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Time Allowed : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 200


2. This Test Booklet contains 100 questions. Each item comprises four responses (answers). You will select
the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one
correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response
for each item.

3. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the OMR Sheet provided to you.


i. There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong
answer is given by the candidate, one-third of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted
as penalty.

ii. If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the
given answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above to that question.

iii. If a question is left blank, i.e., no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that
Q1. The English East India Company was established in the year?

A. 1600

B. 1608

C. 1613

D. 1664

Answer : A] 1600

Explanation : The English East India Company was established on 31 December 1600 as per the Royal
Charter issued by the Queen of England, Elizabeth I. It was the first among various East India Companies
formed by different European countries.

Q2. Who among the following is regarded as the real founder of the Portuguese colonial empire in

A. Vasco da Gama

B. Francisco de Almeida

C. Columbus

D. Afonso de Albuquerque

Answer : D] Afonso de Albuquerque

Explanation : Albuquerque is known as the real founder of the Portuguese colonial empire in India.
Afonso de Albuquerque invaded Goa in 1510 and fought the Battle of Goa (1510) with the forces of
Sultan of Bijapur Adil Shah and established a Portuguese colony in Goa. He started the first Portuguese
mint and issued coins in Gold, Silver and Bronze. He encouraged Portuguese to have marriage alliances
with Indian women. He was first to abolish the practice of Sati, which was in vogue in that time, in the
Portuguese colonies in Goa.

He maintained friendly relations with the rulers of Vijayanagar Empire.

Q3. English East India Company established their second factory in?

A. Goa

B. Surat

C. Bombay

D. Masulipatnam

Answer : D] Masulipatnam

Explanation : The English East India Company had sent Captain Hawkins to the court of the Mughal
Emperor, Jahangir in 1608 to secure permission to establish a factory at Surat. Initially their request was
turned down by Jahangir However, in 1613, Jahangir agreed and issued a firman permitting the East
India Company to establish its first factory at Surat. English established their second factory at
Masulipatnam in 1616.

Q4. The Free Trade Rights privileges were granted to the English East India Company in 1717 by which
Mughal Emperor?

A. Bahadur Shah

B. Shahjahan

C. Jahangir

D. Farrukh-Siyar

Answer : D] Farrukh-Siyar

Farrukh-Siyar became the Mughal Emperor in 1713.

During his reign, in 1717, he issued a Farman which gave the British East India company the right to
trade freely except for an annual payment of 3000 rupees. They were also given the right to issue a
‘Dastak’ or trade permits for the transportation of goods. The farman also allowed the British East India
Company to mint their own coins. This was a great diplomatic achievement for the company as it
allowed the British to expand their trade and granted undue advantages to the English over other
Q5. Arrange the following in a correct chronological order based on their establishment year :

1) British East India Company

2) Dutch East India Company

3) Portuguese East India Company

4) French East India Company

Choose the Correct option :

A. 1,2,3,4

B. 2,4,3,1

C. 4,3,2,1

D. 1,3,2,4

Answer : A] 1,2,3,4

Explanation : 1) The Governor and company of merchants of London trading into the East Indies,
popularly known as the English East India Company, were formed in 1600 AD.

2) In 1602 CE Dutch East India Company was established

3) The Portuguese East India Company was a chartered company that was established in 1628 to trade
with India and other parts of Asia.

4) The French East India company was established in 1664 by Jean-Baptiste Colbert.

Q6. Which one of the following was the last Governor of Bengal appointed by the Mughal emperor?

A. Sartraz Khan

B. Murshid Quli Khan

C. Alivardi Khan

D. Shujauddin Muhammad Khan

Answer : B) Murshid Quli Khan

Explanation : Mughal Emperor FarrukhSiyar appointed Murshid Quli Khan to Governor of Bengal in
1717. Shujauddin, the son-in-law of Murshid Quli Khan, became the Governor of Bengal after the death
of Murshid Quli Khan which was ratified by the Mughal Emperor, Muhammad Shah Rangeela. Hence
Murshid Quli Khan was the last Governor of Bengal appointed by the Mughal emperor.

Q7. Who among the following was considered as the founder of the British Empire in India?

A. Warren Hastings

B. Lord Amherst

C. Robert Clive

D. Lord William Bentinck

Answer : C] Robert Clive

Explanation : Robert Clive is considered as the founder of the British empire in India. He consolidated
British supremacy by defeating Nawab of Bengal Sirajuddaula in the battle of Plassey (23rd June, 1757).
Mir Jafar was to be placed on the throne by Robert Clive. In exchange, Mir Jafar ceded to the British an
area south of Calcutta known as 24 Parganas. The Battle of Plassey gave the British access to the rich
resources of Bengal. These were used to win the wars in Deccan with other Indian rulers, defeating the
French in the third Carnatic war and to extend influence in Northern India. From a commercial entity,
the British East India Company proceeded to become a political power in Bengal.

Q8. Which is the most decisive battle that led to the establishment of supremacy of the British in India ?

A. The battle of Buxar

B. The battle of Plassey

C. The battle of Wandiwash

D. The third battle of Panipat

Answer : A) The Battle of Buxar

Explanation : On 22nd October, 1764 British army defeated allied forces of Nawab of Bengal Mir Qasim,
Nawab of Oudh Shuja-ud-Daula and Mughal emperor Shah Alam II. The British army’s command was in
the hands of Major Hector Munro in the Battle of Buxar. The battle of Buxar established British
supremacy in Banaras and Allahabad across the Ganges. The battle of Buxar showed the supremacy of
English armies and military skills. Plassey made the English only the controller of Bengal while Buxar
raised the political prestige of the company throughout India.

Q9. Which one of the following rulers granted *Diwani to the East India Company?

A. Farukhsiyar

B. Shah Alam- I

C. Shah Alam- II

D. Shuja-ud-Daulah

Answer: C) Shah Alam- II

Explanation : As per the Treaty of Allahabad (August 1765), the Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II was taken
under the company’s protection and was to reside at Allahabad. The Emperor issued an order dated
12th August, 1765 granting Company the Diwani of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa in return the company had
to make an annual payment of Rs 26 Lakhs to him and provide Rs 53 Lakhs for the expenses of the
Nizamat. Successors of Shah Alam II i.e. Akbar I (1806-37) and Bahadur Shah II (1837-57) became
pensioners of East India Company.

Q10. Consider the given statements:

1.The French East India Company was created, financed and controlled by the state.

2. First French establishment in India was established at Pondicherry.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

A. 1 only

B. 2 only

C. Both 1 and 2

D. Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : C) Both 1 and 2

Explanation : The French East India Company was created, financed and controlled by the state and it
differed from the English East India Company which was a private commercial venture. First French
establishment in India was established at Pondicherry in 1674.

Q11. What kind of crisis existed during the Mughal period in the First-half of the 18th century?

