

a. 3 b. one c. two

Câu91. What dose the central nervous system include

a. brain and spinal cord b. brain, spinal nerves
c.motor and sensory organs d. spinal cord and motor organs

Câu92. What does the peripheral nervous system include

a.crainal nerves, spinal nerves b. craial verves, spinal cord
c. brain, spinal nerves d. same c

Câu93. What is the function of the autonomic nervous system

a. to regulate certain body processes, such as blood pressure and the rate of breathing
b. to connect the central nervous system to the rest of the organism
c. to gather information from all over the body and coordinate the activity
d. to help perceive the world around and keep safe

Câu94. The nervous system has 3 main functions

a. sensory, integration , motor b. thinking, integration, motor
c. moving, breathing, motor d. breathing, sensory, motor

Câu95. Which sentence is correct

a, the autonomic nervous system keeps your heart beating without thinking
b. the autonomic nervous system keeps your heart beating with thinking
c. the autonomic nervous system keeps your lung breathing Câuuestionably
d. the autonomic nervous system keeps your lung breathing involuntarily

Câu96. What is the center of your throughts, ideas, dreams, and emotions
a. the brain b. the heart c. the kidneys

Câu97. The examimination of something by touching

a. percussion b. palpation c. auscultation d. observation

Câu98. Statistical measures of essential body functions such as temperature,

pulse rate, blood pressure, respiration
a. observation b. percussion c. body landuage d. vital signs

Câu99. A medical imaging technigue the use magnetic forces on atoms to

produce an image of the body

Câu100. In the blood pressure reading 150/90 mmHg, 90 is the _______ pressure
a. diastolic b. systolic c. arterial d. intracranial

Câu101. Nurses regularly take measurement of important medical statistics for

every patient in the hopital
a. heart beart b. vital signs c. heart rates d. body temperatures
Câu102. A medical instrument for listening to the action of someone’s heart or
breathing, typically, having a small disc-shaped resonator that is placed against
the chest, and two tubes connected to earpieces
a. an oximeter b. a thermometer ống nghe c. a stethoscope ống nghe d. a

Câu103. The new digital devices used to measure temperature are faster than
the old ones
a. glucometers b. aneroid monitors c. stethoscopes d.thermometers

Câu104. The act of tapping on an area of the body such as the chest or abdomen
to determine the condition of the underlying bone or tissues
a. auscultation b. percussion c. palpation d. observation

Câu105. The function of the neck is ____

a. to turn head from one side to the other
b. to support the body weight
c. to connect the torso and the legs
d. to perform the daily tasks

Câu106. The action of breathing in and breathing out air takes place _____
a. occasionally b. discontinuously c. interruptedly d. continuously

Câu107. __________ is a condition that is characterized by the inflammation of

the bronchus
a. asthma b. emphysema c. bronchitis d. lung cancer

Câu108. “ these little sacs are where carbon dioxide leaves the blood and oxygen
enters it”. These little sacs are ______ (a)
a. alveoli b. bronchi c. lungs d. nasal passages

Câu109. How often are you short of breath

a. urinalysis b. diarrhoea c. emphysema d. diabetes

Câu110. The primary function of the small intestine is _____ (a)

a. the absorption of nutrients and mineral from food
b. the production of urine and waste for food
c. the creation of oxygen from blood
d. the destruction of waste and urine from food

Câu111. A mass of nerve tissue existing outside the central nervous system is
called b
a. brain b. gandlion c. spinal cord d. nucleus
Câu112. In nervous system, a(n)_____ is a cluster of neurouns found within the
central nervous system (a)
a. neucleus b. hormone c. gland d. ganglion

Câu113. Gland which controls the function of most other endocrine gland. It is
a. pituitary grand b. thyroid gland c. hypothalamus d. pineal gland

Câu114. Parts of the male and female bodies that are involved in the process of
a. genitalia b. contraceptive c. penis d. vagina

Câu115. Organs that produce sex cell, including tests in males and ovaries in
a. cells b. deferens c. gonads d. hormones

Câu116. Inability to have children

a. intercourse b. fertilization c. production d.infertility

Câu117. Organs in the female body that produce egg cells

a. gonads b. ovaries c. deferens d. hormones

Câu118. Every _____ person should be aware of contraceptive use c

a. sexual active b.sexual acivity c. sexually active d. sexual action

Câu119. Chemical released by one part of the body that sends out messages
which affect other parts of the body if called (a)
a. hormone b. melatonin c. adrenaline d. chemical

Câu120. Barrier device worn over the penis during intercourse to reduce the
chance of pregnancy and disease
a. gonads b. contraceptive b. condom c. checkup

