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Cagayan Valley Computer and Information Technology College


The thought of establishing Cvcitc originated from the kind of business that the owner
founder, Mr. Redentor B. Taguinod, had during the 1990's. He was managing a small
business named PC link that sold computer hardware and accessories; provided
computer training and computer services such as repairs, encoding, printing and the
like. Until sometime in 1993, because of the founder's remarkable inclination to
education as hr was teaching in a college in a Santiago city then, and with his available
resources at the PC link, he was given the chance to enter into a 5-year joint venture
agreement with schools where he provided them with computer hardware, teachers,
and curriculum for the schools’ computer and IT -related needs. Before the 5 year
venture with this institutions would end, he made a brilliant decision – to set his own
school. He filed his application to operate a school and patiently prepared the required
documents. In 1997, this dream became a reality as a CVCITC was registered to the
Securities and Exchange Commission. CVCITC’s first year of operation started in the
second semester of 1998 with initial offerings of three 2-year programs: 1) Certificate in
Information Technology (with 13 students), 2) Computer Secretarial Course (with 4
students), and 3) Computer Technician (with 3 students). There were only seven
employees working with the college president: a registrar, a cashier, a librarian, 1
Academic administrator and 3 faculty members, with only 1 lecture room, 1 computer
laboratory, and a 100 square meter space. Despite the 20 students at its first year of
operation, CVCUTC bravely stepped forth and applied to offer various degree programs.
In 1999, it offered Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) and
Bachelor of Science in Office Administration (BSOA). In 2001, it offered Bachelor of
Science in Business Administration (BSBA) and Bachelor in Secondary Education (BSE).
Enrolment surprisingly continued to grow and popularity of the school roar through
regional and national competitions won by the students which prompted the college
president to apply for other additional programs. In 2011, it offered Bachelor of Science
in Electronics and Computer Engineering (BSECE), Bachelor of Science in Hotel and
Restaurant Management (BSHRM) and Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology
(BSAcT); and in 2012, it offered Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA).

During the school year 2016-2017, CVCITC opened up its Senior High School
Department starting with 112 Grade 11 students in keeping up the government’s new
K12 program in basic education. Considering the size of the school, it was a challenging
maneuver of management. As the enrolment grew and offered programs increase, the
management did its part by slowly renovating the school for additional classrooms,
upgrading its facilities, and employing adequate and qualified faculty and staff to cater
to the needs of the students. The development can be seen in the following: From 1
lecture room in a single story small building in 1998 and a wooden stairs going to the
second floor in early 2002, CVCITC has already 14 classrooms for lecture and
laboratories and tiled stairs towards the 5th floor; From a traditional chalk board
instruction and very hot classrooms, CVCITC has installed air conditioning units and
built-in audio-visual facilities


CVCITC is envisioned to be the leading educational institution in Cagayan Valley

committed to produce cempetent and enterprising professionals and experts who
possess the passion for excellence, growth and innovation in the service of the society..


• Pursue transformational growth and sustained quality standards

• Attain high accreditation level in its operation and program offerings

• Employ efficient and effective methodologies in delivering globally relevant


• Advocate entrepreneurial undertaking for self empowerment and nation building

• Practice high professional and ethical standards

• Imbibe in its stakeholders the conscious pursuit of excellence in all its endeavors

• Strive for continuous growth and development in life long pursuit of knowledge
and truth

• Engage in cutting edge research and

• Share its resources for the improvement of the quality of life in the community
Core Values


- an agreement or pledge to do something in the future a commitment to improve

conditions at the prison especially : an engagement to assume a financial obligation at

a future date.


- is a voluntary act of an individual or group freely giving time and labour for
community service.


- as "the state of understanding and realizing something."


- Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a con.


- The process of working collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a

goal. Teamwork means that people will try to cooperate, using their individual skills and
providing constructive feedback, despite any personal conflict between individuals.


- the "sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate

it." And the New Oxford American Dictionary defines compassion as "a sympathetic pity
and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others."

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