A. Jagirdari Crisis

B. Crisis in the Mansabdari system

C. Social crisis

D. Economic bankruptcy

Answer : A) Jagirdari Crisis

Explanation : In the Mughal Empire, Jagirdars were holders of land assignments in lieu of assigned
duties towards the empire such as police, judiciary etc,. The Jagirdari Crisis was an economic situation
where there was a shortage of lands or jagirs. This defrayed the cost of administration and the imperial
throne was unable to pay for wars or maintain a standard of living of its nobility. This resulted in the
Mughal throne giving its own land to pay its officials.

Q12. Which of the following was NOT responsible for the worsening of the condition of the Indian
peasantry during the 17th and 18th centuries?

A. Increasing burden of land revenue

B. The self-sufficient nature of the village economy

C. The shortage of paibaqi led to further exploitation of the peasantry

D. Jagirdari crisis

Answer : B) The self-sufficient nature of the village economy

Explanation : The conditions of peasants deteriorated during the 17th & 18th centuries because the
British were only concerned with the revenues of the state. They did nothing to improve the condition
of agricultural land. The government levied high taxes on land. The revenues were generally not
reduced even during droughts, floods etc. This made the condition of the Indian peasantry miserable.
Q13. Who devised the new-system of revenue called Mahalwari?

A. Queen Elizabeth

B.Holt Mackenzie

C.Queen Victoria


Answer : B) Holt Mackenzie

Explanation : Mahalwari system was one of the main revenue systems of the British in India. Holt
Mackenzie and Robert Merttins Bird started this system in 1822. In this system, the land revenue was
collected by the village headmen, and it was not fixed. It was reviewed under Lord William Bentinck in

Q14. A system where the peasants or cultivators were regarded as the owners of the land was -

A. Permanent Settlement

B. Ryotwari Settlement

C. Mahalwari Settlement

D. Old Zamindari System

Answer : B) Ryotwari Settlement

Explanation : The Ryotwari system of land revenue was instituted in the late 18th century by Sir Thomas
Munro, Governor of Madras in 1820. This was practised in the Madras and Bombay areas, as well as
Assam and Coorg (Deccan) provinces. In this system, the peasants or cultivators were regarded as the
owners of the land.

Q15. Which one of the following is the correct chronological order of the battles fought in India in the
18th Century?

A. Battle of Wandiwash-Battle of Buxar-Battle of Ambur-Battle of Plassey

B. Battle of Ambur-Battle of Plassey-Battle of Wandiwash-Battle of Buxar

C. Battle of Wandiwash-Battle of Plassey-Battle ofAmbur-Battle of Buxar

D. Battle of Ambur-Battle of Buxar-Battle of Wandiwash-Battle of Plassey

Answer : B) Battle of Ambur-Battle of Plassey-Battle of Wandiwash-Battle of Buxar

*Battle of Ambur (August, 1749) – The combined armies of Muzaffar Jung, Chanda Sahib and the
French defeated and Killed Anwar-ud-din at the Battle of Ambur in August, 1749. Muzaffar Jung
became the Subedar of Deccan.

*Battle of Plassey (June, 1757) – Fought between Nawab of Bengal Siraj-ud-daula and the British army.
With his troops and local Indian allies, Robert Clive recaptured Calcutta in January 1757, and defeated
Siraj ud-Daulah at the Battle of Plassey.

*Battle of Wandiwash (January, 1760) – It occurred between French and British. The French were
defeated by the British. Sir Eyre coote was the leader of the British army while French troops were led
by Count de Lally.

*Battle of Buxar (October, 1764) – Fought between allied forces of Mir Qasim, Shujauddaula, Shah
Alam II and the British. The British, led by Hector Munro, defeated the allied force.

Q16. Which among the following was NOT the outcome of the Battle of Buxar?

A. The English became the uncontested rulers of Northern India and announced themselves as
contenders for power and supremacy throughout India.
B. Robert Clive, who played an important role in the battle, signed two important treaties with
Shuja-Ud-Daula and Shah Alam-ll called the Treaty of Allahabad in 1765.
C. After the war, Mir Jafar was again made the puppet ruler by the English.
D. Mir Jafar also surrendered the districts of Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa to the English to maintain
their army.

Answer : D)Mir Jafar also surrendered the districts of Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa to the English to
maintain their army.
Explanation : Mir Jafar also surrendered the districts of Burdwan, Midnapore, and Chittagong to the
English to maintain their army.

Q17. Consider the following statements about the Battle of Plassey -

1) One of the main reasons for the defeat of the Nawab was that the forces led by Mir Qasim, one of
Sirajuddaulah's commanders, never fought the battle.

2) British practice of building settlements and large forts in Bengal was one of the reasons which led to
this Battle.

3) The Battle of Plassey became famous because it was the first major victory the Company won in

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

A. 1 only

B. 2 and 3 only

C.1 and 3 only

D.1, 2 and 3

Answers : b] 2 and 3 only

Explanation : When Alivardi Khan died in 1756, Sirajuddaulah became the Nawab of Bengal. The
Company was worried about his power and keen on a puppet ruler who would willingly give trade
concessions and other privileges. The British practice of building settlements and large forts in Bengal
was one of the reasons which led to this Battle.

Q18. Who was the Nawab of Bengal at the time of Battle of Buxar?

A. Mir Jafar

B. Siraj-ud-daulah

C. Shuja-ud-Daulah

D. Mir Qasim
Answer : D) Mir Qasim

Explanation : The Battle of Buxar was fought between Mir Qasim, Shah Alam, and Shuja-Ud-Daulah on
one side and the British on the other side. The three forces met the British forces at Bauxar on 22
October 1764. Mir Qasim was the Nawab of Bengal during this time.

Q19. Carnatic wars were a series of Military wars between which two powers?

A. French and Dutch East India company

B. British and French East India company

C. British and Portuguese East India Company

D. Nawabs of Bengal and the British

Answer : B) British and French East India company

Explanation : The Carnatic wars were the battles that took place in the Carnatic region of South India
during the period between 1746 and 1763. The French and the British were the two major contenders
in this war. Apart from foreign rulers, Indian rulers also took part in these wars. The main objective
behind the Carnatic wars was to gain trade and political supremacy in India.

Q20. Consider the following pairs regarding Carnatic Wars

Wars Associated Treaty

1. First Carnatic War - Treaty of Pondicherry

2. Second Carnatic War - Treaty of Paris

3. Third Carnatic War - Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle.

Which of the pairs given above are correctly matched?

A. 1 & 2 only

B. 1 & 3 only

C. 2& 3 only

D. None of the above

Answer : D) None of the above

Q21. Who was the British Governor-General during the Second Anglo-Mysore War?
A. Lord Ripon
B. Lord William Bentinck
C. Lord Warren Hastings
D. Lord Wellesley

Answer : C) Lord Warren Hastings

Explanation : Warren Hastings (1772-1785) was Governor-General of India during the Second Anglo - Mysore
War. The Second Anglo-Mysore was fought between the years 1780 -1784. Treaty of Mangalore ended the
Second Anglo Mysore War with both parties agreeing for the status quo and exchange of Prisoners. The major
event of war was the death of Hyder Ali in 1782 and the crowning of Tippu Sultan.

