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Configuring voltage and frequency droop settings in the DSE (Deep Sea Electronics)

Configuration Suite involves adjusting parameters within the software to achieve the
desired droop characteristics for load sharing in a parallel generator system. Here's a
general guide on how to input voltage and frequency droop settings in the DSE
Configuration Suite:

1. Open the DSE Configuration Suite: Launch the DSE Configuration Suite software on
your computer.

2. Connect to the DSE Controller: Connect your computer to the DSE controller using an
appropriate interface, such as USB or Ethernet. Ensure that the connection is established
and the controller is detected by the software.

3. Access the Load Sharing Configuration: Navigate to the load sharing or synchronizing
section within the DSE Configuration Suite. This may vary depending on the specific
model of the DSE controller you are using.

4. Select Voltage and Frequency Droop Settings:

 Voltage Droop: Look for the parameter related to voltage droop or load sharing
voltage control. Input the desired voltage droop value, usually expressed as a
percentage. This value determines how much the generator's output voltage will
decrease as the load increases.
 Frequency Droop: Locate the parameter related to frequency droop or load sharing
frequency control. Input the desired frequency droop value, typically expressed in Hz
per unit load. This value determines how much the generator's output frequency will
decrease as the load increases.

5. Adjust Other Load Sharing Parameters (Optional): Depending on the capabilities of

your DSE controller and the requirements of your application, you may need to adjust
additional load sharing parameters such as deadband, maximum load sharing limit, and
minimum load acceptance.

6. Save and Apply Changes: Once you have inputted the voltage and frequency droop
settings and adjusted any other relevant parameters, save the configuration changes
within the DSE Configuration Suite. Ensure that the changes are applied to the DSE

7. Test and Verify: After applying the configuration changes, test the load sharing
functionality of the parallel generator system to ensure that the voltage and frequency
droop settings are working as intended. Monitor the behavior of the generators under
varying load conditions to confirm proper load sharing and synchronization.

8. Fine-Tune if Necessary: If adjustments are needed to optimize the performance of the

parallel generator system, return to the DSE Configuration Suite to fine-tune the voltage
and frequency droop settings or other load sharing parameters as required.

Remember to consult the user manual or documentation provided by DSE for your
specific controller model for detailed instructions on configuring load sharing
parameters using the Configuration Suite software. Additionally, ensure that you have a
thorough understanding of the principles of load sharing and synchronization in parallel
generator systems to achieve reliable and efficient operation.

SECOND response of CHAT GPT

To input voltage droop and frequency droop settings into the DSE Configuration Suite
for a DSE controller, follow these general steps:

1. Open Configuration Suite: Launch the DSE Configuration Suite software on your
2. Connect to the Controller: Connect the DSE controller to your computer using a
compatible communication interface, such as USB, RS232, or Ethernet.
3. Select Generator Control Configuration: Navigate to the section of the software that
allows you to configure generator control parameters. This section may be labeled
"Generator Control" or similar.
4. Locate Voltage and Frequency Droop Settings: Look for specific fields or options
related to voltage and frequency droop settings. These settings are typically found
within the load sharing or governor control parameters.
5. Input Voltage Droop: Enter the desired voltage droop value into the corresponding
field. Voltage droop is usually expressed as a percentage and represents the change in
generator voltage output for a given change in load.
6. Input Frequency Droop: Similarly, input the desired frequency droop value into the
corresponding field. Frequency droop is also typically expressed as a percentage and
represents the change in generator frequency output for a given change in load.
7. Save Configuration: Once you have entered the voltage and frequency droop settings,
save the configuration changes to the DSE controller.
8. Verify Settings: Double-check that the voltage and frequency droop settings are
correctly entered and saved in the controller's configuration.
9. Disconnect Controller: Safely disconnect the DSE controller from your computer.
10. Test Configuration: After configuring the voltage and frequency droop settings, test
the generator control system to ensure that it operates as expected. Monitor the voltage
and frequency response to changes in load to verify that the droop settings are
functioning correctly.

It's important to consult the specific user manual or documentation provided by Deep
Sea Electronics (DSE) for detailed instructions on configuring voltage and frequency
droop settings using the DSE Configuration Suite software, as the interface and options
may vary depending on the controller model and firmware version.

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