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Decision on the model of working:

a) Teaming agreement: MOU between Wg Cdr Soma and ADSL for helping them to develop the

b) JV with Krushaka Drones where Krushaka becomes technology partner and ADSL is the front-
ending partner.

c) SPV

d) New company where ADSL is the majority stakeholder and Wg cdr Soma gets stake and become
part of the company

Immediate requirements for starting Technology related work:

1) for software and customization.
2) Integration:
3) Installation, commissioning and testing:
4) Administration & operations


1) Technology demonstration set up at Chandigarh

2) In the case of the new company, setting up of development centre at Bangalore.
3) Purchase of Laptops + workstation
Expenses/ Funds:

Monthly salaries. Software staff, hardware staff, consultants etc

Travel: Office expenses: local expenses for fulfilling day-to-day requirements

Purchase of equipment:

1) OFC based PIDS

2) Purchase/manufacture of Radar
3) Purchase of cameras
4) Purchase of Drones
5) Purchase of electric fence
6) Purchase of smart focus lights
7) Purchase of accessories for the installation of all of the above

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