Q22. Which of the following Anglo-Mysore wars came to an end by the Treaty of Seringapatam?
A. First Anglo-Mysore War
B. Second Anglo-Mysore War
C. Third Anglo-Mysore War
D. Fourth Anglo-Mysore War

Answer : C) Third Anglo-Mysore War

Explanation : The Treaty of Seringapatam (also called Srirangapatinam or
Srirangapatna), signed 18 March 1792, ended the Third Anglo-Mysore War. Its signatories included Lord
Cornwallis on behalf of the British East India Company, representatives of the Nizam of Hyderabad and the
Maratha Empire, and Tipu Sultan, the ruler of Mysore.

Q23. Who founded the Independent State of Bengal in 1727?

A. Mir Jafar
B. Jehangir
C. Alivardi Khan
D. Murshid Quli Khan

Answer : D) Murshid Quli Khan

Explanation : Murshid Quli Khan, the governor of Bengal under the Mughal Empire from 1717 to 1727,
founded the Independent State of Bengal in 1727.
He successfully consolidated his power in the region and established a sovereign state with its capital at
Murshid Quli Khan was renowned for his administrative and economic reforms, which included implementing
a new revenue system and fostering trade and commerce.

Q24. Whom among the following was sent by the East India Company to the court of the Mughal emperor to
secure royal patronage?

A. Thomas Munro
B. Thomas Roe
C. Captain William Hawkins
D. None of the above

Answer : C) Capt. William Hawkins

Explanation: In 1608 AD, the British East India Company sent Captain William Hawkins to the court of the
Mughal emperor to secure royal patronage. He succeeded in getting royal permit for the Company to establish
its factories at various places on the Western coast of India.

Q25. Who established a factory at Sutanuti and the Zamindari of the three villages of Sutanuti, Kalikata and

A. Francis Dey
B. Francois Caron
C. Job Charnock
D. Captain Hawkins

Answer : C) Job Charnock

Explanation: Job Charnock established a factory at Sutanuti and the Zamindari of the three villages of Sutanuti,
Kalikata and Govindapur. These villages later grew into the city of Calcutta.

Q26. Match the following

Set I Set II
a. First Carnatic War 1. Dupleix
b. Second Carnatic War 2. Muzaffar Jung and Chanda Sahib
c. Third Carnatic War 3. Count de Lally
d. Battle of Plassey 4. Siraj-ud-Daulah

Code :
(a) (b) (c) (d)

A. 1 2 3 4
B. 4 3 2 1
C. 3 4 2 1
D. 1 3 2 4

Answer : A
Explanation: The correct match is given below -
First Carnatic War : Dupleix
Second Carnatic War : Muzaffar Jung and Chanda Sahib
Third Carnatic War : Count de Lally
Battle of Plassey: Siraj-ud-Daulah

Q27. The battle of Ramnagar and the battle of Chilianwala was associated with?
A. The First Afghan War
B. The First Anglo-Sikh War
C. The Second Anglo-Sikh War
D. The Anglo-Maratha Wars

Answer : B) The Second Anglo-Sikh War

Explanation : In the second Anglo Sikh War, a large army under command of Lord Gough fought an irresolute
battle at Ramnagar in November 1848.
Next, at the battle of Chilianwala in January 1849 the Sikh soldiers won with glory.
The final and decisive battle at Gujarat near Chenab was won by the English in
1849. This war ended in the annexation of Punjab.
In March 1849, Lord Dalhousie annexed
Punjab following the Treaty of Lahore and pensioned off Dalip Singh to England along with his mother Rani
Additional Information

Q28. Which among the following treaty was signed after Battle of Buxar?
A. Treaty of Alinagar
B. Treaty of Allahabad
C. Treaty of Kanpur
D. Treaty of Buxar

Answer : B) Treaty of Allahabad

Explanation : After the Battle of Buxar, Treaty of Allahabad was signed in 1765.
In 1765, two Treaties were concluded by Robert Clive at Allahabad with Nawab Shuja-ud-Daulah and Emperor
Shah Alam II.

*Under the first treaty with the Nawab of Awadh :

Allahabad and Kara were surrendered by the Nawab to Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II. A sum of Rs 50 lakh was
paid to the Company as war indemnity.

*Under the second treaty with Shah Alam II:

The emperor was asked to reside at Allahabad under the Company's protection.
The Diwani of Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa were granted to the East India Company instead of an annual payment
of Rs 26 lakh.

Q29. What was the policy of British rulers in India for industrialisation?
A. The British rulers wanted to make India an importer of both primary and finished goods
B. The British rulers wanted to make India an exporter of both primary and finished goods
C. The British rulers wanted to make India an importer of primary goods from Britain and an exporter of
finished goods to Britain
D. The British rulers wanted to make India an exporter of primary goods to Britain and an importer of finished
goods from Britain

Answer : D) The British rulers wanted to make India an exporter of primary goods to Britain and an importer of
finished goods from Britain

Q30. Which of the following was the main interest of the zamindar during the British rule in India?
A. The main interest of the zamindar was to produce cash crops
B. The main interest of the zamindar was to collect rent from the farmers
C. The main interest of the zamindar was to improve the condition of the agricultural sector
D. The main interest of the zamindar was to produce food crops

Answer : B) The main interest of the zamindar was to collect rent from the farmers

Q31. Who among the following annexed the territory of Punjab as a British territory after the Second Anglo-
Sikh War?

A. Warren Hasting
B. Robert Clive
C. Sir Eyre Coote
D. Lord Dalhousie

Answer : D) Lord Dalhousie

Explanation : After the death of Ranjit Singh in 1839 AD, the first Anglo-Sikh War began. Sikhs were defeated
and signed the Treaty of Lahore. In the Second Anglo-Sikh War, Lord Dalhousie annexed Punjab as a British

Q32. In which year was India’s first official census survey undertaken?

A. 1881
B. 1850
C. 1890
D. 1891

Answer : A) 1881
Explanation : The earliest references of the Census in India can be traced back to the Mauryan period in
Kautilya's 'Arthashastra' (321-296 BC) and later during the Mughal period in the writings of Abul Fazl (1595-96)
in the ‘Ain-e-Akbari'.Census, in its present scientific form, was conducted non-synchronously between 1865
and 1872 in different parts of the country. However, the first synchronous Census in India was carried out in
1881. During that time Lord Ripon was Viceroy of India.

Q33. Which of the following statements reflects the condition of the agricultural sector in India during British

A. The agricultural sector experienced huge stagnation and deterioration because of the drain of India’s
B. The agricultural sector experienced huge stagnation and deterioration because of the land tenure system.
C. The agricultural sector experienced huge stagnation and deterioration because of the decline of handicrafts.
D. None of the above.

Answer : B) The agricultural sector experienced huge stagnation and deterioration because of the land tenure

Q34. Who among the following is popularly known as 'Father of Civil Services in India'?
A. Cartier
B. Harry Verelst
C. Lord Cornwallis
D. Warren Hastings

Ans : C) Lord Cornwallis

Explanation : Warren Hastings laid the foundation of civil service and Lord Cornwallis reformed, modernised
and rationalised it. Hence, Charles Cornwallis is known as the 'Father of Civil Service in India'.

