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tion, you can declare an event which just happened to be a mind, so it can be of any apparent size; creating the

creating the impres-

precognitive vision. Effectively, you rewind time to before sion of something small is just as easy as creating something
the triggering event and then game play resumes from that seemingly huge. The complexity of the hallucination deter-
point, with only you possessing knowledge of the events mines its PP cost:
that have not yet happened.
Example PP Cost Complexity

Howard’s character Sean is an ESP Master with 2 Affects a single sense

Precognition. When Sean (reluctantly) accompanies 4 Affects two senses
Indra and Brian to raid a cult headquarters, they have
6 Affects all senses
a bad feeling. That intensifies when the three of them
break into a seemingly abandoned trailer, only to set Simple (random noise,
off a crude bomb wired to the door—BOOM! But wait! static image, and the like)
Howard tells the GM he wants to roll a power test for Complex (coherent sound, moving
Sean’s precognition. He spends the power points, makes +2
images, and the like)
the roll and succeeds. “Go back to before we hit the
door,” he says. Then Sean comes out of a psychic fugue Very Complex (multiple overlapping
in time to yell to Brian “Don’t, it’s booby trapped!” sounds or images)
They tells their teammates about the explosive and they
Additionally, a complex hallucination requires a minor action
all agree to look around—carefully—for any other clues
each round to maintain its complex elements, and a very
the cult may have left behind.
complex hallucination requires a major action each round to
maintain its elements. Otherwise, the hallucination lapses to a
Psychic Projection lower level of complexity.
Since a hallucination isn’t real, it cannot produce any real effects.
You can project your will to influence It cannot cause damage, support weight, provide nutrition,
others or as a forceful psychic attack. illuminate darkness, or provide protection from the elements.
Novice: You gain two Novice-degree Characters would fall through an imaginary bridge or floor if
Psychic Projection effects. they tried to walk on it, and although they can appear to eat—
and even smell and taste—hallucinatory food, it has no nutri-
Expert: You gain one Expert-degree
tional value and does not satisfy hunger.
Psychic Projection effect. You also gain
the power focus Willpower (Psychic A hallucination spell lasts for 1 minute and it requires a new
Projection). use of the power to extend its duration for another minute.
Master: You gain one Master-degree Psychic Projection effect. At Expert degree of Psychic Projection, you can cause a
You can also choose one power stunt you can perform with number of additional subjects equal up to your Willpower to
your Psychic Projection effects for –1 SP. perceive your hallucination (minimum of 1 extra). At Master
degree, you can affect additional subjects up to your Will-
Psychic Blast power × 5 (minimum of 5 extra).

Requirement: Psychic Projection (Novice) Cost: 2 PP

Time: Major action Target Number: 11
Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs. Force Requirement: Psychic Projection (Expert) Cost: 8 PP
Time: Major action Target Number: 15
You psychically assault a target’s mind. You can affect any target Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs. Force
in your line of sight or in psychic contact (see the psychic contact
discipline under Telepathy). The target of your psychic blast You can implant suggestions into the minds of others. The
takes 2d6 + Willpower penetrating damage. If they succeed on suggestion must be worded in such a manner as to make the
a Willpower (Self-Discipline) test against your Force, they take activity sound reasonable. Asking a creature to stab itself,
only 1d6 penetrating damage. throw itself onto a spear, immolate itself, or carry out some
other obviously harmful act automatically fails. However, a
Hallucination suggestion that a pool of acid is actually pure water and that a
quick splash would be refreshing is another matter.
Requirement: Psychic Projection (Novice) Cost: 2+ PP
Time: Major action Target Number: 9 If you win the opposed test, the suggested course of action
Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs. Force is followed for up to 30 minutes or until the course of action
is complete, whichever comes first. You can extend the dura-
You can deceive the senses of others. You can affect any target tion by paying the cost again for each additional 30 minutes.
in your line of sight or in psychic contact with you. If your You can also specify conditions that trigger a particular
power test is successful and the subject fails the Willpower course of action, like a posthypnotic suggestion, in which
test against your discipline’s force, the hallucination appears case the duration is counted from when the triggering event
to the subject. The hallucination exists solely in the subject’s occurs.

Chapter 6 - Extraordinary Powers 103

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