Câu121. Organs in the male body the produce sperm

a. testes b. gonads c. deferens d.ovaries

Câu122. It is important to keep the organs of the ____ healthy

a. reproductive system b. gonads c. genitalia d. testes

Câu123. Using a _____ reduces but does not eliminate the chance of STD
a.condom b. genitalia c. contraceptive d. gonad
Câu124. It is important to have your _____ examined at regular checkups (d)
a. gonad b. condom c. contraceptive d. genitalia

Câu 125: Read and decide

In clinical practice, there (1) a multiplicity of applications for monitoring or recording
the vitals signs of a (2) , such as the heart rate, tempurature, respiration, blood
pressure or oxygen saturation, but also other information which can not be directly
measured by an instrument such as skin color or personal well-feeling. Some of these
applications require permanent monitoring of the patients, such as in the intensive (3)
unit or in the operating room, (4) the immediate generation of alarms or alerts- in case
a vital sign deviates significantly from what was expected-is a “must” requirement. (5)
in such critical applications, several patient parameters neees permancent monitoring
by appropriate equipment.
However, there are also other applications where continuous monitoring of the
patients is not requied. One example of this kind is the regular routine check by a
nurse in the hospital, where in parameters such as temperatura, blood pressure and
pulse are (6) and recored: further, related information such(7) medications. Clinical
events and the like are retrived. Another example is medical (8) in a doctor’s practice,
or in a behabilitation center. Yet another example is patient monitoring during
In the past, such (9) or examinations have been performed manually:e.g., the blood
pressure was determined with the auscultatory (10) using an inflatable cuff and a
stethoscope. Likewise, the temperature or the pulse was measured manually. The
results of the tests were then documented manually on a hospital form
a. Is
b. Are
c. Were
d. Will be
a. Patient bệnh nhân
b. Nurse
c. Doctor
d. Psychiatrist
a. Care
a. Where
b. When
c. Who
d. What
a. Therefore
b. Because
c. Since
d. Although
a. Measured
b. Made
c. Created
d. Used
a. As
b. In
Câu 51: Doctor:_________________________?
Patient: I've got a terrible headache.
A. Can you tell me what the problem is?
B. Which part of your head is affected?
C. Could you describe the pain? I
D. How long do they last?
Câu 52: What suspected problem could the patient's symptoms suggest in the
following case?
The patient is a 60 year-old electrician. He has coughed up blood several times over
the last few weeks. He is losing weight. His clothes don't fit him properly. He smokes
30 cigarettes a day.