Q35. Which of the following statements reflects the condition of the agricultural sector in India during British

A. The agricultural sector experienced huge stagnation and deterioration because of the drain of India’s
B. The agricultural sector experienced huge stagnation and deterioration because of the land tenure system
C. The agricultural sector experienced huge stagnation and deterioration because of the decline of handicrafts
D. None of the above

Answer : B. The agricultural sector experienced huge stagnation and deterioration because of the land tenure

Q36. Which British Governor-General founded the Public Work Department (P.W.D) in India?

A. Lord Ellenborough
B. Lord Auckland
C. Lord Dalhousie
D. Lord Hardinge

Answer : C) Lord Dalhousie

Explanation : Before Lord Dalhousie, military boards were in charge of the construction of Public Works.
Hence, Civilian works were completely neglected by the military board. A separate Public Works Department
was established by Lord Dalhousie. C is the correct option.

Q37. Which Governor-General was responsible for abolition of slavery in India?

A. Lord Ellenborough
B. Sir Charles (Lord) Metcalfe
C. Lord Auckland
D. Lord Amherst

Answer : A
Explanation : The Indian Slavery Act, 1843 was an act passed in British India under East India Company rule,
which outlawed many economic transactions associated with slavery. Lord Ellenborough was the British
Governor-General when the slavery was abolished.
Q38. Which of the following reason/reasons is/are responsible for the decline in the handicrafts sector during
the British rule in India?

A. New patterns of the demand for handicrafts

B. The tariff policy followed by the British
C. The competition in the sector due to man-made machines
D. All of the above

Answer : D) All of the Above.

Q39. Which Governor-General made English the official language of India?

A. Lord William Bentinck

B. Lord Auckland
C. Lord Metcalfe
D. Lord Hardinge

Answer : A) Lord William Bentinck

Explanation : Lord William Bentinck made the Persian and a Vernacular language for the court proceeding in
lower court and made English language as official language for Supreme Court proceeding. A is the correct

Q40. Match the following

Set I Set II
a. Warren Hastings : 1. Subsidiary Alliance system
b. Lord Cornwallis : 2. Policy of Non-Interference
c. Sir John Shore : 3. Permanent Settlement in Bengal
d. Lord Wellesley : 4. Abolished Dual system

a b c d

A. 4 3 2 1
B. 3 1 2 4
C. 1 4 3 2
D. 4 1 2 3

Answer : A
1) Warren Hastings: Abolished Dual system
2) Lord Cornwallis: Permanent Settlement in Bengal
3) Sir John Shore: Policy of Non-Interference
4) Lord Wellesley: Subsidiary Alliance system

Q41. Who among the following gave the title of ‘Raja’ to Ram Mohan Roy?
A. Mahatma Gandhi
B. Akbar
C. Akbar II
D. Jahangir

Answer: C) Akbar II
Explanation :Raja Ram Mohan Roy was a social reformer born in Radhanagar (Bengal Presidency) on 22 May,
1772. He is popularly known as the father of Indian renaissance. Mughal emperor Akbar II awarded him the
title ‘Raja’. He represented Akbar II in England where he pleaded for his grievances related to his pension and
allowances. He stood against the practice of ‘Sati’. As a result of his efforts,The Abolition of Sati Act, 1829 was
enacted. He also fought against polygamy and child marriage and advocated women education, widow
remarriage and the right of inheritance for women.

Q42. Who among the following is known to have started portfolio system in India?

A. Lord Elgin
B. Lord Ellenborough
C. Lord Dalhousie
D. Lord Canning

Answer : D) Lord Canning

Explanation : Indian Councils Act of 1861 gave recognition to the ‘portfolio’ system, introduced by Lord
Canning in 1859. Under this, a member of the Viceroy’s council was made in-charge of one or more
departments of the Government and was authorised to issue final orders on behalf of the council on matters
of his department(s).

Q43. A war between Nepal and the East India Company took place on :

A. 1805
B. 1810
C. 1811
D. 1814

Answer : D) 1814
Explanation : The Anglo-Nepalese War (Nepal and East India Company) took place between 1814-1816 A.D. It
is also known as the Gorkha War. The war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Sugauli in the year 1816 AD.
The treaty ceded some Nepalese-controlled territory to the EIC.

Q44. Consider the following regarding Anglo-Nepal War and select the correct one –

A. Treaty of Sagauli ended the Anglo-Nepalese War

B. Lord Hasting was the Governor General of India
C. Both 1 and 2 are correct
D. Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : C) Both 1 and 2 are correct

Explanation : Nepal and the British Indian government that ended the Anglo-Nepalese War (1814–16) by the
Treaty of Sagauli. The Treaty of Sugauli established the boundary line of Nepal and ratified by 4 March 1816
between the East India Company and Raj Guru Gajaraj Mishra with Chandra Shekhar Upadhaya for Nepal
following the Anglo-Nepalese War of 1814-16. Lord Hasting was the Governor-General of India during this

Q45. Match the following

Set I Set II
a. William Jones 1. Ryotwari settlement in Madras
b. Thomas Munro 2. Abolition / Prohibition of Sati
c. Lord William Bentinck 3. Asiatic Society of Bengal
d. Lord Hardinge 4. Prohibition of female infanticide and human sacrifice among Gonds of central

a b c d
A. 4 3 2 1
B. 3 1 2 4
C. 1 4 3 2
D. 4 1 2 3

Answer : B
1) William Jones : Asiatic Society of Bengal
2) Thomas Munro : Ryotwari settlement in Madras
3) Lord William Bentinck : Abolition / Prohibition of Sati
4) Lord Hardinge : Prohibition of female infanticide and human sacrifice among Gonds of central India

Q46. The Great Game is a term used for the strategic rivalry and conflict between which of the following?

A. British Empire and Russian Empire

B. British Empire and French Empire
C. British Empire and Portuguese Empire
D. British Empire and Chinese Empire

Answer : A) British Empire and Russian Empire Explanation : "The Great Game" was a political and diplomatic
confrontation that existed for most of the 19th century between the British Empire and the Russian Empire
over Afghanistan and neighboring territories in Central and South Asia.

Q47. The Treaty of Yandabu was signed after which among the following?

A. First Anglo-Burmese War

B. Second Anglo-Burmese War
C. Anglo-Bhutanese War
D. Third Anglo Afghan war

Answer : A) First Anglo-Burmese War

Explanation : Post the Anglo-Burmese Wars, (1824–26, 1852, 1885), the situation of Burma was vulnerable
which forced Burma to concede British Hegemony. The Treaty of Yandabo was signed in February 1826
formally ending the First Anglo-Burmese War. The Burmese forces were responded by a force when they tried
to cross the frontier.

Q48. "The most unqualified blunder committed in the whole history of the British India" by JJ McLeod points
to which among the following wars?

