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[9:45 am, 21/06/2022] Dr Sai: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Approach in Dream Analysis 🧠👉🏻🌛👉🏻☄️

🧠The two activities that we spend a third of our lives doing are sleep and dreaming. Everyone
dreams, but only 1 in 3 of us recalls dreams consistetly. Dreams account for about 20% of the time
sleeping. Most persons enter and exit dreaming approximately four to give times per night with
about 90 minutes between cycles. They last from 10 to 25 minutes with increasing duration as sleep
unfolds. Decreased sleep latency, the time to actually fall asleep, is strongly associated with clinical
depression. Psychoactive and psychotropic substances and medications are known to alter sleep and
dream architecture.

🧠With respect to the functions and meanings of dreams, Sigmund Freud wrote in 1900 that “they are
the royal road to the unconscious.” Research also regards dreams as providing integration, repair,
restoration, and consolidation of memories. In those who are deprived of sleep and dreaming, there
is rapid deterioration and disintegration of various cognitive functions even to the extreme point of

🧠Some research indicates that dreams are mostly random experiences designed to keep mental
process periodically active during sleeping. Clinicians, such as myself, regard them as the deeper and
meaningful “stuff” of life relevant to underlying issues, conflicts, and even providing us with

🧠With powerful neuroimaging tools, we see a dreaming brain that is even more active than in the
waking state. While the prefrontal cortex and cortex is relatively quiet, the limbic brain and the
occipital lobe (the primary visual cortex) are quite activated. I regard the limbic region to be the
“reacting brain.” All of our emotions and motivations emanate from this region, and so does our
memory storage. In addition, our attraction and bonding to others is likewise centered here.

🧠Dreams, then, represent the whole of our life experiences, and reflect experiences that make us
feel good and bad. At times, we participate very actively, while in others, we are more passive.
Dreams are experienced in all major sense modalities, and are particularly visual. There are known
differences in the themes of men and women. We men tend to dream of strangers, sex and
aggression. Women tend to dream of intimates, romance, and being the targets of aggression.
🧠When I conduct dream analyses, I tend to use a cognitive-behavioral approach, which I will describe
briefly here. I pay close attention to the actors, setting/context, action, and importantly, dreamer’s
automatic thinking, attitudes, and feelings as the action unfolds. I have them account the dream in
whole. I then slow the action down from frame-to-frame, inquiring about above. We rate the
intensity of the feelings using the Subjective Units of Distress (SUD) scale from 1 to 10. One
represents slight distress and 10 indicates maximum intensity. Then, inquire about the personal
meaning in each of the dream sequences.

🧠I also pay very close attention to the ending, and to any leftover residue impacting the dreamer
upon waking and for a few minutes afterwards. We then analyze the person’s plan of action related
to the fundamental themes aroused during the dream. Team I outline these steps that are and read

carefully 👇🏻

💥 Identify the situation (S)

💥Identify the feelings (A)

💥 Identify the automatic thoughts (AT)

💥Identify the attitudes (ATT)

💥Identify what this means to the dreamer (M)Identify the core belief/s (CB)

💥Identify, the personal meaning of the dreamer (PM)

💥Identify the plan of action in the dream and out (PA)

After the Idenityfying the Irrational thoughts and dreams next step 👇🏻

Suggest Cognitive Asssement Worksheets and Emotional intensity worksheets*

Case study👉🏻Here I offer a dream that I recently interpreted for a 22 year old female college student.
She has a recurring dream consistently on Christmas Eve, and many of her feelings are quite intense.
She is in a church basement alone. Suddenly, a man she does not know starts chasing her. She runs
into the church alter but he keeps chase. She goes to the next floor up, which is the nursery. He
follows her. See spies a smaller door leading to another nursery, and at first he can’t get in. She looks
out a window and sees her sister & a friend. They don’t notice her at all. She jumps out of a window
to the street below. She turns around and notices him holding a gun. He then shoots her in the
shoulder, and she wakes up.