A. cancer of the lung

B. cancer of the colon
C. cholelithiasis
D. Sinusitis
Câu 54: Which of the followings can complete the sentence below?
____________is the condition of having difficulties in getting rid of solid waste
from your body.
A. Constipation
B. Deformity
C. Dizziness
D. Diarrhoea
Câu 55:_________happens when air suddenly comes out of your mouth and nose.
A. Sneezing
B. Vomiting
C. Nausea
D. Sore throat
Câu 56: Which of the followings can be used to complete the sentence below?
Whenever the weather changes suddenly, I have aches
and____________all over my body.
A. pain B. painful C. in pain D. painless
Câu 57: Which of the followings can be used to complete the sentence below?
Physical conditions that indicate an illness and are usually described as either
strong, mild or weak are called_____________?
A. symptoms
B. treatments
C. Diagnosis
D. Investigations
The human nervous system is a system of nerves that begins in the brain and is part of
every area of your body from your fingertips to your eyes, from the skin on your toes
to your bones, tendons and ligaments. The nervous system transmits signals between
the brain and the rest of the body, including internal organs. In this way, the nervous
system's activity controls the ability to move, breathe, see, think, and more. The
nervous system is designed to help humans perceive the world around them and to
keep them safe.
A simple example of the human nervous system is when your finger or hand gets too
close to a heat source and you instinctively pull back. Your brain and nerve endings
feel the heat and signal your muscles to retract your hand.
The nervous system has three main parts: the central nervous system, the peripheral
nervous system, and the autonomic nervous system. The central nervous system
includes your brain and your spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system includes
nerves that go from your central nervous system out to all parts of your body. The
autonomic nervous system keeps your heart beating and your lungs breathing
automatically without you even having to think about doing those things. Your brain
is the center of your thoughts, ideas, dreams, and emotions.
<1> What is the function of the nervous system?
A. to send signals from one cell to others
B. to control most processes from growth to sexual function
C. to protect and nourish the offspring until birth
D. to filter blood and create urine as a waste by-product
<2> Which sentence is correct?
A. The nervous system transmits signals between: the brain and the heart
B. the heart and the stomach
C. the neck and the hand
D. the fingertip and the toe
<3> You recall your hand when it approaches heat because:
A. Your nerve endings feel the heat and signal the muscles
B. Your hand gets close to a heat source
C. Your hand sends signals to the muscles
D. Your brain asks to retract your hand
<4> How many parts does the nervous system have?
A. Three
Câu 58: Choose the correct term that matches with the meaning: the examination
of something by listening with or without an instrument such as a stethoscope.
A. palpation B. percussion C. auscultation D. observation
Câu 59: Choose the correct term that matches with the meaning: the conveyance
of information about a person's physiological or emotional state by the way he or
she moves.
A. palpation B. percussion C. body language D. observation
Câu 9: Choose the correct term that matches with the meaning: the examination
of something by touching.
A. percussion B. palpation C. auscultation D. observation
Câu 10: Choose the correct term that matches with the meaning: statistical
measures of essential body functions such as temperature, pulse rate, blood
pressure, and respiration.
A. observation B. percussion C. body language D. vital signs
Câu 11: Choose the correct term that matches with the meaning: a medical
imaging technique that uses magnetic forces on atoms to produce an image of the
Câu 16: Choose the correct term to complete the following sentence.
In the blood pressure reading 150/90 mmHg, 90 is the __________ pressure.
A. diastolic B. systolic C. arterial D. intracranial
Câu 17: Choose the term that has the same meaning of the underlined part:
Nurses regularly take measurements of important medical statistics for every
patient in the hospital.
A. heart beats B. vital signs C. heart rates D. body temperatures
Câu 18: Choose the term that has the same meaning of the underlined part:
The new digital devices used to measure temperature are faster than the old ones.
A. glucometers B. aneroid monitors C. stethoscopes D. thermometers
Câu 19: Choose the correct term that matches with the meaning: a medical
instrument for listening to the action of someone's heart or breathing, typically
having a small disc-shaped resonator that is placed against the chest, and two tubes
connected to earpieces.
A. An oximeter
B. A thermometer
C. A stethoscope
D. A scalpel
Câu 20: Choose the correct term that matches with the meaning: the act of
tapping on an area of the body such as the chest or abdomen to determine the
condition of the underlying bone or tissues.
A. auscultation B. percussion C. palpation D. observation
Câu 25: Which underlined letter(s) has different sound from the others?
A. bone
B. abdomen
C. torso
D. nose
Câu 26: Which underlined letter(s) has different sound from the others?
A. wrist B. hip C. finger D. thigh
Câu 27: Which underlined letter(s) has different sound from the others?
A. intercourse B. sexually C. cell D. pregnancy
Câu 28: Which underlined letter(s) has different sound from the others?
A. external B. aware C. eliminate D. important
Câu 32: The word "stimuli" is stressed on the_______ syllable.
A. First B. second C. third D. fourth
Câu 33: The word Fallopian has the stress on the-________syllable
A. First B. second C. third D. fourth
Câu 34: Shoulders are frequently__________.
A. Stubbed B. sprained C. dislocated D. jammed
Câu 35: The most common foot injury that occurs when the foot rolls in a
twisting motion.
A. knee sprain B. ankle sprain C. elbow sprain D. foot sprain
Câu 36: The function of the neck is________.
A. to turn the head from one side to the other
B. to support the body weight
C. to connect the torso and the legs
D. to perform the daily tasks
Câu 37: The action of breathing in and breathing out air takes place________
A. Occasionally B. discontinuously C. interruptedly D. continuously
Câu 38: The purpose of the rib cage is to_________
A. protect the heart and lungs
B. protect the spinal cord
C. protect the stomach
D. provide an object to which the lungs can attach
Câu 39: Complete the statement with a suitable word.
____________is a condition that is characterized by the inflammation of the
A. Asthma B. Emphysema C. Bronchitis D. Lung cancer
Câu 40: "These little sacs are where carbon dioxide leaves the blood and oxygen
enters it”. These little sacs are _______________
A. alveoli B. bronchi C. lungs D. nasal passages
Câu 41: What suspected problem is the following question for?
"How often are you short of breath?”
A. urinalysis B. diarrhoea C. emphysema D. diabetes
Câu 42: The primary function of the small intestine is__________
A. the absorption of nutrients and mineral from food
B. the production of urine and waste for food
C. the creation of oxygen from blood
D. the destruction of waste and urine from food
Câu 43: A mass of nerve tissue existing outside the central nervous system is
A. brain B. ganglion C. spinal cord D. nucleus
Câu 44: In endocrine system, a (n) ________is a cluster of neurons found with in
the central nervous system.
Câu 45: In endocrine system, it is also called the master gland which controls the
functions of most other endocrine glands. It is________________
A. pituitary gland B. thyroid gland C. hypothalamus D. pineal gland
Câu 46: Choose the correct term which has the meaning: parts of the male and
female bodies that are involved in the process of reproduction.
