TONGO ACT1 (Midterm)

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Tongo, Jhon Nicko Y.

51099/51100: Particle Technology

21. A certain sludge is filtered at constant rate for 15 minutes. Filtration is continued at constant pressure. After
filtration, the differential pressure reading is 400 kPa and 2/3 of the total filtrate is obtained at constant
pressure period. The time for removing the cake and reassembling the press is 20 minutes. No washing of
the cycle is done. The total time (minutes) per cycle is close to
(A) 75 (C) 105
(B) 85 (D) 95
22. A certain slurry is filtered in a plate and frame filter press (24 frames, each 4 𝑓𝑡 2 inside area) for 120
minutes. Filtering and washing are done at the same pressure and wash water volume is 10% of the filtrate
𝑓𝑡 3
volume. The time for cleaning and reassembling is 30 minutes per cycle. The final cake is 0.05 of
𝑓𝑡 3
𝑓𝑡 3
filtrate. The capacity ( ) is close to

(A) 28 (C) 39
(B) 46 (D) 57
23. A plate and frame press gave a total of 8 𝑚 of filtrate in 1800 s and 11.3 𝑚3 in 3600 s when filtration was

stopped. Estimate the washing time (h) if 3 𝑚3 of wash water is used. The resistance of the cloth may be
neglected and a constant pressure is used throughout.
(A) 2.3 (C) 1.1
(B) 1.6 (D) 2.7


Activity No. 1| F i l t r a t i o n
Activity No. 1| F i l t r a t i o n

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