Upon analyzing each sequence in this dream, she recognizes the man as her former brother-in-law,
her sister’s ex-husband. She depicts him as aggressive and violent in real life. Eventually, her sister
divorces him for this reason despite several attempts to reconcile their marriage. Initially, she is
perplexed as to why the sister kept returning to him. They have a son together. Kayla worries about
her nephew because of the father’s aggressive and violent patterns. He lives in the same small town
as they all do. He has regular visitation; while the mother has physical custody.

She is terrified of him. She identifies very closely with her sister. She is quite protective of her sister
and nephew. She realizes that while he could actually harm her, he cannot kill her!

The church represents her faith. The nursery represents her nephew. She finds that the jointly
arrived interpretation to be 95% accurate. And, it gives her direction for the future in facing this very
real threat.

Techniques 👇🏻

For those who do not consistently remember their dreams, clinicians can still access the unconscious
processes by the following techniques: free association, transference, and paying close attention to a
form of countertransference that I call projective identification.

Others types of Common dreams

1) The dream ,you're going about your regular day ;

Interpretation 👉🏻common dream that can be surprisingly puzzling? "Boring" real life events, such as
going about your normal work day or picking the kids up from school. "Because our brains are
limited to what we know, the way we work through stressors is by referencing how we live day to
day. Perhaps you went to sleep thinking about everything you had to do the next day, maybe you
have been arriving late to pick up your child and you’re feeling guilt about it," says Boquin, who
recommends exploring the emotions you felt in the dream. "What was the theme and is that a
theme you’re facing currently?"

Know that it's common to construct dreams using real-life thoughts and sights, as well—so there
might not be some deeper meaning unless it feels like there is one. "This is a great example of 'Day
Residue,'" explains Braun. "Often, what happened the day prior to dreaming is used in our dreams.

2) You are back in school ,taking a test or exam ;

Interpretation Usually this dream is connected to work, says Loewenberg. “School was our first job
ever,” Loewenberg points out, adding that this dream is common when a work challenge is on the
horizon. “Whether you’re trying to get a new client, it’s evaluation time, you’re trying to get a
promotion anytime you’re feeling tested and you’ve got to prove yourself.” The takeaway? “How did
you feel in the dream? Were you prepared? It’s kind of like a mirror,” says Loewenberg.

3) You are hanging out with one Celebrity ;

Interpretation If the celeb cameo feels random, there’s still a reason they're hanging around your
subconscious. Ultimately, there’s something about that person—and it could be deep in their IMDb
history—that’s relevant to you right now. “Ask yourself what is it about this person that relates back
to you,” explains Loewenberg. "It could be a movie they’re in, a song of theirs—the message will be
in the title of that movie or the lyrics to that song.”

The message could also be something related to that celebrity’s persona. “If you’re friends in the
dream, whatever it is in that celebrity you like is something you like about yourself too,” says
Loewenberg. “It’s something you want to be recognized for, too.”

4) Your partner cheated on You ;

Interpretation if there’s infidelity in your past, either in this relationship or a past relationship, this
will keep cropping up because it’s a bone of contention within yourself,” says Loewenberg. Also
important to remember? Dreams aren’t prophecies. “If there aren’t trust issues and this seems to be
coming out of left field, then it doesn’t mean your partner’s cheating,” explains Loewenberg.
Instead, there may be another third wheel to blame. “There’s something that’s taking up too much
time and attention away from you,” she says. “It could be a job, golf, friends, a new baby...
something is causing you to feel cheated out of that time and attention.”

5) You are running late something to super important ;

*Interpretation*If you work in a deadline-oriented field, this one is pretty self-explanatory, says
Loewenberg. If not, timelines are likely still to blame—but they’re self-imposed. “Maybe you want to
lose weight or you want to reach a level in your career by a certain date,” Loewenberg posits.

6) You are pregnant ;

Interpretation Even if you’re not trying to have children, Loewenberg says this is a positive dream to
have, as “it’s reflective that something is growing and developing inside of you.” It could be anything
from a new idea to working toward a promotion, and in fact, “a lot of women get this when they’re
working on a degree, or even when they’re on the verge of a new relationship.”