A. Genitalia B. contraceptive C. penis D. vagina
Câu 47: Choose the correct term which has the meaning: organs that produce sex
cells, including testes in males and ovaries in females.
A. cells B. deferens C. gonads D. hormones
Câu 48: Choose the correct term which has the meaning: inability to have
A, intercourse
Câu 49: Choose the correct term which has the meaning: organs in the female
body that produce egg cells.
A. gonads B. ovaries C. Deferens D. hormones
Câu 50: Choose the correct term to complete the following sentences.
Every_______ person should be aware of contraceptive use.
A. sexual active B. sexual activity C. sexually active D. sexual action
Câu 51: Chemical released by one part of the body that sends out messages
which affect other parts of the body is called___________
B. Melatonin C. adrenaline D. chemical
Câu 52: Choose the correct term which has the meaning: barrier device worn
over the penis during intercourse to reduce the chance of pregnancy and disease.
A. gonad B. contraceptive C. condom D. checkup
Câu 53: Choose the correct term which has the meaning: parts of the male and
female bodies that are involved in the process of reproduction.
A. genitalia B. contraceptive C. penis D. vagina
Câu 54: Choose the correct term which has the meaning: organs in the male body
that produce sperm.
A. testes B. gonads C. deferens D. ovaries
Câu 55: Choose the correct term to complete the following sentences.
It is important to keep the organs of the____________________healthy.
A. reproductive system B. gonads C. genitalia D. testes
Câu 56: Choose the correct term to complete the following sentences.
Using a________reduces but does not eliminate the chance of STD transmission.
A. condom B. genitalia C. contraceptive D. gonad
Câu 57: Choose the correct term to complete the following sentences.
It is important to have your____________examined at regular checkups.
A. gonad B. condom C. contraceptive D. genitalia
Câu 58: In the urinary system, the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the
urinary bladder is called______________
A. Urinary tracts
B. Capillaries
C. Ureters
D. Tubulars
Câu 59: A body system that controls the creation and expulsion of urine is
Câu 1:Which underlined letter(s) has different sound from the others?
A. primary B. family C. medicine D. practitioner
Câu 2: Which underlined letter(s) has different sound from the others?
A. care B. family C. accident D. snack
Câu 3: The word "preventative" is stressed on the___________syllable.
A. Second B. first C. third D. fourth
Câu 4: The word "immunizations" is stressed on the__________syllable.
A. Fourth B. Second C. first D. third
Câu 5: The word "practitioner" is stressed on the __________syllable.
A. second B. first C. third D. fourth
Câu 6: Choose the best definition of "primary care".
A. the first and main point of medical assistance for patients in a health care system
B. health care provided to immediately respond to and injury or illness, but not in an
emergency room.
C, focusing on preventing diseases from occuring rather than curing them.
D, medicine that provides long-term, general health care for all individuals
Câu 7: Choose the best definition of “health education".
A. the act of teaching people about their bodies and good health habits
B. health care provided to immediately respond to and injury or illness, but not in an
emergency room.
C. focusing on preventing diseases from occuring rather than curing them.
D. medicine that provides long-term, general health care for all individuals
Câu 8: Choose the best definition of “family medicine".
A. medicine that provides long-term, general health care for all individuals
B. health care provided to immediately respond to and injury or illness, but not in an
emergency room.
C, focusing on preventing diseases from occuring rather than curing them
D, the first and main point of medical assistance for patients in a health care system
Câu 9: Choose the best definition of “urgent care".
A. health care provided to immediately respond to and injury or illness, but not in an
emergency room
B. medicine that provides long-term, general health care for all individuals
C. focusing on preventing diseases from occuring rather than curing them
D, the first and main point of medical assistance for patients in a health care system
Câu 1: The abbreviation of "Family doctor" is_________
Câu 2: Choose the correct term that matches with the meaning: a branch of
medicine that provides long-term, general health care for all individuals.
A. family medicine
B. general medicine
C. primary healthcare
D. general practice
Câu 3: Choose the correct term that matches with the meaning: the act of
teaching people about their bodies and good health habits.
A health education
B. body education
C. primary healthcare
D. general practice
Câu 4: Choose the correct word to complete the following sententce.
A____________is someone who is legally licensed to perform medical
A. practitioner B. resident doctor
Câu 6: Choose the correct word to complete the following sententce.
___________refers to the first and main point of medical assistance for
patients in a health care system.
A. primary care B. first aid C. health care D. physical care
Câu 7: Choose the correct word to complete the following sententce.
To _________a patient is to transfer a patient from one doctor to another
doctor who may better address the patient's specific needs.
A. Refer B. Recommend C. change D. treat
Câu 8: It is important to emphasize the need for family medicine practitioners
because _____________
A. the demand is overcoming the supply.
B. general practitioners are abundant.
C. family medicine is not important
D. patients don't visit general practitioners.
Câu 9: Family practitioners refer their patients to_______________
A. specialists B. physicians C. receptionists D. nurses
Câu 10: _____________will always be at the core of the health care system.
A. Family medicine
B. Sport medicine
C. Internal medicine
D. Emergency medicine
III. Câu hỏi Vận dụng
Câu 1: You shouldn't drive because this medicine might make you feel
A. light-headed B. life-threatened C. malignant D. allergic
Câu 2: The children's_________is located on the fourth floor of the hospital.
A ward B. vein C. transplant D. blood
Câu 3: Discontinue using this cream immediately if it makes you feel __________
A. itchy B. allergy C. sprain D. dizzy
Câu 4: The doctor wrote me a______________for a new type of pain reliever.
A. Prescription B. patient C. radiation D. referral
Câu 5:______________from this medication include nausea and depression.
A. Side effects B. Stresses C. Spasms D. Instructions
Câu 6: The___________ suggests that your wife is seventeen weeks pregnant.
A. Ultrasound B. sore C. therapy D. CT
Câu 7: You couldn't have inherited the disease because it is not___________
A. genetic B. feverish C. allergic D. achy
Câu 8: Read the textand answer the questions from 1 to 5.
What Family Physicians Do
Family physicians complete extensive training beyond medical school in order to
be able to provide the best possible patient care, including a three-year residency;
indepth training across a human lifespan from birth to death; and potential additional
fellowships and qualifications in concentrations like adolescent medicine, emergency
medicine, faculty development, and more.
Family medicine residents participate in integrated inpatient and outpatient learning
and receive training in six major medical areas — pediatrics, obstetrics and
gynecology, internal medicine, psychiatry and neurology, surgery, and community…
Family physicians provide the majority of care for underserved rural and urban
populations. In addition to diagnosing and treating illness, they also provide
preventive care, including routine checkups, health-risk assessments, immunization
and screening tests, and personalized counseling on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