A. First Anglo Afghan War

B. Second Anglo-Afghan War
C. Third Anglo-Afghan War
D. First Anglo Sikh War

Answer : A) First Anglo-Afghan War

Explanation : First Anglo-Afghan War (1839 to 1842) is also known as Auckland's Folly. It was a stupid project
of Lord Auckland which resulted in the death of thousands of British (Indian) soldiers and waste of Crores of

Q49. In the Ashta Pradhans of Chhatrapati Shivaji's Cabinet Finance Minister was called as…

A. Peshwa
B. Shuru Nawis
C. Summant
D. Amatya

Answer : D) Amatyas
Explanation : Ashta Pradhan was a system of ministerial delegation for better administration in the Maratha
The advisory council was set up by the Maratha emperor Shivaji Maharaj.
It was formed in the year 1674.In the Ashta Pradhans of Shivaji's Cabinet Finance Minister was called Amatya.

Q50. Which famous battle was fought between Ahmed Shah Abdali and Marathas in the State of Haryana?

A. Third Battle of Panipat

B. Second Battle of Panipat
C. First Battle of Panipat
D. Battle of Chandawar

Answer : A] Third Battle of Panipat

Explanation : The Third Battle of Panipat took place on 14 January 1761 at Panipat between the Maratha
Empire and the invading Afghan army (of Ahmad Shah Durrani), supported by four Indian allies.
The Third Battle of Panipat resulted in a decisive victory for Ahmad Shah Durrani and a significant loss for the
Marathas. The defeat had far-reaching consequences, weakening the Maratha Empire and influencing the
political dynamics of the Indian subcontinent.

Q51. Who among the following was the last Peshwa of the Maratha empire?
A. Narayan Rao
B. Madhav Rao II
C. Raghunath Rao
D. Baji Rao II

Answer : D) Baji Rao II

Explanation :
The last Peshwa of the Maratha Empire was Baji Rao II.
Baji Rao II, the son of the former Peshwa Raghunathpur, was the last Peshwa of the Maratha Empire and ruled
from 1795 to 1818.
Nana Sahib, also known as Dhondup Pant, was the adopted son of the last Peshwa Baji Rao II.

Q52. Twenty five percent of the land revenue collected by Marathas in the Deccan was called _______

A. Bhoga
B. Sardeshmukhi
C. Chauth
D. Bhaga

Answer : C) Chauth
Explanation : Chauth was a regular tax or tribute imposed by the Maratha Empire in the Indian subcontinent.
Chauth was an annual tax nominally levied at 25 percent on revenue or produce. Chauth was levied on the
lands which were under the nominal Mughal rule.

Q53. Which famous battle was fought between Ahmed Shah Abdali and Marathas in the State of Haryana?

A. Third Battle of Panipat

B. Second Battle of Panipat
C. First Battle of Panipat
D. Battle of Chandawar

Answer : A] Third Battle of Panipat

Explanation : The Third Battle of Panipat took place on 14 January 1761 at Panipat between the Maratha
Empire and the invading Afghan army (of Ahmad Shah Durrani), supported by four Indian allies.
The Third Battle of Panipat resulted in a decisive victory for Ahmad Shah Durrani and a significant loss for the
Marathas. The defeat had far-reaching consequences, weakening the Maratha Empire and influencing the
political dynamics of the Indian subcontinent.

Q54. Identify the WRONG statements from the following.

1) The most important cause of the popular discontent was the economic exploitation of the country.
2) Another important cause was the complete destruction of its traditional economic fabric.
3) Both impoverished the vast mass of peasants, artisans, and handicraftsmen as also a large number of
traditional zamindars and chiefs.
4) The British land and land revenue policies.

A. 1 & 3
B. 2 & 3
C.Only 4
D. None of the Above

Answer : D) None of the Above

Q55. At Delhi, during the Revolt of 1857, the nominal and symbolic leadership belonged to the emperor
Bahadur Shah, but the real command lay with a court of soldiers headed by

A. Nana Saheb
B. Bakht Khan
C. Hazrat Mahal
D. None of the above

Answer : B) Bakht Khan

Explanation : The revolt of 1857 was an unprecedented event in the history of British rule in India. In Delhi,
Bahadur Shah was the nominal leader and the real command was under General Bakht Khan.

Q56. Who among the following was a leader of the 'Moderate faction' of the Indian National Congress?

A. Bal Gangadhar Tilak

B. Pherozeshah Mehta
C.Aurobindo Ghosh
D. More than one of the above

Answer : B) Pherozeshah Mehta

Explanation : Pherozeshah Mehta was a leader of the 'Moderate faction' of the Indian National Congress. The
national leaders of Moderators include Dadabhai Naoroji, Pherozshah Mehta, D.E.Wacha, W.C. Bonnerjea,
S.N. Banerjee, etc.
They dominated the Congress policies during the early period (1885-1905) and were believers in 'liberalism'
and 'moderate' politics. The moderate political activity involved constitutional agitation within the confines of
the law.

Q57. Which one of the following organizations merged with the Indian National Congress?

A. Young Bengal Movement

B. Bombay Presidency Association
C. East India Association
D. Indian Association

Answer : D) Indian Association

Explanation : Indian Association was merged with the Indian National Congress in 1886. It was during the
second session of the Indian National Congress held in 1886 in Calcutta. Dadabhai Naoroji served as the
President of the Indian National Congress in 1886. Indian Association was a nationalist political group in India
that favoured local self-government in India.

Q58. Who among the following nationalist had attended all three round table conference?
A. Lala Lajpat Rai
B. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
C. Mahatma Gandhi
D. Chittaranjan Das

Answer : B) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

Explanation : Dr. B. R. Ambedkar attended all the three round table conferences held b/w 1930 to 1932.The
third and last session assembled on November 17, 1932.
Only forty-six delegates attended since most of the main political figures of India were not present.

Q59. The Grand Old Man of Indian, Dadabhai Naoroji, was not associated with which of the following

A. Bombay Association
B. East India Association
C. Gyan Prasarak Mandali
D. Indian Independence League

Answer : D) Indian Independence League

Explanation : Dadabhai Naoroji, known as the Grand Old Man of India, was a leading figure in the early Indian
independence movement and a founder of the Indian National Congress. His activities were mainly in the late
19th and early 20th centuries. The Indian Independence League, however, was primarily active during the
1940s, significantly after Naoroji's most impactful years and following his death in 1917. This organization
sought to obtain independence for India from British rule during World War II, with notable connections to
Subhas Chandra Bose and the Indian National Army (INA).

Q60. Consider the following statements regarding the Chauri Chaura incident:

1. The incident took place on the arrival of Simon Comission in India.

2. Mahatma Gandhi called off the Civil Disobedience Movement after this incident.
Which of the statements given above is/are not correct?

A. 1 only
B. 2 Only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : D) Neither 1 nor 2

Explanation : The Chauri Chaura incident occurred at Chauri Chaura in the Gorakhpur district (Uttar Pradesh)
on 4 February 1922, when a large group of protesters, participating in the Noncooperation movement, clashed
with police, who opened fire. As the incident turned violent Mahatma Gandhi has called off the 'Non-
cooperation Movement on 12 February 1922, as a direct result of this incident.

Q61. Who among the following Moderate leader of Congress was known as 'The Lion of Bombay'?
A. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
B. MG Ranade
C. Feroz Shah Mehta
D. Badruddin Tyabji

Answer : C) Feroz Shah Mehta

Q62. Which among the following was not the methodology of Moderate leadership of Congress?