7) You are standing on Cliff and suddenly you are falling in nothingness ;

Interpretation Dreams of falling can be associated with feeling out of control or overwhelmed. They
may also relate to feeling unsupported and insecure," says Braun.

If you dream of falling due to the floor coming out from under you, or a different variation, it can
also be interpreted differently. "The devil is in the details. Even though there may be a general
interpretation of falling, what is most important are the particulars for the person dreaming," adds
Braun. He or she will have very different associations to the details of the dream. For a particular
patient, falling may conjure up images of 9/11. Another may think of 'falling from grace.' In short,
even though the dream of falling may be very common, the details are different in each case."

Dreams of falling can be associated with feeling out of control or overwhelmed. They may also relate
to feeling unsupported and insecure.

8) You're lost your voice and you are unable to call help or shout yourself ( Team this dream
frequently happened in my dream)

Interpretation This may not just be a dream, but may be the result of sleep paralysis," explains
Braun. "During REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, the sleep cycle during in which we dream, our
bodies experience REM , natural paralysis during the REM cycle. Physiologically, we are paralyzed
during REM sleep to prevent our bodies from acting or moving while we dream. People who
experience sleep paralysis usually wake up before the REM cycle is complete. This space between
sleep and waking can be experienced as a dream. It can also be experienced in the waking state as
being unable to move, talk, and, in some cases, breathe."

9) You're naked in Public ;

Interpretation These dreams are often accompanied by feelings of embarrassment and shame," says
Braun. "They can also be related to feelings of vulnerability and exposure." But if you're in the nude
and feel no shame, it could be the total opposite. "Perhaps this person wants to be seen,
acknowledged, admired."

10) You're teeth all suddenly falling down ;

Interpretation Are you an anxious person? It could be pent up anxiety coming through in the form of
a dream. "We might think of this as being concerned about one's potency, competence, strength,
power, ability to 'take a bite out' of the world," says Braun. This common dream can also be
associated with times of change and transition.

11) You're in High position of Power like CEO , president , Minister so on ..

Interpretation On the surface, dreaming of being in a position of power seems to be grandiose," say
Braun. "However, it can be argued that most people who dream of being in a position of power are
in fact not in a position of power. Therefore, the dream turns the unpowerful dreamer, in the dream
world, into the opposite. What looks like grandiosity is actually compensatory. The dream
compensates (or covers up) for the feelings of being powerless."

12 ) You're at an impossible elegant dinner party or you're with a deceased family members

Interpretation This kind of dream, along with other dreams of elaborated elegance, can represent a
need to supplement reality with fantasy. "Dreaming of a banquet is an attempt to satisfy the hunger
of the missed meal," explains Braun. "Dreaming of a dead loved one is a way to bring them back to
life," he says.

"Dreams can also be healing. They can help us process difficult emotions we’ve experienced," adds
Boquin. "Many believe that these are visits from their departed loved ones, and others simply take
comfort in feeling like they were able to spend time with their loved one in the dream world."
[9:45 am, 21/06/2022] Dr Sai: 4) Teeth dreams ;

Types of Chase dreams we experience are usually ones that involve escaping from some masked
man, or even a scary goolish creature that wants to kill you. These dreams are fairly common,
though it can become a problem once its recurring on a nightly basis. Generally chase dreams occur
when the dreamer is avoiding some situation in his or hers conscious life. When this happens you
will receive a message via the unconsciousness to focus more attention the matter

How to understand My chase dreams ;

Recognizing the context of the dream will help you decipher whether it”s an internal or external
problem. Who or what is chasing you? The attacker might be hidden aspects of yourself you are
unwilling to recognize? Being unaware of your emotions such as anger, fear, love or envy can
manifest it”s way as a threatening figure. If you cannot see the chaser then it might suggest you are
blind by your shadow figures in life. If you repress your dark side then it will transform to an scary
entity that haunts you in your dreams. How close is your attacker, and how did you get away? Where
you hiding or did you face it? How you react in the dream mimics how you are dealing with this
situation in your walking life. If your dream is external than your unconscious would give you hints of
what to look out for. Where is your location? Did you know the person?