1. Family physicians treat patients at____________

A. all ages B. adolescence C. childhood D. old ages
2. How long do family physicians train?
A. three-year residency beyond medical school
B. six years at medical school
C. three-year residency
D. ten years including residency and medical school
3. What do family physicians do?
A. diagnosing and treating illnesses doing routine checkups and health-risk
B. specializing in heart treament; doing routine checkups and health-risk assessments
C. counseling on maintaining a healthy lifestyle; specializing in surgery
D. specializing in mental disorders, providing preventive care
4. What does "psychiatry" in the text mean?
A. the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of mental
B. the branch of medicine concerned with childbirth and pregnancy
C. the branch of medical science concerned with the diagnosis and nonsurgical
D. the branch of medicine concerned with the health of populations
<5>What is the best definition for "chronic"?
A. continuing for a long time; constantly recurring
B. severe but not last very long
The computed tomography scanner, better ........... <1>........... as the CT scanner, was
originally designed to provide ..............<2>............ images of the brain. The word
tomography ................. <3>............... from the Greek word tomos, meaning "section",
and graphic meaning "picture.
Godfrey Hounsfield developed ............. <4>............ in 1972 and was later knighted
and ........ ....<5>............. the Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution to the medical
field. Within four years of this development, CT scans, also called CAT scans
(computed axial tomography), were restructured, allowing ................ <6>................ to
scan the ................. <7>................ body for evidence of tumors, injuries, and other
abnormalities. Rather than taking a single ................ <8>................ as in X ray, a CT
scanner .................<9>............... several beams into an area and takes photographs
from many different .............. <10>.........…
A. known B. used C. derived D. considered
A. cross-sectional B. high – frequency C. moving D. magnetic
A. Comes B. came C. coming D. had came
A. awarded B. given C. received D. taken
A technicians B. doctors C. patients D. graphers
A. entire B. few C. all D. a part
A. Picture B. sound

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