WTO Principle Multiple Choice Questions

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The transparency obligation implies that Members:

Make public all measures that affect services trade

Allow other Members to comment on all proposed new measures

affectng trade

Create online access to a database of all their measures affecting


4. Most-favoured-nation treatment must be ensured:

Only for services subject to specific commitments

For all services covered by GATS

For governmental services and all services covered by GATS

5. Market access limitations that need to be scheduled include:

Restrictions on the total number of service operations

Restrictions on the eligibility of foreigners for domestic subsidies

Restrictions on the composition of the board of directors

6. National treatment under the GATS is:

Granted unconditionally once market access conditions are met

Granted only on a sector- and mode-specific basis

Granted only to specific trading partners

9. The Most-Favoured-Nation principle requires a Member to treat services and

service suppliers from any other Member no less favorably than:

Like services and service suppliers of national origin;

Like services and service suppliers from any other WTO


Like services and service suppliers from any other country.

10. Under GATT, which countries can give the more favoured treatment to others
without violating of Article I:

US, Canada, Mexico;

US, Canada, Vietnam, China;

Japan, US, Canada, Vietnam.

12. Economic integration agreements are permissible:

Only if they provide for substantial sectoral coverage and the elimination
of substantially all discrimination;

Only if other Members are afforded an opportunity to join;

13. Discriminatory licensing requirements would need to be scheduled under:

Market access;

National treatment;

Additional commitments;

None of these provisions.

14. Equity ceilings for foreign investors, individually and as group, would be
scheduled as:

Market Access limitation;

National Treatment limitation;

Exemption from MFN treatment;

None of these provisions.

15. A non-discriminatory licensing requirement for doctors must be scheduled under:

Market Access;

National Treatment;

Additional commitments;

None of these provisions.

16. If a country that maintains sales and advertising bans for arms wants to undertake
commitments on retail trade and on advertising services, it needs to schedule these

Under advertising services - market access;

Under retail distribution services - market access;

In both sectors;

In neither sector.

17. Existing specific commitments can be modified only:

In new rounds of services negotiations;

At any time, after three years from their date of entry into force, against
compensation of affected trading partners;

If approved by the Council for Trade in Services.

18. WTO Members have to inform other members about modification, change, and
cancellation of any domestic laws, this is the spirit of which principle?

Market access;

National treatment;

Additional commitments;


19. The main objectives of the TPRM are

• the smoother functioning of the MTS by achieving greater transparency

and understanding of Members' trade policies and practices

contribute to improved adherence by all Members to rules, disciplines and

commitments made under the WTO Agreements

• enable the collective appreciation and evaluation of the full range of

individual Members' trade policies and practices and their impact on the

All the answers above

20. Primary principles under consideration by the Working Party on Domestic

Regulation for a framework for regulatory development are:

Objective criteria and technological neutrality;

Necessity, transparency, equivalency and international standards;

Transparency, impartial application, regular review process.

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