🥶🥶 This is a fairly common dream for more women than men. Being attacked could stem from
natural fears or if one suffers from PSTD that has been attacked in the past. The issue must be

resolved for the dreams to stop.🙆‍♀️🙆🏼‍♂️

How to stop our Chase dreams 🤔??

Good gifts come in small packages. What better way to find repressed emotions other than a scary
dream. Becoming more self aware like self love and Manifestation therapy helps lot and your
emotions in your day to day life helps a lot. Understanding our shadow self, aspects of ourselves that
we may try to hide or deny. According to Carl Jung, it can be said to consist of energy patterns,
known as selves or sub-personalities that were disowned pushed down into our subconscious in
childhood, as a coping strategies. You can start by keeping a daily journal and record your thoughts
and feelings and see where that leads you. This can help determine what you have always been
running from. Once found and understood than you can live your live with out the unconscious dead
weight hanging over you.
Example of One person Dream 👇🏻

Ive had a dream reoccurring every once in a while the past year or so. It is where I”m at my
grandmothers old house on the lake and im stuck inside the house I cant get out. My grandmother
and a very large, scary dog are behind a see through door and im putting all my strength to keep
them from coming out because i know theyll hurt me. I let go of the door and run as fast as i can
down to the lake to get into an inflatable boat and go home to my mother, the only one whom i can
trust. My best friend jumps in the boat with me and were off to get somewhere safe but all of a
sudden my younger cousins get in the water and try to drown us by tipping the boat over.
Somewhere along the lines my cousins and best friend disappears and Im left alone, and really
scared. My last obstacle is through a simple tunnel, where small monsters jump out and try to pull
me back from getting out, i finally reach the end of the tunnel, a bright open lake that sparkles. But i
know something is still wrong, however that is where my dream ends. I hate having this dream, what
does it mean and how can I prevent it from happening again ?

Dream analyst and analysis opinion : The time of the recurring dream you can trace back that
problem too, in this dreamers case it was one year. This dream shouts out external problems most
likely with her family. Water would represent emotions and the cousin is pulling her down. She feels
stuck, trying hard to not get hurt and then gets pulled down.

5) Being cheated dreams ;🤫

People who experience dreams cheating on their significant other seems to be quite common. The
theme usually revolves around the dreamer either kissing, foreplay and even sexual intercourse.

Depending the context of the dream, the translation that is projected on to the dreamer via
unconscious can have many different meanings. Waking up feeling guilty or confused on why you
may have this dream is common.

Dreams of this nature doesn’t necessarily suggest to you wanting to cheat on your significant other,
but possibly a connection with the person that comes across metaphorically.

Possible connections 👉🏻People who experience dreams cheating on their significant other seems to
be quite common. The theme usually revolves around the dreamer either kissing, foreplay and even
sexual intercourse.
Depending the context of the dream, the translation that is projected on to the dreamer via
unconscious can have many different meanings. Waking up feeling guilty or confused on why you
may have this dream is common.

Dreams of this nature doesn’t necessarily suggest to you wanting to cheat on your significant other,
but possibly a connection with the person that comes across metaphorically.

Metaphor 👉🏻 Are you trying to hide something from your partner so they don’t find out? Are you
going something behind your partners back by not being fully honest with how you feel? Cheating
doesn’t necessarily mean that you want to cheat on your partner, but you might be having some
guilt about doing something that feeds your desires.

You might want to examine what you are doing in your walking life that might revolve around
selfishness. If you where having foreplay that this suggest you might want to be more playful
sexually in your relationship

Repression - If you are having repressed sexual desires then dreams of this nature tend to occur. If
you where one who always wanted to try other sexual partners than this dream can manifest to a
sexual dream. How did you feel when you woke up? What was the location of where it happened?
Who was with you? These questions can help you come up with a solution to fixing the issue. There
are always clues to help you in the dream what you truly want.

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