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This bulletin may contain information received by fleet vessel and/or industry.

Safety Bulletin No: 021/18 Date: 28.09.2018


Dear Captain,

Please find below self-entitled bulletin for your perusal and guidance. Please arrange to be discussed with
your crew and ensure understanding-awareness-compliance.

Finally note that since we are working in a blame free environment, there is no any personal or identity
information contained. Feel free to contact us for any further assistance and/or clarification is required.

Section A-Factual information

On 13.09.18 at 1306 LT, during mooring at SFF tanker jetty at Saldanha bay, South Africa one (1) FWD breast
mooring line tail parted, vessel immediately passed other breast line and adjusted both breast lines with
equal length.

Environmental conditions
Wind : Force 4 , Sea: Moderate, Swell- Heavy Swell 2.5 Mtrs
The environmental conditions were a contributory factor for this incident.

Input from examining records

- Work/rest hours checked no violations observed

- Ism forms for the condition/monitoring of mooring tails found in order.

What happened / sequence of events

On 13.09.18 Pilot boarded at 1306 LT , Master-pilot exchange information completed at 1315 LT. Pilot
advised that vessel will be berth at SFF terminal, Saldanha bay/S. Africa with her port side alongside and
mooring pattern will be 4+2+2 FWD & AFT. Starting with spring lines followed by breast lines and
head/stern lines. After making fast FWD & AFT spring lines, vessel was passing one by one rope as per shore
request. Spring lines made fast and continued with breast line. First one made fast and during passing the
second one, sudden surge occurred on lines due to the heavy swell, the mooring tail eye from the breast line
which was already made fast parted. Pilot instructed tugs to push on full power and vessel immediately
passed other breast line and adjusted both breast lines with equal length. At 1542 LT mooring completed

To be posted at smoking /recreation rooms. Available in “News” section of SMA/VMA application.

This bulletin may contain information received by fleet vessel and/or industry.

Section B–Conclusions

 What went wrong?

Vessel rolling and pitching due to the prevailing swell at the berth.
Breast line made fast one by one.

 What went right?

Vessel’s crew immediate replaced the parted mooring tails with new spares.
Pilot, vessel’s and shore mooring teams acted immediate and as required.

 Root causes flow chart

Immediate causes
Substandard acts – N/A
Substandard conditions – Exposure to adverse weather condition - 2.0-2.5 Mtrs Swell

Basic causes
Personal factors – N/A
Job factors – N/A

 Breach of regulations-requirements - N/A

 Lessons learnt
Good ship mooring practices and management is essential for safe mooring operations and will prevent any
injury to personnel or damage to equipment, vessel or terminal. Eventhought the weather conditions such as
high swell is out of our control, vessel should be take all the safeguards to mitigate the risk. To be considered
if two (2) lines could be passed together instead of one by one. In addition, if it is feasible the tugs should be
assist to keep vessel alongside until mooring completed.

To be posted at smoking /recreation rooms. Available in “News” section of SMA/VMA application.

This bulletin may contain information received by fleet vessel and/or industry.

Section C–Action plan

Action Plan
C/N Action Limit date
All crew members to be briefed accordingly in the next
scheduled safety meeting. Precautions and preventive actions
to be taken in order to avoid recurrence. Lesson learnt to be
1. thoroughly discussed. Master 31/10

Confirm completion of actions through “Action plan

management” application in VMA/SMA.

To be posted at smoking /recreation rooms. Available in “News” section of SMA/VMA application.

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