A. Aimed to end the British rule

B. Aimed at administrative and constitutional reforms
C. Wanted more Indians in the administration and not to an end of British rule
D. All of the above

Answer : A) Aimed to end the British Rule

Q63. Who was the president of the following sessions of Indian National Congress?
Lahore :1893
Calcutta: 1886
Calcutta : 1906

A. Feroz Shah Mehta

B. G K Gokhale
C. Alfred Webb
D. Dadabhai Naoroji

Answer : D) Dadabhai Naoroji

Explanation : Dadabhai Naoroji also known as the Grand Oldman of India, was one of the founding members
of the Indian National Congress (INC). He became the President of INC three times i.e in the 1886 Calcutta
session,1893 Lahore session, and 1906 Calcutta session. He was the first Indian Member of Parliament elected
to the UK House of Commons. He established the London Indian Society in the year 1865 and the East India
Association in the year 1866.

Q64. Who was the first British President of INC :

A. A O Hume
B. Alfred Webb
C. Dinshaw Wacha
D. Geoge Yule

Answer : D) Goerge Yule

Explanation : A Scottish merchant in England, George Yule was the first Englishman to become the president of
the Indian National Congress (INC). He became the fourth President of the INC in 1888 at Allahabad. He was
the founder of George Yule & Co. and also headed the Andrew Yule & Co., in Calcutta

Q65. Who among the below, gave the economic critiques of British imperialism:
1. R C Dutt
2. Dinshaw Wacha
3. Dadabhai Naoroji
4. MG Ranade
Codes :

A. 1 & 3
B. 2 & 3
C. 1, 3 & 4
D. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Answer : D) 1, 2, 3 & 4
Explanation : Indian nationalists who initiated and carried out the economic analysis of British rule during the
period of 1870 to 1905 were Dadabhai Naoroji, Justice Mahadev Govind Ranade and R.C. Dutt , G.V. Joshi, G.
Subramaniam Iyer, G.K Gokhale etc.

Q66. Consider the following statements:

1) It suggested that the Anglo-Vernacular medium and English Language be adopted as the medium of
instruction in higher education in India.
2) It is considered as ‘Magna Carta’ of English Education in India.
3) It played an important role in spreading English learning and female education in India.
The above sentences referred to :

A. Hunter Commission
B. Macaulay Minute
C. Wood Despatch
D. Charter Act of 1833

Answer : C) Wood Despatch

Explanation : In 1854, Charles Wood had sent a despatch to the Governor-General of India, Lord Dalhousie.
The Wood’s despatch 1854 suggested introducing vernacular languages in the primary schools of India. It also
suggested that the Anglo-Vernacular medium and English Language be adopted as the medium of instruction
in higher education in India. This Wood’s Despatch is considered the ‘Magna Carta’ of English Education in
India. Wood’s Despatch played an important role in spreading English learning and female education in India.

Q67. Which among the following supported the use of English as the medium of instruction, and also the
teaching of western education to Indians?

A. Charter Act of 1813

B. Hunter Commission
C. Macaulay Minute
D. Wood Despatch

Answer : C) Macaulay Minute

Explanation : Macaulay Minute advocated the use of English as the medium of instruction, and also the
teaching of western education to Indians. Macaulay wanted the government to spend money only on
imparting western education and not on oriental education. He advocated the shutting down of all colleges
where only eastern philosophy and subjects were taught.

Q68. What was the primary aim of the Aligarh Movement?

A. To promote the revival of traditional Islamic education

B. To establish a theocratic Islamic state in India
C. To promote Western-style scientific education among Muslims in India
D. To encourage Hindu-Muslim unity against the British

Answer : C] To promote Western-style scientific education among Muslims in India

Explanation : Aligarh Muslim University was founded by Syed Ahmed Khan in 1875. It was originally named as
'Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College' and was renamed in 1920 as Aligarh Muslim University as a part of the
Aligarh Muslim Act. It aims to promote Western-style scientific education among Muslims in India.

Q69. Who among the following gave the motto "Go Back to Vedas"?

A. Swami Vivekananda
B. Swami Dayanand Saraswati
C. Raja Ram Mohan Roy
D. Ramkrishna Paramahansa

Answer : B) Swami Dayanand Saraswati

Explanation : Swami Dayanand Saraswathi gave the slogan “Go Back to Vedas”. He wanted the world to follow
the teachings of Vedas and practice a way of Vedic living. He also opposed untouchability and idol worship.
With strong opposition to ritualistic practices and superstitions, his efforts were focused on reforming
Hinduism, which he believed was corrupted with social evils.

Q70. ‘Krinvanto Vishwam Aryam’ was the slogan of which organisation?

A. Arya Samaj
B. Brahmo Samaj
C. Theosophical Society
D. Ramkrishna Mission

Answer : A) Arya Samaj

Explanation : The slogan of Arya Samaj was Krinvanto Vishwam Aryam, which means 'Make the World Noble'.
It was coined by the founder of the Arya Samaj, Dayanand Saraswati. Arya Samaj advocated the monotheistic
Indian Hindu reform movement whose aim was to reestablish the Vedas as the supreme truth.

Q71.The Indian Councils Act, 1892 allowed which among the given statements :
A. Budget could be discussed, but not voted upon.
B. Questions could be asked.
C. Officials retained their majority.
D. Allowed supplementary questions, and wide discussions on the answers.

1. Only A and D
2. Only B and C
3. A, B and C
4. All of the Above

Answer : 3) A, B and C
Explanation : It did not allow supplementary questions, and wide discussions on the answers.

Q72. Which one among the following statements about the Swadeshi and Revolutionary Movements in Bengal
is not correct?

A. It gave a great push forward to the Indian Nationalist Movement

B. It gave a great stimulus to indigenous business and industry Swadeshi enterprise
C. The Government of East Bengal and Assam became sympathetic to the revolutionaries
D. More than one of the above

Answer : C) The Government of East Bengal and Assam became sympathetic to the revolutionaries

Q73. The formal proclamation of Swadeshi movement was made for the first time through which among the

A. Calcutta session, 1906

B. Boycott Resolution, 1905
C. Banaras session, 1905
D. Surat Session 1907

Answer : B) Boycott Resolution

Explanation : Lord Curzon, the then Viceroy of India, announced the partition of Bengal in July 1905. Ignoring a
loud public opinion against the partition proposal, the government announced the partition of Bengal in July
1905. Within days, protest meetings were held in small towns all over Bengal. It was in these meetings that
the pledge to boycott foreign goods was first taken. On 7 August 1905, with the passage of the Boycott
Resolution in a massive meeting held in the Calcutta Townhall, the formal proclamation of the Swadeshi
Movement was made.

Q74. Who among the founder of the Anushilan Samiti in Calcutta during Swadeshi Movement?

