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Shielding the blocked discipline takes 1d6 penetrating damage or loses

1d6 PP (your choice). If the target succeeds on a Willpower

(Self-Discipline) test against your Force, the psychic backlash is
You can block, deflect, and shield
blunted and has no effect.
against psychic influences.
Novice: You gain two Novice-degree Psychic Null
Shielding effects.
Requirement: Shielding (Master) Cost: 15 PP
Expert: You gain one Expert-degree
Time: Major action Target Number: 17
Shielding effect. You also gain the power
Test: None
focus Willpower (Shielding).
Master: You gain one Master-degree Choose an area up to 10 yards across within 20 yards of
Shielding effect. You can also choose one power stunt you can you that you can see. If your power test succeeds, that area
perform with your Shielding effects for –1 SP. becomes psychically “null,” deadened to any use of psychic
powers. For the remainder of the encounter or until you
Psychic Shield dismiss it, any psychic talent used in the null area auto-
matically fails. Ongoing psychic effects in that area are
Requirement: Shielding (Novice) Cost: 0 PP suppressed until moved outside the area or the psychic null
Time: None Target Number: None effect ends.
Test: None

Your mind is shielded from unwanted psychic influence. Telekinesis

When it is the target of any psychic power, you can make a
Willpower (Shielding Arcana) test first. If your Willpower test You can move and affect objects with the
exceeds the power’s Force, the attempt to affect you fails. If power of your mind
you fail the Willpower test, you still get the usual test against Novice: You gain two Novice-degree
the psychic power, if any. So if your psychic shield fails to resist Telekinesis effects.
a hallucination, you still get the usual Willpower (Self-Disci-
pline) test against it. Expert: You gain one Expert-degree
Telekinesis effect. You also gain the
Psychic shield costs no PP and is always in effect once you
power focus Willpower (Telekinesis).
learn it. You can choose to “lower” your psychic shield to
allow friendly psychic abilities to affect you, such as letting Master: You gain one Master-degree
someone use psychic contact. Telekinesis effect. You can also choose one power stunt you
can perform with your Telekinesis effects for –1 SP.
Psychic Block
Kinetic Strike
Requirement: Shielding (Novice) Cost: 1+ PP
Time: Free action Target Number: Target Force Requirement: Telekinesis (Novice) Cost: 1 PP
Test: See description Time: Major action Target Number: 9
Test: None
You can use your psychic ability to counteract the abilities
of others before they take effect. When someone within your You can strike targets up to 10 yards away with blasts of
line of sight uses a psychic discipline, you can make a power kinetic force. You make a normal ranged attack test against
test against the power test of the target psychic and spend the target using Accuracy (Telekinesis). If successful, the
PP equal to the cost of the discipline they are using. If you target takes 1d6 + Willpower bludgeoning damage.
win the test, your foe’s power test for the psychic discipline is
considered to have failed, although they have still spent the Move Object
PP for it. If they win the test, the discipline works normally. If
you do not have sufficient PP to block a particular discipline’s Requirement: Telekinesis (Novice) Cost: 2+ PP
use, then the effort automatically fails and you cannot counter Time: Minor action Target Number: 9
your foe’s power. Test: None

You can move objects at a distance with your thoughts. A

Psychic Backlash successful power test allows you to move an object in your
Requirement: Shielding (Expert) Cost: 2–6 PP line of sight. The PP cost of moving the object is given on the
Time: Free action Target Number: 12 Move Object table, which is limited to 10 PP to move 800
Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs. Force pounds of mass. You can move the affected object a distance
of 10 feet per minor action, plus an additional 10 feet per PP
When your use of psychic shield or psychic block overcomes spent above the base cost. So moving a 2-pound object (1
another psychic’s discipline, you can choose to “reflect” some PP) up to 20 feet per minor action (+1 PP) costs 2 PP. Move
of the mental energy, enhanced and empowered by your own, object lasts for 1 minute, and you can spend the discipline’s
to create a psychic backlash. If your power test succeeds, you PP cost again to extend its duration another minute without
can spend 2 to 6 PP. For every 2 PP you spend, the user of a new power test.

Chapter 6 - Extraordinary Powers 105

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