A. Pramathanath Mitra
B. Barindrakumar Ghosh
C. Jatindranath Bannerjee
D. All of the above

Answer : D] All of the Above

Explanation : A group called Anushilan Samiti advocated using revolutionary violence to overthrow the British
Empire in India during the first three decades of the 20th century. It had two branches: the Jugantar Group in
Kolkata and the Dhaka Anushilan Samiti in Dhaka. The Samiti was influenced by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee's
"Anandmath," as well as the ideas, works, and speeches of Swami Vivekanand.On March 24, 1902, Calcutta-
based lawyer
Pramathanath Mitra founded the Anushilan Samiti. It was led by Barindra Kumar Ghosh, Sri Aurobindo
Ghosh's younger sibling. In particular, Aurobindo Ghosh (Sri Aurobindo), Bhupendra Natha etc,.

Q75. Choose the INCORRECT statement regarding the Indian Councils Act of 1909/Morley-Minto reforms :

A. Muslims were given a separate electorate, they could now have their own representative members at the
Legislative Councils.
B. Lord Minto appointed Satyendra P Sinha as the first Indian member of the Viceroy's Executive Council.
C. The Act intended to pacify Indians by uniting the different communities and curb the growing tide of

Answer : C) The Act intended to pacify Indians by uniting the different communities and curb the growing tide
of nationalism.

Explanation : The Indian Councils Act of 1909 introduced reforms that are commonly known as Morley-Minto
reforms after the Secretary of State for India John Morley and the viceroy of India, the fourth Earl of Minto.
The Act intended to stem the growing tide of nationalism in the country by dividing the people into communal
It led to increase in size of the Legislative Councils at the Centre and the provinces. Indians were given
membership to the Imperial Legislative Council for the first time.

Q76. The trend of extremism that began from 1905 was due to?
A) Growth of education
B) Dissatisfaction with the growth of moderates
C) Reaction to increasing westernisation
D) Reactionary policies of Curzon

i) Only A and B
ii) Only B and C
iii) Only C and D
iv) All of the above

Answer : iv) All of the above

Q77. During the freedom struggle which amongst the following was not a propaganda through newspapers?

A) Hitabadi
B) Shamlee
C) Sanjivani
D) Bengalee

Answer : B) Shamlee
Explanation : Hitabadi, Bengalee and Sanjivani are all tools for spreading propaganda. Sanjivini was the first
newspaper to announce the Boycott on July 6th,1905. This newspaper was started by the K.K Mitra. The initial
protest was as Boycott and later it became Swadeshi. It was actually a tool of political purpose for Congress to
turn the wave into a popular protest.
Q78. . Find the correct option :
A) Extremists and Moderates wanted spread of the movement against partition should be taken beyond
B) Surat session of India National Congress was a consequence of split due to Swadeshi movement.

A) Only A
B) Only B
C) Both A and B
D) None

Answer : C) Both A and B

Explanation : Only extremists wanted spread of the movement against partition should be taken beyond
This became the reason for Surat Split

Q79. Find the correct option :

A) Wahabis played an important role n spreading anti British sentiments.
B) They wanted Dar-ul-Harb (the land of Kafirs) to Dar-ul-Islam (the land of Islam).
C) They were inspired by the teachings of Abdul Wahab.

Options :

i) Only A and B
ii) Only B and C
iii) Only C and D
iv) All of the above

Answer : iv) All of the Above

Q80. Consider the following statements regarding the Chauri Chaura incident:
1. The incident took place on the arrival of Simon Comission in India.
2. Mahatma Gandhi called off the Civil Disobedience Movement after this incident.

Which of the statements given above is/are not correct?

A. 1 only
B. 2 Only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : B) Only 2
Explanation : The Chauri Chaura incident occurred at Chauri Chaura in the Gorakhpur district (Uttar Pradesh)
on 4 February 1922, when a large group of protesters, participating in the Noncooperation movement, clashed
with police, who opened fire. As the incident turned violent Mahatma Gandhi has called off the 'Non-
cooperation Movement on 12 February 1922, as a direct result of this incident.

Q81.The Indian Councils Act, 1892 allowed which among the given statements :
A. Budget could be discussed, but not voted upon.
B. Questions could be asked.
C. Officials retained their majority.
D. Allowed supplementary questions, and wide discussions on the answers.

1. Only A and D
2. Only B and C
3. A, B and C
4. All of the Above

Answer : 3) A, B and C
Explanation : It did not allow supplementary questions, and wide discussions on the answers.

Q82. Which one among the following statements about the Swadeshi and Revolutionary Movements in Bengal
is not correct?

A. It gave a great push forward to the Indian Nationalist Movement

B. It gave a great stimulus to indigenous business and industry Swadeshi enterprise
C. The Government of East Bengal and Assam became sympathetic to the revolutionaries
D. Both B & C

Answer : C) The Government of East Bengal and Assam became sympathetic to the revolutionaries

Q83. The formal proclamation of Swadeshi movement was made for the first time through which among the

A. Calcutta session, 1906

B. Boycott Resolution, 1905
C. Banaras session, 1905
D. Surat Session 1907

Answer : B) Boycott Resolution

Explanation : Lord Curzon, the then Viceroy of India, announced the partition of Bengal in July 1905. Ignoring a
loud public opinion against the partition proposal, the government announced the partition of Bengal in July
1905. Within days, protest meetings were held in small towns all over Bengal. It was in these meetings that
the pledge to boycott foreign goods was first taken. On 7 August 1905, with the passage of the Boycott
Resolution in a massive meeting held in the Calcutta Townhall, the formal proclamation of the Swadeshi
Movement was made.

Q84. Who among the founder of the Anushilan Samiti in Calcutta during Swadeshi Movement?

A. Pramathanath Mitra
B. Barindrakumar Ghosh
C. Jatindranath Bannerjee
D. All of the above

Answer : D] All of the Above

Explanation : A group called Anushilan Samiti advocated using revolutionary violence to overthrow the British
Empire in India during the first three decades of the 20th century. It had two branches: the Jugantar Group in
Kolkata and the Dhaka Anushilan Samiti in Dhaka. The Samiti was influenced by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee's
"Anandmath," as well as the ideas, works, and speeches of Swami Vivekanand.On March 24, 1902, Calcutta-
based lawyer
Pramathanath Mitra founded the Anushilan Samiti. It was led by Barindra Kumar Ghosh, Sri Aurobindo
Ghosh's younger sibling. In particular, Aurobindo Ghosh (Sri Aurobindo), Bhupendra Natha etc,.

Q85. Choose the INCORRECT statement regarding the Indian Councils Act of 1909/Morley-Minto reforms :

A. Muslims were given a separate electorate, they could now have their own representative members at the
Legislative Councils.
B. Lord Minto appointed Satyendra P Sinha as the first Indian member of the Viceroy's Executive Council.
C. The Act intended to pacify Indians by uniting the different communities and curb the growing tide of

Answer : C) The Act intended to pacify Indians by uniting the different communities and curb the growing tide
of nationalism.

Explanation : The Indian Councils Act of 1909 introduced reforms that are commonly known as Morley-Minto
reforms after the Secretary of State for India John Morley and the viceroy of India, the fourth Earl of Minto.
The Act intended to stem the growing tide of nationalism in the country by dividing the people into communal
It led to increase in size of the Legislative Councils at the Centre and the provinces. Indians were given
membership to the Imperial Legislative Council for the first time.

Q86. The trend of extremism that began from 1905 was due to ?
A) Growth of western education
B) Dissatisfaction with the methods of the moderates
C) Reaction to increasing westernisation
D) Reactionary policies of Lord Curzon

i) Only A and B
ii) Only B and C
iii) Only C and D
iv) All of the above

Answer : iv) All of the above

Q87. During the freedom struggle which amongst the following was not a propaganda through newspapers?

A) Hitabadi
B) Shamlee
C) Sanjivani
D) Bengalee

Answer : B) Shamlee
Explanation : Hitabadi, Bengalee and Sanjivani are all tools for spreading propaganda. Sanjivini was the first
newspaper to announce the Boycott on July 6th,1905. This newspaper was started by the K.K Mitra. The initial
protest was as Boycott and later it became Swadeshi. It was actually a tool of political purpose for Congress to
turn the wave into a popular protest.

Q88. Find the correct option :

A) Extremists and Moderates wanted spread of the movement against partition should be taken beyond
B) Surat session of India National Congress was a consequence of split due to Swadeshi movement.

A. Only A
B. Only B
C. Both A and B
D. None

Answer : C) Both A and B

Explanation : Only extremists wanted spread of the movement against partition should be taken beyond
This became the reason for Surat Split

Q89. Find the correct option :

A) Wahabis played an important role n spreading anti British sentiments.
B) They wanted Dar-ul-Harb (the land of Kafirs) to Dar-ul-Islam (the land of Islam).
C) They were inspired by the teachings of Abdul Wahab.

Options :

i) Only A and B
ii) Only B and C
iii) Only C and D
iv) All of the above

Answer : iv) All of the Above

Q90.Swadeshi movement led to :

A) Boycott of foreign goods
B) Promotion of National Education
C) Emphasis on atma shakti or self reliance
D) Programme of Swadeshi

i) Only A and B
ii) Only B and C
iii) Only C and D
iv) All of the above
Answer : iv) All of the Above

Q91. Provisional Indian Government under Subhash Chandra Bose was set up in :

A. Rangoon
B. Singapore
C. Berlin
D. Both A & B

Answer : D) Both A & B

Q92. Which of the following is not a feature of the Nehru Report, 1928?

A. It declared Poorna Swaraj to be the objective of INC

B. It rejected the principle of separate electorate for the Muslims
C. It recommended Universal Adult Suffrage.
D. All of the above

Answer : A] It declared Poorna Swaraj to be the objective of INC

Explanation : The Nehru Report of 15 August 1928 was a memorandum that proposed a new dominion status
for India.
It was also aimed to set up a federal government for the constitution of India and asked to devise Joint
Electorates with reservation of seats for minorities. Unfortunately, the Nehru Report was not adopted by the
All Party Convention in Calcutta in December 1928. Some communal leaders from the Muslim League, the
Hindu Mahasabha, and the Sikh League objected.

Q93. Choose the incorrect option:

When Subhash Bose went to Singapore, he was assisted by ____

A. Rashbehari Bose
B. Indian residents of South- East Asia
C. Indian POWs from Burma, Malaya and Singapore
D. Hitler from Germany

Answer : D) Hitler from Germany

Explanation : In the 1940s the major inspiration for carrying on a relentless struggle against Britain came from
Subhas Bose’s adventures abroad. Netaji reached Tokyo in June 1943. From Tokyo, he went to Singapore.
Subash Chandra Bose arrived in Singapore in July 1943 to take command of the Indian National Army, later
known by its alternative name as the Azad Hind Fauj.
The INA showed Subhash Bose’s greatness as a military leader and an organizer too.
The Indian national flag was hoisted in Kohima (Nagaland) in March 1944.

Q94. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

A. Lord Dalhousie - Doctrine of Lapse

B. Lord Minto - Indian Councils Act, 1909
C. Lord Wellesley - Subsidiary Alliance
D. Lord Curzon - Vernacular Press Act, 1878

Answer : D] Lord Curzon - Vernacular Press Act, 1878

Explanation : Vernacular Press Act, 1878 was passed during the time of Lord Lytton.

Q95. Consider the following statements regarding the Chauri Chaura incident:
1. The incident took place on the arrival of Simon Comission in India.
2. Mahatma Gandhi called off the Civil Disobedience Movement after this incident.
Which of the statements given above is/are not correct?

A. 1 only
B. 2 Only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : B) Only 2
Explanation : The Chauri Chaura incident occurred at Chauri Chaura in the Gorakhpur district (Uttar Pradesh)
on 4 February 1922, when a large group of protesters, participating in the Noncooperation movement, clashed
with police, who opened fire. As the incident turned violent Mahatma Gandhi has called off the 'Non-
cooperation Movement on 12 February 1922, as a direct result of this incident.

Q96. Choose the mismatched during Cripps mission:

A) Viceroy : Lord Linlithgow
B) Prime Minister : Winston Churchill
C) President of INC : Jawaharlal Nehru
D) Commander-in-chief : Ward

Options :

i) A and B
ii) C and D
iii) A, B and D
iv) Only C

Answer : iv) Only C

Explanation : Abul Kalam Azad as Congress President held talks with both the Cripps Mission and Lord Wavell
and the “Quit India proposal” was also drafted by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad.

Q97. Consider the following and choose which is incorrect about Quit India movement?
A. Higher sections of the Indian society were active participants
B. The movement was leaderless.
C. Youth and women participated.
D. Underground Movements emerged.

i) Only A
ii) B and C
iii) C and D
iv) Only D

Answer : i) Only A
Explanation : Higher classes weren't participatory. After major Congress leaders were arrested as a
consequence of starting the Quit India Movement in 1942, leaders like Achyut Rao Patwardhan, Aruna Asaf
Ali, Sucheta Kripalani, and Nana Patil continued the struggle in secret. This became the Underground

Q98. Main terms of Cabinet Mission were :

A) Rejection of partition of India.
B) Grouping of existing provincial assemblies into three categories.
C) Full autonomy to Provinces.
D) A common centre with major control powers.

Options :

A. Only B, D and C
B. Only A and B
C. Only C, D and A
D. All of the Above

Answer : D) All of the Above

Q99. Which among the following statements is correct about the Desai- Liaqat Pact ?
A) It proposed for formation of an interim government.
B) Equal number of people were nominated from Congress and League in the Central Legislature.
C) 20 percent seats were reserved for minorities.

Options :

i) Only A and B
ii) Only B and C
iii) Only C and A
iv) All of the above

Answer : iv) All of the Above

Q100. The famous INA trial took place at Delhi (Red Fort) in 1945, who among the following was not among
the defendants in the first trial?

A. Shah Nawaz Khan

B. Gurbaksh Singh Dhillon
C. Prem Kumar Sehgal
D. Malik Munawar Khan

Ans : D) Malik Munawar Khan

Explanation : Shah Nawaz Khan, Gurbaksh Singh Dhillon and Prem Kumar Sahgal were defendants in the first
INA trial.

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